2306 8MA0-22 AS Mechanics - June 2023 Mark Scheme PDF
2306 8MA0-22 AS Mechanics - June 2023 Mark Scheme PDF
2306 8MA0-22 AS Mechanics - June 2023 Mark Scheme PDF
Summer 2023
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Summer 2023
Publications Code 8MA0_22_2306_MS*
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General Marking Guidance
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the
mark schemes.
4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as
A1 ft to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through.
After a misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as
A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A marks.
General Principles for Mechanics Marking
(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general principles)
• Rules for M marks: correct no. of terms; dimensionally correct; all terms that
need resolving (i.e. multiplied by cos or sin) are resolved.
• dM indicates a dependent method mark i.e. one that can only be awarded if a
previous specified method mark has been awarded.
• Any numerical answer which comes from use of g = 9.8 should be given to 2 or
3 SF.
• In all cases, if the candidate clearly labels their working under a particular part
of a question i.e. (a) or (b) or (c),……then that working can only score marks for
that part of the question.
• Accept column vectors in all cases.
• Mechanics Abbreviations
M(A) Taking moments about A
N2L Newton’s Second Law (Equation of Motion)
NEL Newton’s Experimental Law (Newton’s Law of Impact)
HL Hooke’s Law
SHM Simple harmonic motion
PCLM Principle of conservation of linear momentum
RHS, LHS Right hand side, left hand side
Question Scheme Marks AOs
1(a) Because the distances travelled or displacements are equal oe. If they
B1 2.4
mention the times are the same as well, ignore it.
1(c) 1 1 1
5 4 + (4 22.5) OR (27.5 + 22.5) 4 OR 27.5 4 − 5 4 M1 3.1b
2 2 2
100 (m) A1 1.1b
1(d) Total area under graph = their answer for part (c) M1 3.1b
1 A1ft 1.1b
X X + X (27.5 − X ) = 100
OR (27.5 + 27.5 − X ) X = 100
2 A1ft 1.1b
OR 27.5 X − X 2 = 100
X = 3.92 to 3sf A1 1.1b
(8 marks)
1b B1 cao
1c M1 Clear attempt to find the total area under the P graph, with the correct structure i.e. (triangle
+ rectangle) OR trapezium OR (rectangle – triangle); must see use of ½ where appropriate.
OR they may use suvat to find the distance covered by P in one or more of the sections.
N.B. M0 for use of a single suvat formula for the whole motion
A1 cao
1d M1 Clear attempt to equate the total area under the S graph, with the correct structure, i.e.
(triangle + rectangle) OR trapezium OR (rectangle – triangle), must see use of ½ where
appropriate, to their answer for (c) to give a quadratic equation in X only
N.B. they may use suvat to find the distance covered by S in one or more of the sections.
N.B. M0 for use of a single suvat formula for the whole motion
Correct unsimplified quadratic equation in X only with at most one error, follow their answer
for (c)
A1ft Correct unsimplified quadratic equation in X only, follow their answer for (c)
A1 cao
If they use g = 9.81 or 10 in this question, penalise once for whole question.
1 1
39.2 10 − g 102 OR −39.2 10 + g 102 A1 1.1b
2 2
98 (m) (must be positive) A1 1.1b
2(b) Complete method to find either half the time or the full time M1 3.1b
5 (s) A1 1.1b
(7 marks)
Notes: Penalise explicit use of g = 9.81 or 10 once for the whole question the first time it occurs.
2a M1 1 2 1
Complete method, using s = ut + at or possibly s = vt − at 2 with the motion reversed,
2 2
or an ‘up and down’ method i.e an appropriate equation for the motion from O to the top
AND an appropriate equation from the top down to the ground AND combining to give the
total distance
A1 Correct expression (s)
N.B. If using an ‘up and down method’, this mark is for all the intermediate values:
Distance up = 78.4, Time up = 4, time down = 6, distance down = 176.4 AND combining
correctly i.e. (176.4 – 78.4) or (78.4 –176.4)
These are the values for g = 9.8
A1 cao
2b M1 Complete method to find half the time or the full time. Allow inequalities.
e.g. for half the time, they may find t = 4 and t = 1.5 and subtract
e.g. for the full time, they may find t = 6.5 and t = 1.5 and subtract
A1 Correct equation or equations if they are using more than one.
A1 cao
2c B1 e.g. (use) a more accurate value of g, (include) spin of the stone, (include )shape of the stone,
(include) size of the stone, (include) wind effects , rotation
B0 if any incorrect extras are included e.g. the mass or weight of the stone
DO NOT ALLOW NEGATIVES OF THESE e.g there is no air resistance
Question Scheme Marks AOs
−2t − 2 A1 1.1b
8 ( m s −2 ) A1 1.1b
15t − t 3 − t 2 A1 1.1b
3 4
1 1
Total distance = 15t − t 3 − t 2 − 15t − t 3 − t 2
3 0 3 3
OR s 3 + ( s 3 −s 4 ) M1 3.1a
(8 marks)
A1 Correct expression
N.B. If they give 8 as their answer, without any working, this can score all 3 marks.
3c M1 Integrate v, with at least two powers increasing by 1 (allow if only two terms integrated) .
a = 0.5 A1 1.1b
N.B. Either equation could be replaced by:
Equation of motion for the whole system
7400 - 3R = 1600a
4(b) The value of a1 would be less than the value of a.
Allow ‘a1 would be slower than a’, B1 3.5a
N.B. Allow ‘it would be less than a’
(7 marks)
4a N.B. When entering marks on ePEN for the two equations of motion, enter them in the
order in which they appear on the script.
For any equation of motion, use the mass in the ‘ma’ term to determine to which part of the
system it relates.
Correct no.of terms and condone sign errors, with the driving force as 7400 (when
appropriate) and the tension as 2400.
A1 Correct equation
Correct no.of terms and condone sign errors, with the driving force as 7400 (when
appropriate) and the tension as 2400.
A1 Correct equation
A1 cao
4b B1 cao
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