Detailed Lesson Plan: S9Fe-Ivc-39 Energy: Forms & Transformations

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Grade 1 to 12 Class Grade Level 9

Teaching Dates Quarter 4TH
and Time

Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Performance Standard Create a device that shows conservation of mechanical energy.

Learning Competency/ Specific Objectives Knowledge: Determine the forms of energy used by different objects;
Skills: Operate simple toys to trace the transformation of energy, and;
Attitude: Recognize the importance of energy in our daily lives.
References Textbook pages
Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 193-194 Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR
Learner’s Materials pages pp. 282-284 Other Learning Resource Physics LP Exemplar;
Practical and Explorational
Preliminary Activities  Prayer
- May I request everyone to please stand for the prayer?
- Ana, please lead the prayer.
 Greetings
- Good morning Class!
 Checking of Attendance
- Who is absent today?
- Why is it important to go to class every day?
- That’s right! Because your parents are working so hard to send you
to school.
INDICATOR 4. Maintained learning  Setting of Classroom Standards
environments that promote fairness,
- (Set house rules )
respect and care to encourage learning.
- What will you do when you want to ask or answer a question?
Indicator 5: Established safe and secure
- During group work, what will you do?
learning environments to enhance - When someone is speaking in front, do not make any unnecessary
learning through the consistent words. Respect ones ideas.
implementation of policies, guidelines - Always remember that our classroom is a safe place to express
and procedures. your ideas and share your thoughts about the lesson. So feel free to
- Can I expect that from you? Very Good!
ELICIT Good day learner! It’s another day for new learning. Show your energy by
shaking your hands, one, two, three! Wow! You sure are energized for today!
A. Reviewing the previous lesson But, do you ever wonder what energy is?
or presenting the new lesson Energy is the name of the game. Everything exists or ceases to exist because of
its presence or absence. So, are you ready to learn more about Energy and its
Transformations? I bet you are!
At the end of the lesson, you shall be able to:
 Determine the forms of energy used by different objects;
 Operate simple toys to trace the transformation of energy; and
 Recognize the importance of energy in our daily lives.
Before we start, let us recall our previous lesson.
Picture study: Based on the picture, how would you differentiate elastic from
inelastic collisions?
Expected response:
The difference between an
elastic and an inelastic
collision is the loss or
conservation of kinetic
energy. In an inelastic
collision kinetic energy is
not conserved, and will
change forms into sound,
heat, radiation, or some other form. In an elastic
inelastic-collisions collision kinetic energy is
Do you have any questions or clarification from our conserved and does not
previous lesson? change forms.
ENGAGE Activity 1.1 Can you match the energy?
(Images from Google search)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Energy comes in many forms. Now let us identify different forms of energy
lesson used by the following objects by matching the descriptions to their correct
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances
of the new lesson

INDICATOR 2: Used a range of teaching

strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy

Images from

INDICATOR 3. Applied a range of teaching Activity 1.2 Mechanical Energy: POTENTIAL VS KINETIC
strategies to develop critical and creative
In general, the energy acquired by objects upon which work is done is known
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.
as mechanical energy. There are two types of mechanical energy, to understand
more, let’s analyze the following scenarios.


A car sitting in the driveway A car driving down the street
INDICATOR 4. Displayed proficient use of A ball in a basketball player’s A ball bouncing down the court
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to hand
facilitate teaching and learning. A sleeping child A child jumping on the bed

Critical Question: What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Activity 1.3 POTENTIAL or KINETIC?

Now that we have learned about potential and kinetic energy, look at the
pictures and label them potential or kinetic energy based on what type of
energy they are showing.
INDICATOR 2: Used a range of teaching
strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy

EXPLORE Energy transformation is when energy changes from one type to another.
While energy can be transferred or transformed, the total energy always
D. Discussing new concepts and remains the same.
practicing new skills #1
INDICATOR 3. Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills.

INDICATOR 4. Displayed proficient use of

Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to Activity 2.1 DIFFERENTIATED
facilitate teaching and learning. ACTIVITIES
GROUP 1: Picture Analysis
Note: Translate unfamiliar English terms (For those who can handle ideas through
and phrases in their local dialect
images of real-life scenarios)
INDICATOR 8: Adapted and used
1. Download an image of a girl blow-drying
culturally appropriate teaching strategies her hair.
to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups.

Note: Two pictures of a girl blow-drying

their hair, one for straight hair and
another for curly hair for indigenous
people representation.

INDICATOR 7: Established a learner-

centered culture by using teaching
strategies that respond to their linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious
backgrounds. blow-dry-my-hair
GROUP 2. Video Analysis
(For those who can handle ideas better with videos or motion pictures)
2. Play a video of a boy shooting a basketball.
Youtube link:

E. Discussing new concepts and GROUP 3: Little Shop of Toys

practicing new skills #2 Provide activity sheets to each group.
Materials needed:
1. Yoyo
INDICATOR 3. Applied a range of teaching
strategies to develop critical and creative
2. Frictional toy car
thinking, as well as other higher-order 3. Activity sheet/ Activity Notebook
thinking skills. Procedure:
1. Operate each toy to move and observe closely what causes it to start
and stop moving.
2. Trace the energy transformations by sketching and labeling the toy
while in motion.
3. For each toy, identify all forms of energy involved in the process.
4. For each toy or object, answer the following questions.
(Note: Always translate in their local dialect or Filipino if they don’t
INDICATOR 4. Displayed proficient use of understand the instruction)
Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to Guide Questions:
facilitate teaching and learning.  What does the toy or object do?
 What energy changes take place as this toy or object operates?
 What form does the stored energy start out with?
 What form does the stored energy turn into?
 What form is the output energy when it stops?
 What made each object moves a certain displacement and what made
each object come to a stop after being displaced?


INDICATOR 4. Maintained learning

environments that promote fairness, RUBRIC for Group Work
respect and care to encourage learning.

Note: Always use rubrics for fair

judgement and evaluation of outputs.

INDICATOR 9: Used strategies for

providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve
learner performance.
Note: Give positive feedback to every
groups output. Make sure to add inputs
and emphasize the things theyr need to
improve on.

EXPLAIN ACTIVITY 3: Group-to-Group Q & A interactions

F. Developing Mastery ( Leads to Let each group present their work in front.
Formative Assessment)
Let the students have group-to-group Q &A interactions. (The group
INDICATOR 3. Applied a range of teaching representative will ask questions addressed to other groups.
strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills. *Group 1 will ask Group 2
Group 2 will ask Group 3
INDICATOR 7: Established a learner- Group 3 will ask Group 4
centered culture by using teaching Group 4 will ask Group 5
strategies that respond to their linguistic, Group 5 will ask Group 1
cultural, socio-economic and religious

Note: Group-to-group Q & A interaction

is a learner-centered strategy where
learners can share their ideas based on
their linguistic, cultural, socio-economic
and religious backgrounds. Allow learners
to speak in their local dialects to let them
express more their ideas.

ELABORATE You just identified the different energy forms and their changes in simple toys.
You have identified energy transformations in our day-to-day activities. Indeed,
 Finding practical when these energies got transferred or transformed, work and heat plus other
applications of concepts energy forms were produced like sound or light. When you made the toys move
and skills , it caused transformations of mechanical energies from potential to kinetic or
Now let us relate it to the following scenarios:

How can we apply the concept of energy transformations in your MAPEH class
INDICATOR 1. Applied knowledge of especially when playing sports?
content within and across curriculum
teaching areas. Expected response:
A. In playing volleyball, a person has just hit the ball giving it Mechanical Energy
which is now transformed into Kinetic Energy as it falls on the other side of the net.
B. In shooting a ball, chemical energy in the body changes to kinetic energy as your
hand pushes the basketball.

How about in your TLE Electronics class, how can we apply the concept of
energy transformation?

Expected response:
A. In making a circuit, electric energy is transferred to the components in the circuit. If
the circuit contains a bulb, it comes out as light energy and heat.

1. What is energy?

Expected response:
 Making generalizations and - Energy is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a
abstractions about the physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the
lesson form of heat and light. Everything exists or ceases to exist because of its
presence or absence.
2. What are the forms of energy present in the following objects?
(Knowledge: Determine the forms of energy used by different objects)
- Flashlight  light energy
- radio  sound energy
- Fire  heat energy
- Guitar  sound energy
3. What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Expected response:
- The energy of an object in motion is kinetic energy while the energy
that is stored in objects by their position is called potential energy.

4. What energy transformation is present in the picture below?

(Skills: Operate simple toys to trace the transformation of energy.)

5. What is the importance of energy in our daily lives?

(Attitude: Recognize the importance of energy in our daily lives.)

Expected response:
- We use energy to heat and cool our homes, schools, and businesses. We
use energy for lights and appliances. Energy makes our vehicles go,
planes fly, boats sail, and machines run. All living things need energy
too. Energy is essential to our lives.
APPLYING (Item #3) ANALYZING (Item #4)
INDICATOR 9: Used strategies for EVALUATING (Item #5)
providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct
learner performance. answer.

1. Which form of energy is present in a burning fire wood?

Note: After the quiz, announce the
a. sound energy c. electrical energy
scores so that students will learn
b. heat energy d. gravitational energy
the areas they need to improve
on. Give constructive feedback as
2. Which of the following scenario show transformation of energy from
potential to kinetic energy?
a. A yoyo that gets rolled up.
b. Blowing a balloon
c. Stretched slingshot
d. A car moves from rest

3. A ball initially rests at the top of the slide. The ball is allowed to roll down
the slide. What form of energy is present in the initial state vs. when the ball is
rolling down the slide?
a. The ball at rest has kinetic energy and gained potential energy as it rolls
b. The ball at rest has potential energy and is transformed into kinetic energy as
it rolled down.
c. The ball at rest has heat energy and is transformed into potential energy as it
rolled down.
d. No energy transformation occurred at the initial state when the ball rolled

4. Analyze the illustration below:


Based on the illustrations above, which of the two shows a transformation from
kinetic to potential energy?
a. Picture A
b. Picture B
c. Picture A and B
d. Either A or B
5. How will you assess the picture in terms of mechanical energy?


a. Car A will have more potential energy and will reach far when released.
b. Car B will have more potential energy and will reach far when released.
c. Car A and B will travel the same distance.
d. Car A and B will have the same potential energy

INDICATOR 9: Used strategies for
- Who got perfect score? Very good!
providing timely, accurate and
- Who got 4 points? Wow….keep it up!
constructive feedback to improve
- How about 3 below…? Well ypu’ve already started…please note what
learner performance. items you missed and let us have a short conference after the class.

Note: After the quiz, announce the

scores so that students will learn
the areas they need to improve
on. Give constructive feedback as

EXTEND Energy Transformation at Home!

List 5 examples of energy transformation found at your home. You can

sketch or draw to trace the transformation that occurred.

a. No. of learners earned 80% in the
b. Require additional remediation
c. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners caught up in remediation.
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies ___Cooperative learning ___Individualized instruction ___Reporting
worked well? Why? ___Think-pair-share ___Collaborative work ___Experimentation
f. What difficulties did I encounter that ___Student’s behavior ___Time management ___Non-Readers
my principal or supervisor can help me ___Availabili ty of materials ___New strategies ___ICT Materials
g. What innovation or localized ___Colored IM’s ___Student’s activity sheets ___PPT
materials did I use/discover that I wish ___Downloaded video from youtube and other internet websites
to share with other teachers? ___Realia ___Printed factsheets ___Improvised materials/Apparatus



MA. WILMA V. ESCALON, MT-I ____________________________

Critic Teacher Date

VIRTHUR E. BUENAVISTA, P-II _____________________________

Process Observer Date
Grade 1 to 12 Class Grade Level 8
Teaching Dates Quarter 3rd
and Time

Content Standard

Performance Standard
Learning Competency/ Specific Objectives Knowledge:

References Textbook pages
Teacher’s Guide pages Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR
Learner’s Materials pages Other Learning Resource
Preliminary Activities  Prayer
- May I request everyone to please stand for the prayer?
- Ana, please lead the prayer.
 Greetings
- Good morning Class!
 Checking of Attendance
- Who is absent today?
- Why is it important to go to class every day?
- That’s right! Because your parents are working so hard to send you
to school.
 Setting of Classroom Standards
- (Set house rules in observing minimum health protocols such as
wearing face masks, using sanitizers, and maintaining social
distancing during and after class.)
- What will you do when you want to ask or answer a question?
- Can I expect that from you? Very Good!

A. Reviewing the previous lesson
or presenting the new lesson


B. Establishing a purpose for the


C. Presenting Examples/ Instances

of the new lesson


D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2


F. Developing Mastery ( Leads to

Formative Assessment)


 Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills

 Making generalizations and

abstractions about the


INDICATOR 9: Designed, selected,

organized and used diagnostic,
formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent
with curriculum requirements.

a. No. of learners earned 80% in the
b. Require additional remediation
c. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners caught up in remediation.
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies ___Cooperative learning ___Individualized instruction ___Reporting
worked well? Why? ___Think-pair-share ___Collaborative work ___Experimentation
f. What difficulties did I encounter that ___Student’s behavior ___Time management ___Non-Readers
my principal or supervisor can help me ___Availabili ty of materials ___New strategies ___ICT Materials
g. What innovation or localized ___Colored IM’s ___Student’s activity sheets ___PPT
materials did I use/discover that I wish ___Downloaded video from youtube and other internet websites
to share with other teachers? ___Realia ___Printed factsheets ___Improvised materials/Apparatus



MA. WILMA V. ESCALON, MT-I ____________________________

Critic Teacher Date

VIRTHUR E. BUENAVISTA, P-II _____________________________

Process Observer Date

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