Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
A. Incentive/ Pressure – fraudulent financial reporting may exist when A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies in
management is pressured from sources outside or inside the entity, to internal control over financial reporting, that there is a reasonable possibility
achieve an expected (or unrealistic) earnings target or financial that a material misstatement of the company’s annual or interim financial
outcome – if there is significant consequences for failing to meet statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis and the
financial goals. likelihood and magnitude of potential misstatement are such that the
B. Opportunities – opportunity to commit fraud exist when an company cannot conclude that its internal control over financial reporting is
individual believes that an internal control can be overridden (the effective.
individual is in position of trust or has knowledge of specific A material weakness does not mean that the control deficiency resulted in a
weaknesses in internal control) material, or immaterial, misstatement in the financial statements. A
Fraudulent financial reporting often involves management override reasonable possibility is that this type of control deficiency could lead to a
of controls that otherwise may appeart to be operating effectively. material misstatement.
Fraud can be committed by management overriding controls using
techniques such as: Responsibility for the Prevention and Detection of Fraud
Recording fictitous journal entries close to the end of an The primary responsibility for detecting and preventing fraud depends on
accounting period to manipulate operating results or achieve those charged with governance of the entity and management. Management
other objectives. with the oversight of those charged with governance, place a strong emphasis
Inappropriately adjusting assumptions and changing on fraud prevention, which may reduce opportunities for fraud to take place,
judgments used to estimate account balances. and fraud deterrence, which could persuade individuals not to commit fraud
because of the likelihood detection and punishment.
This involves committing to creating a honest culture and ethical behavior 2. Meet external expectations
which can be reinforced by an active oversight by those charged with 3. Provide income smoothing
governance. In exericising oversight responsibility, those charged with 4. Provide window dressing for an IPO or a loan
governance consider the potential for override of controls or other
Meet Internal Targets
inappropriate influence over the financial reporting process, such as efforts
by management to manege earnings in order to influence the perceptions of Internal earnings target represent an important means or tool in motivating
analysts as to entity’s performance and profitability. managers to increase sales efforts, control costs and use resources more
efficiently. Research has confirmed that the existence of earnings based
internal bonuses contributes to the incidence of earning’s management.
Managers with earnings based bonus plan manage earnings upward if they
Income smoothing/ earnings management/ cooking the books/ paper
are closed to the bonus threshold and manage earnings downward if the
entrepreneurialism refers to choosing accounting methods and making
earnings are substantially in excess of the maximum bonus level. Latter
accounting principle changes to produce a specified income level or trend.
tendency means that managers have a tendency to defer some earnings “for a
Reducing volatily of income and reporting relatively gradual or continual
rainy day”.
increases in income are alleged to be common company goals. The implicit
assumption is that the investing public, values a smooth and predictable Meet External Expectations
income trend. Investors perceive erratic earnings trend risky than smooth
trend. External stakeholders have interest in a company’s financial performance.
To smooth income, firms increase reported earnings during a downturn and Employee and customers wants company to do well that it can surviver in the
decrease it during prosperous times. Excessively high income invites long run and make good on its long-term pensions and warranty obligations.
unwanted attention from unfriendly press coverage, government intervention Suppliers want assurance that they will be paid and that purchasing company
and increased demand for dividends. Large income increases are difficult to will be a reliable purchaser.
sustain and create increased expectations. Reporting negative earning and signs of financial weakness provide strong
By choosing method that increase income, firms seek to avoid the evidence that companies manage earnings to avoid reporting losses and
unfavorable economic consequences of lowered earnings (reduced stock disappointing external stakeholders.
prices, higher borrowing costs, and noncompliance with debt covenants). Financial analysts are important external financial statement users because
Many firms continue to manage income to avoid earnings reduction. other than making buy and sell recommendations about shares of company
Motivations for Earnings Management stocks, they also generate forecasts of company earnings. Announcing ent
income less than net income forecast by analysts results in drop in stock price
Numbers are important in framins people’s opinions. We rarely question how where companies have incentive to manage earnings expected by analysts.
numbers are computed. Managers manage earnings to make sure they meet analysts’ forecasts and
provide overy pessimistic “guidance” to analysts to ensure that forecasts
Reported numbers have power to frame opinions in the corporate arena, and
made are not too high to reach.
reported net income is the number that receives most attention which makes
it the number that corporate managers mostly tempered to manipulate. Provide Income Smoothing
Four reasons that push managers to manipulate reported earnings:
1. Meet internal target
Income Smoothing is the practice of carefully timing the recognition of Operating results with great gap between expectations and actual results is
revenuew and expenses to even on the amount of reported earnings from one great that cannot be closed by any accounting assumption, manager fixated
year to the next. on making target number resort to out-and-out fraud by inventing
transactions and customers.
By making a company appear to be less volatile, income smoothingcan make
it easier for a company to obtain a lona on favorable terms and easier to Forces encouraging managers and accountants to earnings management are
attract investors. real and that if one is not aware of those forces, it is easy to slip from left side
of the continuum to the right side.
By carefully timing the recognition of gains and losses, a company can avoid
reporting earnings that bounce up and down from year to year, which is A. Strategic Matching – Certain key transactions are completed
applying income smoothing. quickly or delayed so they are recognized in the most advantageous
period (delay in recording operating expenditures by temporarily
Provide Window Dressing fro a Loan or Initial Public Offering (IPO) of
deferring them using asset accounts).
Equity Share
B. and C. Change in Methods or Estimates with Full or Little or NO
Company applying for a large loan or before IPO of stock, it is critical that
reported earnings look good. Managers have the tendency to boost their
reported earnings using accounting assumptions that can result to artificially
inflate earnings.
Earnings management involves a series of increasingly aggressive steps
including recording fictitious transactions, strategic matching of one-time
gains and losses, change in accounting methods with either full, littler or no
disclosure or applying accounting method which is n violation of Financial
Accounting Standards. The importance and economic significance of the
Disclosure – Frequently changing accounting estimates related to
catastrophic reporting failures associated with companies that engage in more
bad debts, income on pension funds, depreciation lives, to manage
elaborate earnings management, the continuum is important.
the amount of reported earnings.
The continuum mirror the progression in earnings management strategies
D. Fradulent Reporting (applying accounting method that is not in
followed by individual companies. These activies start small and legitimately
accordance with Financial Reporting Standards) – Deliberate
reflect strategic timing of transactions to smooth reported results.
omission of impairment losses on assets financial statements are
Operating results that fall short of targets, companies might make changes in prepared.
accounting estimates to meet earnings expectations but will fully disclose
E. Fictitious Transactions (to reflect a more favorable financial
these changes in accounting to avoid deceiving serious financial statement
condition and operating results, a company may record a fictitious
payment of a loan by debiting Loans Payable and crediting Revenue
Operating results far short of expections causes an increasingly desperate account).
management to cross the linto into deceptive accounting by making changes
Is Earnings Management Ethical?
not disclosed or violates Financial Reporting Standards completely.
No. Universal agreement, however, ends with respect to what is and what
is not ethical. Users and preparers of financial statements should insist on
transparency in reporting to reduce information risk and lower the cost of
Earnings management can and occurs without any violation of the
accounting rules but intentionally trying to deceive others is wronf
regardless of the economic consequences.
Companies that manipulated reported earnings can have huge loss of
credibility which can harm all the company relationship and drastically
impair its economic value.
The more reliable information provided by company, the more
confidence potential investors can place in that information. High quality
information allows for better decision-making. The ability to make better
decisions reduces the risk to potential investors and creditors and reduces
the cost of capital to a company.
A high value of company reputation, ethical behavior is the best long-run
business practice.