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Summary of Major Empirical Research on XXX

Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
1. Examining the Deep interviews H1. There are Job hopping is defined as the a) no differences
generation (Study 1), 350 significant rapid movement of workers attitudes towar
effects on job- questionnaires differences in between firms or companies hopping and
hopping (Study 2), Multiple TPB predictors, (Fallick, Fleischman, & subjective norm
intention by mediation SPSS job hopping Rebitzer, 2006), b) significant
applying the macro intention, job switching jobs frequently differences in
Theory of satisfaction, CV- without staying perceived cont
Planned related variables, in a company for a job-hopping in
Behavior perceived reasonable time (Mtungwa, between Gen X
(TPB) duration of 2009), changing jobs Y
‘changing job frequently and once within c) the TPB predic
within a short less than 9 months (Borman, (i.e., attitudes,
period of times’, 1991), National Wages subjective norm
number of times Council defined job hoppers perceived cont
of changing job as those who change jobs for accounted for
within one year a few times within a year additional vari
and Job Hopping and divide job hoppers into in explaining j
Experience more serious level and not- hopping intent
between Gen X so-serious level (Lim & when controlli
and Gen Y. Chew, 1998) age, education
H2. TPB average tenure
predictors would destination brand equity is job satisfaction
explain a measured by
amount of
variation in job
intentions when
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
added to both
intrinsic and
extrinsic job
H3. The three
TPB predictors
and intrinsic and
extrinsic job
mediate the
generation and
job hopping
2. The Cross-sectional H1. People who The escape motive is defined People who have a pro
relationship survey research, score higher on by Lake et al. (2018) as 'a to frequently change jo
between job- profile correlation the escape motive job-hopper's desire to might tend to enter a jo
hopping coefficients (see Xu are less likely to frequently change jobs to does not necessarily m
motives and & Li, 2020), the work in immediately escape disliked their interests. This in
congruence summed distance environments that work environments' (p. 532) might lead to some of
between the highest match their and shares similarities with negative outcomes ass
and lowest interests. Ghiselli's (1974) so-called with working in so-cal
participant H2. People who hobo syndrome. Ghiselli incongruent environme
RIASEC score with score higher on (1974) noted that some alternatively, potential
the highest and the advance people have an illogical to a cycle of entering a
lowest environment motive are more and/or disorganised leaving jobs throughou
RIASEC score (the likely to work in tendency to move from job person's career.
hexagon index) environments that to job, independent of the
match their type of job, and that this
interests. tendency might be related to
frequent job change. Judge
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
and Watanabe (1995) found
support for the hobo
syndrome and suggested that
it might be related to
negative affectivity (e.g.
neuroticism), personality
characteristics and/or
environmental variables.
Negative affectivity is likely
closely tied to the escape
motive, because research has
shown that those who score
higher on neuroticism tend
to view themselves and the
world more negatively (e.g.
Thomson, 2016) and tend to
more frequently generate
negative thoughts about
events (Perkins, Arnone,
Smallwood, & Mobbs,
2015). These negative
perceptions may in turn
increase the probability that
a person leaves their job
(Woo, 2011; Zimmerman,
3. Wulandari, A., Structural Equation - Burn out Employee turnover affects - Burnout has a signifi
Listiarini, A., Modeling PLS and - Transformation the effectiveness of an negative effect on Job
Palit, G. M., the samples are Leadership organization (Judge, T. A., satisfaction.The resulti
& Rohman, A. mining industry’s - Turn over & KammeyerMueller, effects of Burnout are
Burnout, employees at Papua intention J.,2022). This is primarily decreased employee
Leadership, on the staff level - Job satisfaction due to the costs of employee performance, frequent
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
and Turnover with respondent H1: Burnout termination, which fall into mistakes, and reduced
Intention criteria born negatively affects three categories: separation, engagement with the
among between 1995 to Job Satisfaction replacement, and training company.
Generation Z 2012. H2: costs (Judge & Mueller, - Burnout has no effec
in Mining Transformation 2022; Susik, 2021). T Turnover Intention. Th
Industry. Leadership Burnout faced by Gen
positively affects not make them intend
Job Satisfaction. the company or look fo
H3: Job new job.
Satisfaction - Job Satisfaction has a
negatively affects negative effect on Turn
Turnover Intention.
Intention - Transformation Lead
H4: Burnout has a positive effect on
positively affects Satisfaction. Transform
Turnover Leadership has a signif
Intention influence on Gen Z in
H5: increasing Job Satisfac
Transformation the industry where they
Leadership - Transformation Lead
negatively affects has no effect on Turno
Turnover Intention.
Intention - Job Satisfaction medi
H6: Job Burnout on Turnover
Satisfaction Intention.
mediates the - Job Satisfaction medi
relationship Transformation Leader
between Burnout on Turnover Intention.
and Turnover Leadership style has a
Intention significant effect on Jo
H7 : Job Satisfaction and emplo
Satisfaction Turnover Intention.
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
mediates the
Leadership and
4. Amin, G., & This research is - Job-hopping Yuen (2016) defined job - Researchers found th
Kinasih, N. I. conducted using a - Job satisfaction hopping as the phenomenon is no significant influe
(2022). Job quantitative method -Psychological when employees who are Job Motivation toward
hopping with multiple Contract changing their job frequently hopping Intention in
intention of regression analysis - Person - in a short period. Employees millennial employees.
millennial to determine the environmental categorized as job-hoppers - Job satisfaction has n
employees. FI significant when they are only last for significant influence o
RM Journal of relationship less than two years in the Satisfaction on Job-ho
Management between variables. organization (Pranaya, Intention in millennial
Studies, 7(2), 2014). employees
185-199. - The researcher also fo
that the Psychological
Contract has a signific
influence on the
Psychological Contrac
toward Job-hopping In
in millennial employee
- Person-environment
a significant influence
Job-hopping Intention
millennial employees.
Person-environment Fi
negative and significan
influence on millennia
hopping Intention.
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
5. The workplace of Focus on the revolves around the - Base on the result, re
Organizational T.E.C, specifically concept of relationship between voluntary evasion by
commitment, in the IT area. The turnover within organizational commitment, adjusting actions, polic
job researchers applied organizations job satisfaction, and turnover practices, directing tho
satisfaction a questionnaire to intention. It cites various responsible for People
and their the employees in studies that have explored Management to attract
possible their workplace or the impact of these retain good employees
influences on work reunions. The constructs on employees' should be emphasized
intent to research population decisions to leave or stay in voluntary turnover sho
turnover. consisted of 261 an organization. The treated as one of the
employees in the IT paragraph also highlights the management indicators
area, with a return importance of keeping greater relevance by
rate of 65.9 employees motivated and organizations, represen
percent, resulting in the positive consequences of thermometer of all hum
172 responders. job satisfaction for the capital management.
organization. Additionally, it
mentions the results of meta-
analyses and studies
conducted in different
countries, demonstrating the
association between job
satisfaction and turnover
6. According to - Subjective - providing more detailed - The results indicate th
Thriving or responses from a career success knowledge on the organizations should b
surviving at questionnaire connections between the to respond to the needs
and workplace
work: how completed by 153 various dimensions of WLO employees who activel
workplace individuals, various learning and SCS. The findings of the manage their careers. C
learning existing H1. present study can offer satisfaction is associate
opportunities instruments were The dimensions insights for developing work an active approach to o
and subjective used to measure of SCS and WLO environments where own career choices. Ev
career success factors such as are positively employees wish to remain, the career is perceived
associated with
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
workload (WLO), each other. learn and are satisfied with satisfying, it is importa
are connected self-confidence - Job satisfaction their job and careers, thus experience that career
with job (SCS), job vs turnover ultimately supporting their decisions are actively m
satisfaction satisfaction (JS), well-being.
and turnover and turnover - higher access to resources
intention? intention (TI). The H2. that support learning, more
data analysis The dimensions opportunities for
involved examining of SCS and WLO professional growth and
Pearson product- are positively satisfactory career decisions
moment associated with made by employees were
correlations, JS. connected to lower TI.
conducting path H3.
analysis using The dimensions
multiple regression, of SCS and WLO
and performing are negatively
dominance analysis associated with
to assess relative TI.
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
7. Shrift, A. G. 708 people were - Early - A job hopping motive is Results suggest that th
(2016). Job examined, and Conceptual defined as the forces that model is not capturing
hopping incorporated into Turnover Models compel an employee to the aspects of the quitt
motives: An the current model - The Unfolding make frequent voluntary job process for employees
extension of the
paths, Model of changes (Lake & Highhouse, high advancement and
model of
Voluntary 2014) job hopping motives; t
voluntary Turnover model components are
employee - The Unfolding - Both types of job hopping possibly missing some
turnover. Model of motives were derived from aspects of the quitting
Voluntary examining factors such as: that job hopping motiv
Turnover personality traits, measuring.
Component impulsivity, proactivity,
- The Unfolding persistence, self-concept,
Model of career selfefficacy, growth
Voluntary need strength, previous
Turnover Paths quitting behaviors, and locus
of control.
8. Pathak, D. The present study Hypothesis - Turnover Intentions The results showed tha
(2014). Job was done on a Generation According to Mobley hopping attitude contri
hopping and sample of 210 - H1: Job (1977), turnover intention is statistically significant
turnover employees hopping attitude described as the cognitive high turnover intention
intentions: An
belonging to leads to high process of thinking, low employee engagem
study. Internati
IT/ITES companies turnover planning, and desiring to Employee engagement
onal Journal of in Delhi/NCR intentions. leave a job. to be negatively correl
Research in IT region. Variables - H2: Job - Few factors leading to high with turnover intention
& in the study were hopping attitude turnover intentions in the Employee engagement
Management, 4 assessed using leads to lower organizations are job mediated the relationsh
(7), 25-37. three validated level of employee dissatisfaction, lack of between job hopping a
Instruments engagement. commitment, workplace and turnover intention.
Descriptive - H3: High level stress, increased work hours,
statistics, Pearson of employee lack of employee friendly
Product Moment engagement leads policy etc. Few behavioral
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
Correlation and to low level of aspects also contribute
Linear regression turnover towards high turnover
analysis. intentions. intentions or actual turnover
- H4: The in the organizations.
between job
hopping attitude
and turnover
intentions gets
mediated by
9. Jha, Shweta. This research is -Individual Employee turnover may be In this review paper,
(2009). conducted using a Factors understood as the employee individual, organizatio
Determinants quantitative method -Organizational leaving the organization or mediating factors
of employee with multiple Factors profession voluntarily. It has contributing to employ
turnover regression analysis -Mediating been observed that voluntary turnover intentions hav
intentions: A to determine the Factors: turnover is an analyzed. Whereas no
review. significant ecommitment, interdisciplinary and factor can be attributed
Management relationship job satisfaction, multidimensional construct. turnover intentions, it i
Today, Vo. 9, between variables. personal agency, advisable to take a hol
No. 2, pp. 26- self-esteem,... approach towards hand
33. employee turnover issu
any organization. None
factors can influence tu
intentions in isolation.
remedial measure shou
have a composite fram
Name of the Empirical Setting Theory/Model Conceptualization of XXX Original model Empirical results:
study /Hypotheses + Measurement of XXX with
antecedents or outc
moderators and med
10. Job Hopping Data were collected -Management Job hopping refers to the In the case of gender, t
Tendency In using likert scale style tendency of a person to work hopping was found mo
Millenials questionnaire, -Relationship briefly in an organization in males in comparison to
Dhruba Lal yes/no questions, with subordinates particular position rather female. Females are m
Pandey, Ph.D. multiple choice and colleagues than staying in an likely to hop the job in
single response and -Relationship organization for a longer beginning of the career
multiple choice with time they fit into the job wh
multiple response superior/boss males are found ~ 46 ~
questions. -Job security JOURNAL - 2019 to b
Percentage and -Reputation of hopping the job throug
correlation matrix the organization their career. In the case
was used to analyse marital status, the marr
the data,. respondents have low r
job hopping than unma
ones. It is because the
married respondents ha
more obligations towa
Lý do để lựa chọn mô hình nghiên cứu:
Mô hình này sẽ khái quát các yếu tố quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến quyết định thay đổi công việc của giới trẻ ngày nay, gồm:
Động lực đối với công việc, Sự thỏa mãn đối với công việc, Sự phù hợp đối với môi trường, Hợp đồng tâm lý:

- Động lực đối với công việc: sự gắn bó về mặt cảm xúc của nhân viên đối với công việc của họ hoàn thành công việc của
họ (Badubi, 2017). Và nhắc đến thế hệ gen Z, động lực với công việc đối với họ thì vô cùng phức tạp, bởi cá tính và tư duy
khác biệt của họ, khiến họ dễ bị mất phương hướng và kiệt sức trong quá trình mà họ làm việc. Do đó, đây cũng là một nhân
tố có ảnh hưởng đến quyết định chuyển việc của gen Z.

- Sự thõa mãn đối với công việc: nếu định nghĩa về sự hài lòng trong công việc của mỗi người là khác nhau, điều đó có
nghĩa là công thức để đạt được sự hài lòng trong công việc sẽ thay đổi tùy theo từng người. Tuy nhiên, có một số yếu tố
chính thường tạo nên cảm giác thích thú với công việc của GenZ. Tìm ra những điều này có thể là chìa khóa để giúp tăng
động lực của nhân viên. Một số khía cạnh công việc được tìm kiếm phổ biến nhất được liệt kê dưới đây.

- Sự phù hợp đối với môi trường: có liên quan đến một số kết quả về mặt tình cảm, bao gồm sự hài lòng trong công việc,
cam kết với tổ chức và ý định nghỉ việc. Trong đó, sự hài lòng trong công việc là thái độ được dự đoán mạnh mẽ nhất bởi sự
phù hợp giữa con người và công việc.

- Hợp đồng tâm lý: yếu tố liên kết mật thiết trong quan hệ giữa tổ chức và cá nhân, đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc góp
phần thúc đẩy hiệu suất làm việc của người lao động. Mối quan hệ giữa nó với hiệu suất công việc qua vai trò trung gian
của sự sáng tạo của nhân viên và hành vi làm việc đổi mới. Do đó, yếu tố này sẽ có những ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến ý định
chuyển việc của nhân viên.

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