Not For Profit Organisation Class 12th Notes
Not For Profit Organisation Class 12th Notes
Not For Profit Organisation Class 12th Notes
treatment It will be treated as If fund is As an liabilities
of specific capital receipts, any less than the
funds like expenses related to expenditure
sports it will not be shown in related to it
fund,prize income and expenditure than
fund,tourna account i.e. deducted difference
ment fund from relevant fund in will be as an
the balance sheet. expenses
Specific Sometimes As an asset
fund organisation invested
investment the specific fund into
like sports outside in specified
fund securities,called specific
investment, fund will
prize fund be treated as capital
investment, expenditure.
Interest Interest received will Added in
on specific be treated as capital relevant fund
fund receipt and added in
investment the relevant fund in the
balance sheet
Important formats
Total Subscription/Income/Expense for CY
Subscription Account
Payments made during the year as per 300000 Treatment of items
receipts and payment account
Credit Purchase
Note: There will be either or the two amounts i.e., bank overdraft or
cash at bank and not both.
Balance Sheet
As on ...........
Its left hand side is called "Receipts" and right hand side "payments". On the
left hand side all cash receipts are recorded, while on the right hand side all
cash payments are recorded arranged in a classified form. It starts with last
year's closing cash in hand and cash at bank and closes with current year's
closing cash in hand and cash at bank. In other words, its opening balance
indicates last year's closing cash in hand and cash at bank, while its closing
balance means current year's closing cash in hand and cash at bank.
From the following cash book prepare receipts and payments account for the
year ended 31 December 2017.
Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Date Particular L/R Amount Date Particular L/R Amount
2017 2017
Jan. 1 Balance b/d 250 Jan. 5 Rent 200
Feb. 2 Subscription 600 Jan.16 Traeveling
expenses 15
Mar. Admission 25 Fed. Salaries 250
10 fee 12
Apr.5 Subscription 950 Mar. 17 Entertainment 50
May. Sale of old 10 Apr. 20 Electric 20
20 newspapers charges
June Subscription 880 May Furniture 300
3 5
July Adimission 30 May Postage 18
15 fee 10
Jan. 1 550
ABC Club
Receipt and Payment Account
For the year ended 31st December, 2017
Illustration : - 1 Rs.
Illustration : - 2 Rs.
Ans. 2 Rs.
Ans. 3 Rs.
Illustration: - 4
How would you deal with the following items in the Balance sheet of a NPO?
1. Donations received for Auditorium construction
(Expected total cost of the auditorium Rs.40,00,000) 25,00,000
2. Expenditure on construction of Auditorium 21,00,000
3. opening balance of Auditorium fund 1,00000
4. 10% Auditorium fund INVESTMENT 2000000
5. INTEREST ON Auditorium fund INVESTMENT 150000
Ans. 4
Illustration 5
Income & Expenditure A/c
(Year ended on 31s' March 2017)
Illustration 6 :-
From the following particulars of DELHI Charity Hospital, perpare Income &
Expenditure a/c & the balance sheet as on 31st March 2017.
Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
To Cash in hand 1/4/16 7,130 By Medicines 30,590
To Subscriptions 47,996 By Doctor" s Honorarium 9,000
To Donations 14,500 By salaries 27,500
To Interest® 7% on
Fixed Deposit For full yr. 7,000 Petty expenses 461
By Equipments 15,000
87,076 87,076
Ans. 6.
Income & Expenditure A/c
(Year ended on 31s' March 2017)
To Surplus 5979
79950 79950
Building 40000
- Depreciation 2000 38000
183395 183395
Prepare Income & Expenditure A/c & Balance Sheet of SPORTS Club DELHI
for the yr. ended 31st march. 2017 from the following:
Furniture 400
22340 22340
The club has 300 members each paying an annual subscription of Rs.10. Rs.70
are still outstanding for the yr2015-.2016. In 2015-2016, 10 members had paid
their subscription for 2017 in advance. Stock of stationery in 2016 was Rs. 100
& in 2017 Rs. 140.
On 1-4-2016, club owned Land & Building valued at Rs. 20.000& furniture of
Rs. 1300. Interest accrued on investment @6% p.a. for 3 months for 2016-17
Ans. 7
7420 7420
Accrued Interst 15
Stock of stationery 140
Investment 1000
Furniture 1300 1500
Add: Purchase 400
Less: Sold 200
Furniture 1300
L and & Building 20000
26070 26070
Source: EDUDEL