Merritt Morning Market 3954 - Apr 29

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shop •puzzles
Largest supply in Merritt
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC 250-378-2155
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
bout our
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Ask us a motions
April pr
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]

On special this week Dr. Mark Godley

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Botox, Fillers, PDO Threads, PRP
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Save the Thursday Shine Dance Festival Merritt's own Kate Van Rensburg represented The Dance
May 2nd, Gallery, at the Shine Dance Festival, which took place April 24 - 27, in Mission.
Date: 7pm at Trinity Ten-year old Kate competed in the Contemporary, Ballet, Contemporary Ballet,
Tap and Jazz solo sections for dancers aged 10-12, and also in the Ballet, Jazz, Con- Book at 250-936-9200
United Church
temporary, Tap and Lyrical group sections for dancers aged 13-15.
1751 Granite Ave., Merritt ~ by appointment only
Kate brought home 11 awards: 1 Silver, 9 Gold and 1 Platinum. Waytago, Kate!!
An Evening
The Opie Show Community Keeping people and property safe

of Music with The NVCAC, in cooperation with City of Merritt open house
David Oppenheim, present a new art ex- The City is working on several projects
Friends hibit, The Opie Show: A Tribute to Opie Op- of interest to the public, such as our wa- Merritt BC 250-525-0333
penheim, May 2-June 2, at the Arts Centre ter systems and flood recovery. They will
Hosted by the Merritt Community beside Kekuli Cafe.
[email protected] Adamah Vollrath
host an open house with info about ongo-
Choir , with guests including Canford This art show exhibits more than 30 ing projects — public works, roads, devel- N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T G A L L E R Y S H O W
Station, Cecilia Dyck students, works by Opie Oppenheim, who passed opment, planning, GIS mapping, permit- The Opie Show:
Margaret's Trio, Merritt Ukulele May 15, 2021. ting, FireSmart, emergency preparedness,
Circle and The Strange Opie was known by many people in recreation, finance, and careers, etc. The A Tribute to Artist Opie Oppenheim
Companions the valley, for his art, his flute music, public is invited to attend on Wednesday, Born 1945 -
(Donations welcome) his flute making, carvings, and fine sil- May 1, 4-8pm at the Civic Centre. Senior
Passed May 15, 2021
ver jewelry. He was also known for his staff will be available to explain functions,
entertaining and touching stories. Opie progress, and address questions. May 2 - June 2, 2024
talked about the meaning in all of his art ‘One Book, One Community’
pieces, and shared his life and personal The time is now confirmed: Michael
experiences. And Opie's art & stories & Christie with his national bestseller and
music found huge success beyond the award-winning novel Greenwood will be
Nicola Valley, across the country, as well. at the Merritt Library on Friday, May 3,
The works in this exhibit are prints 1-2:30pm. This as part of this year's 'One

Winter Art
Friday, May 3,
and lithographs of his beautiful paint- Book, One Community' shared reading 4-7pm
ings, and other pieces, many for sale.
For the reception on Friday, May 3rd, Show isan
experience. Greenwood is available at the Kekuli refreshments

& live flute music
library or online by visiting
4-7pm, David will bring several special
pieces including a nine foot carving.
'Reduce Your Wildfire Risk'Spresentation
This presentation will delve into ev-
Please join in to see the art show, share Sunday, June 2,
erything FireSmart, providing info on 1 - 4pm
stories about Opie, and enjoy refresh-
preparing their properties and residenc-
ments — bannock and flute music! V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E

es for the upcoming fire season. Collab-

There will also be an Open House on

orating with TNRD, attendees will learn


Take Down
Sunday 12-4pm

practical strategies to mitigate wildfire

Day, Sunday,
risks. The presentation will also touch on
June 2, 1-4pm. Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
invasive plant species and waste reduc-
Organizers 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515

tion. May 7, 6-8pm at the Civic Centre.

are hoping to
catch as many Bryan Bielanski live at the Grand
people as pos- Upbeat and energetic nomad North
sible. Carolina folk-rock singer-songwriter
Right: Opie Bryan Bielanski is coming to Merritt
in Voght Park May 11 at Grand Pub & Grill. He is on
for Aboriginal tour promoting his album Bryan's Super
Day, 2014. Happy Fun Time 3. Check out: bryanssu-
SPACE FOR YOUR AD What does "reading comprehension" even mean?
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 What does Jeff Bezos do every night before bed? He puts his pajamazon.
[email protected] Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible."
Warning: Dates in calendar are closer than they appear.
Why shouldn't you make fun of a paleontologist? Because you will get Jurasskicked.

This week’s horoscope

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer
March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
Don't succumb to the pressure. Welcome laughter & joy into Happiness is not a 'bit' more im- If there's uncertainty this
Your deadlines in May are more your world. Don't force any portant than wealth and power; month, try being comfortable
flexible than they look. The more issues, or be overwhelmed by without it, achievements lack within it. If you're unsure about
thoughtfully and purposefully negative emotions. Trust that true meaning. And when we're the path ahead it doesn't mean
you invest your energy, the more magic is hidden within any tur- happy, we attract what we truly that it's not taking you to a de-
you'll get right. bulence or challenge. need. So prioritize happiness. lightful destination.

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct 23 -
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21

You're better connected than You'll have a realization that Several issues in your world Focus on what's truly import-
you think, and there are oppor- enables you to recognize a feel precarious. But that doesn't ant, and you'll access an idea
tunities to use those connec- pattern and react differently. To mean there's anything wrong. about how things can be very

tions to make progress. Think make things different in the fu- Trust what inspires you (and good indeed. To recognize it

carefully about your requests, ture, break a habit. And direct question what worries you), and and implement it, trust in what
and choose the right moment. your life more positively. you can triumph. you think and feel.
Watch 20

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 -
Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20
Don't engage in needless de- Even if you're unsure about If a situation feels 'wrong' this You've been through a lot late-
bates this week. You could other people's decisions, it's a week, don't just dismiss it. As ly. But you've also got reasons
waste valuable energy getting good idea to go with the flow. long as you're prepared to look to feel positive. Despite your 4

caught up in unnecessary dra- Relax, and take the pressure/ for constructive ways to move concerns about what's going
mas. You've got better things to responsibility off and you'll be forward, you'll find an abun- on in your life, you'll find that
do. Tap into your wisdom. delighted with what evolves. dance of them. everything gets much easier.

MONDAY EDITION — APRIL 29, 2024 #3954
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
2005 FORD Taurus, v6, 230k, p/wndws/ MOVING: recliner rocks/swivels $50. Specialists INC.

Your photos or art on a mug — great gift!

seats/sunroof/locks, grt car $3200obo Cedar chest $50. Patio set: glass top
$120.00 to Anne Baldwin. You stole this
378-4043 round table, 2 chairs, umbrella $275. 2 ICBC Claims
dark green leather loveseats $250 ea or
and I need to get through the month of
2005 FORD Focus, htd seats, cruise. a/c,
2 sets tires, 273031km $2500obo 250- $450/both. All exc cond 378-6576 •Commercial •Residential
May. Do the right thing.
Office Supplies (250)378-6882 TAB VOLUNTEER NEEDED. Easy
07 EQUINOX awd, low. mil., vry gd
a kind, hand crafted, patio table made in
•Automotive •Industrial
job: collect can tabs from Thrift Store
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808
& take to Kamloops for melting down,
shape $8500 378-0423 the Nicola Valley. Slight olive tone w/ 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
exposed aggregates and river rock and
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC
bring cheque back for Hospital. June Mc- 4 HANKOOK Tires 225/55 R18 off
2023 Buick new $250. 280-5225 sealed to be protected year round. The 378-4531
Leod 280-5225 base is artistic, welded steel with a pow-
SPANISH CLASSES. All ages, all lev- SET OF TIRES on rims for 2014 Hyun-
dai Elantra, gd for summer $100obo. der coat finish crafted by RW Ironworks.
els, Call for more info 818-531-5765, Dimensions: Diameter - 48x2”, Height -
[email protected]
SET OF 4: Michelin 215/60/R16 M&S
30”, Weight - 330lbs $1000 obo. Open to COMPUTER GUY
trades. Text or call 778-257-3431
tice violin, been playing for 1 yr with Su- mounted on Chev Cruze rims $400. Set
of 4: Toyo M&S 235/55/R19 $400. TEA TABLE/plant stand, glass top, Repairs, upgrades, on-site service
zuki books. If interested 778-930-0036 antique $45. Folding chair kids sleigh,
2 only: Champiro Ice Pro 215/60/R17
snowflake $150. Set of 4: 215/60/R17 antique $60. 378-9645 Joe 604-377-0274
& cans to supplement income, can pck DISPLAY CABINET, Solid oak w/
some tread $20/ea. To view 378-4564
up on my bike. Erik 936-9137 glass doors. 49”w x 44 ¾”h x 12 3/8”d,
SIX 1956 CHEV disc chrome hubcaps
ALANON (for friends & families of al- new condition $250 250-434-8378
$125. Joe 378-5100
coholics) every Monday @ 7pm Trinity CLASSIC DISPLAY cabinet 24x14x74
United Church Hall BRUSH GUARD fits 97-03 F150
$225obo 378-4904 high, antique look $100obo 378-0838
ELKS EVENTS: Every Wednesday LOVESEAT & CHAIR, gd cond, free
Bingo, doors open 11am, ends 3pm. Ev- 2011 CHEV Cruze Turbo LT $5000obo
315-0407 to anyone who needs it 315-9597
ery Friday Nite Bingo, doors open 4pm, FUTON full-sz $100. Buffet/hutch $50
ends 10pm. 1701 Coldwater Ave. BRND NW 2 winter tires 778-639-0052
COLLECTING pop bottles & cans, for ROKON 2-whl drive motorcycle, gd
cond. $4000 315-2898 ANTIQUE western style couch, exc
pick-up. Mike 525-0471
NA MEETINGS are held each Tues, for sale - pets / livestock
cond. $250 936-8188 CHECK OUT
PATIO SET: 4 swivel metal chairs & ta-
Thurs & Sun 7pm at the United Church,
BABY goats & baby pigs for sale 378-1961 ble, lk nw cond $375obo 378-6915
1899 Quilchena Ave.
AA MEETINGS Wed., Fri., Sat. At
WANTED: chicks, any kind 936-8341 for sale - electronics/software
FREE: female cat, adult. Male kitten, 8 BEARCAT scanner, nw/still in box $175
7pm, Mon. Noon at Trinity United
Church, 1899 Quilchena Ave. mos. old 280-4634 280-9951 EVERY ISSUE,
PUPPIES, guard dogs $150ea 936-8368 1939 TRANS OCEANIC wave magnet-
2 COCKATIELS, 2 cages $700 936-9208 ic radio, works well $125 firm 378-3554
TRUCK & 2 guys. Odd jobs 604-377-0274 BLUE HEELER, "Oreo", puppy, first TV, 12" col. screen & dvd $50. 378-9645
TRIPLE H CONCRETE for all aspects shots, incl food, toys $200 378-7412 PANASONIC cordless phone, with base
of concrete. 315-7604 FOR STUD: Purebred five layer un- answering machine, with 4 handsets. N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T G A L L E R Y S H O W
JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - registered Fox Pomeranian. 3 years old, Great condition, $25. 378-2458
lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening.
Licensed, equipped. On Facebook. 250-
healthy, intelligent, gentle disposition. SAMSUNG ML 1710 Laser Printer and The Opie Show:
Loved family dog. Local area only! Texts new unopened toner, will sell for the cost
or calls okay. Tracy 378-1625 of the toner $35. Epson Perfection 1250 A Tribute to Artist Opie Oppenheim
2 MALE goats for sale, born this spring scanner; USB connection to computer Born 1945 -
owned business w/ exper. in insulating to
378-4396 $35. 378-9899 Passed May 15, 2021
code, drywall, taping, painting,f looring,
light framing, cupboards & countertops, REHOMING: 10 MOS OLD corgi X LAPTOP, Bell HD receiver 778-6
door & closet insulation, baseboards etc. Jack Russell. Looking for family w/ abil- 39-0052
Anything interior. 250-315-8679 for free ity to look after him. He is a loving boy, 25" SAMSUNG computer monitor, May 2 - June 2, 2024
quote. Multiple refs available at request not neutered. Call/txt me at 525-0348 flat scrn, wrks grt $40. 25" Toshiba flat
ALL KINDS SERVICES. Jacques pro- DOG CAGE for small dog. Wtd: dog screen tv, wrks grt $10. HP all-in-1 prn-
vides general clean-up, power washing, cage for large dog. 318-7412 tr/scanner $40 Joanne 778-389-9365
specializing in painting, drywall, water 3 KITTENS looking for good homes. FENDER DELUXE 112 PLUS amplifi-
damage.672-514-7775 Black and white 8 weeks old email er, vry gd cond $125 firm 378-5165
COMPUTER GUY Repairs, upgrades, [email protected] ASSORTMENT oldr-style speakers, of-
on-site service. Joe 604-377-0274 for sale - miscellaneous fers 378-2136 RECEPTION
DRYWALL FINISHER, textured ceil- BRND NW pair Sun Rayban polarized NINTENDO PS2 console, no cords/ac-

Winter Art
Friday, May 3,
ings, New construction or reno's. Seving sunglasses $125 378-2353 cessories 378-2136

Kamloops and Merritt for over 30 years. for sale - recreational
ABOVE GROUND garden or flower bed Kekuli refreshments
new construction, lots of experience 705-
frames, 3 ft x 4 ft x 8 in. hinged, stack- SCHWINN exercise bike $125 280-0543
& Sae
able, portable, can be made larger $10 ea CAMPER TRLR, doors/wndws, water
& live flute music

679-3054 tnk w/ pumps, stove w/ ovn, sink, radio
BUCKSKIN wrap-around, approx. sz w/ cass. player, furnace, matt., etc, etc. all OPEN HOUSE
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- 7-8, made by Shannon Kilroy $150. Baby gd shape 604-991-0242 Sunday, June 2,
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, christening gowns $15 ea. 378-9645
STAND-UP scooter, gd wrkng cond $75 1 - 4pm
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete.
USED FOLDNG lightweight black 280-0543
315-6689 or [email protected] V I S I T T H E G A L L E R Y AT T H E N I C O L A VA L L E Y A R T S C E N T R E
wheelchair w/ brakes, gd cond $125.
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. 250-378-8802 12 FT ALUMINUM boat, with newer HOURS: 2051 VOGHT ST.,
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- oars and no leaks $575. 280-9758
ANTIQUE drawer pulls, set of 10 $35. Sunday 12-4pm
less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or DAYMAK E-BIKE (motorcycle style)
the [email protected] Fast service, Fast 72 volt, 3 speeds, w/charger, rear
WALKER 378-4619
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight view mirrors, low kms $1200 ($2800 Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- ONLY 1 SHED CONTENTS NOW
new). Lrge Can-Tire 2 wheel trailer for
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 LEFT. Lots of camping items; some 2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515
bike to carry groceries, pets etc. $150
tools and definitely tires (Hankook
WOODY'S tree service & more: lnd- (cost $350)   250-378-8802
225/55 R18). June 280-5225
scaping, fncng, handyman wrk, etc. 6 PERSON hot tub, gd cond. but has
GREENHOUSE, 4-tier, 27" x 19" x 61",
each shelf holds 10kg, total holding weight slow leaks, cover like new. Free! Come MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB
40kg. Material: steel, polyvinyl chloride and get it! 378-5928 or [email protected]
chipper, sml truck & trailer, will do resi-
polypropylene. Still in box, sealed/not CHAMPION 4500lb ATV winch, brnd
For court times & dates
dential, fruit trees, etc. 378-6431
EAGER, RELIABLE man w/ 4x4 truck
opened $80. 936-8247 6-7pm only nw/still in bx $300 firm 778-227-0652 call Dave 250-280-9985 or
DISHES, set of 10 "Casa Verona" stone- LOADING RAMP for ATV or snowmo-
& trailer, avail. Dump runs, deliveries,
ware, dinner plates, salad plates, bowls, bile $125. Joe 378-5100
Stephen 778-709-0363
plywood, sand, gravel, appl., housewares
Check it out: Greg 315-7525, (250)320-2054 Fast, mugs, lk nw, fine quality, microwave/ GOLF BAG, like new, $20. Wilson [email protected]
courteous service dshwshr safe $100. 250-485-2151 tennis balls, bag of 12, never used $15.
PIANO to give away 315-4873 378-2410
employment opportunity
PLUM TREES: greengage, heritage big 12-FT HARBOURCRAFT aluminum
SPACE FOR YOUR AD PART-TIME BARTENDER. drop blue (Sept), Italian prune plum (Oct), boat, 1 seat, 2 anchor locks & Shoreland-
off resumes at the Legion Lounge in
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 person or email them to legion096@
each $5. Huge tarragon for transplant- er trailer. No leaks! $1250 936-8082
ing, free. 378-2410 OUTBOARD CALGLASS pleasure- NEW VINYL siding, Timber Lake D-4 craft purchased to use while motor wasn't
[email protected] IF YOU WANT an extra income check Avanti, 11-12' long, lt yellow col. 96 sq. running from previous owner. Fixed
out this site. www.theoneminutebusiness. ft 378-4572
com/486182 & working now, only used once, all
BATHROOM toilet, gd cond, free for maintenance done annually, 2 sets keys,
for sale - appliances
pkck-up 378-9169 hitch lock, anchor. Selling because wife
1928 WHITE CAB & CHASSIS 2-YR OLD stainless stl fridge 378-4619
24" ELECTRIC stove, Danby $350, 6
PLUM TREES, 1502 Orme St. 378-4471 wanted paddleboards instead. aj8z08@
BEANIE HELMET old school $20. , 936-8147
All cab glass replaced with unbreakable mos. old. GE old-style refrigerator, im- Doll, crib, cradle, buggy, highchair, an- AB DOER exercise machine, never
mac. cond $700 280-0543 tiques $20-$95. Antique cream can, smll used, w/ body massager $250, worth
lexan. BC registration, have original 6 split 6-L Hamilton Beach slow cooker, nw/ $45. Chandelier, candleholder & crys- $400+ 378-0423
tim wheels, need 6x36 tires nvr used, too big for my family 378-2047 tals $25. 378-9645 2000LB WINCH w/ controls, etc, nw/
NEW Kingston BBQ $125 280-0005 FOLDING wheelchair, new $200. still in bx $110obo. 378-4904
ROCKET upright stick vacuum cleaner Shoprite scooter $500 280-4263 SKATES, Bauer 'Chief', sz 10, vintage
with accessories $95, call /text 280-5332 WALKER, near nw/nvr used out of the $25 378-9645 1-BDRM OR 2-BDRM home to 1-BDRM grnd level unfurn’d full
ELECT. stove, LG, 5 brnrs, flat glass house 378-5004 for sale - tools/equipment rent for 1 adult, employed, 1 small suite condo, Seyom Cresc. Wshr/
top, convection oven, self-clean, black 18 OLD metal tobacco tins. 6 alum. can- dog, mobile ok, prefer out of twn, dryer incl. $1200. Contact leonam_
$425 378-1680 opy hold-downs. Offers 378-4904 PRESSURE washer $100obo. Elect. have refs. 378-7435 [email protected]
TOASTER oven. Vacuum machine. G SCALE TRAIN: 3 engines & misc. fireplace $100obo. Elect. rototiller SHED or chicken coop. Sewing cab- ELDERLY PENSIONER looking
Coleman barbeque 778-639-0052 cars, 260 ft. of track &large water tower, $125. 378-6915 inet or old sewing things. Wallmount for a 1-3 bdrm unit up to $1100/ mo.
NOMA Oil filled Heater, Heat Dish, Fan wall mounting brackets $1500 378-6787 WTD: 18" Quick Grid bar clamp. Ron old coffee grinder. 378-9645 For May 29 Call/text 378-7938
778-639-0052 PELLET stove & wood stove. 6-ft patio 378-2353 ROCKING chair 936-8371 2-BDRM, lrg kitch, lrg livingrm,
26 CU. FT. chest freezer, grt shape/ door & assorted windows. Microwave WOODSPLITTER 378-2832 RECORDS, sports cards, hunting fully reno'd bsmt, n/p, wshr hk-up
works exc. $75. 280-0543 & range hood combined. Tv 378-2832 CHAINSAW 461 Husqvarna, nw last knives, Johnny Cash memorabilia. 2337 Coutlee Ave. 378-2047
AIR CONDITIONER brand new (for FORTRESS mobility scooter, gd batt., year, pd $800, sell $500 280-3950 Tom 778-288-4095
window) still in box, Diplomat 5200 charger $1000obo 378-3496 4-BDRM 3-bath home, 20 min west
3 20-VOLT Dewalt drills, no batteries for sale house/property of Merritt in rural setting. Wood
BTU $125. 378-4115 WHEELCHAIR Deluxe tilt wheelchair $70 ea. obo. 1 charger $20 378-3496
Your motor, trans and flat deck for a great DEHUMIDIFIER nw/used 2x $100 Jo- stove & prop. furnace, 2000sqft
with jfusion cushion. 14" plush pad, hip CABINET-style sandblaster, 36x24x24 6 MOS FREE pad rent. 4-bdrm mobile
anne 778-389-9365 belt, padded 4PT. CTR-Pull Med calf $750. Joe 378-5100 home, Low. Nicola MHP. Julie 280-9666
rancher, $2500 + util. Looking for
parade vehicle $450000 OBO panel. Only used 7 weeks, lk nw cond. long term. Call/text 604-534-1401
for sale - automotive 4800 W construction heater with built inMANUFACT'D home, 2 bdrm, 1
250-378-6421 SOFT TOP & rear back seat for JT
Call to view, open to offers. Pat 378-4600
thermostat $55 378-8802 bath, call to view 1-800-361-8111, 315- 2-BDRM legal ste, fully reno'd,
AIR WALKING boot, nw $50 315-1626 1000 buyandsellmobilehomes. com appl., nw wshr hk-up, sep. entr. n/p
$675obo. 378-6915 MILWAUKEE saws-all, in case w/ 2337 Coutlee Ave., May 1 378-2047
GRANNY’S House Quilting & DRIVE BY 441 Bailey Ave., Lower
97 FORD F250, 7.3 diesel, ext. cab, 8' blades $70. Hitachi mitre saw $100
1946 Dodge
Retreat has sewing notions from Nicola, updated, below market val- BC FIREFIGHTERS: furnished rm
box, 2nd ownr, 350k, vry nice shape Jack 315-5076 & part. furnished rm, shared kitchn/
Pat's Patches 378-3734 ue. Then call 315-5424 Denis
coupe shell UNPASTEURIZED raw honey: $40 for wanted/wanted to buy bth, util/wifi/cbl incl 778-869-3141
HOUSE FOR SALE. 2126 Priest
SET OF 4 orig. wire spoke hubcaps for ROOM & BOARD $750/ month.
8 cups, $20 for 4 cups, $10 for 2 cups, $5 18" QUICK Grid bar clamp. Ron 378-2353 Ave. 378-7412
70s Firebird $200. 280-0543 Shared bathroom. Kitchen and laun-
for 1 cup. 378-4947 TILTED steering column for 1990 Ford for rent
No 4 CHEV 15 inch alum, 5 hole rims. $80 dry privileges. Off street parking.
LADIES sz 8 WindRiver winter boots. F250, standard transmission. 378-6475
378-6692 FREE RENT FOR 1 MAN, n/pets, Great cook. REFS REQ'D 315-9803
sus- Nw $200, nvr worn, sell $100 378-8835 MANNEQUINS & heads 378-9645
1 SNOW tire 205x60Rx15, nw $75. Joe n/kids, n/drugs, your chore is look WTD to rnt: Shared accomm., re-
pension, 378-5100
for sale - furniture BOWFLEX or home gym system. Call/ after beautiful garden/yard in beau- tired carpenter, refs.. Don 315-7820
running gear, 2004 MERCURY Marquis 4-dr, ANTIQUE metal dble bed $60 378-9645 text 315-9789 tiful setting. Paul 378-2337 3 SUITES AVAIL.: 1 furn'd, all util
2nd owner, well-equipped, nice cond LAZYBOY loveseat recliner, grt cond. WHITE fencing paint, leftovers great, ROOMS for rent in 2-bdrm house, incl $1250. 2 unfurn'd, util incl.,
or interior. Have $10,500. Joe 378-5100 $200. Barco rocker-recliner 315-3017 reas. price, will pck-up 378-5528 Hwy 8, util. incl. 315-5641 $1100 & $1200 Manager 936-8474
B.C. registration. Deck
lid, hood and rear fender
seams filled with tunneled tail lights. Louvered hood.
POST YOUR CLASSIFIEDS… VOICE MAIL (250) 378-5717 , EMAIL [email protected]
My I-don’t-want-to-sell price $3500. 250-378-6421 LEAVE A COMMENT ONLINE AT OUR WEBSITE: MERRITTMORNINGMARKET.COM

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