Lateral Periodontal Cyst in A Pediatric Patient Report of 1389
Lateral Periodontal Cyst in A Pediatric Patient Report of 1389
Lateral Periodontal Cyst in A Pediatric Patient Report of 1389
Case Report
Lateral Periodontal cyst is a rarely occurring non-inflammatory odontogenic cyst most commonly encountered in adults. Most of the time, it is
found asymptomatic, and usually found on routine radiographic examination of the teeth. The aim of this article is to present development of a
lateral periodontal cyst in a pediatric patient. The article also briefly reviews the literature concerning the cyst.
Keywords: Odontogenic cyst; Non-inflammatory; Lateral periodontal cyst; Pediatric patient; Enucleation
Lateral Periodontal Cyst (LPC) is a relatively uncommon but well
recognized type of developmental odontogenic cyst that accounts for
0.8% to 2.3% of all odontogenic cysts [1]. It is a non-inflammatory
and intra-osseous type of cyst usually found on the lateral surface of
the root of a vital tooth. Radiographically it appears as an oval, tear
drop shape with well-defined sclerotic border. It was first described
by Nordquist in 1947 and is commonly found in adults aged 30 to
50 years. However, it can also occur in children, but the frequency is
very less. Therefore, with the intention of presenting report on rare
occurrence of asymptomatic lateral periodontal cyst in an Indian
Figure 1: Orthopantomograph showing Lateral periodontal cyst between
patient the present article is published. The paper also provides roots of mandibular left first and second premolars (yellow arrows).
information about LPC including its incidence, diagnosis, treatment,
and prognosis. Discussion
Case Presentation Incidence
A 15-year-old female patient who is already taking orthodontic The incidence of LPC in children is relatively low compared
treatment subjected to orthopantomograph radiograph for planning to adults. According to a study by Anand et al. [2] in 2020, LPC
of extraction of premolars and third molars. Patient did not have any accounted for only 1.9% of all odontogenic cysts in children. Another
signs and symptoms of dental pain or any other intro oral findings. study by El-Naggar et al. [3] (2013) found that LPC accounted for
On radiographic examination a well-defined unilocular, oval shaped only 1.2% of all odontogenic cysts in a pediatric population. However,
radiolucent cystic lesion surrounded by well-defined radiopaque these studies have shown that LPC can occur in children as young as 5
(sclerotic) border was observed in between roots of mandibular left years old, with a peak incidence between the ages of 11 to 20 years old.
first and second premolars. The radiopaque lining of the cyst appeared
to originate from the periodontal ligament of the two teeth. Based on Clinical features
the literature search the pathology was diagnosed as a case of Lateral LPC has shown predilection of occurrence in males compared
Periodontal Cyst. Patient was informed about the condition and as the to females and age ranges from 22 to 85 in adults and in children it
cyst was small in size a treatment plan of enucleation of the cyst under varies from 11 to 20 years [4]. LPC is usually found adjacent to the
local anaesthesia was planned. roots of vital mandibular teeth, especially premolars and canines,
and is often asymptomatic [5]. The cyst may cause root resorption or
displacement of teeth, leading to clinical symptoms such as pain or
Citation: Nagaveni NB. Lateral Periodontal Cyst in a Pediatric Patient swelling [6]. Thirty three percent also accounts for maxillary lateral
- Report of a Rare Case. J Pediatr Dent Hyg. 2023;2(1):1008. incisor areas. Most of the time it remains to be asymptomatic and
Copyright: © 2023 Nagaveni NB usually discovered during routine radiographic examination. When
cyst becomes infected it may resemble a lateral periodontal abscess
Publisher Name: Medtext Publications LLC
and in such cases drainage of cystic content is essential [4].
Manuscript compiled: May 25th, 2023
*Corresponding author: Nagaveni NB, Garike Dental Care, Davan-
The etiology of LPC is not yet fully understood, but it is believed
gere, Karnataka, India, E-mail: [email protected]
to arise from the epithelial remnants of the dental lamina, which
© 2023 - Medtext Publications. All Rights Reserved. 07 2023 | Volume 2 | Article 1008
Journal of Pediatric Dentistry & Hygiene
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more aggressive treatment may be required for larger cysts. Surgical Diagn Res. 2013;7(11):2672.
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© 2023 - Medtext Publications. All Rights Reserved. 08 2023 | Volume 2 | Article 1008