Concrete Pipe, Manhole Section's, or Tile: Standard Method of Test For
Concrete Pipe, Manhole Section's, or Tile: Standard Method of Test For
Concrete Pipe, Manhole Section's, or Tile: Standard Method of Test For
7.4 Procedure for Boiling Absorption 7.6.1 Single-Operator Precision-The since the test result merely states whether
Test: single operator standard deviation has there is conformance to the criteria for
7.4.1 Drying Specimens-Dry specimens been found to be 0.143 percent. success specified.
in a ventilated mechanical convection Therefore, results of two properly
oven at a temperature of 221 to 239° F conducted tests by the same operator on
the same material should not differ by 9. PERMEABILITY TEST
(105 to 115°C), until two successive METHOD
weighings at intervals of not less that 6 more than 0.40 percent.
hours show an increment of loss not NOTE 3-The numbers in Section 7.6.1
greater than 0.10% of the last oven-dry represent, respectively, the (IS) and (D2S) 9.1 Summary of Test Method-A section
mass of the specimen. Dry specimens limits described in ASTM C 670. of pipe is kept filled with water for a
with a wall thickness of 1.5 in. (38 mm) 7.6.2 Multilaboratorv Precision- specified time and the outer surface is
or less for a minimum of 24 hours; dry Multilaboratory Precision has not been tested for moisture.
specimens with a wall thickness of 1.5 to determined but is being investigated. 9.2 Significance and Use-The method is
3 in. (38 to 75 mm) for a minimum of 48 Statements will be included when the a quality control test performed to
hours; dry specimens with a wall proper data have been obtained and establish the fact that the fmished,
thickness exceeding 3 in. (75 mm) for a analyzed. shippable pipe meets the leakage limits
minimum of 72 hours. Use the last 6 7.6.3 Bias-Bias cannot be determined stated in the specifications.
hours of the minimum drying time to since the true value of absorption is not 9.3 Procedure-Perform tests by placing a
determine whether or not the sample had known and cannot be determined except section of pipe with the spigot end down
obtained the proper dried mass. by application of tests for which the bias on a soft rubber mat or its equivalent,
7.4.2 Weighing Dried Specimens- is not known. weighted if necessary, and kept filled
Weigh the oven-dried specimens imme- with water to a level of the base of the
diately upon removal from the oven. socket during the test period. Make the
7.4.3 Immersion and Boiling-Within 24 initial inspection approximately 15
hours, carefully place the dried specimen minutes after the test has begun. If the
that has been weighed. in a suitable 8.1 Summary of Test Method-A section pipe shows moist or damp spots on the
receptacle that contains clean water at a of pipe is subjected to hydrostatic outer surface of the pipe at that time,
temperature of 50 to 75°F (10 to 24°C). pressure and observed for leakage at the continue the tests for a period not to
Use distilled water, rain water, or tap joint or on the surface of the pipe. exceed 24 hours at the option of the
water that is known to have no effect on 8.2 Significance and Use-The method is manufacturer. Examine the pipe during
test results. Heat the water to boiling in a quality control test performed to the extended period for existence of
not less than 1 hour and not more than 2 establish the fact that the finished, moist or damp spots.
hours. Do not apply live steam to the shippable pipe meets the leakage require- 9.4 Precision and Bias-No justifiable
water to shorten the preboil period until 1 ments stated in the specifications for the statement can be made either on precision
hour of heating by gas or electricity has pipe wall or pipe joint, or both, installed. or on the bias of this method of testing
been completed. Continue the boiling for 8.3 Procedure: for leakage since the test result merely
5 hours. At the end of the 5-hour boiling states whether there is conformance to
period, turn off the heat, and allow the 8.3.1 The equipment for making the
the criteria for success specified.
specimen to cool in water to room test shall be such that the specimen under
temperature by natural loss of heat for test can be filled with water to the
not less than 14 hours nor more than 24 exclusion of air and subjected to the 10. MANHOLE STEP TEST
hours. required hydrostatic pressure without METHODS
there being enough leakage from the ends
7.4.4 Reweighing Wet Specimens- of the pipe to interfere with the test.
Remove the water-cooled specimens 10.1 Summary of Test Method-This
from the water, place on an open drain 8.3.2 Do not test when the temperature method of testing determines the ability
rack, and allow to drain for 1 minute. of the specimen, the air around the of an installed step to withstand a
Remove the remaining superficial water specimen, or the water within the specified horizontal pull at right angles to
by quickly blotting the specimen with a specimen is below 33°F (1°C). the wall of a manhole riser or cone
dry absorbent cloth or paper. Weigh the 8.3.3 Connect a standardized pressure section, and then a vertical load parallel
specimen immediately following blotting. gage to the specimen. If the pipe is being to the wall of the section.
7.4.5 Weighing-Weigh specimens on a tested in a vertical position, the gage 10.2 Significance and Use-The
balance conforming to M 231 for the should be placed at or as close to as is manhole step tests are intended to be
class of general purpose balance required practical above the joint being tested. If used for production control, lot
for the principal sample weight of the the pipe is being tested in a horizontal acceptance, or adequacy of design. These
sample being tested. Record specimen position, the gage should be placed to tests are performed to establish whether
weights to the precision indicated by the measure pressure at or as close to as or not the installed step has sufficient
readability required for the balance in M practical above the horizontal axis of the strength to withstand the specified loads.
231. pipe. Raise the pressure of the water in
about 1 minute to the required level and 10.3 Apparatus-In making the tests,
7.5 Calculation and Report-Take the hold for the specified item. The water any mechanical or hand powered devices
increase in mass of the boiled specimen pressure or the time of the holding which have calibrated load indicators
over its dry mass as the absorption of the pressure, or both, may be increased when attached may be used. The attachments
specimen, and express it as a percentage so specified. from the heads of each testing device to
of the dry mass. Report the results the rung of the step are to be sufficiently
separately for each specimen. 8.4 Precision and Bias-No justifiable sturdy to preclude any bending of the
statement can be made either on precision attachment and rung over the length of
7.6 Precision and Bias: or on the bias of this method of testing the attachment. The attachments to the
for leakage under hydrostatic pressure rung are to be 3-½ in. (90 mm) in length.
10.4 Procedure-The tests may be test attachment is centered at the same (1800N). The second load as defined in
made with the section to be tested placed location on the rung, and a second load is 10.4 shall be 800 lbs (3600N).
on its side for easier access to the step to applied perpendicular to the plane of the 10.5 Precision and Bias-No justifiable
be tested. The first load shall be applied first load application. The second load is statement can be made either on precision
to the plane of the step by means of a applied at a uniform rate until the or on the bias of these methods of testing
pull-out device centered on the step rung specified load is reached. for pull-out strength since the test result
and shall be applied at a uniform rate 10.4.1 Maximum Loads-The first load as merely states whether there is
until the specified load is reached. The defined in Section 10.4 shall be 400 lbs conformance to the criteria for success
pull-out device is then removed and the specified.