Human Development Papalia Test Bank - 301

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Answer: 18-075 Medicare pays for less than percent ofall expenditures for skilled

nursing facilities.
Type: A. 10
B. 20
Cx 230
D. 40

Answer: 18-076 Although Medicaid covers nearly half of nursing home expenses, it is available only
to older adults who
Type: A. have Medicare
B. have exhausted virtually all of their own resources
C. have been admitted to an approved nursing home
D. all of the above

Answer: 18-077 What is the fastest growing form of housing for the elderly in the United States?
A. retirement hotel
Type: B. congregate housing
C. retirement community
D. assisted-living facility

Answer: 18-078 According to the text, elder abuse is a type of

A. neglect
Type: B. physical abuse
C. emotional abuse
D. domestic violence

Answer: 18-079 “Granny dumping” is one form of : maltreatment or neglect of

dependent older persons or violation of their personal rights
Type: A. physical violence
B. elder abuse
C. emotional abuse
D. exploitation

Answer: 18-080 Neglect or physical or psychological abuse of dependent older persons is

A. much more common in poor families
Type: B. reported much more frequently
C. most likely to be committed by a caregiver-spouse
D. all of the above

Answer: 18-081 Which ofthe following older persons would be most likely to be abused
to the point of injury?
Type: A. quarrelsome 70-year-old man in good health
B. very old, infirm woman living with her husband
C. 68-year-old woman, living alone, who complains often
D. 72-year-old married man who has suffered a heart attack

Answer: 18-082 Close friends and family members upon whom older people can rely for social
support and well-being are called
Type: integrated associates
primary supports
UOWS>social convoys


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