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Cleaning and Maintaining Kitchen Tools

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE- Cookery 9

October 18, 2022

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Discuss the general guides in the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen;
b. Explain the importance of cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen; and
c. Follow the proper procedure in washing dishes, cooking utensils, glassware,
and flatware.


a. Topic: Cleaning and Maintaining Kitchen Tools, Equipment, and Premises
Sub- Topic: General Guides in the Cleanliness and Sanitation of the Kitchen
and Procedure in Washing Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Glassware, and Flatware
b. Instructional Materials: Laptop, TV, PowerPoint, Textbooks
c. References:
Books: Basbas L. (2018). Learning and Living in the 21st Century Cookery.
Rex Printing Company Inc.
d. Values Integration: Obedience, self- discipline, and appreciation on the
importance of cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen


1. Prayer

Hello class. May I ask Ms. Bautista to

lead us a simple prayer. Please come in
front. Let’s bow our heads.

Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom comes
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive
Those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil

2. Greetings

Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you today? We’re good, Ma’am.

That’s great!

Before we start, will you please

arrange your seats and observe social

3. Checking of Attendance
None, Ma’am.
Who’s absent for today class?

Very good class. Keep it up!

4. Review

Our topic yesterday was all about

kitchen tools and equipment.

What are the 2 categories of cooking Primary cooking equipment and

equipment? auxiliary cooking equipment, Ma’am.

Very good. Can you give me examples Gas range, microwave oven, electric
of primary cooking equipment? oven, fryer, and steam kettle, Ma’am.

Great, how about auxiliary cooking Blender, slicer, chopper, pots and
equipment? pans, and baking pans, Ma’am.


It holds the food and keep it warm

What is the use of a chafing dish? especially during buffets, Ma’am.

Very good class, give yourselves three (Clap, clap, clap)


Yes, Ma’am.
Are you now ready for our next lesson?


Before we proceed, let’s have a brain

exercise called CHARADE.
Someone will do the dramatic act in
front and you’ll have to guess what is
it. Yes, Ma’am.

Do you get it?

Let’s start.
Cleaning the table, Ma’am.

(Someone’s acting)

Very good, next.

Mopping the floor, Ma’am.

(Someone’s acting)

That’s right, next.

Eliminating insects and pests, Ma’am.

(Someone’s acting)

Excellent, next.
Scraping leftovers, Ma’am.
(Someone’s acting)

Precisely, last one.

Washing the dishes, Ma’am.

(Someone’s acting)

(Clap, clap, clap)

Very good class, you all got the correct
answer. Give yourselves three claps.


Based on the activity you’ve played, General guides in the cleanliness and
what do you think will be our topic for sanitation of the kitchen, Ma’am.

Procedure in washing dishes, cooking

utensils, glassware, and flatware.
Precisely! What else?

This morning you are expected to:

a. Discuss the general guides in the

cleanliness and sanitation of the
b. Explain the importance of
cleanliness and sanitation in the
kitchen; and
c. Follow the proper procedure in
washing dishes, cooking utensils,
glassware, and flatware.

General Guides in the Cleaning and

Sanitation of the Kitchen.

1. Physical equipment and kitchen

layout should be conducive to good This means that the equipment in the
sanitary practices. kitchen have sanitary and safety
features that make them easy to clean
What does it mean? and maintain. They are made of
materials like stainless steels or
enamelware with parts that can easily
be disassembled which are accessible
for easy cleaning.

That’s right. For kitchen premises,

walls and ceilings should be made of
washable materials and the kitchen
floors should be made of slip- resistant
materials that are easy to mop. The
flooring should be made to slope
toward a central drain or if it is
leveled, there should be trap drains
around cooking areas where water or
moisture accumulates.

2. Dishes, glasses, utensils, tools, and

equipment should be thoroughly
cleaned and sanitized.

For special equipment, there are

specific manufacturer’s instructions
found in the operation and Knives, forks, and spoons are soaked in
maintenance of that equipment. water with a detergent solution in a
basin or similar container. They are
a. Washing flatware. How to wash then individually cleaned with a
flatware? medium rough sponge, after which
they are rinsed thoroughly at least
twice and to be placed into perforated
metal cylinders and to be poured with
hot water to scald.
This metal cylinder allows utensils to
air- dry after rinsing. After drying, their Plenty of hot water is a must to
contents are poured into other cylinder sanitized dishes properly. This entails
so that the handles protrude. a water supply with a temperature
ranging from 170°F to 190°F suitable
b. Use hot water, bactericide, and for rinsing.
detergents. How are they used?

Aside from hot water, bactericide and

detergents are also used. Bactericide
provides positive sterilization results.
They are used whenever proper
temperature to be used in rinsing is
difficult to maintain. On the other
hand, dishwasher detergents are
specially prepared cleaning agents
designed to wash dishes thoroughly
without forming suds, thus facilitating Tables, chairs, and counters should be
the rinsing process. cleaned and sanitized daily. Floors
should be swept and mopped, and
3. Floors, walls, ceilings, counters, walls and ceilings should be washed
tables, and chairs should be cleaned frequently and refinished periodically.
regularly. What does it mean?

Precisely! A bright, clean dining room

and kitchen do not only reduce risks of
cross contamination but also add to
employee’s morale and patron’s The term vermin refer to insects such
satisfaction. as flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches,
and pests like rats and mice. They
4. Vermin and rodents should be destroy food and carry infections that
eliminated from the kitchen premises. are harmful to humans. Flies are
What are vermin? known to spread diseases by traveling
from filth to food.

Very good. Food should be stored in

rodent- proof and insect- proof
containers. Foundations of buildings
should be made tight. Holes in walls
and partitions should be closed with
rat- proof materials. Garbage should be
stored in covered metal containers to
prevent leaks. Windows and doors
should be installed with screens, insect
sprays, flypaper, and other
precautionary measures can be used to Observe proper segregation of
eliminate flies. biodegradable and nonbiodegradable
wastes. Follow the 3Rs of waste
5. Disposal of garbage and rubbish management- reduce, reuse, recycle,
should be done daily. How to dispose or dispose them properly in safe
our garbage properly? landfills.

Moreover, wastes from dishwashing

operation are usually dropped into a
receptacle placed under the soiled dish
table. Refrigerated garbage room or
trash room reduces odor and waste
form smelling due to spoiling organic
matters. The disposal of rubbish,
boxes, carton, wastepaper, and cans
also involves precautions.
This is to make employees become
aware of the significance of sanitation
6. Adequate employee supervision as practices and execute these practices
well as a program of educating as part of their routine.
employee on sanitation should be
maintained. Why?

That’s right. Those are the 6 general

guides that we must follow in order to
maintain cleanliness and sanitation in
the kitchen.

Let’s now proceed on the procedures in

washing dishes, cooking utensils,
glassware, and flatware. 1. Scraping and removal of leftover
food and waste form soiled dishes,
The best practices in washing dishes Ma’am.
include the following steps:

What is the first step?

Thank you. Wastes should be put

through an opening in the soiled dish 2. Pre- rinsing the dishes in lukewarm
table leading to a garbage receptacle or cold water to remove food
underneath or into a garbage disposal particle or dirt that otherwise may
unit. “bake” on during the washing
process, Ma’am.
What is the second step?

Thank you. Food particle may bake 3. Washing in clean water at 140°F or
onto the dinnerware and flatware higher for at least 2 minutes,
especially if we don’t wash them Ma’am.
immediately after eating.

What is the third step?

This treatment will sanitize the dishes,

which may then be removed and
allowed to dry in the air.

Take note. Temperature and time given

are in general use. They may vary with
the method of washing. For instance, 4. Soaking, which often may come
automatic dishwashers use water at first, is also employed in washing
190° F and higher and require a shorter pots and pans, silverware, or dishes
rinsing cycle. with heavy food coatings or grease.

What is the fourth step?

The foregoing steps in good

dishwashing practice can be taken by
the smallest food service as well as the
largest. Washing dishes by hand in a
three- compartment sink will do the
job just as well as an expensive
dishwashing machine.

a. Washing Cooking Utensils

The conventional manual techniques

necessitate reaching down into the sink
through a layer of grease to scour burnt The pots and pans are rinsed then
food from pots and pans and to scoop scraped all over using a detergent
out handfuls of leftovers from the sink solution and a scouring pad to remove
drain. further remaining grease and soil. It is
then rinsed thoroughly, then allowed
How to wash the pots and pans? to drain and dry before storing. The
use of hot water for rinsing removes
grease easily.
b. Washing Glassware

Because glassware touch lips, it is

necessary that they must be thoroughly This can be achieved through manual
cleaned and sanitized to prevent the washing methods or by using a
spread of infectious diseases or cross machine with hot rinsing water.
contamination. Lipstick stains, however, entails to be
removed by brushing the brims of the
How can this be achieved? glassware.

c. Storage of Clean Dishes and Utensils

It is merely enough to be assured that

dishes and utensils have been properly
washed and sterilized. They should be
stored in clean shelves and protected The use of portable, self- leveling
against dust, vermin, and other devices, in which the dishes are placed
contaminations. immediately after washing and drying,
is preferably used. By this means, the
What else can you add? dishes are fully protected against
contaminations and can be wheeled to
the serving area.

Thank you. Those are the procedures in

washing dishes, cooking utensils,
glassware, and flatware that we must
bear in mind in order to maintain
cleanliness and ensure food safety

That ends our discussion.

I’ve learned that dishes, glasses, and
utensils should be thoroughly cleaned
D. GENERALIZATION and sanitized always to avoid food
contamination and food- borne
What did you learn class? illnesses, Ma’am.

I’ve learned that aside from the floor,

counters, and tables, wall and ceiling
should also be cleaned and sanitized
Very good. What else?
Scraping the leftover foods from the
plate, Ma’am.

What is the first procedure in washing


Pre- rinse the dishes in lukewarm or

Excellent! cold water, Ma’am.

What will you do to remove food

particles that bake on plates?


I hope you will apply in your kitchen

what you have learned today.


Let’s see how much you have learned.

In a short bond paper, make an

infographic about the procedures in
washing the dishes.

Your output will be evaluated using the

given rubrics.

Rubrics in Evaluating the Infographics

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is
focused on focused on focused on focused on totally out
Relevance the topic the topic the topic the topic of topic
to the topic and and and and
reflects includes includes includes
clear ideas relevant few loosely some
and ideas related irrelevant
concept ideas ideas
Very Artistically Properly Improperly No
Presentation artistically and and less done and attempt
and and creatively artistically unattractive
Creativity creatively done done

FILL IN THE BLANKS: Bring out ½ crosswise. Copy and answer the following.
1. Physical equipment and kitchen layout should be. .to good sanitary
2. Dishes, glasses, utensils, and tools, and equipment should be thoroughly
cleaned and sanitized .
3. Floors, walls, ceilings, counters, tables, and chairs should be cleaned regularly
4. Vermin and rodents should be eliminated from the kitchen premises.
5. Disposal of garbage and rubbish should be done daily.
6. Adequate employee supervision as well as a program of educating employee on
sanitation should be maintained.
7. Scraping and removal of leftover food and waste from soiled dishes.
8. Pre- rinsing the dishes in lukewarm or cold water to remove food particles or
dirt that otherwise may “bake” on during the washing process.
9. Washing in clean water at 140 f or higher for at least 2 minutes.
10.Soaking, which may often come first, is also employed in washing pots and
silverware, or dishes with heavy food coating or grease.

1. Conducive
2. Cleaned, sanitized
3. Regularly
4. Eliminated
5. Disposal
6. Supervision, maintained
7. Leftover
8. Lukewarm
9. 140°F

Read our next lesson on your book Learning and Living in the 21 st Century
Cookery, Cleaning Equipment, Supplies, Materials, and cleaning Chemicals, pages

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