Sayzer Document
Sayzer Document
Sayzer Document
DOI 10.1007/s10916-006-7400-5
Abstract The inequitable geographic distribution of (1) cost containment by decreasing oversupply and (2) eq-
health care resources has long been recognized as a problem uity of access by increasing supply to underserved areas.
in the United States. Traditional measures, such as a simple One approach to health care facility planning is to com-
ratio of supply to demand in an area or distance to the closest pare the supply of a certain type of service with the de-
provider, are easy measures for spatial accessibility. How- mand within a service planning area, for example, a county.
ever the former one does not consider interactions between However, this measure does not identify variations in local
patients and providers across administrative borders and the areas. Moreover, it does not take into account the interac-
latter does not account for the demand side, that is, the com- tion across borders that may have been drawn mainly for
petition for the supply. With advancements in GIS, how- planning purposes [1].
ever, better measures of geographic accessibility, variants A number of studies examine the impact of distance to
of a gravity model, have been applied. Among them are (1) a health care services on utilization of those services [2–5].
two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method and (2) a Examples of distance-related measures include the distance
kernel density (KD) method. This microscopic study com- to the nearest facility, the average distance to a certain num-
pared these two GIS-based measures of accessibility in our ber of closest facilities, the average number of facilities
case study of dialysis service centers in Chicago. Our com- within a certain distance from a specific residence or loca-
parison study found a significant mismatch of the accessi- tion. Distance-related measures are one of several aspects
bility ratios between the two methods. Overall, the 2SFCA of access to health care [6]. A long waiting list or crowded
method produced better accessibility ratios. There is room waiting rooms may be a better indicator of accessibility to
for further improvement of the 2SFCA method—varying health care, particularly in urban areas.
the radius of service area according to the type of provider Combining the two components—distance and demand
or the type of neighborhood and determining the appropri- relative to the supply—is known as the best measure of
ate weight equation form—still warrant further study. spatial accessibility to health care resources. This measure
has been developed and enhanced in other fields over the
Keywords Spatial accessibility · GIS · Floating catch- decades; for example, a gravity model, a method of predict-
ment · Kernel density ing the distribution of resources on a surface, has been used
for location analysis in many fields. However, such a model
requires intensive computation resources. With advances in
Introduction the geographic information systems (GIS), researchers in
the health care field have started to use the combined spatial
One of the main goals for health care facility planning is accessibility measure to examine the equitability of health
to achieve the equitable geographic distribution of health care resources, mainly because GIS-based methods are eas-
care resources. An equitable distribution of health care re- ier to implement and to map the accessibility scores. How-
sources can achieve two main goals set for facility planning: ever, little work has been done to critically evaluate these
methods. Thus, we selected the two most recent studies that
used GIS-based methods: the two-step floating catchment
D.-H. Yang (B)· R. Goerge
Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, area method (2SFCA) and the kernel density method (KD).
Chicago, Illinois We implemented the two methods in a case study of mea-
e-mail: [email protected] suring spatial accessibility to dialysis centers treating pa-
R. Mullner tients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), the permanent
Health Administration, School of Public Health at the University loss of kidney function, and compared the weaknesses and
of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois strengths. We begin with descriptions of the two methods.
24 J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32
Two-Step floating catchment area method (2SFCA) ratio, ratios based on the 2SFCA method are problematic.
For example, Tract 7 where Facility A is located, has a
To predict access to social programs, Radke and Mu [7] lower ratio than the two-county average ratio, 3/25. This
developed the two-step floating catchment area method illustrates a potential drawback of the 2SFCA method.
(2SFCA), the term coined by Luo and Wang [8]. The The 2SFCA method has two properties that provide cer-
2SFCA method is a special case of a gravity-based method tain advantages for interpreting ratios. The accessibility
(see Luo and Wang [8] for the proof). Figure 1 shows a hy- ratio obtained for each census tract is interpreted as the
pothetical example of the 2SFCA method. The two-county amount of the total services shared by one patient living in
area contains three facilities with two physicians each and the tract. Using Fig. 1 as an example again, because there
15 census tracts representing population or demand for are six physicians in total, the ratio for Tract 1, 1/16, indi-
physician services. For simplicity, there are four patients cates that 1/16 physician is available to one patient in Tract
needing dialysis in each of the tracts except for three tracts: 1. The share of total services available to all residents in
Tracts 5, 8, and 11 are assumed to have two patients. In Tract 1, therefore, is obtained by multiplying its accessibil-
the first step, a service area for each facility is defined in ity ratio (1/16) by the total number of residents (4) in the
terms of census tracts. Figure 1 illustrates two service areas tract, resulting in one-fourth physician. Note that the unit
centered at each facility point, drawn based on the prede- for the ratio keeps the unit for the supply, the physician.
termined distance (or time) between the facility and census The aggregate supply per tract is summed across all tracts,
tracts. For each census tract within a service area, a ratio is resulting in the total sum, which is equal to the total supply
computed by dividing the number of physicians by the sum or 6 physicians in this example. In short, the total supply
of all discrete population values within the service area. For is reserved. Because of this reservation of the fixed total
example, each of the eight census tracts within the Facil- supply, if the ratio for Tract 1 is 1/5 and the ratio for Tract 2
ity A service area is assigned the service area ratio that is is 2/5, we not only say that Tract 2 has greater accessibility
obtained by dividing 2 (physicians) by 32 (patients). Sim- relative to Tract 1, but also can say more specifically that
ilarly, tracts within the Facility B service area are assigned in Tract 2 heath care is twice as accessible as in Tract 1.
the service area ratio, 2/10. In the second step, Tract 4 in
the overlapping area is assigned a new ratio, 37/80, the sum
of the Facility A ratio and the Facility B ratio, 2/32 + 2/10. Kernel density (KD) method
Three observations are noteworthy. First, the accessibil-
ity ratio assigned to each tract is in fact an average ratio Kernel function has been applied to address geographi-
within a service area, not within a tract itself. This suggests cal issues. GIS software, such as the Spatial Analyst ex-
that there is a smaller variability of ratios than those that tension of ArcGIS, provides tools for kernel distribution
would be calculated within each tract. Second, not only the function estimation. First, a study area should be repre-
supply itself, but also the location (i.e., overlapping area) sented by grids, an array of equally sized square cells (or
and the low demand contribute to high accessibility. Third, pixels) arranged in rows and columns. The kernel density
distance does not affect the accessibility ratio once tracts estimator starts with facility location points. Each point
are included within a service area. For example, Tract 7 value represents service capacity, for example, the number
is given the same ratio as Tract 1, even though Tract 7 is of physicians. Kernel function is used to create a surface
closer to Facility A. If a planner identifies potential under- showing the predicted distribution of the service availability
served areas as those with ratios lower than the entire area throughout the study area. In this sense, the kernel density
J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32 25
areas into the study to account for the contribution of dialy- population locations more accurately. Luo and Wang used
sis centers (supply) and patients (demand) outside Chicago. a 30-min car road-network travel time in drawing a service
The census block-level population data were extracted area centered at each physician location zip code [14].
from the 2000 Census Summary File 1 [10]. Based on
block-level population, weighted centroids of census block
Guagliardo et al.
groups were calculated. These centroids were used for the
KD method. Similarly, based on blockgroup-level popula-
Following the approach made by Guptill [15], Guagliardo
tion, weighted centroids of census tracks were calculated
et al. [13] used the Gaussian KD method to identify areas
and were used for the 2SFCA method. Weighted centroids
with a low ratio of primary care physicians to children in
are better choices when the census tracks consist largely of
Washington, DC. They chose the option of the quadratic
nonresidential areas–such as park or airport.
approximation Gaussian KD method from ArcGIS Spa-
Apparicio’s findings in his study of comparing the dif-
tial Analyst. Three steps were taken to calculate accessi-
ference between distance approximations (Euclidean or
bility ratios at the level of census tracts. First, a physi-
Manhattan distances on one side) and network-based dis-
cian density surface was created on a grid with a total
tance on the other side suggest that network-based distance/
of 5617 cells (1/10 square mile). The density values in
time needs to be used for small area analyses [11]. To cal-
the cells were expressed as the number of physicians per
culate travel time in the network, we used high-resolution
square mile. The radius of a physician service area was set at
road network data that is based on street data used for
3.9 miles. Next, a child population density surface was cre-
geocoding with ArcGIS Streetmap extension. Travel time
ated. Guagliardo et al. used 1 mile as the radius for smooth-
is estimated as the shortest time through road networks
ing population at the block level over the entire block group
between a resident location (census tract centroid) and
area with overlaps with adjacent blockgroups. Note that
a facility [12]. Speed limit data were used to correctly
the radius for population smoothing is a lot smaller, that
calculate travel time that should vary by various road
is, 1/4 of the radius for the provider smoothing. Next, a
provider-to-child population ratio surface was created by
dividing the provider density surface by the child popula-
Implementation of the two methods tion density surface. Finally, census tract boundaries were
overlaid on top of the ratio surface cells, and the mean ratio
Implementing the two methods in our case study was based for each tract was calculated. Guagliardo et al. observed that
on two recent studies done by Luo and Wang [8] and calculating ratios within each cell made the variability of
Guagliardo et al. [13]. Table 1 presents key comparisons ratios very volatile. Although the mean ratio was calculated
between the two methods. Detailed discussions on the two based on cells within a tract, some ratios were extremely
studies follow. high, and were excluded from the subsequent analyses.
Luo and Wang [8] used the 2SFCA method to identify Figure 3 depicts our study area. There were 44 dialysis cen-
areas in Illinois that have a shortage of physicians. The ters with 867 stations and 3722 dialysis patients in Chicago
census tract was chosen as the analysis unit for population, during 2000–2001. As mentioned earlier, to account for the
or demand. Zip code area was chosen as the analysis unit border problems, the two methods were implemented in the
for physicians, or supply. Population-weighted centroids of larger area–Cook County that Chicago belongs to. There
census tracts (based on blockgroup-level population) were were 71 dialysis centers with 1440 stations in Cook County.
used instead of simple geographic centroids to represent Figure 3 also indicates the rectangle, or extent, bounding
J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32 27
Cook County. The rectangle is divided into 5.19 million The number of patients is obtained for each census tract
cells with an area of 900 m2 (30 m × 30 m), as imple- by multiplying the 2000 census tract population by a con-
mented by KD method. stant factor, 0.12%–the percent of population that requires
Table 2 contains detailed information on the two meth- dialysis treatments observed for Chicago in 2000 [9]. Sup-
ods implemented in our case study. Demand is expressed ply is expressed as the number of stations in each dialysis
as the number of patients who need dialysis treatment. center.
Software Unix ArcInfo Station PC ArcGIS and Spatial Analyst
Fig. 4 A Percent distribution of accessibility ratio: 2SFCA method. B Percent distribution of accessibility score: Kernel density method. C
Scatter plot of accessibility ratios 2SFCA versus KD
to the highest-accessibility group belonged to the lowest- available to each patient in the tract. Therefore, patient-
accessibility tier on the 2SFCA map. weighted ratios sum to the total number of stations avail-
Interpretation of accessibility ratios obtained by the able to the city, which makes interpretation straightforward.
2SFCA method is more straightforward. The ratio assigned Patients in a census tract with a ratio of 0.5 can be inter-
to a census tract is interpreted as the number of stations preted as having two times more resources than those in a
30 J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32
census tract with a ratio of 0.25. Unlike the 2SFCA ratios, be poorer neighborhoods. More importantly, the patients
ratios obtained from the use of the KD method cannot be living in those areas are more likely to rely on public trans-
interpreted as straightforward. Only relative interpretation portation. Because our study used a 30-min car travel time
is possible. in determining a service area, some dialysis centers may
The 2SFCA method was a powerful tool for identify- not be reachable for residents who cannot afford automo-
ing areas for expanding dialysis services. Mostly border biles. Therefore, the radius of the service area, 30-min car
areas were identified as severe shortage areas. Note that travel time, may need to vary depending on the area’s auto-
this is not due to a border/edge problem often observed mobile ownership rate or the proportion of the population
in other studies, because we included dialysis centers and with elderly residents.
patients in suburban areas in calculating accessibility ratios Further improvements for the 2SFCA method may be
for Chicago. The northern part of Chicago was identified possible. The actual service capacity can vary depending
as an area of severe shortage by both the 2SFCA method on the type of provider. For example, a station in Cook
and the KD method. Specifically, it includes Rogers Park, County Hospital, a major safety net provider in Illinois,
Edison Park, West Ridge, and Edgewater among 77 offi- generated 20 times as many procedures as an average sta-
cially defined community areas. Although dialysis centers tion. A simple count of stations cannot reflect the true ca-
were located right in those areas, the patients living in those pacity that meets the demand. In addition to refinements
areas appeared to compete for the stations with residents in of the supply side for better accessibility measure, the de-
areas outside of Chicago that usually have high population mand side should be refined as well. For convenience, we
density. assumed that the number of patients in census tracts was
The fact that census tracts with 2SFCA ratios higher than proportional to the population size in census tracts using
the average accounted for about 70% of all census tracts the Chicago average. Better measures of demand should
suggests that the 2SFCA method tended to determine cen- incorporate the analysis of utilization by gender, race, and
sus tracts with lower population as areas with higher acces- age groups so that the number of patients in an area can
sibility than the average. This indicates a lower competition be adjusted by those important characteristics. It is well
for a fixed number of stations, boosting accessibility ratios known that African American and Hispanic populations
in census tracts with a small population. However, some tend to concentrate and that they have particularly high
census tracts with lower population than the average can rates of diabetes [16].
J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32 31
Fig. 6 A Stations distributed by Kernel density method. B Patients distributed by Kernel Density method
32 J Med Sys (2006) 30(1): 23–32