Communication Stream

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Name ___________________________ ID.No _________________Communication Stream

Choose the best answer (each one marks)

1. Low gain-bandwidth product of a JFET is due to

A. reduced number of holes
B. junction capacitive effects
C. low degree of isolation between input and output
D. all of the above
2. When a PN junction is forward biased
A. Depletion region decreases
B. Minority carries are not attected
C. Holes and electrons move away from junction
D. All of above
3. For normal operation of NPN transistor:
A. Emitter Base Junction must be reverse biased and Base-collector junction must be
forward biased
B. Emitter Base Junction must be reverse biased and Base-collector junction must be
reverse biased
C. Emitter Base Junction must be forward biased and Base-collector junction must be
forward biased
D. Emitter-Base Junction must be forward biased and Base-collector junction
must be reverse biased
4. A transistor (BJT) works as a variable resistance when?
A. Emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased
B. Emitter junction is reverse biased and collector junction is forward biased
C. Emitter junction is reverse biased and collector junction is reverse biased
D. Emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is forward biased

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5. Which of the following is true about Zener diode?
A. It is lightly doped
B. It is mostly used in voltage regulator electronic circuits
C. It is used in forward bias
D. It has avalanche breakdown
6. In a transistor ………………..
A. IC = IE + IB C. IE = IC – IB
B. IB = IC + IE D. IE = IC + IB
7. A collector characteristic curve is a graph showing ………..
A. emitter current (IE) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCE) with (VBB) base bias
voltage held constant
B. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCE) with (VBB) base bias
voltage held constant
C. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VC) with (VBB) base bias
voltage held constant
D. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCC) with (VBB) base bias
voltage held constant
8. Which of the following is used for comments in C++?
A. /* comment */ C. // comment
B. // comment */ D. // comment or /* comment */
9. Which of the following symbol is used to declare the preprocessor directives in C++?
A. $ C. #
B. ^ D. *
10. Which of the following accesses the seventh element stored in array?
A. array [6]; C. array (7);
B. array [7]; D. array;
11. What are mandatory parts in function declaration?
A. return type, function name
B. return type, function name, parameters
C. both a and b
D. none of the mentioned

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12. What happens to the values of a and b when the following piece of code is run? b = 3;
a = b++;
A. a contains 3 and b contains 4 C. a contains 4 and b contains 3
B. a contains 4 and b contains 4 D. a contains 3 and b contains 3
13. Which of the following is the purpose of the transmitter?
A. Converts signals to electric form
B. Operating the received signal
C. Converting the signal into a suitable form
D. Reduces noise from signals
14. Which among the following can be an input to a transmitter?
A. Voice signal C. Light signal
B. Electric signal D. Wave signal
15. Which of the following is the reason for signal distortion?
A. Speed of the signal C. Absence of a channel
B. Wearing down of the essential D. Channel imperfection
16. Find the odd one out.
A. Radio C. Television
B. Telephone D. Computer networking
17. „X‟ for an AM is the ratio of change in amplitude of the carrier wave to the amplitude of the
original carrier wave. Identify „X‟.
A. Automatic gain control C. Phase index
B. Modulation index D. Amplitude index
18. Which of the following is true about carrier signal?
A. Carrier signals have low frequency
B. Carrier signals are used to increase the wavelength of the signal
C. carrier signals have high frequency
D. Carrier signals and message signals are the same
19. The modulation type is non-linear in _______ amplitude modulation technique?

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20. Which of the following errors can arise, as a result of mistake in reading, parallax improper
instrument location and inadequate lighting?
A. Construction errors C. Observation errors
B. Transmission errors D. Translation errors
21. A D‟Arsonval movement is rated at 20 mA. Its sensitivity is
A. 20000 /V C. 200 /V
B. 200000 /V D. Cannot be determined.
22. A multi-meter is used to measure
A. resistance C. voltage
B. current D. all of the above
23. Equal resistance of 100 each are connected in each arm of a Wheatstone bridge which is
supplied by a 2 V battery source. The galvanometer of negligible resistance connected to the
bridge can sense as low current as 1 µA . The smallest value of resistance that can be
measured is,
A. 20m C. 20 µ
B. 2 µ D. none of the above
24. Frequency can be measured by using,
A. Maxwell bridge C. Heaviside Campbell bridge
B. Schering bridge D. Wien bridge
25. The AC Bridge is supplied with a source of 10 kHz as shown in below. What is the value of

A. C. )

B. D.

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26. The source of emission of electrons in a CRT is
A. PN function diode
B. A barium and strontium oxide coated cathode
C. Accelerating
D. Post-accelerating anodes
27. The system given by y(n) = x(n) + 1/x(n - 1) is:
A. Linear C. Both (a) and (b)
B. Causal D. None of the above
28. The system that accepts the input in the discrete form and produces the discrete time output is
known as:
A. Linear system C. LTI system
B. Discrete time system D. All of the above
29. Linear phase response of the filter is defined as:
A. When the phase response of the system varies linearly with the frequency
B. When the phase response of the system varies inversely with the frequency function.
C. When the phase response of the system does not vary linearly with the frequency
D. None of the above.
30. The nquist rate of sin200πt is _____
A. 100Hz C. 300Hz
B. 200Hz D. 400Hz
31. In _______ band, a certain band of frequencies are is allowed and rest of the frequencies are
allowed by the filter
A. Pass-band C. Either pass-band or stop-band
B. Stop-band D. None of the above
32. The incorrect statement about FIR filters is?
A. FIR filters are always stable.
B. Its realization can be done using recursive structures.
C. Its realization can be done using non-recursive structures.
D. FIR filters are not immune to noise.

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33. Which one of the following is not a basic logic operation?
A. AND operation C. NAND operation
B. OR operation D. NOT operation
34. The following logic circuit is equivalent to__________

A. AND operation C. OR operation

B. NAND operation D. NOT operation
35. Which one is correct?
A. Full adder adds two bits without carry
B. Half adder adds two bits with carry
C. Full adder adds two bits with carry
D. All are correct
36. What is the gray code of 101101011010?
A. 111011110111 C. 101101101100
B. 010010100101 D. 010010100110
37. Which of the following is not combinational logic circuit?
A. Decoder C. De-multiplexer
B. Encoder D. Counter
38. What is the output of NAND latch S-R flipflop when SET=RESET=0?
A. No change
B. Invalid
C. Q=1(SET)

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39. Which one of the following is correct?
A. Asynchronous counter can operate at higher frequency than Synchronous
B. Synchronous counter is more complex than asynchronous counter.
C. In Synchronous counter all flip flop do not change state simultaneously.
D. Synchronous counter has more propagation delay than Asynchronous counter.
40. Which one of the following is generally not possible condition in electric circuit?
A. Voltage and no current C. Voltage and current
B. Current and no voltage D. No voltage and Current
41. What is the value of voltage drop across the capacitor Vc, if Vc(0) = 15 for t >0 in figure 1
A. C.
B. D.
42. What is the value of capacitance necessary to raise the power factor to unity, when 4KW load
at a lagging power factor of 0.85 is connected to a source of 220 V (rms) and 50-Hz power
A. 0.163F B. 1.63F C. 163F D. 163µF
43. Node voltages V1 and V2 in the circuit Figure 2 below is given by:
A. V1 = 2V, V2 =14V C. V1 = 14V, V2 =2V
B. V1 = -2V, V2 =-14V D. V1 = -14V, V2 =-2V

Figure 1. Figure 2.
44. The maximum power can be transferred to the load in a linear circuit:
A. When the load resistance is greater than the Thevenin resistance.
B. When the load resistance is less than the Thevenin resistance.
C. When the load resistance is equal to the Thevenin resistance.
D. All

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45. The mesh current i1 and i2 in the circuit of Figure 3 is?
A. i1 = 3/2 A, i2 = 0 A C. i1 = 2/3 A, i2 = 0 A
B. i1 = 0 A, i2 = 3/2 A D. i1 = 3/2 A, i2 = 1 A
46. For the circuit in Figure 4, the voltage Vo can be expressed in terms of Vs and Is as:
A. V0 = Vs + Is C. V0 = Vs + 1/2Is
B. V0 = 1/2Vs + Is D. V0 = 1/2Vs + 1/2Is
47. What is the value of the current pass through the load RL = 6Ω, when a Thevenin s theorem is
used to find the equivalent circuit of Figure 5 at the terminal a- b?
A. 30A B. 15A C. 1.5A D. 3A

Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5

48. Which one of the following is not the reason why we prefer three phase system over single
phase system?
A. The instantaneous power in three phase system can be constant.
B. The value of the voltage in three phase system is greater than single phase.
C. Three phase system is more economical than single phase system.
D. All
49. For 8Ω resistance, 80mH inductance and 40µF capacitance connected in series to 200V,
100Hz supply, the circuit impedance and current flowing through the circuit is?
A. 13.15Ω, 15.21A B. 131.5Ω, 152.1A C.31.51Ω, 51.12A D. 31.51Ω, 51.12A
50. The Norton equivalent circuit parameter of the circuit in Figure 7 below is:
A. 1Ω, IN = 10A C. 10Ω, IN = 1A
B. 11Ω, IN = 100A D. 100Ω, IN = 11A

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Figure 6 Figure 7
51. How much will cost in a month? If the following electrical appliances used: 3KW Electric
Injera mitad for hours per day, a 3.6KW boiler for 70 minutes per day, a 900 W toaster for 60
minutes per day. It is given that the cost per kilowatt – hour is 0.50 birr.
A. 7.0489 Birr/month C. 70.489 Birr/month
B. 211.467 Birr/month D. 1,426.5 Birr/month
52. Which pair of the circuit in Figure 8 are equivalent?
A. a and b C. a and c
B. b and d D. c and d

Figure 8
53. The switch in the circuit of Figure 9 has been closed for a long time. At t = 0, the switch is
opened. What is the value of i(t) for t >0.
A. C.
B. D.
54. The current I0 in Figure 10 is?
A. -4A B. -2A C. 4A D. 16A

Figure 9 Figure 10

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55. What conditions must be fulfilled in a good digital communication system?
A. High data rate C. Low transmit power
B. High fidelity D. All of the mentioned
56. Matched filter technique is used to
A. Increase SNR C. SNR is not affected
B. Decrease SNR D. None of the mentioned
57. Digital communication system can handle
A. Analog signals C. 2D signals
B. 1D signals D. All of the mentioned
58. . A code is a mapping from
A. Binary sequence to discrete set of symbols
B. Discrete set of symbols to binary sequence
C. All of the mentioned
D. None of the mentioned
59. While recovering signal, which gets attenuated more?
A. Low frequency component C. Low & High frequency
B. High frequency component component
D. None of the mentioned
60. Of the following which is the preferred modulation scheme for digital communication?
A. Pulse code modulation C. Pulse position modulation
B. Pulse amplitude modulation D. Pulse width modulation
61. How can the noise be reduced in AM signal?
A. Increasing amplitude D. Increasing frequency
B. Increasing wavelength deviation
C. Increasing bandwidth
62. Which block or device does the data compression?
A. Channel encoder C. Modulator
B. Source encoder D. None of the mentioned
63. Source coding block is used for?
A. Compressing C. A/D conversion
B. Digitizing D. All of the mentioned

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64. Noise figure measures the
A. Power degradation C. SNR degradation
B. Noise degradation D. None of the mentioned
65. Which of the following antenna is more preferred by actors of communication industry for
microwave and satellite links?
A. Quarter wave monopole C. Loop antenna
antenna D. Parabolic reflector antenna
B. Half wave dipole antenna
66. Why do you think various telecom operators including ethio telecom deploy antenna array
instead of individual element in their mobile base stations? This is mainly due to
A. Match radiation pattern to the desired coverage area
B. Change radiation pattern electronically
C. Increase transmission capacity
D. All
67. All of the following antennas are commonly used for portable equipment‟s such as cellular
telephones available in our hand except
A. Quarter wave monopole antenna
B. Half wave dipole antenna
C. Loop antenna
D. Micro strip antenna
68. To take the full advantage of communication system, antenna needs to be designed properly.
If antenna system is not properly designed, which of the following is possible effect?
A. The transmission line could act to a large degree as an energy storage element
B. The transmission line could act as a wave guiding and energy transporting device
C. Can relax system requirements
D. Improve overall system performance

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69. Why do you think Half-Wavelength dipole widely used thin wire antenna including ethio
telecom base stations? This is mainly due to:
A. Rules and standards
B. Non availability of other appropriate antennas
C. Its radiation resistance matches characteristic impedance of some of
transmission lines
D. Ensure line of sight propagation
70. It is well known that antenna is primarily used for radiating or receiving electromagnetic
waves. Thus, for EM radiation to be created there must be
A. Time invariant current
B. Accelerating or decelerating charge
C. Time varying voltage
D. Time varying linear charge density
71. It is well known that the input impedance of half wavelength dipole constitutes real and
imaginary part. Practically it is desirable to vanish the imaginary part from input impedance.
So, which of the following mechanism is more practical approach used to vanish the
imaginary part from input impedance?
A. Matching the characteristic impedance of transmission line and antenna
B. Decreasing length of dipole antenna
C. Increasing length of dipole antenna
D. All except C
72. The basic bit rate in “2B+D” system over s single copper pair in integrated services digital
network (ISDN) is found to be
A. 144 KBPS C. 64 KBPS
B. 16KBPS D. None
73. The unit of traffic intensity in telecommunication network is called
A. Busy hour C. Lux
B. Erlang D. Candela

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74. Total number of speech channel in E1 transmission technology is
A. 24 C. 30
B. 32 D. Both A and B
75. The lowest data rate in synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) is X and called Y
A. X=2.048MBPS, Y= E1 respectively
B. X=51.84 MBPs, Y=STS respectively
C. X=155.5MBPS, Y=STM respectively
D. X=1.5 MBPS, Y=T1 respectively
76. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are small network .Furthermore,
A. Both are ad hoc network
B. Only Wi-Fi is ad hoc network
C. Only Bluetooth is ad-hoc network
D. Both are infrastructure-based network
77. The internet as a packet -switched network is developed from the
78. paging Networks are
A. Unidirectional C. Both
B. Bidirectional D. None
79. The value of ringing voltage and frequency in telephone dial tone is
A. 25V ac and 50 Hz C. 70V dc and 25 Hz
B. 50V ac and 25Hz D. 70V ac and 25 Hz
80. A telephone or mobile number has
A. Country code C. Area code and customer number
B. Operator code D. All above
81. T1 transmission technology based on PCM was introduced first time in
A. Europe C. Japan
B. North America D. None.
82. The layer responsible for establishing, maintaining and terminating connections.
A. Physical Layer C. Presentation Layer
B. Network Layer D. Transport Layer

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83. Process of converting analog data into digital data is known as --------------------
A. Digitization C. Quantizing
B. Codec D. Sampling
84. Change in one or more bits in a transmitted frame results in ------------------------
A. Noise C. Frame
B. Data D. Error
85. Which standard LAN was adopted by all organizations in the world?
A. IEEE 803 C. IEEE 802
B. IEEE 802.5 D. IEEE 802.3
86. In which topology, network consists of a set of repeaters joined by point-to-point links in a
closed loop.
A. Star C. Bus
B. Tree D. Ring
87. IP header contains a -----bit global internet address.
A. 32 C. 28
B. 16 D. 36
88. Which class network has many networks and few hosts
A. Class A C. Class C
B. Class B D. Class D
89. Which is the foundation protocol of the World Wide Web (www)
A. DNS C. Mail
B. HTTP D. Web
90. In ------------- switching, data are transmitted in short packets
A. Packet C. Router
B. Circuit D. Path
91. A ----------- is a diagram of points and lines connected to the points.
A. Vertex C. Graph
B. Line D. Point

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92. The process of transferring a mobile station from one channel or base station to another is
known as
A. Page C. Handoff
B. Reverse Channel D. Mobile station
93. Same frequency cells are separated by distance called ------------ cells
A. co-channel C. spectral efficiency
B. frequency reuse D. radio frequency
94. Co-channel reuse ratio Q for cluster size N= 7
A. 3 C. 3.48
B. 4.58 D. 4.58
95. ----------------is the process of sub-dividing a cell into smaller cells
A. sectoring C. micro cell
B. cell splitting D. None
96. If a transmitter produces 50 watts of power, express the transmit power in units of dBm
A. 50dBm C. 17 dBm
B. 20dBm D. 47dBm
97. Calculate the receiver power Pr is measured at distance of 500m
A. 0 dBm C. -11dBm
B. -5dBm D. -16dBm
98. For long distance communications, --------- signals which suffer from many losses
A. Modulated C. Analog
B. Digital D. None of the above
99. Delay between users with different phase needs -------- to control.
A. guard band C. TDMA
B. Multiplexer D. FDMA
100. Path loss Ls is dependent on
A. Signal power C. Wavelength
B. Effective area D. Antenna size

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101. Which of the following statement is/are incorrect about the FIR filters?
1. FIR filters are always stable.
2. It requires more memory as compared to IIR filters.
3. FIR filters are non-canonical.
4. Its linear phase realization structure can be easily designed.
A. 1 and 2 C. Only 3
B. Only 2 D. 3 and 4
102. Which of the following is/are incorrect about the Cascade realization of the IIR systems?
A. It requires less amount of energy.
B. It is helpful in determining the overall transfer function.
C. The filters in the cascade are connected in parallel.
D. None of the above
103. Which of the following feature about the triangular window technique used in the FIR
filter design is correct?
A. The main lobe width is thrice that of rectangular window.
B. The minimum stop band attenuation required for designing filters is 15 dB.
C. The minimum stop band attenuation required for designing filters is 28 dB.
D. Its side lobe magnitude of the window spectrum remains constant.

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