JICA's Cooperation For Water Sector in Jordan: 30 Years History of Remarkable Achievements
JICA's Cooperation For Water Sector in Jordan: 30 Years History of Remarkable Achievements
JICA's Cooperation For Water Sector in Jordan: 30 Years History of Remarkable Achievements
Message from Chief Representative of JICA Jordan
Mr. TANAKA Toshiaki
Japanese ODA to Jordan started much earlier than the establishment of JICA office. The
first ODA loan to Jordan was provided in 1974, the same year when Embassy of Japan in
Jordan was established. The first technical cooperation project started in 1977, though
technical cooperation to Jordan may have started earlier, and the first grant aid to Jordan
was provided in 1979.
Since then, the Government of Japan has provided Jordan with total amount of more than 200 billion Japanese
yen as ODA loan, more than 60 billion yen as Grant aid and nearly 30 billion yen as technical cooperation.
In 1985, two agreements between the two countries on JICA activities were concluded. One is the technical
cooperation agreement and the other is the agreement on Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers. On the basis of
the agreement, JICA started JOCV program in Jordan and established JOCV coordination office which was
followed by the establishment of JICA Jordan office. For the promotion of South-South Cooperation in the region,
Japan-Jordan Partnership Program was agreed in 2004, furthering Jordan’s position as a donor country and entering
a new stage of relationship between the two countries.
In 2006, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) inaugurated Amman office, which was integrated with
JICA Jordan office in 2008 when new JICA was established as a result of a merger of JICA with ODA loan
operation of JBIC. The new JICA integrated three major types of Japanese ODA: ODA loans, grant aid and
technical cooperation.
Looking back to the long history of Japanese ODA to Jordan, Water sector is one of the most important fields of
JICA’s cooperation activities in Jordan to enhance their capacity of water sector people of Jordan through
extraordinary effort of Jordanian Counterparts, JICA Experts, Embassy of Japan in Jordan and JICA Jordan office
staffs. I am appreciate for their great contribution for this field so I want introduce some of our achievements of
Japanese ODA project through 30 years history of cooperation in Jordan by this brochure.
Even Jordan water situation is very critical condition, I believe that Jordanian people can overcome by their own
effort. JICA want to support and work together with the people of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan.
Jordan’s water resources are limited and have imposed constrains on economic
and social development for several years, The yearly increasing deficit will impact
all sectors, therefore collective efforts must be made by all stockholders to cope
with this matter.
Our vision for the water sector is to provide adequate and safe water supply for all uses, accordingly our water
resources should be managed effectively and efficiently, within this context, the Japan International cooperation
Agency (JICA) have been contributing significantly in improving the Jordan’s water resources management. JICA
provided expertise, technical cooperation and grants in critical issues needed by this sector. The Project for
Improvement the Water Supply to Greater Amman to cope with the additional water resources after the peace
treaty is considered the backbone of supplying more than 2.5 million inhabitants in Amman and surrounding
governorates, The Capacity Development Project for NRW Reduction has remarkable results, NRW reduced from
60% to less than 40%, the rehabilitation of water networks, reservoirs and pumping station at the Zarqa, Tafileh
and Jordan Valley improves the reliability and availability of water supply as well as energy consumption, by
changing from direct pumping in the networks to gravity supply.
The long lasting cooperation of JICA with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation is highly appreciated by the people
of Jordan, particular appreciations and thanks for JICA Jordan Office staff for their tireless efforts in improving the
water sector in Jordan.
Technical cooperation project
Capacity Development Project for Non-Revenue Water Reduction in Jordan (2005 - 2008)
Capacity Development Project for Non-Revenue Water Reduction in Jordan Phase 2 (2009-2011)
Outline of Project
Jordan has serious water shortage, and the rationing of water supply is practiced throughout the country. Water is supplied only
a few days a week in Amman, 24 to 30 hours a week in Jordan Valley, and sometimes less than 10 hours a week in small villages
in the countryside. The increase in water demand from the rapidly increasing population is putting heavy pressure on the limited
water resources. In addition, NRW reaching more than 50% of water produced as of 2002, is becoming an urgent issue as
population continues to grow. The accumulated deficit of the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) is 723.98 million JD as of 2003,
accounting for 10% of GDP.
The Project aims at developing the capacity of the WAJ staff in terms of designing and implementing NRW countermeasures in
ten (10) Governorates to enhance the effective use of water resources in Jordan.
The first phase of the project was completed in 2008. Key elements of the Action Plan for the 1st Phase included:
■Leakage survey (pipe line sounding) ■Leak repair ■Leakage and illegal use survey (individual household sounding)
■Water meter replacement ■Service pipe replacement ■Rectification of illegal connection
■NRW level reassessment (flow balance survey) ■Minimum Night Flow measurement ■Public awareness campaign
■GIS network drawing preparation ■Subscriber database preparation
The second phase of the project started in 2009. The Project Design Matrix, which was prepared
and agreed by WAJ and JICA, calls for reducing NRW percentage by half in at least six (6) pilot
Project Impact
The Governorate Water Administrations (GWAs) have achieved this target as shown in Table below.
Table NRW Level Achieved against the Set Target
Hashimiah 1,030 58 29 25
Wadi Al-Hajar 241 47 23 25
The majority of NRW countermeasures adopted in the pilot areas are underground leakage detection and repair, water meter
replacement and illegal connection rectification. Pipe replacement was not carried out to any significant extent except for Balqa
This experience indicates that substantial decrease of NRW (around 40% - 60%) is achievable if countermeasures are
intensively applied. The GWAs are encouraged to continue to implement similar activities in other areas.
Grant Aid project
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System to Greater Amman Phase I, 1997-1998, JPY12,750,000,000
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System to Greater Amman Phase II, 1998-2002, JPY74,220,000,000
Outline of Project
In 1994 the Peace Treaty was signed between Jordan and Israel, which brought additional water resource to Jordan from
Yarmok river and Lake Tiberius in Israel as peace dividend. By taking advantage of this resource, the Government of Japan
assisted to implement two water supply projects to mitigate the severe water supply condition in Amman. The phase I project
renewed the deteriorated 4 pumping stations in the Zai conveyance system between Deir Ala and Amman, which convey raw
water between about 1,100 m difference of elevation. The phase II project expanded the 4 pumping stations in the Zai
conveyance system and the existing Zai water treatment plant from 45 million m3/year to 90 million m3/year, which increased
water supply amount to 250,000 m3/day in total covering a design population of 1,970,000.
Site Map
Zai Conveyance System Bird Eye’s View of Zai Water Treatment Plant
Project Impact
1. The capacity of the existing Zai system including conveyance pumping stations and water treatment plant was expanded
from 45 million m3/year to 90 million m3/year. The Zai system is the most importance sources for Amman, which accounts
for about 40 % of the Amman’s water supply sources including Zara-Maeen, Qastal wells, Qatraneh, and Swaqa
2. In the summer of 1998 before the project, the Zai water treatment plant malfunctioned and water without treatment was
supplied to Amman, which caused panic in the citizen. After the project, the water quality of supplied water is stable and
ensured and the Water Authority of Jordan re-established confidence in the citizen.
Monitoring and control room Water treatment plant Water treatment plant
Grant Aid Project
(i) The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply for the Zarqa District (JPY 1,721,000,000 2002-2005)
(ii) The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply for the Zarqa District (Phase II) (JPY 2,371,000,000; 2007-2010)
Outline of Project
JICA conducted a Study covering areas of Zarqa District during 1994-96 to formulate a long-term water supply improvement
plan. The Study identified major issues and proposed a plan of action for improvement of water supply of Zarqa District. Based
on this Plan, JICA provided assistance to Water Authority of Jordan to improve water supply in Zarqa District through a project
in two phases as listed above. The first phase of the project covered Ruseifa and Awajan areas while the second phase covered
Zarqa city, Hashemeyeh, and Sukhna areas
The physical facilities were constructed and trainings were provided to WAJ staff. The main area of Zarqa District was divided
into eight distribution zones. Eight number of service reservoirs (one in each distribution zone) with total storage capacity of
35,200 cubic meter, 23.2 km of transmission main with diameter ranging from 200 to 500 mm, and 15. 3 km of distribution main
with diameter ranging from 200 to 600 mm were constructed. In addition, a chlorination facility, a pumping station, and about a
dozen isolation valves were installed.
Site Map
Project Impact
The Zarqa Project has been an exemplary project in many respects. Through the zoning and gravity supply distribution
operation has been greatly simplified. Stability has come to the supply pressure and customer complaints of unstable supply have
been reduced. Cost of electricity and operation and maintenance have been also been reduced. Water availability is expected to
increase by the amount saved from leakage reduction. Result of leakage reduction will take some time to realize as it is still less
than a year since completion of the major part of the project in March 2011. The frame work established by the project and the
facilities constructed are being used by other donors such as GIZ, USAID, Chinese Government etc. to further improve the
system and rehabilitate smaller pipe network. Without the frame work, these improvement works are not effective. The reservoirs
are serving not only as facilities to store water but also as symbols of quality work and displayer of water messages daily to
innumerable people who pass-by them.
14,000 m3 PSC Reservoir at 1,800 m3 RCC Reservoir at Pumps at Batrawi P. S. Pipe laying work in Ruseifa
Batrawi Ruseifa
Third Country Training Project
Training Purpose
Water is a scarce resource in Palestine. The existing water & sanitation infrastructure in Palestine suffers from a lack of
investment, coupled with inadequate level of skills in planning, designing, managing, operating and maintaining of the
infrastructure to ensure its sustainability. Since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967, little investment has taken place
in water sector infrastructure.
Besides, the water sector faces a lack of training opportunities for employees within the different levels of the water service
providers (WSP) and within certain staff categories. Such status, if remained, will contribute to the degradation of services and
the inability to provide adequate water and waste water services to the population. Responding to such a situation, TCTP was
formulated and conducted to improve Palestinians’ staff skills.
Training Fields:
The water sector is of the highest priority and receives special attention from the
Government of Jordan and the Donors as it represents the backbone for integrated social and
economic development of the nation. In Jordan, the demand is far exceeds the water supply,
and the challenge is to match the foreseen demands with the available conventional and non-
conventional water resources.
JICA’s approach is curbing demands and seeking more efficient management and effective
use of water resources, therefore, it is of fundamental importance to help Jordan reduce its
water consumption and improve waterworks management, to achieve these objectives, JICA
have been implementing varies rehabilitation, improvement and expansion waterworks studies and projects overall
Jordan, aiming at improving water supply availability and reliability as well as reducing energy consumption.
Reducing the high ratio of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the networks is one of JICA technical assistance project
which include on-job-training, provision of equipment and dispatch of Japanese experts, the results were remarkable
and enable trained Jordanian counterparts to disseminate the gained technology to the countries in the region
namely, Iraq, Palestine and Yemen within JICA’s third country training program scheme.
As a Jordanian working with JICA, I am very much confident that we are helping the water sector in the areas
where it is extremely needed, not forgetting the excellent Jordanian counterparts to who thanks and appreciation is
JICA Cooperation History (Water Sector)
Water works Non Revenue water Water Resource Irrigation
Study for Wadi Arab irrigation Dam
F/S for to improve water use for Wadi Arab Dam
for irrigation and water supply
The project for Wad Arab irrigation Dam
Yen Loan FY1977 7,500Million JPY
Construction for to improve water use for Wadi
Arab Dam for irrigation and water supply
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply NRW and GIS/Distribution system mangement
System to Greater Amman (Phase 2) The study on water resources management
Individual Expert FY1999-2002
Grant Aid、FY1998-2001、7,422 million JPY To investigate the water loss problems FY2000-2001
Expansion of water intake facility To take necessary measures to reduce the NRW Formulating a Master Plan integrating all water
Expansion and upgrading treatment plant capacity resources in Jordan , and conducting pre-
from 125,000㎥/day to 250,000㎥/day feasibility study for priority projects based on
NRW and Water distribution management the finding and results of the Master Plan
Individual Expert FY2002-2005
The Project for Improvement of the Water Technical transfer on NRW through the on-job - The project for water pollution monitoring
Supply System for the Zarqa District training system
Grant Aid、FY2003-2005、1,721 million JPY Grant aid FY2000-2004 868million JPY
Rehabilitation of main distribution pipe Procurement and installation of 13 monitoring
Construction of reservoir and transmission line stations, telemetry system and analysis
Policy advisor and Project formulation equipment
Improvement and Expansion of the Water Supply Individual Expert FY2005-2007
Networks in North/Middle Jordan Valley To formulate several projects and review of the
Grant Aid、FY2003-2005、2,011 million JPY master plan to tackle the water issues
Rehabilitation of main distribution pipe,
reservoir and booster pump Capacity Development Project for Non-
Revenue Water Reduction in Jordan
Project for Energy Conservation through Technical Cooperation Project FY2005-2008
Upgrading Water Supply Network Capacity of WAJ staff to design and implement
Grant Aid、FY2010-2012、1,132 million JPY NRW countermeasures in ten (10) Governorates
Hamonization for water and energy throuogh is enhanced
rehabilitation of main distribution pipe
Capacity Development Project for Non-
Rehabilitation and Improvement of Water Revenue Water Reduction in Jordan Phase 2
Facilities in Tafieleh Technical Cooperation Project FY2009-2011
Grant Aid、FY2011-2012、1,911 million JPY Advance Capacity of WAJ staff to design and
implement NRW countermeasures in ten (10)
Rehabilitation of main distribution pipe
Governorates is enhanced
Construction of reservoir and transmission line
JICA Project Map (Water Sector)
Technical Cooperation
(1) JICA Expert
(2) Capacity Development Project for Non-Revenue Water Reduction
Irbid, Ajloun, Jerash, Mafraq, Balqa, Zarqa, Madaba, Karak, Tafileh, Ma’an
(3) Third Country Training Program (for Palestine, Iraq, Yemen)
Grant Aid
(4) Zay water treatment plant (Balqa governorate)
(5) Zarqa water facility (Zarqa governorate)
(6) North and Middle Jordan Valley water facility (Irbid governorate)
(7) Tafileh water facility (Tafileh governorate)
Yen Loan
(8) Wadi Arab Dam (Irbid governorate)
(9) Mujib Dam (Madaba governorate)
(10) North Ghor Irrigation conversion (Irbid and Balqa governorate)
(10) (2)
(2) (5)
(2) (7)