Sample Costing 1
Sample Costing 1
Sample Costing 1
The total cost of raw materials that we will be incurring for producing our
product is ₱ 123.06 which can already produce seven (7) servings. The
breakdown of this is shown below:
The total cost of materials and supplies that we will be incurring for
producing our product is classified into two, the variable cost and the fixed cost.
Fixed costs are estimated to be used for 260 working days in a year (or 5 days in
a week). Both costs and its allocation to the cost per serving is broken down with
the details shown below:
Supplies Quantity Unit Cost Cost
Variable Cost of Materials and Supplies (a)
Butane Gas 2 pieces per ₱ 26.00 per ₱ 52.00
day piece
Fixed Cost of Materials and Supplies
Steamer 1 unit 588.00 ₱ 588.00
Baking Cup 1 set 75.00 75.00
Stainless Steel Wire 1 unit 27.00 27.00
Total Fixed Cost of Materials and Supplies ₱ 690.00
Cost per Daily Use of Fixed Cost of Materials and ₱ 2.65
Supplies (Total Fixed Costs ÷ no. of working days
in a year) (b)
Total Cost per Daily Use (a + b) ₱ 54.65
Cost per Serving (Total Cost per Daily Use ÷ ₱ 1.82
Total Number of Daily Servings*)
The cost of fixed assets, including its respective daily depreciation rate,
computed using a simple depreciation method, is shown below: