The document discusses the events leading up to the partition of British India and creation of Pakistan in 1947, including the Lahore Resolution of 1940, the failure of negotiations like the Cripps Mission and Simla Conference, violence like in Calcutta during Direct Action Day, and the final June 3rd Plan announcing partition and independence with the Radcliffe Line delimiting the borders.
The document discusses the events leading up to the partition of British India and creation of Pakistan in 1947, including the Lahore Resolution of 1940, the failure of negotiations like the Cripps Mission and Simla Conference, violence like in Calcutta during Direct Action Day, and the final June 3rd Plan announcing partition and independence with the Radcliffe Line delimiting the borders.
The document discusses the events leading up to the partition of British India and creation of Pakistan in 1947, including the Lahore Resolution of 1940, the failure of negotiations like the Cripps Mission and Simla Conference, violence like in Calcutta during Direct Action Day, and the final June 3rd Plan announcing partition and independence with the Radcliffe Line delimiting the borders.
The document discusses the events leading up to the partition of British India and creation of Pakistan in 1947, including the Lahore Resolution of 1940, the failure of negotiations like the Cripps Mission and Simla Conference, violence like in Calcutta during Direct Action Day, and the final June 3rd Plan announcing partition and independence with the Radcliffe Line delimiting the borders.
Examine the event leading to the partition of British India and
creation of Pakistan in 1947. Describe the socio political and economic implication of partition and the challenges faced by the new nation PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • The outbreak of war 1939. On 3 September British announced that they are at war with Nazi Germany and India is also at war. Congress ministers didn`t like it. The Congress said it could only be if the British promise that after the war full independence would be grant to India . But instead British promise of a Dominion Status after the war Congress could not accept this and called all ministers to region from the government • Muslim League also had demands to be met before it would agree to support British Jinnah demands PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • An end to the anti Muslim Policies by Congress • No law effecting Muslims should be passesd unless one third of Muslim members support it • Congress should agree to form coalition in provincial administration
During the annual session of Muslim League in Lahore from 22 to 24 March 1940 the premier of Bengal Moulvi Fazlul Haq put forword a resolution demanding that. Regions in which Muslims are numerically a majority as in the noth western and eastern zones of India should be granted constitute independent state The resolution was presented on 23 March whcic is now a national Holiday PAKISTAN DAY. Now the MUslims of India got a rallying call The years of oppression fromBritish and Hindus were now to be put them behind. Now was the time to work for homeland to become reality and it was Muslim League the undisputed leader of PAKISTAN MOVEMANT PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • Cripps Mission • As Indians want self rule from the British till they did not accepted that they should leave India for to win support for the British war effort They sent Sir Stafford Cripps a member of Cabinet to India to see if a compromise could reached. • Cripps proposed that I. After the war an Indian Union would be set up wirh Dominion Status through individual provinces could opt out of the Union and negotiate their own independence II. A constituent Assembly should frame a new constitution after the war III. Elections would be le immediately after the war for the Constituent Assembly PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • THE GANDHI JINNAH TALKS I. After Gandhi was released from prison on Medical grounds by the new Viceroy Lord Wavell in May 1944. Gandhi proposed Jinnah that the two meet to consider India future after the British departure which now seemed inevitable • All they meet in September 1944 at Jinnah`s home in Bombay (Mumbai) • People expected that they would reached to a compromise but the didn`t on the following points I. Gandhi wanted immediate support of Muslim League to remove the British. After that partition could considered Jinnah Knew that after British left why would Congress agree to partition II. Gandhi considered himself speaking for all of India Jinnah remind him that he is just a spoke man of Congress PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • Lord Wavell and the Simla Conference • Simla Conference was led to reach a solution after the British Leave India as it was clear that World War2 was drawing to an end to. Wavell flew to Landon in March to consult with the British government on the policy of India after they leave what they desperately needed was an agreement what should happen after they leave. • Wavell proposed that a new Executive Council should be set up to govern the country under the present constitution until a new constitution could be agreed on • The Executive Council would contain an equal number of Muslim and Hindu members entirely Indians apart from the Viceroy and a member controlling defense. To discuss the proposal he called a conference in Simla on June 1945 PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • This was a failure because of lack of agreement about who was to be on the council . As Wavell said that he want equal members in the council Jinnah pointe out out that as Sikhs and Schedualed Castes were bound to vote Hindus this would mean a permanent Muslim minority in the Exicutive council. Jinnah also objected on Congress suggetion that it could nominate Muslims as well as Hindus. Jinnah pointed out that League had won every by election from last two years and this is a undisputed voice of the Muslims. • Lord Wavell could see no solution to the problem and closed the conference on 14 July • Another British attempt to find a solution had failed PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • Direct Action Day • As after the League rejected the Cabinet Mission because of It rejected the establishment of Pakistan • The League passed a resolution that prepare for the final struggle against the British and the Congress. On 18 August, the League called for a Direct Action Day to show the Muslim strenght feelings. In many places thousand of people demonstrated peacefully. In Calcutta however the demonstration turned into voilence in which 4000 people died in Calcutta Killing PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • The 3 June Plan In February 1947 Atlee announced that British would leave India no later from June 1948. A new Viceroy Viscount Mountbatten was sent to India to work on plan to transfer power. Atlee was feared of that if more time was given there would only be more disagreement Soom Mountbatten realised the need of speedy settelment because of riots and killing between Muslims and Hindus in Punjab and was spreading to other provinces too His meetings with different political Leaders connvinced him that partition was inevitable. On 3 June 1947 the plan was announced PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE The Plan was I. Two states should be set up India and Pakistan. The interim constitution of both countries was the 1935 Government of India Act II. Each state was to have Dominion Status and have an Exicutive responsible to a Contituent Assembly III. Muslim majority provinces would vote either to stay in India or Join Pakistan Day after the 3 June Plan in a press confrebce Mountbatten announce that the final transfer of power might be brought forword from June 1948 to August 1947 but still there were problems to be deal as like PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE I. Need to draw boundaries II. between Muslim and Non Muslim areas III. Issue if princes have to be resolved. What happen if a prince went against of his people wishes in deciding which country to be join IV. What should be the division of assets should be still undecided The Red Clif Award The Radcliffe Line was the boundary demarcated between the Indian and Pakistani portions of the Punjab Province and Bengal Presidency of British India. PARTITION AND INDEPENDENCE • This award was announced at 16 August. The League was dissapointed with this when they heard that Culcatta was give to India weather it was surrounded by Muslims. In Punjab both Ferozpur and Gurdaspur was given to India. Although Pakistani had evidence that thse were awarded to Pakistan later Mountbatten forced Redcliff to Awar it to India.