CH 4 Part 2
CH 4 Part 2
CH 4 Part 2
Work as a whole class to write a preamble to your classroom rules. You can
follow the preamble format. For example: “We the students of _____ class,
in order to form a more perfect union and relationship, establish _____ ,
insure _____, provide for,_______ promote ______, and secure _____, do
ordain and establish this rules and regulation for our classroom.”
C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k 129
You learned in unit three that democracy is a system that establishes
some basic principles by which a government, whatever its form,
must be governed. Justice, equity, freedom, liberty, openness,
accountability, and transparency are examples of such principles in
government. In this context, constitutionalism provides guidance
to democracy in terms of individual rights, limited government,
and checks and balances. Without the support of constitutionalism,
democratic consolidation is incomplete because constitutionalism
entails adhering to both the letter and spirit of the constitution.
It enables the government to put the constitution’s values and
principles into action, which are essential components of a
democratic system. This, in turn, leads to the presence of thriving
democracy in a given state. Meanwhile, it is not an exaggeration
to claim that constitutionalism provides the principles that govern
democratic government.
130 C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k
The presence of constitutionalism in a given country would create
an opportunity in which no one is above the law, regardless of
position or wealth. As a result, the law should not be twisted to
benefit any individual, whether rich or poor, young or old, king or
servant, literate or illiterate, etc. As a result, the principle states that
all citizens of a country should have equal access to legal facilities,
a fair hearing, and legal advice in a court of law.
On the other hand, the ruling officials are bound by laws approved
by the people and must account to them for their actions. The
right of the people to vote on competing parties on a regular basis
ensures that ruling officials are at least minimally accountable and
responsive to the governed.
C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k 131
Leaders who consistently fail to meet the majority’s demands will
be replaced by competitors in the next election. Constitutionalism
ensures that the government acts as a trustee for the people.
Activity 5
Individual activity, group discussion and think pairs
a Discuss in groups how constitutionalism strengthens a democratic
system and share your knowledge with your partners.
a What is the relationship and difference between the rule of law and
constitutionalism, in your opinion? Work in pairs and present your
findings to the class.
a What is the advantage of holding the government accountable?
132 C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k
It is merely a means to an end. It must be demonstrated that these
rights are respected and protected. Constitutionalism strengthens
the practical protection of citizens’ fundamental human rights. This
principle contends that citizens of a country should have certain
fundamental inalienable rights and liberties, violations of which
they have the right to seek redress in a court of law. A violation
of these liberties constitutes a violation of the provisions of the
constitution. As a result, constitutionalism ensures the fundamental
human rights, personal liberty, and freedom that are at the heart of
Activity 6
Do you think that the government is the only duty bearer in protecting
individual and group rights? Why and why not discuss with your group.
Copy this table into your exercise book, form groups to discuss and list on
your basic human rights under the FDRE and regional constitution. One
example is provided.
C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k 133
Ensures Popular Sovereignty
134 C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k
Promoting the common good:
C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k 135
4.4 The Classifications of the constitution
136 C it iz e ns h ip E d u c a t io n G ra d e 8 S t u d e nt t e x t b o o k