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EEE 362 462 Lecture 01

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EEE 362/462

Digital Signal Processing

Lecture 01
1 Introduction
 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the process of mathematically manipulating
digitised real-world signals like voice, audio, video, temperature, pressure, or position.
Reasons: analyse, modify, extract information.
 DSP finds applications in a wide range of fields, including audio processing, image and
video processing, communications, radar, medical imaging, and control systems.
 DSP has developed rapidly over the past 50 years. This rapid development is a result of
the significant advances in digital computer technology and integrated-circuit
 The rapid developments in integrated-circuit technology has spurred the development
of powerful, smaller, faster, and cheaper digital computers and special-purpose digital
 These inexpensive and relatively fast digital circuits have made it possible to construct
highly sophisticated digital systems capable of performing complex digital signal
processing functions and tasks, which are usually too difficult and/or too expensive to
be performed by analogue circuitry or analogue signal processing systems.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

1 Introduction (Cont.)
 Hence many of the signal processing tasks that were conventionally performed by
analogue means are realised today by less expensive and often more reliable digital
 The objective of this course is to present an introduction of the basic analysis tools
and techniques for digital processing of signals.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

2 Signals
 A signal is defined as any physical quantity that varies with time, space, or any
other independent variable or variables.
 Mathematically, we describe a signal as a function of one or more independent
 Examples:
𝑠1 𝑡 = 4 cos(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃) + 5 (1)
𝑠2 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 = 3𝑥𝑧 + 4𝑥𝑦𝑧 + 2𝑥𝑦 2 (2)

 The signals described by (l) and (2) belong to a class of signals that are precisely
defined by specifying the functional dependence on the independent
 However, there are cases where such a functional relationship is unknown or too
highly complicated to be of any practical use.
EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)
2 Signals (Cont.)
 A speech signal is an example of information-bearing signals that evolve as
functions of a single independent variable, namely, time.
 An example of a signal that is a function of two independent variables is an image
signal. The independent variables in this case are the spatial coordinates.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

3 Systems
 A system may be defined as a device that performs an operation on a signal.
 In general, the system is characterised by the type of operation that it performs on
the signal. For example, if the operation is linear, the system is called linear. If the
operation on the signal is nonlinear, the system is said to be nonlinear, and so forth.
Such operations are usually referred to as signal processing.
 Signals can be processed by analogue means in hardware or by digital means in
software or hardware.
 A digital system can be implemented as a combination of digital hardware and
software, each of which performs its own set of specified operations.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

3 Systems (Cont.)
 The operations performed by a digital system can usually be specified
 The method or set of rules for implementing the system by a program that performs
the mathematical operations is called an algorithm.
 There are many ways or algorithms by which a system can be implemented, either
in software or in hardware, to perform the desired operations and computations.
 This course deals with the processing of signals by digital means.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

4 Parts of a Digital Signal Processing System
 Most of the signals encountered in science and engineering are analogue in nature.
That is, the signals are functions of a continuous variable, such as time or space,
and usually take on values in a continuous range.
 Such signals may be processed directly by appropriate analogue systems. In such a
case, it is said that the signal has been processed directly in its analogue form, as
illustrated Figure 1. Both the input signal and the output signal are in analogue

Analogue Analogue Analogue

input signal output
signal processor signal

Figure 2. Analogue signal processing.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

4 Parts of a Digital Signal Processing System (Cont.)
 Digital signal processing provides an alternative method for processing the
analogue signal, as illustrated in Figure 2.
 To perform the processing digitally, there is a need for an interface between the
analogue signal and the digital processor. This interface is called an analogue-to-
digital (A/D) converter.
 The output of the A/D converter is a digital signal that is appropriate as an input to
the digital processor.
 The digital signal processor may be a large programmable digital computer or a
small microprocessor programmed to perform the desired operations on the input
 It may also be a hardwired digital processor configured to perform a specified set
of operations on the input signal

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

4 Parts of a Digital Signal Processing System (Cont.)

Analogue Digital Analogue

input A/D signal D/A output
signal converter processor converterr signal

Digital Digital
input output
signal signal

Figure 3. Block diagram of a digital signal processing system.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

4 Parts of a Digital Signal Processing System (Cont.)
 Programmable machines provide the flexibility to change the signal processing
operations through a change in the software, whereas hardwired machines are
difficult to reconfigure. Consequently, programmable signal processors are in very
common use.
 On the other hand, when signal processing operations are well define, a hardwired
implementation of the operations can be optimised, resulting in a cheaper signal
processor and, usually, one that runs faster than its programmable counterpart.
 In applications where the digital output from the digital signal processor is to be
given to the user in analogue form, such as in speech communications, another
interface is provide from the digital domain to the analogue domain.
 Such an interface is called a digital-to-analogue (D/A) converter. Thus the signal is
provided to the user in analogue form, as illustrated in the block diagram of Figure

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

4 Parts of a Digital Signal Processing System (Cont.)
 However, there are other practical applications involving signal analysis, where the
desired information is conveyed in digital form and no D/A converter is required.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

5 Advantages of Digital Signal Processing
 There are many reasons why digital signal processing of an analogue signal may be
preferable to processing the signal directly in the analogue domain. These include:
 A digital programmable system allows flexibility in reconfiguring the digital
signal processing operations simply by changing the program. Reconfiguration
of an analogue system usually implies a redesign of the hardware followed by
testing and verification to see that it operates properly.
 Digital signals are easily stored on storage media without deterioration or loss
of signal fidelity beyond that introduced in the A/D conversion. As a
consequence, the signals become transportable and can be processed off-line in
a remote laboratory.
 The digital signal processing method allows for the implementation of more
sophisticated signal processing algorithms. It is usually very difficult to
perform precise mathematical operations on signals in analogue form but these
same operations can be routinely implemented on a digital computer using

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

5 Advantages of Digital Signal Processing (Cont.)
 In some cases a digital implementation of the signal processing system is
cheaper than its analogue counterpart. The lower cost may be due to the fact
that the digital hardware is cheaper, or perhaps it is a result of the flexibility for
modifications provided by the digital implementation.
 As a consequence of these advantages and others, digital signal processing is
applied in practical systems covering a broad range of disciplines.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6 Classification of Signals
 The methods used in processing a signal or in analysing the response of a system to
a signal depend heavily on the characteristic attributes of the specific signal.
 There are techniques that apply only to specific families of signals.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.1 Multichannel and Multidimensional Signals
Multichannel Signals
 Multichannel signals are signals that are generated by multiple sources or multiple
 These signals are usually represented in vector form:

𝑠1 𝑡
𝑆 𝑡 = 𝑠2 𝑡 (5)
𝑠3 𝑡
 A common example of a multichannel signal is an electrocardiogram (ECG)

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.1 Multichannel and Multidimensional Signals (Cont.)
Multidimensional Signals
 If the signal is a function of a single independent variable, the signal is called a
one-dimensional signal.
 On other hand, a signal is called M-dimensional if its value is a function of M
independent variables.
 A grayscale image is an example of a two-dimensional signal, since the or
brightness at each point is a function of two independent variables.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.2 Continuous-Time Vs Discrete-Time Signals
Continuous-Time Signals
 Continuous-time signals or analogue signals are defined for every value of time
and they take on values in the continuous interval (a, b), where a can be -∞ and b
can be ∞.
 Mathematically, these signals can be described by functions of a continuous
 The signal 𝑥(𝑡) = 4 cos(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃) is an example of a continuous-time or analogue

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.2 Continuous-Time Vs Discrete-Time Signals (Cont.)
Discrete-Time Signals
 Discrete-time signals are defined only at certain specific values of time. These time
instants need not be equidistant, but in practice they are usually taken at equally
spaced intervals for computational convenience and mathematical tractability.
 The signal 𝑥 𝑡𝑛 = cos 𝜋𝑡𝑛 , 𝑛 = 0, 1, 2, …provides an example of a discrete-time
 If the index n of the discrete-time instants is used as the independent variable, the
signal value becomes a function of an integer variable (i.e., a sequence of
 Thus a discrete-time signal can be represented mathematically by a sequence of
real or complex numbers.
 To emphasize the discrete-time nature of a signal, a signal is denoted as 𝑥(𝑛)
instead of 𝑥(t).

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.2 Continuous-Time Vs Discrete-Time Signals (Cont.)
 If the time instants 𝑡𝑛 are equally spaced (i.e.,𝑡𝑛 = 𝑛𝑇), the notation 𝑥(𝑛𝑇) is also
 In applications, discrete-time signals may arise in two ways:
 By selecting values of an analogue signal at discrete-time instants. This process
is called sampling.. All measuring instruments that take measurements at a
regular interval of time provide discrete-time signals.
 By accumulating a variable over a period of time. For example, counting the
number of cars using a given street every hour, or recording the value of gold
every day, results in discrete-time signals.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.3 Continuous-Valued Vs Discrete-Valued Signals
 The values of a continuous-time or discrete-time signal can be continuous or
 If a signal takes on all possible values on a finite or an infinite range, it is said to be
a continuous-valued signal.
 Alternatively, if the signal takes on values from a finite set of possible values, it is
said to be a discrete-valued signal. Usually, these values are equidistant and hence
can be expressed as an integer multiple of the distance between two successive
 A discrete-time signal having a set of discrete values is called a digital signal.
 Figure 4 shows a digital signal that takes on one of four possible values.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.3 Continuous-Valued Vs Discrete-Valued Signals (Cont.)

Figure 4: Digital signal with four different amplitude values.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.3 Continuous-Valued Vs Discrete-Valued Signals (Cont.)
 In order for a signal to be processed digitally, it must be discrete in time and its
values must be discrete (i.e., it must be a digital signal).
 If the signal to be processed is in analogue form, it is converted to a digital signal
by sampling the analogue signal at discrete instants in time, obtaining a discrete-
time signal, and then by quantising its values to a set of discrete values.
 The process of converting a continuous-valued signal into a discrete-valued signal,
called quantisation, is basically an approximation process. It may be accomplished
simply by rounding or truncation.
 For example, if the allowable signal values in the digital signal are integers, say 0
through 10, the continuous-value signal is quantised into these integer values. Thus
the signal value 4.53 will be approximated by the value 4 if the quantisation
process is performed by truncation or by 5 if the quantisation process is performed
by rounding to the nearest integer.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

6.4 Deterministic Vs Random Signals
 Any signal that can be uniquely described by an explicit mathematical expression,
a table of data, or a well-defined rule is called deterministic. This term is used to
emphasise the fact that all past, present, and future values of the signal are known
precisely, without any uncertainty.
 In many practical applications, however, there are signals that either cannot be
described to any reasonable degree of accuracy by explicit mathematical formulas,
or such a description is too complicated to be of any practical use.
 The lack of such a relationship implies that such signals evolve in time in an
unpredictable manner. Such signals are referred to as random.
 The speech signal in Figure 1 is an examples of a random signal.
 The mathematical framework for the theoretical analysis of random signals is
provided by the theory of probability and stochastic processes.

EEE 362/462 - Digital Signal Processing (2024)

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