Atropine Sulphate

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Generic: General Indication: Chemical Effect: CNS: headache, restlessness, • Contraindicated in patients • Obtain history of patient's underlying
atrophine sulphate Inhibits acetylcholine at ataxia, disorientation, hypersensitive to drug and condition and reassess regularly.
• Can be used for parasympathetic hallucinations, delirium, those with acute angle-closure • Be alert for adverse reactions and drug
Brand Name: symptomatic neuroeffector junction, coma, insomnia, dizziness, glaucoma, obstructive interactions.
Atropen bradycardia, blocking vagal effects excitement, agitation, uropathy, obstructive disease • Monitor patients, especially those receiving
Daturin bradyarrhythmia on SA node. This confusion of GI tract, paralytic ileus, doses of 0.4 to 0.6 mg. for paradoxical initial
• Anticholinesterase enhances conduction CV: tachycardia, palpitations, toxic megacolon, intestinal bradycardia, which is caused by a drug effect
Dosage & Route: insecticide poisoning through AV node and angina, arrhythmias, flushing atony, unstable CV status in in CNS and usually disappears within 2 mins.
0.3 mg IM • Preoperatively for speeds heart rate. EENT: photophobia, blurred acute hemorrhage, asthma, or • Watch for tachycardia in cardiac patients
decreasing secretions vision, mydriasis myasthenia gravis. because it may cause ventricular fibrillation.
Classification: and blocking cardiac Therapeutic Effect: GI: dry mouth, thirst, • Use cautiously in patients • Can be given with or without food.
Pharmacologic Class: vagal reflexes Increases heart rate, constipation, nausea, with Down syndrome. • If ECG disturbances occur, withhold drug,
anticholinergic • Adjunct in peptic ulcer decreases secretions vomiting obtain a rhythm strip, and notify prescriber
disease; functional GI preoperatively, and GU: urine retention immediately.
Therapeutic Class: disorders such as slows GI motility. Hematologic: leukocytosis • Have emergency equipment and drugs on
antiarrhythmic, irritable bowel syndrome Antidote for Other: anaphylaxis hand to treat new arrhythmias. Other
vagolytic anticholinesterase anticholinergics may increase vagal blockage.
Patient’s Indication: insecticide poisoning.

• Preoperative

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