Mission Cards

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The most vital ground in the region is in enemy hands.

If you draw this and the Hidden Supplies Mission Rule card,
discard this card and draw a new Primary Mission card.

After setting up the battlefield, remove the objective marker in

No Man's Land that is closest to the centre of the battlefield.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it
is scores VP as follows:

• If they control the objective marker in their own

deployment zone, they score 2VP.
• For each objective marker in No Man's Land that they
control, they score 5VP.
• If they control the objective marker in their opponent's
deployment zone, they score 6VP.

In the fifth battle round:

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
• The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.


What cannot be secured must be burned to ash.

From the second battle round, in each player's Shooting

phase, the player whose turn it is can select one unit from
their army that is not Battle-shocked and is eligible to shoot.
Until the end of that turn, that unit is not eligible to shoot
or declare a charge. At the start of its controlling player's
next Command phase, if that unit is within 1" of an objective
marker that the player whose turn it is controls, that objective
marker is burned and removed from the battlefield.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it

is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control (up to
10VP per turn).

In the fifth battle round

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as
described above.
• The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.

At the end of the battle:

Each player scores SVP if one or more objective

markers in No Man's Land were burned by a unit from
their army, and 10VP if the objective marker
in their opponent's deployment zone
was burned.


Bitterfoes clash in a race to finish a ritual to either sanctify or

corrupt the battlefield.

When setting up the battlefield, remove all objective markers

in No Man's Land except the one closest to the centre of
the battlefield.

In each player's Shooting phase, the player whose turn it is

can select one unit from their army that is not Battle-shocked
and is eligible to shoot. Until the end of that turn, that unit
is not eligible to shoot or declare a charge. At the end of that
turn, the player whose turn it is can set up one objective
marker wholly within No Man's Land and within 1" of that unit
provided it can be set up exactly 9" from one other objective
marker and not within 6" of any other objective marker.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it

is scores SVP for each objective marker in No Man's Land they
control (up to 15VP per turn).

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
• The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their
turn instead of at the end of their
Command phase.


There is great power for those bold enough to claim it.

The objective markers in No Man's Land are sites of power. At

the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it is
empowers all sites of power that they control that have one or
more CHARACTER models from their army within range; each
site of power remains empowered by that player while one or
more of their CHARACTER models remains within range of it.

In the second, third and fourth battle round

At the end of each player's Command phase, the player whosE
turn it is scores VP as follows (up to 15VP per turn):

• 3VP for each objective marker they control.

• 3VP for each site of power that they have empowered.

Note that these are cumulative, so a player that controls one

objective marker they have also empowered will score 6VP
that turn.

In the fifth battle round:

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
• The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.


The objectives in this area are vital to our war effort and
securing them is your highest priority. Spare nothing in
ensuring that they do not fall into enemy hands.

In the second, third, fourth and fifth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it

is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control (up to
10VP per turn).

At the end of the battle:

Each player scores 5VP for each objective marker they control
(up to 15VP per player).


Exterminate the enemy. Show them no mercy.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it

is scores 4VP if they control one or more objective markers,
and an extra 4VP if they control more objective markers than
their opponent controls.

In the fifth battle round:

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
• The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.

n ever battle round:

At the end of the battle round, each player scores 4VP if one
or more enemy units were destroyed that battle round, and
an extra 4VP if more enemy units than friendly units were
destroyed that battle round.

Note that a unit can, if it is returned to the battlefield for any

reason, potentially contribute to this Primary Mission several
times (assuming it is returned and subsequently destroyed
several times over).


Supplies are inbound. Secure the drop coordinates.

At the start of the battle, players randomly select two different

objective markers in No Man's Land: the first selected is the
Alpha objective, the second selected is the Omega objective.
At the start of the fourth battle round, the Alpha objective is
removed from the battlefield. At the start of the fifth battle
round, all objective markers in No Man's Land apart from the
Omega objective are also removed.

In the second and third Witt]

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn
it is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control in No
Man's Land.

In the fourth battle round:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn

it is scores 8VP for each objective marker they control in No
Man's Land.

In the fifth battle round:

• The player who has the first turn scores 15VP at the end of
their Command phase if they control the objective marker
in No Man's Land.
• The player who has the second turn scores 15VP at the
end of their turn if they control the objective marker in No
Man's Land.


Several strategic locations have been identified in your

vicinity. You are ordered to assault these positions, secure
them and hold them at any cost.

In the second, third and fourth battle rounds:

At the end of each Command phase, the player whose turn it

is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control (up to
15VP per turn).

In the fifth battle round:

• The player who has the first turn scores VP as

described above.
si The player who has the second turn scores VP as
described above, but does so at the end of their turn
instead of at the end of their Command phase.


This area contains mobile surveillance devices. Redeploy

these to scout behind the enemy's lines.

The objective markers that start the battle in No Man's Land

are servo-skulls. At the end of each turn, each of these
objective markers can be moved up to Gin any direction by
the player that controls it. When moving objective markers,
they cannot end that move on top of any other objective
marker or model, or inside impassable parts of terrain
features (such as the walls of a ruin).

In the second, third, fourth and fifth battle rounds:

At the end of each turn, the player whose turn it is scores VP
as follows:

• 2VP for each servo-skull that is wholly within 12" of their

opponent's deployment zone.
• 5VP for each servo-skull that is wholly within 6" of their
opponent's deployment zone.
• 8VP for each servo-skull that is wholly within their
opponent's deployment zone.

Note that these are cumulative, so if a servo-skull is wholly

within your opponent's deployment zone, you would score
15VP from that servo-skull at the end of your turn.


Little respite or sanctuary is available across the

battlefields of the 41st Millennium.

In this mission, shuffle the remaining Mission

Rule cards together before drawing 2 new Mission
Rule cards.

If either of these new Mission Rule cards is Chilling

Rain, discard that Mission Rule card and draw 2
additional new Mission Rule cards (for a total of 3 new
Mission Rule cards).

Apply all the drawn Mission Rule cards to the battle.



Intense winds gust across the battlefield, whipping

through the shattered remains of bombed ruins and
heavy with the stench of death. Icy rain drenches
and chills the warriors, only adding to their misery
and discomfort.

In this mission, no additional mission rules apply.



Forces have been ordered to perform a firesweep of

this battlefield, methodically cleansing strategic sites
of enemies one at a time before moving on.

In this mission, if a player controls an objective

marker at the end of their Command phase, that
objective marker remains under their control, even if
they have no models within range of it, unless their
opponent controls it at the end of any subsequent
Command phase.


Reconnaissance units have uncovered a hidden

cache of ammunition, fuel and rations in this
war zone.

In this mission, players must set up one additional

objective marker in No Man's Land.

Unless the Chosen Battlefield mission rule is also in

effect, before setting up this new objective marker,
players must first move the objective marker in the
centre of the battlefield 6" directly towards one of the
corners of the battlefield (if No Man's Land touches
any of the corners of the battlefield, you must move
the objective marker towards one of those corners).
Players then set up the new objective marker 6" from
the centre of the battlefield towards the diagonally
opposite corner of the battlefield to the previously
moved objective marker.


This battle zone is replete with tactical targets of

opportunity, ideal for warlords who are eagerfor glory.

In this mission, if a player is using Tactical Missions,

then each time that player determines which
Secondary Mission cards are active for them, if they
have fewer than 3 active Secondary Mission cards,
that player draws from their Secondary Mission deck
until they have 3 Secondary Mission cards.

In this mission, if a player is using Fixed Missions,

then in addition to the 2 Fixed Mission cards, that
player will also draw cards from their Secondary
Mission deck during the battle. At the end of the Select
Secondary Missions step, that player should retrieve
their Secondary Mission deck, remove all the Fixed
Mission cards that they did not select at the start of
that step, then shuffle the remaining cards. Then, at
the start of each of that player's Command phases, if
that player has fewer than 3 active Secondary Mission
cards (including their Fixed Mission cards), they draw
from their Secondary Mission deck until they have
3 Secondary Mission cards. That player has access
to the New Orders Stratagem, and can spend CF to
use it after drawing their Secondary
Mission cards if they wish (remember
that Fixed Mission cards cannot be
discarded for any reason).


Buried ordnance and hidden boody traps litter this

battlefield, posing a threat to all units that advance
recklessly and without due care.

In this mission, each time an Advance roll of 6 is made

for a unit, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound.


Our spies and recon teams have reported back with

secret intelligence, allowing us to better coordinate
our next tactical move.

In this mission, in each player's Command phase,

the first time that player draws Secondary Mission
cards that phase, that player can draw one additional
Secondary Mission card, and then discard one of their
active Secondary Mission cards.


Scramblerfields and more esoteric devices have been

activated in this area, restricting the use of advanced
stealth and teleportation technologies.

In this mission:

• Players' units with the Infiltrators ability cannot

be set up within range of an objective marker
that is either in No Man's Land or their opponent's
deployment zone.
• Players' units with the Scouts ability that make
a move before the first turn begins cannot end
that move within range of an objective marker
that is either in No Man's Land or their opponent's
deployment zone.
• If any rule is used to redeploy a unit, that rule
cannot be used to set up that unit within range of
an objective marker in No Man's Land.
• When a player's Reserves and Strategic Reserves
units are set up on the battlefield, they cannot
be set up within range of an objective marker
that is either in No Man's Land or their opponent's
deployment zone.


Both sides have scouted the area extensively,

pinpointing the exact location of vital sites.

In this mission, objective markers are not placed

as shown on the Deployment card drawn. Instead,
players roll off at the start of the Place Objective
Markers step, then alternate setting up objective
markers, one at a time, starting with the winner of the
roll off.

One objective marker must be placed wholly within

each deployment zone, and the remaining objective
markers must be placed wholly within No Man's Land,
as shown on the Deployment card drawn. Objective
markers must be placed more than 6" away from any
battlefield edge and more than 9" away from all other
objective markers.

If for whatever reason it is not possible to set up an

objective marker as described above, it is not placed
on the battlefield.

If any rules require players to set up additional

objective markers (e.g. Hidden Supplies) during the
Place Objective Markers step, players set them up as
described on this Mission Rule card.

If any rules instruct players to remove

one or more objective markers, do so
after setting them all up.


Stellarflares, malicious scrapcode and

electromagnetic energy restrict communications.

In this mission, the Command Re-roll Stratagem and

New Orders Stratagem both cost 2CP to use.


Enemy interceptors roam the skies, strafing and

bombing any of our reinforcement units they discover.
Ourforces will inevitably be delayed as they attempt
to dodge these vicious aerial patrols.

In this mission, until the start of the third battle

round, each time a Reserves or Strategic Reserves
unit wishes to arrive on the battlefield, the controlling
player must make a Reserves roll for it. To do so, that
player rolls one D6: on a 3+, that unit arrives on the
battlefield; otherwise, the Reserves roll fails and that
unit does not arrive this turn.


Enemy infiltrators are attempting to sabotage and

disrupt your supply lines. Maintain vigilance to
secure lines of communication and safeguard vital
strategic resources.

In this mission, if a player controls the objective

marker in their own deployment zone at the start of
their Command phase, they roll one D6: on a 4+, that
player gains 1CP.

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