LP Arts 4 RP
LP Arts 4 RP
LP Arts 4 RP
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives At the end of the lesson, the Grade 4 students are expected to reach 80%
(Write the LC code for each) proficiency of the following:
I would like to request everybody to
please stand up for a prayer.
Lupang Hinirang
LNU Hymn
Good morning, students!
Checking of attendance
Reminding Rules
Before we begin with our discussion, I
want you to follow and always
remember our classroom rules.
1. Keep quiet.
2. Stand up and sit down.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to
4. Raise your hand if you want to go to the
comfort room or excuse yourself.
Very good! What does relief mean in Relief in printing is when something sticks out or is raised from a flat surface
relief printing?
Relief printing is a printmaking process wherein a surface of a block or any
Okay. So what is relief printing? carved material is pressed on a material to get the desired pattern using ethnic
Okay very good!
The additive and subtractive colors
What do we call the two colors that is
important in relief printing?
Additive color refers to the mixed colors such as red, green and blue
What is additive color?
What else?
Board Work
Group Activity
Okay class, what was our lesson today? Our lesson was about relief printing using additive an subtractive process
Very good!
What have learned from our lesson? I have learned about how to do relief printing
F. Evaluating learning
Directions: Write TRUE is the statement is Directions: Write TRUE is the statement is correct or FALSE if not.
correct or FALSE if not.
TRUE 1. Relief printing is printmaking process which makes use of blocks or
__________ 1. Relief printing is printmaking carved material to produce designs and patterns.
process which makes use of blocks or carved FALSE 2. Cyan, magenta, and yellow are additive colors.
material to produce designs and patterns. FALSE 3. Red, green, and blue are subtractive colors.
_________ 2. Cyan, magenta, and yellow are TRUE 4. Subtractive color is also considered as “process color”.
additive colors. TRUE 5. Relief printing is used in creating ethnic designs and pattern in products
_________ 3. Red, green, and blue are subtractive and handicrafts.
_________ 4. Subtractive color is also considered
as “process color”.
_________ 5. Relief printing is used in creating
ethnic designs and pattern in products and
G. Assignment
G. Assignment
Directions: Create your own relief printing using the steps discussed in the lesson. You
Directions: Create your own relief printing using may also watch tutorial videos in the YouTube. You may use any materials in your
the steps discussed in the lesson. You may also output. Perform the activity with the help of your parents or any adult in the family.
watch tutorial videos in the YouTube. You may
use any materials in your output. Perform the
activity with the help of your parents or any adult
in the family.