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ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

Simulation and Modelling Queue of The Ship Betel Stacking

Using The Anylogic: Case Study at Port of PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia (Pelindo) Sunda Kelapa Region 2

K Verawati1, W Hadi1, F N Hidayatullah1, A P D Wahyuni1

Port Management and Maritime Logistics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun
Muka Raya Street, Jakarta Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia 13220

[email protected]

Abstract. In the midst of the development of the industrial era 4.0 to 5.0, technology plays an
important role in various sectors, one of which is transportation. This concept uses science-
based Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Robots. The use of applications and other
software is the main method for humans to carry out their daily lives, including in the
transportation industry, one of which is the Port. The purpose of this paper is to create a ship
queue simulation model with a betel stacking system at PT Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Region 2.
The methodology used for modeling this queue simulation is Anylogic by conducting
simulation experiments. simulation model line, the Company can determine the ship queue
decision by using betel stacking. The existence of this anylogic system is expected to be able to
solve various problems, create many innovations and be able to improve the quality of human
resources in various activities, especially in the transportation industry sector which continues
to transform until now.

1. Introduction
The development of information technology is currently not only used as a support in the activities of
a company or agency but has been used by the wider community and to become more dynamic and
hypercompetitive. Business progress is changing very fast especially in terms of technology. Changes
that are very dynamic and require skills to innovate and work to create something based on the times
[1]. In today's industrial era, fierce competition in business is very visible by maintaining
competitiveness, supporting creativity in creating a competitive and high-quality flagship with high
value in marketing [2]. The development of the industrial era 4.0 towards the Industrial Age 5.0 has
become a very sophisticated era of progress. The approach in the 5.0 era will establish a balance in
output and input, minimizing costs, resources, and so on. The difference between the 4.0 and 5.0 eras
of industry lies in the technology used to maximize the added value of the production carried out [3].
the development of the industrial era that increasingly emphasizes technology in work makes growth
in an industry develop, the welfare of workers must be considered even though most industrial
processes have used sophisticated robots / technology [4].
Sunda Kelapa Harbor is one of the conventional ports in Indonesia located at the northern tip of
Jakarta since the 5th century and is still operating today. Sunda Kelapa is still operating with its main
activities in the field of ship and beaver services, especially loading and unloading of goods with

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ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

general cargo commodities [5]. At Sunda Kelapa Harbor, about ten thousand TEU containers are
unloaded and all of them are transported by inter-island traffic [6]. Container Port as one of the
transportation methods at the Sunda Kelapa port, where the containers are transported by small boats
or long-distance pioneer ships anchored at the local Sunda Kelapa pier. Over time, the flow of
containers served by the Sunda Kelapa Port is growing so that the container service facilities provided
are increasingly being improved and making the flow of ship visits to the Sunda Kelapa port
increasing, so PT Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa Region 2 needs to optimize the queue of ships at the dock
by making simulations. queues to be well organized.
The flow of the ship service process begins with the ship arrival process, where every service user
who wants to lean the ship and carry out his activities first carries out a series of administrative
processes so that ship berthing activities can be carried out. The administrative process of ship arrival
at PT Pelindo Regional 2 Sunda Kelapa begins with the Ship Mooring plan and Operation Planning
(RPK-OP) which is a document of the location of ship mooring and loading and unloading of goods
proposed by the Port Business Entity (BUP) to port operators to obtain a determination of ship arrival
notification (PKK). PKK is a report on the planned arrival of ships submitted by the sea freight
company to the port organizers. In the manufacture of PKK and RPK-OP can use the Vessel
Management System (VMS) application. After the administrative process is completed, the ship will
then enter the port and moored at the predetermined dock. This administrative process is quite time-
consuming, so it can be one of the causes of the queue of ships that want to enter the dock apart from
the suboptimal loading and unloading activities of the betel mooring system that is still being
In this paper, there is a queuing theory with Anylogic which is presented in real conditions at the
Sunda Kelapa port. A brief explanation of queuing theory as well as explaining the practical
realization of queuing ships at the Sunda Kelapa pier. It is the modeling and analysis of a complex
system, one of which is a service system carried out in a computer network. Queuing theory is very
much researched because with the queuing model that is carried out, we will know about the input,
process and output of the simulation carried out [7]. The best model in conducting analysis related to
congestion in a transportation process is using queuing theory. This is done to describe the
transportation queuing process. The study of a mathematical model that requires actual data in the
field to be poured into the queuing model [8]. To develop this queuing model can use the AnyLogic
program. The main idea of all systems is the opportunity to create a structural queuing model.
Anylogic plays an important role in making a model of a queue, someone using anylogic can get a
real result in the simulation that is made, can combine several queue simulation processes based on
real data and produce maximum output with good quality dimensions [9]. Anylogic is a computer
system for creating programs and simulations. Users can combine several approach techniques in
making a simulation. This makes anylogic very complex and varies in the manufacturing process
(logic) [10] [11]. Simulation modeling requires special software that uses a special simulation
language. Simulation is a software (computer) that serves to imitate the behavior of certain real
systems [12]. Software development can be carried out on all activities, especially activities at the
port. In this paper, anylogic software plays an important role in simulating loading and unloading
activities at the port. This paper demonstrates a queue of ships with modeling betel stacks at the Sunda
Kelapa Harbor.

2. Methodology
The method used in this research is field research, which is to describe the situation and the queuing
system in the field as well as a clearer phenomenon regarding the situation that occurs. This direct
review serves as material for the introduction of Anylogic in making simulation models directly.
To find meaning and avoid misinterpreting the results of the analysis that have been identified in
this research, using interviews with key informants to find out the actual conditions in the field, as
well as to get solutions to the root problems in ship service activities that occur to be made into

ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

solutions with simulations. optimal ship queuing activities. The stages in this study were carried out by
collecting data on the administration section, analyzing the results of the queuing system, and
analyzing the results of the queuing model using Anylogic Software.

2.1. The Brief description of queueing systems

The modeling approach belongs to the field of analytical queuing models derived from mathematical
queuing theory. This model is a computer-based simulation, which has experimental properties and is
also an alternative to the analytical queuing model [13].
Queue is the customer who come in a system (queue) to get service from an activity, wait to be served and
leave the system after getting the desired service [14]. Queues occur due to the need for services exceeding the
existing capacity in the service facilities contained in the system, resulting in queues by users and caused by the
busyness of existing services on the system. [15]. Queue size is the number of population who need service in a
queuing system. Queue size can be limited or unlimited. Source limited calling occurs when the some of
customers in the system affects the rate of new customer arrivals. The basic objective of the queuing model is to
minimize the direct costs of providing service facilities and the indirect costs that arise because individuals have
to wait to be served.

Figure 1. The Basic Queuing Process and The Queuing System ([13]

2.2. Anylogic Software

AnyLogic is a simulator that has a flowchart process, because it has very high program flexibility, AnyLogic is
able to detect unstable complex logic and dynamically changing structures [16]. AnyLogic software, we can
create simulation images by entering real queue data and produce real queue simulation videos [17]. In anylogic
software can model, simulate to get the data from the modeling and simulation in the form of graphs, diagrams to
3D animation in a particular case. The results of condition’s Sunda Kelapa Port can see in Figure 2.

3. Result
Ships entering the Sunda Kelapa port have different ship Length Over All (LOA) and Gross
Tonnage (GT) as well as various commodities such as general cargo, containers, dry bulk and liquid
bulk. Based on the existing conditions, the time used by each ship to carry out activities at the Sunda
Kelapa port varies from 1-10 days or even more, one of the reasons for this is that the use of the Port
pier is not optimal for ships to dock for loading and unloading. Currently, in real activities at PT
Pelabuhan Indonesia Sunda Kelapa Regional 2, a mooring system is carried out by betel stacking, we
will simulate the loading and unloading queue process in 1 day based on available data.
Based on the existing ship service conditions, there is a queue for ships that will enter the Sunda
Kelapa port. Ships queuing to enter the port will first dock in the encourage area, which will then enter

ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

the port when it is time. Seeing the queuing pattern, a queue simulation model was made using the
Anylogic application. The results of the ship queue simulation model with the betel mooring system
made in AnyLogic can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2. A Visual Model of The Sunda Kelapa Port with Betel Stacking in AnyLogic.
The simulation model in the picture above (figure 2) is based on observations using a scale of 1:10,
where the total length of the pier is 727 meters with a capacity of approximately 14 ships. The ships
entering the port have an average LoA of 64.3 meters with an average Gross Tonnage of 1,253 GT. In
doing modeling using Anylogic, as for the logic that is made to analyze the ship queue model, where
the logic can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 3. Statistical Model of Port in AnyLogic.

The series of logic that can be seen in the picture above (figure 3) is made based on the ship service
process that occurs, where the earliest stage of the simulation model made is the arrival of the ship,
this stage is the initial stage of the simulation model process. After the stage of the ship arrival
process, the next is the stage of the ship entering the port and heading to the lego anchor area, at this

ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

stage, some information on the ship entering the port is entered such as the ship arrival interval and the
ship waiting time interval in the lego term area. The next stage is the ship going to the dock, at this
stage the ship that has been waiting in the anchor area with a certain time interval then goes directly to
the predetermined pier, the determination of the pier is carried out based on a system where the limit
of the object that is lost to this stage must be the same as the object that comes out of the loading and
unloading stage. After the ship stage goes to the dock and mooring at the pier, the next stage is the
loading and unloading stage, at this stage, some information related to the ship that will carry out
loading and unloading is included, such as the number of shiploads and the time interval for loading
and unloading. After the ship carries out the loading and unloading stage with a certain time interval,
the next stage of the ship will leave the dock, at this stage it also contains object restrictions which will
later affect the stage to the dock. After the ship stage leaves the dock, the ship will go to the port exit
point to further arrive at the final stage, namely the ship leaving the port. Based on the results of the
simulation modeling, the results of the analysis can be obtained which can be seen in the following

Figure 4. A logic model of Port in AnyLogic.

Based on these figures (figure 4) which is the result of a simulation model that has been run, the
results of the analysis are obtained in the form of, the average ship entering the port is 8 units per day.
There is also an average time for ships to carry out loading and unloading activities for 3-7 days.
Based on the average time the ship carried out deadly unloading activities, it was also found that the
number of ships that could enter the dock was an average of 3 units per day so that the number of
ships in the queue in the ancourage area was 5 units per day. From simulations using Anylogic, the
flow in and out of the ship can be adjusted so that loading and unloading with the "brawl stacking"
system is not more effective.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of observations made that the use of anylogic software can facilitate the creation
of a ship queue simulation model that occurs at the port of Sunda Kelapa, besides the use of anylogic
software can also produce analytical calculations of each logic made. In a case study that occurred at
the port of Sunda Kelapa, where the length of the pier is 727 meters with a capacity of 14 ships there is
still a queue when the ship wants to enter the port. The queue of ships occurred because the
administrative management was quite time consuming. The queue in the ship service is also caused by
loading and unloading activities which are not optimal enough so that it takes quite a long time, where
based on the results of the simulation model, it is found that with the number of ships entering as many

ICE-ELINVO-2022 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2406 (2022) 012026 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2406/1/012026

as 8 units per day and the time for loading and unloading activities for 3 -7 days. Based on the loading
and unloading time, there are 5 ships queuing per day. The cause of the non-optimal unloading time,
one of the main factors is the use of the betel mooring system for ships mooring at the Sunda Kelapa
port pier. The use of the mooring pattern of the betel hull where the condition of the ship docked at the
pier is only part of the bow of the ship to half the hull and stacked on top of each other. The betel
stacking system makes loading and unloading time longer because the process has to pass cargo from
one crane to another so that it can unload or load from the dock to the ship or vice versa, this makes
the Sunda Kelapa port still less effective in the unloading process. fit. Based on this, PT Pelabuhan
Indonesia Sunda Kelapa Region 2 should consider the use of other mooring systems, one of which is a
continuous mooring mode (continuous mooring) because it is influenced by the length of the pier and
the length of the ship as well as the existence of a safe distance between ships for mooring (safety
aspect), and it is expected that loading and unloading time is faster than 3-7 days.

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