BS Iso 13583-1-2015

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015

BSI Standards Publication

Centrifugally cast steel and

alloy products
Part 1: General testing and tolerances

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 13583-1:2015.
It supersedes BS ISO 13583-1:2000 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee ISE/111, Steel Castings and Forgings.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2015.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2015
ISBN 978 0 580 76502 5
ICS 77.140.80
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 September 2015.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
BS ISO 13583-1:2015

STANDARD 13583-1

Second edition

Centrifugally cast steel and alloy

products —
Part 1:
General testing and tolerances
Produits en acier et alliages moulés par centrifugation —
Partie 1: Conditions générales d’essais et tolérances

Reference number
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

© ISO 2015
BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)


© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland
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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Materials........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
5 Supply............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Mechanical tests..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Surface finish requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8 Minimum sound wall (MSW) thickness and soundness............................................................................................... 4
9 Dimensional and shape tolerances.................................................................................................................................................... 4
9.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
9.2 Length.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
9.3 Straightness................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
9.4 Outside and inside diameters..................................................................................................................................................... 5
10 Inspection procedures and standards of acceptance...................................................................................................... 6
11 Production welding............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
12 Supplementary requirements................................................................................................................................................................. 6
12.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
12.2 Pressure test............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
12.3 Elevated temperature test.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
12.4 Acid etch ring test.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
12.5 Magnetic particle test......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
12.6 Ferrite determination........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
12.7 Corrosion testing.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
12.8 Eddy current testing............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
12.9 Radiography............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
12.10 Ultrasonic testing................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 11, Steel castings.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 13583-1:2000), which has been
technically revised with the following changes:
— in Clause 2, the normative references were replaced with superseding International Standards;
— the former 8.2 having been deleted, the original subclause 8.3 was renumbered 8.2;
— 10.1.1 was revised;
— 10.1.2 was revised.
ISO 13583 consists of the following parts, under the general title Centrifugally cast steel and alloy products:
— Part 1: General testing and tolerances
— Part 2: Materials

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015

Centrifugally cast steel and alloy products —

Part 1:
General testing and tolerances

1 Scope
This part of ISO 13583 specifies the requirements for horizontal and vertical centrifugally cast steel
and alloy products to be used in the following applications:
a) heat resisting;
b) corrosion resisting;
c) general engineering.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3651-1, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels — Part 1: Austenitic
and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels — Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of
loss in mass (Huey test)
ISO 3651-2, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels — Part 2: Ferritic,
austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels — Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid
ISO 4986, Steel castings — Magnetic particle inspection
ISO 4987, Steel castings — Liquid penetrant inspection
ISO 4990, Steel castings — General technical delivery requirements
ISO 4992-1, Steel castings — Ultrasonic examination — Part 1: Steel castings for general purposes
ISO 4992-2, Steel castings — Ultrasonic examination — Part 2: Steel castings for highly stressed components
ISO 4993, Steel castings — Radiographic inspection
ISO 6892-1, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
ISO 6892-2, Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 2: Method of test at elevated temperature
ISO 13520, Determination of ferrite content in austenitic stainless steel castings

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

minimum sound wall thickness
thickness which remains when all the porosity and roughness associated with the internal and external
cast surfaces have been removed by machining
Note 1 to entry: See Figures 1 and 2.

1 outside roughness
2 inside porosity
D outside diameter
d inside diameter
a As-cast.
b + tolerance.
c Machined.
d + porosity.
e − tolerance.

Figure 1 — Horizontal centrifugally cast tube

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ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

1 inside porosity
2 outside roughness
3 unmachined surfaces with MSW and additions resulting from tolerances on diameters
a Machined + tolerance.
b Machined – tolerance.

Figure 2 — Vertical centrifugally cast tube

4 Materials
Materials shall be specified by the purchaser.

5 Supply
The product shall comply with the requirements of ISO 4990.

6 Mechanical tests

6.1 Test pieces for mechanical tests shall be taken either from the centrifugally cast product or from
separately cast samples from the same melt as the casting and heat treated under the same conditions as
the casting they represent. The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 6892-1.

Separately cast samples are acceptable only if agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.

6.2 Upon agreement, the tensile test at room temperature may be substituted by an elevated
temperature tensile test, a stress to rupture test or a creep test, (see 12.3). The elevated temperature
tensile test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 6892-2.

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

7 Surface finish requirements

The surface finish shall be agreed between purchaser and manufacturer.

8 Minimum sound wall (MSW) thickness and soundness

8.1 The purchaser may specify an MSW which may be measured in accordance with either 8.1.1 or
8.1.2, the method and criteria to be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer at the time of the
enquiry and order.
NOTE In the case of cast products supplied with an as-cast internal surface and having a specified MSW
thickness, in order to compensate for unsoundness which can be associated with the cast internal surface, it
is necessary to add an internal unsoundness allowance. The allowance that will be necessary in any specific
cast will vary according to the total as-cast thickness of the cast product and the soundness requirements. In
addition, an allowance can be required to accommodate any minor imperfections associated with the as-cast
external surface.

8.1.1 A length of the cast product (100 mm minimum length) machined on the inside and outside
diameter surfaces to produce a product having at least the specified MSW and dimensions in accordance
with the customer’s drawing.

8.1.2 The machined profile end (weld preparation) of the product.

8.2 The MSW thickness shall be measured at 90° intervals. All measurements shall be within the
MSW tolerance.

9 Dimensional and shape tolerances

9.1 General
The purchaser shall state clearly on the order the tolerances to be achieved, otherwise the following
tolerances shall be used.

9.2 Length
The minimum length of the tube shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and manufacturer. In the
case where two or more tubes are welded together, if the minimum length is not stated in the enquiry
or order it shall be not less than 1,3 m.
The tolerance on length shall be governed by the diameter of the product as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 — Tolerance on length

Diameter Tolerance
mm mm

≤ 150 +4

> 150 +5

9.3 Straightness
The deviation from straightness on the full length of tube shall be agreed upon between the purchaser
and manufacturer. If no agreement is made, the deviation from straightness shall be at the discretion of
the manufacturer.

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

The cast product may be mechanically straightened at room temperature.

All straightening shall be carried out prior to surface inspection.

9.4 Outside and inside diameters

9.4.1 The tolerance on the outside diameter of the as-cast product shall be in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2 — Tolerance on outside diameter, D

Diameter of product Tolerance
mm mm

≤ 150 +2

> 150 but ≤ 300 0

> 300 but ≤ 500 +4


> 500 but ≤ 750 +5


> 750 but ≤ 1 000 +6


> 1 000 +8

9.4.2 The tolerances on the machined surfaces shall be stated on the enquiry and order. If tolerances
are not given, the following tolerances shall be used:
+ 1,5 mm
— tolerance on outside diameter 0 mm
0 mm
— tolerance on inside diameter _ 1,5 mm

9.4.3 The tolerance on inside diameter, d, of the as-cast product shall be dependent upon the wall
thickness of the product as shown in Table 3. For products with an inside diameter greater than 900 mm
and a wall thickness greater than 100 mm, the tolerance shall be by agreement between purchaser and

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

Table 3 — Tolerance on inside diameter, d

d Wall thickness Tolerance
mm mm mm

≤ 30 — _ 30

≤ 25 _ 30

> 30 but ≤ 300 > 25 but ≤ 50 _ 40

> 50 but ≤ 100 _5

≤ 50 _ 40

> 300 but ≤ 900 > 50 but ≤ 80 _5

> 80 but ≤ 100 _ 60

10 Inspection procedures and standards of acceptance

10.1 As-cast outside diameter surfaces shall be visually examined.

10.1.1 Indications whose depth violates the minimum sound wall thickness are unacceptable.

10.1.2 Cracks are unacceptable.

10.1.3 Grinding and dye penetrant examination, in accordance with ISO 4987, may be used to verify the
type, presence, and depth of the indications.

10.2 Unless otherwise stated on the enquiry and order, the dye penetrant inspection of machined end
weld bevels shall have a minimum acceptance level of severity level 01 in accordance with ISO 4987. In
the event of failure to meet the above requirement, the manufacturer may reduce the length of the tube.

The tube shall then be re-inspected to the above acceptance level.

10.3 Unless otherwise stated on the enquiry or order, the dye penetrant inspection of machined internal
and external surfaces shall have a minimum acceptance level of severity level 4 in accordance with ISO 4987.

When dye penetrant inspection of the bore surface is required, the method and areas to be examined
shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser.

11 Production welding
Finishing welding shall not be carried out unless agreed upon by purchaser and manufacturer.

12 Supplementary requirements

12.1 General
These may be specified by the purchaser and agreed at the time of the enquiry and order.

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BS ISO 13583-1:2015
ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

12.2 Pressure test

This shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 4990.

12.3 Elevated temperature test

12.3.1 Tensile test at elevated temperature shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 6892-2.

12.3.2 The test conditions for stress to rupture tests and creep tests shall be agreed upon by the
purchaser and manufacturer.

12.4 Acid etch ring test

A ring may be taken for macro etching from the end of the product to ascertain the proportion of
columnar and equiaxed structure.
The test conditions shall be agreed upon by purchaser and manufacturer.

12.5 Magnetic particle test

This shall be carried out on magnetic alloys only, and in accordance with ISO 4986.

12.6 Ferrite determination

This shall be carried out on austenitic and austenitic ferritic steels and shall be in accordance with
ISO 13520.

12.7 Corrosion testing

12.7.1 Intergranular corrosion shall be tested for in accordance with ISO 3651-1 and ISO 3651-2.

12.7.2 Pitting corrosion testing shall be to a method agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer.

12.7.3 Crevice corrosion testing shall be to a method agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer.

12.8 Eddy current testing

Test conditions, method, and criteria shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the manufacturer.

12.9 Radiography
This shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 4993.

12.10 Ultrasonic testing

Ultrasonic testing shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 4992-1 or ISO 4992-2.

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ISO 13583-1:2015(E)

ICS 77.140.80
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