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Hannah Collins

Professor Arini

English 102

February 27, 2024

Interview Questions
The video, “Facilities Manager Interview”, is a guided questions video to help prepare

candidates. Some of the questions mentioned are, “Why do you want to work for our company as

a facilities manager?”, “What skills and qualities are needed to be an effective facilities

manager?”, and “Are there any risk factors in your occupation?”. While my questions may not be

the same, these questions were the inspiration.

The second video, “Fleet Management Director” starts by speaking about how their

county was placed number one for their fleet management department a year ago. The director,

Ron Lindsey, speaks about taking initiative with his job and other responsibilities held within the

company. This video wasn’t interview-like, but it showed how I can approach questions with

further research. As for both videos, some of the questions to be used are, “What are your

strengths and weaknesses?”, “What are the current responsibilities you hold in your job

position?”, “Do you feel that the jobs existing today for the city need to be further worked on or

do the jobs seem to execute their line of work proficiently?” and much more.

Furthermore, the next video I will be using to conduct my interview is New Fleet

Coordinator. The video regarding new fleet coordinators isn't necessarily an interview, yet it

describes what roles a fleet management director takes on. The video also gave me great insight

into the specifics of questions I’d like to ask my interviewer. The video speaks further about the

focus of what fleet coordinators do, their responsibilities, what the fleet management system is,

their roles in the office of fleet management, and the benefits of the job for the person partaking

in the job and society. To summarize, a fleeting manager has the responsibility of ensuring that

your agency operates effectively and efficiently. Some of the following responsibilities fleeting

managers have are developing your agency policy for management and State vehicles, creating

an annual operating budget, constant maintenance of vehicles, and creating service periods for all

vehicle types to be used, as it maintains effectiveness. By doing so, the manager is buying,

renting, or leasing vehicles with effective spending. The role of the office of fleet management is

compliance to follow state policies, within the state fleet and while those policies are created.

Some of the responsibilities within the office of fleet management are maintaining valuable

information in the fleet, determining cost savings, and establishing guidelines. Benefits regarding

this line of work and society are fuel cards at no additional cost, WEX (24-hour customer

service), deduction in taxes, and customer satisfaction by using a reliable and quickly accessed

vehicle. Some of the questions that sparked my interest to use in my interview were “What

exactly does your occupation entail in a vague and short sense?” as this relates to what fleet

coordinators do, “What are all the current responsibilities you hold in your job position?

(administrative duties and examples of work performed in a broad sense)” in the video, it speaks

about responsibilities, and lastly, “Do you feel as if your job is benefitting society? How so?”

was a question I came up with because the video talked about benefits.

The last interview, the Global Fleet Management Interview, will be used for my

interview and questioning purposes. This interview isn’t exactly regarding what my interviewer

does, yet it’s similar. The role of a facilities and fleet section director is a specific job in the city

of Flagstaff, Arizona, as it’s been difficult to get interviews about the occupation. Further

speaking about the interview, the guest spoke about the overview of the Defra fleet, which is the

fleeting of over 4,000 vehicles. Then, the interviewer asked about the hurdles the guests had

faced in fulfilling their goal of electric cars by 2030, what advice could be given to fleet

managers, and how AFP helped the guest in his personal life. When questioning about the guest's

hurdles was previously talked about, I thought of the following questions, “Do you believe there

may be risks taken in your occupation? If so, please elaborate”, and “What are some of the

weaknesses that you may have regarding your occupation?”. The interviewee then spoke about

the overview of the Defra fleet, and the question about vehicles arose, “If you were to give an

estimate, how many vehicles do you operate daily basis?”.

Interview Questions:
1. What is your name and occupation?

2. What exactly does your occupation entail in a vague and short sense?

3. What is your annual pay/salary?

4. Is your job what you envisioned when you applied for it? Why so?

5. What are all the current responsibilities you hold in your job position? (administrative

duties and examples of work performed in a broad sense)

6. If you were to give an estimate, how many vehicles do you operate daily basis?

7. What type of division is your job known as? Is your job/role for a specific agency, city,


8. Do you believe that it is good for people to understand who you are and your line of

work, as you work for the city of Flagstaff? Why so?

9. What inspired you to work for the government, let alone the occupation you have right


10. What are your strengths and attributes that prepare you for your occupation?

11. What are some of the weaknesses that you may have regarding your occupation?

12. Do you have previous experience from other jobs? What would you say benefited society

in those roles?

13. Do you have an educational background that also complements your previous


14. Have you received any awards for your outstanding work ethic? How and what for?

15. What kinds of differences/impacts do you think you’re making not only in your job but

just interacting in real-life situations?

16. Do you feel as if your job is benefitting society? How so?

17. Do you believe there may be risks taken in your occupation? If so, please elaborate.

18. Do you feel that jobs existing today for the city need to be further worked on or do the

jobs seem to execute their line of work perfectly? If you believe certain roles need to be

further worked on, what do you believe could benefit?


19. Would you enter this profession again, (with all the knowledge you now have from the

job) if you had the chance to start all over? Why so?

Works Cited

CareerVidz. “Facilities Manager Interview Questions & Answers! (How to Pass a Facilities
Management Interview!).” YouTube, 26 Nov. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?
v=4S0b3yklHB8&authuser=0. Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

County of San Bernardino. “Fleet Management Director Ron Lindsey Discusses Why the
Department Is No. 1 in the Country.” YouTube, 11 May 2022, www.youtube.com/watch?
v=YnY-5SZ_EaY&authuser=0. Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

Georgia Department. “New Fleet Coordinator.” YouTube, Georgia Department of

Administrative Services (DOAS), 28 Feb. 2017, youtu.be/rDmDZJVs38g?feature=shared.
Accessed 28 Feb. 2024.

Grimes, Christy. “Jennifer Brown Named Flagstaff Facilities and Fleet Section Director.”
Operations - Government Fleet, Government Fleet, 7 Feb. 2024, www.government-

Accessed 24 Feb. 2024.

“Public Works Section Director - Facilities and Fleet.” Job Bulletin, City of Flagstaff, 15
Dec. 2023, www.governmentjobs.com/careers/flagstaff/jobs/newprint/4313792. Accessed
24 Feb. 2024.

Morton, Ralph. “Global Fleet Management Voices Interview with Dale Eynon.” YouTube,
Automotive Fleet, 31 Aug. 2022, youtu.be/g2vM9J0h1xc?feature=shared. Accessed 28
Feb. 2024.

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