MBA Policy and Guidelines Ver1.4

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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24

MBA Policy and Guidelines

for AY 2023-24

Version: v1.4

Indian Institute of Management BodhGaya

Uruvela, Prabandh Vihar,
BodhGaya- 824234

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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24


1. This MBA Manual is a reference document for the academic year 2022-23

2. The Manual provides the Institute’s official statement of rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing the
design and administration of the MBA Programme. The Manual also outlines the expected standards of academic
performance, other rules and policies (such as those concerning general conduct and discipline, hostel, anti-
ragging, prevention of sexual harassment) related to the programme. Students are required to familiarize
themselves with these rules, and adhere to them in letter and spirit.

3. The Manual is subject to change from time to time at the sole discretion of the Institute, and from time to time
updated information may be distributed regarding policy and regulation changes. Official communication
regarding change of rules and/or regulations and/or procedures from the Chairperson of the concerned Programme
shall overrule the provisions laid down in the Manual.

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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme

1. Vision: To be a globally recognized management school for developing socially responsible

and mindful business leaders.

2. Mission: Our mission is to develop mindful business leaders with social responsibility and
global perspective through academic excellence in learning practices and research.


Program Learning Competencies Definition Program Learning Objectives

PLC 1. Mindfulness Mindfulness is defined as a students’ ability to PLO 1: IIMBG students will be able
manage themselves, their relationships, exhibit self- to demonstrate their ability to manage
awareness and social intelligence. themselves, their relationships; exhibit
self-awareness and social intelligence.

PLC 2 Business Business Leadership is defined as the ability to PLO 2a: IIMBG students will be able
Leadership analyze situations, identify the problem, distinguish to analyze situations critically,
alternatives, evaluate alternatives, decide on identify the problem, distinguish
appropriate solutions, and communicate the same alternative solutions, and evaluate and
effectively through written and/or oral formats. decide on appropriate solutions

PLO 2b (O): IIMBG students will

effectively communicate their point of
view/decisions in oral format.
PLO 2b (W): IIMBG students will
effectively communicate their point of
view/decisions in written format.
PLC 3 Social Social responsibility is defined as decision-making PLO 3: IIMBG students will make
Responsibility in the best interest of environment and society. decisions in the best interests of
environment and society.

PLC 4 Global Global perspective is defined as the ability to PLO 4: IIMBG students will be able
Perspective analyze global practices that embrace multicultural, to analyze global business practices
diverse environments and apply contextually. that embrace multicultural, diverse
environments and apply contextually.

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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24

The MBA Programme has been divided into three segments – compulsory courses in the First Year; summer
internship in organizations for a minimum period of 6 weeks and maximum 8 weeks; and elective courses
in the Second Year. An academic year consists of three terms, each terms spanning across 11 to 13 weeks.
Please refer to the notice board for details about term dates, and month-wise schedule of academic and other


a) Credit System

i. The curriculum requirements are assessed in terms of course credit points.

ii. The credit structure for courses offered in IIM Bodh Gaya is as follows:

Course Credit Points No of Contact

Credit Sessions Hours
Full 3 20 30
Three-Fourth 2.25 15 22.5
Half 1.5 10 15
One-third 1 7 (6+1) 10 (1.5*6+1)

iii. Summer project is considered equivalent to 3-credit points.

iv. A term paper is considered equivalent to a 3-creditpoint course, although it is not a regular in-
class course. Each student is expected to spend 100 hours in completing a term paper.

b) Compulsory and Elective Courses

i. All first year courses are compulsory

ii. Each student, who qualifies for promotion to the second year at the end of first three terms, shall
undertake his/her summer project, as a compulsory Credit course, during the summer vacation at the
end of Term-III. While computing the CGPA, grades for summer project shall be included.

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List of Term-wise Compulsory Courses -MBA 1st Year

Area Term I Term II Term III Total

Finance & Accounting Management Management Financial
Accounting I Accounting II (1.5) Management II (2.25) 9
(3) Financial Management
I (2.25)
OB/HR Organizational Organizational Human Resource 7.5
Behavior I Behavior II (1.5) Management (1.5)
(3) Mindfulness at
Workplace (1.5)
Marketing Marketing Marketing Management Marketing 8.25
Management I II (2.25) Management III (3)
Microeconomics (3) Macroeconomics (3) Econometric 7.5
Economics Analysis for Business
Management (1.5)
Operations Management Statistics for Operations Research Operations 9.0
& Management (3) (3) Management (3)
Quantitative Techniques Design Thinking
Information Business Data 4.5
IT & Analytics Technology & Analytics (2.25)
Systems (2.25)
Workshop on Business 3.5
Humanities & Liberal Written Analysis and Interviews and Communication (1.5)
Arts Communication (1) Presentations (1) Foreign Language

Strategic 12
Management (3)
Strategy & Sustainable Entrepreneurship(1.5) Business Research
Entrepreneurship Development (1.5) Methodology (3)
Indian Legal System
Business Ethics &
Corporate Social
Responsibility (1.5)

Total 19.75 17.50 24 61.25

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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24

c) Second Year Course & Credit Structure, Elective & Audit Courses

Any elective course offered at IIM Bodhgaya to Second year MBA students can be taken
on Credit basis only

i. Total Number of Credit points in Elective Courses in MBA-II:

MBA: A MBA student shall take a minimum of 42-credit point [excluding term paper(s)]and a
maximum of 54-credit point elective courses on credit basis in the second year spread over three terms
(Terms IV, V and VI), subject to restrictions specified below.
ii. Term wise Total Number of Credit points to be earned in MBA-II:
a) In Term-IV , a student has to earn a minimum of 15-credit points (excluding term paper) and a
maximum of 21-credit points.
b) In Term-V, a student has to earn a minimum of 15-credit points (excluding term paper) and a
maximum of 21-credit points.
c) In Term-VI, a student has to earn a minimum of 9-credit points (excluding term paper) and a
maximum of 18-credit points.
d) A student may take a maximum of two Term Papers of 3-credit points each, in the second year of
the programme, with not more than one Term Paper in any Term.
iii. Audit Course Policy for Elective Courses:
a) As agreed in the 5th Faculty Council Meeting, a candidate can enroll for a running elective course
as Audit by submitting a fees of INR 7000/- during the term registration.
b) On successful completion of the Audit course, amount of INR 5000/- shall be refunded back to the
candidate. The remaining INR 2000/- shall be utilized towards the academic & course material
c) Rules & Regulations for the Audit paper shall be in-line with the policy applicable for the respective
Elective (s).
d) On successful completion of the Audit paper, a grade ‘P’ shall be indicated in the consolidated
grade sheet.
d) Term Paper

i) In the second year of the programme, in addition to the announced elective courses, any student, who
feels that he/she would benefit by going deep into any subject that is not included in the elective course
list, may take up a three-credit term paper with the approval of the Program Council. A term paper
should be an original piece of work.

ii) Students are not allowed to take term papers in the first year.

iii) A term paper is not considered to satisfy the minimum credit requirements in any term or the minimum
total credit requirements in the second year. In other words, a student must satisfy the minimum credit

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requirements from the elective courses. However, term papers(s) are included in the maximum credit
point calculations.

iv) A student may take a term paper jointly with another student.

v) The maximum number of credit points permissible under the option of term paper is six (equivalent to
two full courses) which must be distributed over the terms of the second year. A student shall not take
more than one term paper in a term.

vi) A student desiring to opt for a term paper should identify the theme of interest and preferred faculty
guide. The student should submit his/her application in the MBA designated format, duly signed by the
proposed faculty guide, to the MBA office. The application should be supported by a detailed proposal.
The proposal should include the title of the term paper, objective and scope of the study, methodology,
work plan, deliverables and references, if any. The length of the proposal should be around 500 words,
and the application, along with a Declaration Form (See Annexure 1), must be submitted as per the
due date mentioned in the Academic Diary.

vii) Each student is expected to spend around 100 hrs in completing the term paper.

viii) Student should spend a min. of 30 contact hrs. with the faculty guide.

ix) Similarity Index should not be more than 15% and plagiarism report must be submitted with
the final report for grading & evaluation.

x) The proposal submitted by the student needs to be approved by the Program Council. The Program
Council will discuss the proposal and decide on the application. In case, it rejects the application, it
will inform the student accordingly.

xi) The Program Council will consider only those proposals, which are complete in all respects. The
decision of the Program Council in this regard will be final.

xii) Each student should report to the faculty guide preferably once in every week.

xiii) Each student must submit a copy of the term paper to the Program office by the first day of the end-
term examination of the relevant term. Otherwise, students shall be awarded an “F” automatically.

e) Summer Internship Project

i. Each student who is promoted to the second year is required to undertake a summer project (equivalent to
three credit points) with a company during the summer. Term papers or research projects under the
guidance of faculty cannot be undertaken in lieu of a summer project.

ii. Students may receive a stipend from the host company.

iii. Students shall submit copies of their Summer Project Report to MBA Office on or before the date announced
for such submissions for the relevant year, which will be forwarded to the Institute Archive for record.

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iv. Submission of final Summer Project Report after the last date for submission can be done only with a prior
approval and authorization from the Chairperson- PGP. However, suitable penalty will be imposed in case
of delayed submission.

v. If a student fails to complete his/her summer project for valid medical reasons, the Program Council’s
decision shall be considered as final

f) Summer Internship Project (SIP) Evaluation Parameters

a) The 3 credit SIP course shall be evaluated for 100 marks against the following components:

Component Submission Timeline Marks

1.Initial Information Report Week 1 10

2. Industry Mentor Evaluation and Week 5 20

submission of Interim Report
3.Final Report Week 6- Week 8 40

4.Faculty Evaluation Week 9 30

Total Marks 100

Based on the final marks, students shall be graded on a scale of 10 as per existing MBA grading policy.
However, rules of normalization shall not apply for SIP course and the obtained grade shall be considered in the overall
CGPA calculation.

b) All the students must submit their SIP reports in the standard format as prescribed by the MBA Office within
the deadlines given in the table above.

c) All students should submit their SIP completion certificate with marks from the mentor along with final report
for faculty evaluation.

d) Any student who is unable to complete his/her SIP irrespective whether the SIP was arranged by Self/IIMBG,
he/she is allowed to complete and submit the final report for evaluation.
e) However in such cases, rules for re-examination shall be applicable.

g) Time Limit for Completion of the Programme

A student should fulfill the requirements for MBA within thirty-six months of his/her admission into the


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MBA Policy and Guidelines for AY 2023-24

a. Term Registration

i. Registration for each term should be done on dates announced by the Program Office.

ii. Students are required to pay the Term Fee as per the date and mode announced by the Program Office. Only
the exact amount of fees will be accepted. No excess amount or reduced amount will be accepted.

iii. Late registration may be permitted with the approval of Chairperson PGP for a period not exceeding ten
working days from the last date for registration on payment of a fine for late registration. A fine @ Rs.100/-
per working day will be charged if the student does not pay
the fees within 3 working days from and inclusive of the date of registration. If a student pays his/her fees
on the 4th or 5thworking day then the fine would be Rs.300/- and 400/- respectively. If a student pays
his/her fees from the sixth to the tenth working day, both days inclusive, the fine would be Rs. 1000/-. If a
student fails to submit the fees within ten working days from the date of registration, his/her registration
would be suspended immediately. During the period when a student’s registration is suspended, his/her
class attendance will be cancelled by the program office even if he/she attends classes and signs on the class
attendance sheets. Registration may be restored and class attendance will be given weightage only after the
student has paid his/her fee along with a fine to be decided by the Program Council, which would include,
at the minimum, a payment of additional fine (over and above the late fine up to the 10th working day) for
further delay beyond the tenth working day as mentioned below. The mentioned late fine rates would be
three times in case of NRI students. [See the table below]

Late registration on 2nd& 3rd 4th 5th 6th−10th 11th−15th 16th−20th

or during working working working working working working
days day day days days days
Total amount of fine
for a non-NRI Zero 300/- 400/- 1000/- 3000/- 5000/-
student (in Rs.) (min) (min)

b. Course Registration

i. A student can register for courses for a maximum of 21 credits in Term-IV and V and maximum 18 credits
in Term-VI for MBA.
In Credit points
Summer Project, as a Compulsory
Credit Course*
Total limit x for credit points in Elective
MBA: 42 x 54
Credit courses
Term-wise limit z for credit points in MBA Term-IV Term-V Term-VI
Elective Courses** 15 z  21 15 z  21 9 z  18

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*A “Credit Course” means a course taken on credit basis and only such a course contributes towards credit
requirements of the programme.
**A Term Paper in the second year may be taken only after a minimum of 18-credit point regular in-class
courses are taken, subject to Term Paper rules, in Terms-IV,V,VI.

c. Class Attendance

i. Students will not be allowed to carry Mobile phones/tablets or any food and drinks other than water inside
the classrooms/lecture halls.

ii. Attendance is compulsory for all courses.

iii. Students involved in proxy will be penalized of two class attendances.

iv. Students are expected to attend all the classes of a given course. However, to accommodate short-term
contingencies, a minimum of 80% attendance for classes held is stipulated for a course. Thus, the cushion
of 20% is given to accommodate absence from class due to minor ailments, participation in co-curricular
activities, exigencies in the family and any other short-term contingencies.

v. In view of the varying nature of pedagogy in different courses, some courses may not have classes for a part
of a Term, and students may be required to do project work during this period. However, in such cases
students will be required to submit interim/final project reports, design documents, or demonstrate part of
the project under development.

vi. In such cases, attendance will be taken during the sessions in which students are required to present their
initial/final project designs, intermediate reports, project presentations, etc. The number of lecture sessions
replaced by such project work will not exceed 4 lectures in a full 3-creditpoint course (2 lectures in a 1.5-
creditpoint course). Course coordinator/Instructor will inform the concerned students and MBA office at
the beginning
of the course about the days during which classes will be replaced with project work and the actual number
of sessions for which attendance will be taken during the course.

vii. In computing the percentage of attendance, the number of actual sessions held will be
considered in the denominator.

viii. For a student whose attendance falls short of 80% , the penalty will be as follows:
Let α = the percentage of attendance of a student in a course, obtained after rounding off up to the second
decimal place.
a) If α < 50.00, the student will be awarded a permanent ‘F’ in the course.
b) If 50.00  α  59.99 then the grade of the student will be adjusted as shown in the following table:

Actual grade A+ A A− B+ B B- C D F

Adjusted grade A− B+ B B− C D D D F

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c) If 60.00 α  79.99, then the grade of the student will be adjusted as shown in the
following table:
Actual grade A+ A A− B+ B B− C D F

Adjusted grade A A− B+ B B− C D D F

For the Compulsory Qualifying courses if α is less than 80.00, a student having less than 80% attendance will
be awarded an ‘F’ grade. The student can make a representation to the Program Council giving reasons for lack
of attendance and the Program Council can review the ‘F’ grade on a case by case basis.

If a student’s attendance falls short of 80 percent and he/she misses the mid-term/end-term exam, the
penalties applicable in both cases would be applied, unless the student’s attendance fell short because (s)he
suffered from a major ailment requiring prolonged bed rest or hospitalization.
ix. Major Ailment - Loss of attendance and/or missing mid/end term examinations.

a) A student will be considered to have suffered from ‘major ailment’ if (a) the ailment requires prolonged
hospitalization or bed rest or isolation or it is a psychiatric illness (e.g. depression, schizophrenia), and
(b) the program office is informed in writing about the ailment within two days of hospitalization or
diagnosis, and (c) the ailment is verifiable by the Institute’s doctor or from the hospital certifying that
the student is not fit to study or attending classes. Anyone who is found to have fudged documents in
this regard will be summarily expelled from the Programme.
b) Period of ailment, as certified by appropriate medical authority, will not be counted towards attendance
c) However, if the period of major ailment exceeds 50% of sessions in a term, the student has to
temporarily withdraw from the programme on medical ground;
d) If a student misses scheduled mid/end term examination during the period of major ailment, make up
examination will be arranged without any implication on the final grade, subject to clause (iii) above.
There will be no re-examination for these make up examinations.
e) If a student misses component(s) of evaluation, other than mid/end term examination, in a course during
the period of major ailment it will be up to the respective Course Coordinator/ instructor to decide how
those components can be compensated for, if at all.
f) For any other case(s) not included above, the same would be decided upon by the Program Council.

x. The above rules will override any individual course specific rules for attendance set by a course instructor.

xi. Students shall return to campus after their Summer Project by the day before Term-IV
commences. Students coming late will not be given weightage for attendance for classes
missed under any circumstances.

xii. Submission of the Instructor and Course Feedback is compulsory as and when notified by the MBA office
during the term. A student who fails to submit the feedback will not be allowed to appear in the end-term

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examination and a financial penalty to the tune of Rs.1,000/- per case will be imposed on the student for not
giving the feedback within the stipulated deadline.

d. Leave of Absence
i. For a full time program, students are expected to be present in the campus 24x7.
Leaves shall be granted under exceptional cases like hospitalization, demise of Father, mother or spouse.
In case of hospitalization, proper documents must be submitted with the program office for scrutinization
before a leave is sanctioned.

Students who leave the campus, should obtain a prior leave of absence from the MBA Office.

The MBA Office will provide a form which should be filled up and signed by the AO-MBA signifying
his/her absence. One copy should be retained in the MBA Office, the second with the Hostel Office and the
third copy will be sent to the Security in-charge.

ii. Students leaving the campus with prior approval of the program office will have to produce the signed leave
application form (Annexure 2) to the security personnel posted at the Main Gate before they may be allowed
to leave. Upon return, students need to get the leave application form countersigned by the Hostel Office
and return it to the program office either on the day students return to the Institute or on the first working
day that follows, in case students return to the Institute on a holiday. Non-compliance with this will be
treated as indiscipline and appropriate action will be taken as per rules concerning indiscipline in the

e. Examinations:

General Guidelines for Mid Term and End Term Examination:

• All students must occupy their respective seats as per the seating plan. Any student found shuffling
the seating arrangement, or not occupying his/her seat at the scheduled commencement time for the
examination may be disallowed from the examination.
• Student must sign on attendance sheet, main and supplementary answer sheet.
• No student should be allowed to enter the exam hall if he/she is delayed by more than 10 minutes.
• No student should be allowed to leave the examination hall for at least 1 hour after the exam start time
and 30 minutes prior exam end time (unless it’s an emergency)
• Invigilators have been authorized to disqualify any student found violating any of the instructions or
resorting to unfair means.
• Students may leave the examination hall during the intervening period, one examinee at a time, after
obtaining necessary permission from the invigilator(s)
• Students will not be allowed to carry any food and drinks other than water inside the examination

For the purpose of this document, AOP could also refer to the staff member who is authorized by the Director/Chairperson MBA
to head the MBA Office staff in his/her absence.

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• Students will not be allowed to carry or keep mobile phones/alarm clocks in their possession during
examinations inside the examination room/hall.
• Students may leave the examination hall during the intervening period, one examinee at a time, after
obtaining necessary permission from the invigilator(s).

f. Penalty for Malpractices during examination

Any student found guilty of any kind of malpractice or misconduct such as non-conformance to the rules
and instructions given to invigilators including plagiarism in Term Papers, Project Report, Summer Project,
Course Assignments etc. during any examination(namely, quiz, mid-term, end-term etc.) or while abroad
as part of the student exchange programme will face a penalty as mentioned below:
A) For the first time offender:

i) For First Year: a penalty of permanent ‘F’ grade with compulsory course repeat in the next year
including Community services like giving attendance sheets in classes, delivering water in classrooms
etc. and his/her name would be displayed on the notice board.
ii) For Second Year: remedial work during the Summer and after completion, provisional certificate to be
issued in the month of June.
iii) In either case, the final decision on grading will be taken by the Program Council depending on the
severity/seriousness of the malpractice.

B) For the repeat offenders, expulsion from the Institute.

Notwithstanding the academic regulations mentioned above, the Chairperson,PGP is empowered to refer to
the Program Council any deserving case for review. The Program Council will review such cases and make
appropriate recommendations for a decision by the appropriate authority.

g. Evaluation

i. Any course (irrespective of credit structure) must have two or more of the following evaluation methods
for assessment (other than compulsory components specified below)

• Mid-term examination (Compulsory for 3 & 2.25 credit courses)

• End-term examination (Compulsory for all courses irrespective of credits)
• Quiz (announced or unannounced)
• Project work/assignments
• Class participation
• Oral examination
• Take home assignments/tutorials

ii. For 2.25 & 3 Credit courses, the minimum weightage of Mid-term and End Term examinations shall be
20% and 30% respectively.
iii. For 3 and 2.25 credit courses, any evaluation component should not exceed a weightage of 30% .
However, for a 1 and 1.5 credit course all the evaluation components must be capped at 40%

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iv. Midterm examination is optional for courses with credits less than or equivalent to 1.5 credits. For such
courses a final examination of 30% weightage along with three other evaluation components (mentioned
in the aforesaid list) is mandatory.

h. Make-Up Examination/Re-Examination

i. Students who secured ‘F’ grade in a course will be allowed to take a re-examination on a date scheduled by
the Program Office.

ii. If a student secures a grade higher than ‘D’ in the re-examination the grade would be reduced to ‘D’ for
calculation of CGPA. The grade for the course in the grade sheet will also be ‘D’.

iii. If a student secures an ‘F’ grade in the re-examination, it would be converted to a permanent ‘F’ with no
further opportunity for make-up examination.

iv. Make-up examination shall be conducted for students who were absent during the mid-term or end-term
examination due to illness of self or sudden serious illness of parents, spouse or child, or sudden demise of
parents, spouse or child. Students should inform the
Program Office well in time of any such illness/event with supporting documents. At the end of each
midterm or end term examination, the AO- Programs will prepare a course-wise list of students who are
eligible for make-up examinations, upon scrutiny of necessary documents submitted by the concerned
students, and communicate the same to the concerned faculty.

v. If a student has missed the mid-term/end term examinations or both for reasons other than illness of self or
sudden serious illness of parents, spouse or child, or sudden demise of parents, spouse or child, he/she will
not be awarded any marks for the examination.

vi. The make-up/re-exam for a term will be conducted in the make-up/re-examination week scheduled by the
Program Office. The make-up/re-examination for the mid-term examination can be conducted either in that
week, or at a time to be decided by the course coordinator/instructor(s). However, no make-up/re-
examination will be scheduled after the make-up/re-examination week for a Term.

vii. In case, a student seeks permission to appear in the make-up/re-examination for illness, other than prolonged
illness, he/she should produce a certificate from the Resident Doctor. In case, a student has left the hostel
after obtaining approved a prior leave of absence from MBA Office due to illness, or sudden serious illness
of parents, spouse or child, he/she will have to produce a certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner
to be eligible to appear in the make-up/re-examination. This certificate will have to be submitted on the
day the student returns to the Institute, or the first working day that follows, in case the student returns to
the Institute on a holiday. In case, a student seeks permission on the ground of demise of parents, spouse,
or child, he/she will have to produce the death certificate to be
eligible to appear in the make-up examination. The final discretion regarding eligibility for
make-up/ re-examination will lie with the Program Council.

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i. Procedure for Review of Answer Scripts and Revision of Grades

i. The Program Office will announce the grades in all courses offered during terms I, II, IV, and V as and
when these are received. However, the grades in courses offered during terms III and VI will be announced
by the Program Office, after grades for all the courses for Term-III/Term-VI are received by the Program

ii. The Program office will announce a schedule for display of corrected answer scripts for each of the six
terms. If any student feels that a review of answer scripts is necessary either for re-evaluation or for
correction of marks obtained, a request for the same should be made in the prescribed form with a fee,
Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) payable by cheque drawn in favour of “IIM – Bodh Gaya”. The fee
is refundable if there is a change in marks/grades obtained. Under no circumstances, however, can the
answer scripts be taken away by the students from the custody of Program office. All answer scripts are
retained by Program office after re-evaluation is over and will be kept in the custody of Program office.
Answer scripts will under no circumstances be handed over to students after re-evaluation.

iii. If a student is unable to peruse his answer scripts during the scheduled time, Program office may arrange to
show the answer scripts on a later date with the approval of the Chairperson, PGP. Illness or absence from
Campus on approved (by AO-Programs) leave will be regarded as valid reasons for the student’s inability
to verify answer scripts on scheduled dates.

iv. Program Office will exhibit answer-scripts at the first convenient date immediately on receipt of the same.

v. MBA-I students are expected to remain on campus until the Institute closes for the Summer Vacation.
Their absence from campus when papers are displayed for re-evaluation cannot be cited as a reason for
requesting re-evaluation after the Summer Vacation.

vi. MBA-II students are expected to remain on campus until the Convocation. Their absence from campus
when papers are displayed for re-evaluation cannot be cited as a reason for requesting re-evaluation after
the papers for Term-VI have been displayed or after Convocation.

vii. Students or MBA students’ representatives should not directly approach an Instructor with requests
for reevaluation or for higher grades.
All requests for reevaluation of papers should be routed through the Program Office. Program Council
will take suitable action against students or MBA students’ representatives if found guilty of violation of
this procedure.

j. MBA Grading Policy

i. As agreed in the 5th Faculty Council Meeting dated 20th February 2020, a 10 pointer grading system is
being implemented for IIM Bodh Gaya MBA Programme from MBA Batch 06 (2020-22) onwards.
For every course, the following grades shall be awarded by the course instructor.

A+ A A- B+ B B- C D F

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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0

The ‘Final CGPA’ shall be a weighted average of the grades obtained in all credit courses. Weights
shall be the assigned as per the number of credits for the respective course.
∑𝑖 𝐶𝑖 𝐺𝑖
∑𝑖 𝐶𝑖

CGPA to percentage conversion formula for the proposed 10 pointer grading system shall be as
If, 9 ≤ CGPA ≤ 10, Percent score = 93 + (CGPA – 9) × 7
If, 8 ≤ CGPA < 9, Percent score = 85 + (CGPA – 8) × 8
If, 7 ≤ CGPA < 8, Percent score = 76 + (CGPA – 7) × 9
If, 6 ≤ CGPA < 7, Percent score = 66 + (CGPA – 6) × 10
If, 5 ≤ CGPA < 6, Percent score = 55 + (CGPA – 5) × 11

ii. The grade obtained by a student, who has missed either the mid-term or the end-term examination or both
for a course on medical ground (except on Major Ailment)and is eligible to take a make-up exam, will be
adjusted downward as followed by the MBA office after the Instructor/ Course-Coordinator has submitted
the grades:
Actual Grade in the
A+ A A- B+ B B- C D F
make-up exam
Grade to be
A A- B+ B B- C D D F
Recorded As

iii. For a Pass/Fail course the letter grade awarded will be either ‘P’ (for Pass) or ‘F’ (for Fail) with no grade
point assigned to it.

iv. A student’s grade in a particular course would be treated as Incomplete (‘I’) if none of the letter grades A+,
A, A−, B+, B, B−, C,D,F (as mentioned above) or ‘P’ (for Pass) or ‘F’ (for Fail) for a Pass/Fail course, for
him/her is awarded by the Course Coordinator/Instructor in the grade-sheet submitted to the Program Office.

v. For the purpose of CGPA computation and announcement of CGPAs at the end of a Term, all such ‘I’
grades, except for the Summer Project, shall be converted into ‘F’ grades. If a feedback certificate from the
host company indicating completion of the summer project by the student is not received by the Program
Office, the ‘I’ grade for the summer project will not be converted into an ‘F' grade and the concerned student
shall be asked to complete the Summer Project in the following summer subject to the rule of having to
complete all
requirements within 36 months of his/her admission into the programme or to withdraw from the

k. Promotion to Second Year

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A candidate shall be eligible for promotion to the second year provided

i. His/her CGPA at the end of Term-III is at least 4.5

ii. At no stage during the first year, the candidate should have been awarded ‘F’ grades in courses totaling
more than six credits or ‘D’ grades in courses of twelve credits or a combination of F in courses of
three credits and D in courses of six credits or any such similar combination*, he/she must not be
eligible for the award of the Degree.

*The policy assumes that ‘F’ grade in a 3-Credit course is equivalent to ‘D’ grade in separate
courses totaling six credits. i.e. for a 3 credit course; 1F = 2D

iii. The candidate will be permitted to undertake the summer project and be permitted to register for Term-IV
provided he/she fulfills the aforesaid promotion criteria.

iv. Each student who is promoted to the second year is required to undertake a summer project (equivalent to
three credit points) with a company during the summer. Term papers or research projects under the guidance
of faculty cannot be undertaken in lieu of a summer project.

v. A candidate failing to fulfill any of the above promotion criteria shall have the option of repeating the first
year of the programme or withdrawing from the programme.

vi. A student who is repeating the first year of the programme will have to withdraw from the programme if
he/she fails to meet the above promotion guidelines, without any chance of appeal to the Program Council.

l. Award of Degree

i. A student’s CGPA after completion of the programme will be computed on the basis of Credits earned and
Grade points obtained in all Compulsory, Elective Courses and Term Papers taken on Credit basis at IIM

For MBA Students: Along with the Degree, a student will receive a grade-sheet showing all the courses
(including Term Papers, Summer Project) taken at IIM Bodhgaya, as applicable, credit points, grades, GPA,
CGPA etc.

ii. At the end of any Term, considering all Compulsory and Elective Courses at IIM Bodhgaya, including Term
Papers and Summer Project, as applicable up to that Term in the first or second year of the MBA programme,
the candidate must not have ‘F’ grades in courses totaling six credits or ‘D’ grades in courses of twelve
credits or a combination of F in courses of three credits and D in courses of six credits or any such similar
combination*. Otherwise, the candidate will not be eligible for the award of the Degree and he/she must
withdraw from the programme forthwith

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*The policy assumes that ‘F’ grade in a 3-Credit course is equivalent to ‘D’ grade in separate
courses totaling six credits. i.e. for a 3 credit course; 1F = 2D

iii. All those students, who must have fulfilled the conditions listed above and also obtained a CGPA of 5.00
or more at the end of Term-VI are awarded with the degree of “Master of Business Administration” (MBA)

iv. In addition to the fulfillment of the aforesaid criteria, for the award of the “Master of Business
Administration” (MBA) degree, the candidate must score a minimum CGPA of 5.0 at the end of Term VI.
v. If a student obtains a CGPA of less than 4.75 at the end of Term-VI, he/she will be failed and must withdraw
from the programme without any chance of appeal to the Program Council.

vi. If a student obtains a CGPA between 4.75 and 4.99 (end points included), his/her case will be reviewed in
the Program Council and subsequently a decision will be taken by the Program Council/ Faculty Council.
Depending upon the merit of the case, a student may be asked to:
a. do suitable extra work as remedial courses, in consultation with Chairperson-PGP, to make up for the
deficiency in CGPA, or
b. repeat the second year, or
c. withdraw from the programme

vii. The following procedure shall be followed while undertaking remedial courses:
A student having a CGPA between 4.75 and 4.99 (end points included) might be allowed to undertake a
remedial course with the concurrence of the Chairperson-PGP and Program Council. Chairperson-
PGP, in consultation with the Program Council and the
Course Instructors, would decide upon the number and nature of remedial courses to be taken.
a) Remedial course work must be completed before the commencement of the next academic year.
b) After completion of the remedial course work, if a student fails to makeup the deficiency in CGPA (i.e.,
the CGPA falls short of 5.00) he/she would have to compulsorily withdraw from the programme and
his/her registration would be deemed to have been cancelled without any further notice.
c) On completion of the remedial course work, if a student gets a CGPA greater than 5.00 his/her
remedial grades will be suitably adjusted downwards so that the CGPA becomes 5.00 at the end of
the remedial course work.
d) On satisfactory completion, the concerned students would be issued a Provisional Certificate and the
Degree would be awarded to them at the Institute’s next Annual Convocation.
e) A student failing to complete remedial courses would have to compulsorily withdraw
from the programme and his/her registration would be deemed to have been cancelled without any
further notice.

m. Award of Rank
i. A student’s relative rank in his/her Batch, after completion of the programme, shall be determined using
a special type of CGPA, referred to below as the “Rank CGPA”.

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ii. The “Rank CGPA” is defined as the CGPA calculated on the basis of Credits earned and Grade points
obtained in all Compulsory and Elective Courses up to the end of Term VI taken on Credit basis at IIM

iii. After completion of the programme, Prizes and Honours will be awarded, based on the Rank List.

Award of Chairman’s Gold Medal:

Shall be awarded to the student, securing Rank I till Term VI of the MBA Program.

Award of Director’s Gold Medal

Shall be awarded to the student, securing Rank II till Term VI of the MBA Program.

Best Student Award:

Shall be awarded to a student for securing Academic Excellence and Overall Performance subject to:
a) the student obtaining a minimum CGPA of 6.00 till Term V of the MBA Program.
b) Obtaining No “F” grade in any of the courses (both Credit/Non-Credit).
c) The student having no reported case of Academic Malpractice/Disciplinary Action and Grade drop
during the 2 yr. program.
d) Approval of the award to the recommended student by the Faculty Council, IIM Bodh Gaya.

iv. Total number of credit points to be taken for CGPA computation for Rank, taking all Compulsory and
Elective Courses is as follows:

For MBA Students: Min.61.25 credits in MBA I + min. 42 credits in MBA II

v. Among other factors, it is mandatory for every student to submit to the MBA Office, a
‘No Dues Certificate’ duly signed by the required departments of the Institute within the time period
announced by the MBA Office for the award of degree.

n. Temporary Withdrawal from the Programme

i. MBA students can apply for a temporary withdrawal from the programme before the beginning of end-
term examinations for a term or during the Summer Internship. However, such withdrawal can only be
for valid medical reasons.

ii. An application for such temporary withdrawal from the programme must be approved by the Program

iii. However, a student withdrawing from the programme temporarily must rejoin the programme and
complete all requirements within 36 months of his/her admission into the programme.

o. Compulsory Withdrawal from the Programme

i. Whenever a student accumulates ‘F’s in more than 6-creditpoint equivalent courses at the end of any
Term considering all Compulsory and Elective Courses at IIM Bodhgaya, including Term Papers and

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Summer Project, as applicable up to that Term in the first or second year of the MBA, he/she must
withdraw from the programme forthwith.

ii. A student cannot complete the Programme and must withdraw from the programme forthwith if any
part of the Programme including the Summer Project is not completed within 36 months of the student’s
entry into the Programme. [For example, a student who has repeated the first year of the programme
will have to withdraw from the programme if he/she has CGPA shortfall at the end of Term III in the
repeated year.]

iii. If a student is expelled on disciplinary ground that will amount to compulsory withdrawal from the

p. Permanent Withdrawal from the Programme

Students who wish to/are required to withdraw from the programme permanently/compulsorily must inform
the MBA-Chairperson in writing before leaving the campus. The caution deposit for withdrawing students
will be reimbursed only after all dues have been cleared.

q. Scholarships:

To ensure that no student is deprived of education at the institute

for financial reasons, IIM Bodh Gaya offers Need Based Financial Assistance (NBFA)
to all the eligible students enrolled in the MBA Program,

r. Student Exchange Program (SEP)

I. Student Exchange Program shall be initiated in two ways:

A. Term Based Exchange:

• Under Term based exchange, an exchange student will spend one term in an academic year
at the partner institution.
The student shall not be allowed to take any course at IIM BodhGaya during such
exchange term.
Further, it will be the responsibility of the exchange student to ensure that the credit
requirements of such term are fulfilled at the partner institution.
• The institute will also allow virtual exchange subject to the consent of partner institutions.
Under virtual exchange, the exchange student will complete the exchange term at the
partner institution.
• In case of Term Based exchange, the CGPA of previous term shall be carry forward for the exchange
• Also, the program office shall approve the fulfilment of credit criteria of the student undergoing the
exchange program.

B. Course Based Exchange:

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• Under course-based exchange, an exchange student may opt for courses at the partner institution
while being enrolled in the IIM Bodh Gaya courses during a term.
• Such exchange shall take place in virtual mode only and will be subject to the availability of online
courses at the consent of the partner institution.

II. Points to be noted:

1. Student exchange program (Term Based) shall be valid only for students in Term VI.

2. Credit Conversion rate of partner institute: 1 Credit per 10 hr session.

Courses taken at the partner institution in a virtual mode shall be considered for the credit requirements at
IIM Bodh Gaya only if such consideration does not result in the violation of maximum credit limit of that
term. Under exceptional cases, the decision of Program Council shall be considered as final.

3. On successful completion of the course at the partner institute, the student shall be awarded a ‘P’ grade.

4. For a Term Based exchange, if a student fails to fulfil the passing criteria of the partner institution, MBA
degree shall not be awarded and rules of repeating/withdrawal from the program shall apply.
In case of any medical exigencies, the student shall be allowed to repeat Term VI of the program with the
next batch.
However, for a Course Based exchange, if a student fails to fulfil the passing criteria of the partner
institution, a permanent F shall be awarded.

5. Foreign students participating in a course shall not be considered while normalization of grades.

6. Selection of students for SEP shall be based on the discretion of IR Committee.

However, Program Office’s approval about credit fulfilment should be taken into consideration.

II. Campus and Hostel Rules & Regulations

A. Accommodation and Membership

i. All students of the MBA will be required to live on campus in the hostel accommodation provided to them.

B. Residence Rules
i. Students should not change their officially allotted hostel rooms without prior approval of the Hostel Warden
and under intimation to Hostel Supervisor. The request for room change will not be entertained unless there
is a serious infrastructure issue or any administrative issue warranting such change.

ii. At the time of taking possession of the allotted accommodation, students are required to make an entry in the
Hostel Register and fill the Hostel Registration and Inventory forms in duplicate. One copy of the inventory
form will be given to the student and one copy will be kept with the Hostel supervisor.

iii. It is the students’ responsibility to take proper care of any equipment/furniture allotted to him/her by the
Institute. The damage or destruction of the Institute's property will be treated as a serious breach of discipline

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and full charges for repair or replacement with penalty, if imposed, will be recovered from individual
students or the students committee, as the case may be.

iv. Students are not allowed to remove any items provided in their hostel room.

v. Students will not be allowed to use any kind of electrical gadgets in their hostel rooms except IT Equipment
and table lamps.

vi. As and when students are away from their rooms, they must switch off all electrical appliances in the room
to conserve energy. Anyone violating will be liable to penalty as applicable.

vii. Students will be billed for the use of telephone/telex/fax facilities provided to them by the Institute

viii. Students are required to take adequate care of their personal belongings and should not keep their rooms
unlocked at any point of time when they are away from their room. They may do so at their own risk and the
administration will have no responsibility for any losses, if so caused. No complaints in this regard will be

ix. In case of any theft due to room breakage or otherwise, and loss of items, students must inform the Hostel
Supervisor immediately under intimation to Hostel Warden. To keep a record of such incident, the student
is requested to submit an incident report to the hostel supervisor either by hard copy or through email who
in turn will escalate the matter to the local police station through Administrative Branch, as may be required.

x. Routine Service providers like Laundry person, Courier delivery person etc. will not be allowed to individual
rooms. All transactions with such service providers need to be done at the entrance lobby of the Hostel.
Violations, if any, would be dealt suitably.

xi. Under no circumstances, students can share their rooms with any person without approval of the competent

xii. Guests/parents/guardians, visiting students in the hostels will sign the Check-in and Check-out registers
specially provided with the security guard for this purpose. The visitation hours will be as decided by the
competent authority will be strictly adhered to by all. Students will not take any guest to their rooms and will
meet only at the designated place in the hostel.

xiii. Students should obtain hostel clearance certificate from the hostel in-charge, counter signed by the Hostel
Supervisor at the time of completion of the programme and hand over possession of the room to the
authorities, post clearing all dues and obtaining clearance from all other concerned.

xiv. Hostel Administration reserves the right to inspect hostel rooms as a routine maintenance check, and in case
when there is reasonable doubt about rules being broken. Students must allow access to their allotted
accommodation to the Hostel Administration on all such occasions.

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xv. Motor vehicle policy: The MBA students are not allowed to possess and keep any motorized vehicle inside
the campus premises. If any student is found using motor vehicle, (s)he will be liable for disciplinary action
including immediate confiscation of the vehicle. However, students can use bicycles, if desire so, in the

xvi. The students are required to be in their respective hostels premises as per Hostel in/out timings spelt out by
the Hostel Management with prior approval of the competent authority. The specific requirements of change
in Hostel timings, if any arising due to Academics curriculum would be taken care by the Hostel Management
on projection by the students viz to cater for group activities like projects etc.
C. Mess Rules
i. IIM BG will have institutionalised messes running in all Hostels under overall control of the Hostel and Mess
Committee. The mess services will be outsourced to Contractor/ catering service provider following the due
process with active involvement of Mess committee and their nominated representative(s).

ii. The tentative mess charges would be taken from the students as part of their fee. The surpluses/ deficit, if any
in mess fee would be adjusted at the end of each term or time schedule as decided by the finance department
of IIM BG.

iii. All students will be members of their allotted mess. Mess Rules will apply to all students.

iv. All students must have their meals in the Mess Dining Hall at the hours stipulated by the Mess
Committee/management. These hours must strictly be adhered to.

v. Food will not be served outside the Mess Dining Hall except in cases of sickness prescribed by a Doctor. For
such cases the Mess in-charge should be informed at least three hours before the meal service time.

vi. Hostel inmates shall not take out the chairs, other furniture, utensils, crockery and cutlery from the Dining

vii. Owing to infrastructure constraints in the present scenario, night canteen facilities will not be provided to the

viii. App-based list of vendors is allowed to deliver food to students in the campus. Vendors may deliver food till
10 PM to students. Vendors will deliver food at predesignated central location in the hostels as decided and
approved by the CAO. Students are expected to collect their food orders from the central location, as vendors
are not allowed to go to the room of any individual student.
The above Hostel and Mess rules must strictly be adhered by all students. The defaulters, if any would
be dealt in escalatory disciplinary manner as under: -

➢ First time Default: The defaulter would be issued written warning by the Hostel Warden on reporting
from Hostel Supervisor and after due diligence. The student may be required to do community service
as decided by the hostel management.

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➢ Second Time Default: Monetary penalty would be imposed as decided by the Hostel Management
after due verification and establishing on record that the individual has defaulted second time.
➢ Third Time Default: Anyone remaining violating above rules third time irrespective of above two
disciplinary action would be served notice by the Hostel management to vacate the Hostel room within
stipulated time in the notice served on him.

D. Rules on Ragging

i. Ragging in any form is prohibited in the IIM BG campus.

ii. Any complaints in relation to ragging should be informed to the Anti-Ragging Committee of the
institute through the following email address: [email protected]

iii. Students should note that they are prohibited from engaging in “any disorderly conduct, whether by
words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness
any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause
annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a
student or asking the student to do by act or perform something which such student will not do in the
ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense
of shame or harassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or junior student”
(Order of the Supreme Court of India, dated May 4, 2001).

iv. Any student found to be indulging in one or more of the above-mentioned activities is liable to be
punished. The punishment will be as per prevailing Government of India norms for prevention of
Ragging. This could include expulsion from the Institute, suspension from the Institute for a limited
period, a fine with a public apology, withholding of scholarships, debarring from representation in
events, and withholding of results.


i. Following the guidelines and norms laid down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court (in Vishakha & Ors. Vs.
State of Rajasthan & Ors. (Jt. 1997(7) SC 384) and the GOI DOPT's O.M. No. 11013/10/1997-Estt.A
dated 13.2.1998, the Institute has constituted a "Complaints Committee" to address matters related to
sexual harassment. Any incident of sexual harassment shall be reported to the Chairperson SAC, or to
the Convener of the Complaints Committee. The Rules on sexual harassment shall apply to all
members of the Institute including employees and students.

ii. For the purpose of the Rules, 'sexual harassment' includes such unwelcomed sexually determined
behaviour whether directly or otherwise, as

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a) physical contact and advances;

b) demand or request for sexual favours;
c) sexually coloured remarks;
d) showing any pornography;
e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature.

iii. Any students found guilty of any of the above mentioned conduct shall be subject to such punishment
as may be recommended by the Complaints Committee.

The Institute attaches utmost importance to strict integrity and honesty in academic work by the students.

i. Students must maintain strict discipline in classrooms, examinations, tests, quizzes, take-home
assignments and all other segments of academic work.

ii. Resorting to copying or helping to copy in any form in examinations or quizzes or home assignments
or other elements of evaluation, and/or reproducing passages from written work of others without
necessary acknowledgement, and/or passing on or receiving papers in connection with any academic
work to be evaluated, and/or canvassing for grades is strictly prohibited.

iii. Unless otherwise specified by the concerned faculty, the students must not collaborate in any way with
anybody. In other words, the answers as presented to the concerned faculty should be independent
work of each student. They are advised that they should not, in their own interest, communicate their
written analysis or answers of home assignments to any other students.

iv. Ragging, gambling in any form and consumption of any narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited in the
campus. Action will be taken against any student found to be disturbing the peace and tranquility in
hostels and/or the campus, under the influence of alcohol/narcotic substance or otherwise. EATABLES

v. Students are not allowed to keep or carry weapons of any kind (including firearms) in the campus.

vi. Students are not allowed to keep pets.

vii. When a student finds it necessary, due to special circumstances, to spend more than one night in
succession outside the campus, within or outside the city, (s)he should inform the MBA Office of this
(via email) , preferably well in advance. The MBA Office will provide a form which should be filled
up in triplicate and all the copies should be signed by the AO (MBA) signifying acceptance of the

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request. One copy shall be submitted with the MBA Office, the second with the Hostel Office and the
student should return the third copy to the MBA Office on return to the campus.

viii. Chairs, furniture, newspapers and magazines in Hostel Common Rooms are not to be removed under
any circumstances.

ix. Glass panes and walls of the dining hall and other places at the hostel premises must not be used for
displaying notices/posters (separate notice boards are available in the hostels) without prior permission
of the AO (Hostels)/Hostel-In-Charge. In case posters are put up after such permission is obtained,
care must be taken not to damage the walls and they must be removed promptly after the event.

x. In order to keep a clean campus, dustbins provided around the campus must be used to dispose of

xi. The students will be responsible individually or collectively, as the case may be for any littering,
breakages and damages of any property of the Institute, for which appropriate fine will be imposed.
Therefore students must take proper care in using the hostel and campus premises and facilities and
shall not do anything to disfigure, deface or cause damage to buildings or to any articles or fixtures

xii. Hacking in any form and sending spam emails inside or outside the Institute is strictly prohibited.

xiii. Students are expected to maintain proper decorum in the matter of dress and conduct both inside the
campus and outside the Institute. Only Smart Casuals will be accepted inside the classrooms.

xiv. When visiting other educational institutions in India or abroad to participate in any event or otherwise,
students are expected to follow rules on discipline and conduct set by the institutions visited. The
Institute reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action against a student found to be in violation of
any rules or guilty of misconduct while visiting other institutions.
G. Student Academic Committee and Class Representatives:
Student Academic Committee serves as an integral part of the MBA program and works in coordination with
the MBA Office. Each member of the group is tagged with individual area and is expected to ensure smooth
running of the courses (core and electives).

Class Representatives work in collaboration with all the committees and clubs to help in general administration
of the activities concerning students, including discipline in the class rooms and examination hall.

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H. Policy for issuing Duplicate Identity Card

In case of lost identity cards, the duplicate cards may be issued on fulfillment of the following requirements:
• A copy of the FIR lodged in a police station
• A fine of Rs.500/-

However, in case of damaged identity cards, students will be required to deposit the damaged card along with
a fine of ₹500/

Please Note: All laws of the land are applicable over and above the rules laid within this document.


IIM Bodhgaya extends group Medical Insurance facility to all the students of MBA.


The Institute reserves the right to add/delete/modify any of the above rules as and when deemed necessary.

In Case Any Violation Of The Above Rules Is Reported Or Discovered, Appropriate Disciplinary
Action Will Be Taken by the Program Council.

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Annexure 1


(Due along with the application for a Term Paper)

1. Name of the student (s): i) ……………………………Regn. No…………….

ii)…………………………… Regn. No…………….
2. Term: ……………
3. Title of the Term Paper :

4. Name of the Faculty Guide: …………………………………………

I/We, hereby, declare that, the entries made by me/us in the Application Form above are complete and
true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We am/are aware of the punitive action which might be taken
if I/we am/are found involved in plagiarism. I/We also acknowledge that the Program Council has the
authority to take appropriate action against me/us for violation of the MBA Rules pertaining to the
Term Paper. I/We also understand that the decision of the Program Council on any such matter will be
final and binding on me/us.

Date : …………………………. Signature of the Student(s)

i) ………………………………..
ii) ………………………………..

Signature of Faculty Guide ………………………

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Annexure 2
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………...
Reg. No.: ……………… Hostel: …………………………………. Room No..……
Date and expected time of departure: ……………………………………………………….
Date and expected time of return: ………………………………………………………...
Total Period of Leave: ……………………………………………………………………
Leave Address: ………………………………………………………………………………
Contact mobile no. while on leave: …………………………………………………………
Reason(s) for leave application ……………………………………………………………
Number and nature of enclosures, if any: ………………………………………………….

Leave sanctioned* from ………………………………. to …………………………………………….

(Rules for attendance and examinations missed during the leave period shall be applicable)

Requested by

Approved by:

AO- Programs Chairperson MBA
Campus Leaving Report

Date: ……………………………. Time: …………………………….

Signature of Hostel Supervisor

Campus Joining Report

Date: ……………………………. Time: …………………………….

Signature of Hostel Supervisor

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