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Multivariate Analysis Showing Impact of Different Environmental Factors On Species Richness and Density

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Article in Pollution Research · March 2022

DOI: 10.53550/PR.2022.v41i01.052


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4 authors:

Suneha Uttam Seema Langer

University of Jammu University of Jammu


Chakshu Gupta Menakshi Dhar

University of Jammu University of Jammu


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Poll Res. 41 (1) : 353-361 (2022)
Copyright © EM International
ISSN 0257–8050
DOI No.: http://doi.org/10.53350/PR.2022.v41i01.052


Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, J&K 180 006, India
(Received 18 October, 2021; Accepted 27 December, 2021)

Freshwater molluscs face extreme threat due to anthropogenic stress which is reflected in their
changing population structure over time. The extent of this phenomenon needs to be monitored
and proper management of freshwater ecosystem should be done. In the present communication,
an approach was undertaken to study the effect of ten different physical and chemical factors
affecting mollusc density and mollusc richness in both lentic and lotic water bodies of North-West
Himalayas. A total of 10 species of gastropods and 3 species of bivalves were recorded. Bivalves
remained absent from both lentic bodies while gastropods dominated in both lotic waters in terms
of taxa richness. On subjecting physical and chemical parameters to a multivariate analysis, 7 out
of 10 factors were found significant after univariate Analysis of Variance (p<0.05). Principal
component analysis showed that all the study stations varied in terms of physical and chemical
conditions in different seasons. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that dissolved oxygen,
depth, alkalinity, Calcium ions and Chloride ions were the variables that significantly associated
with the distribution of molluscs. The regression analysis revealed that the concentration of
chloride ions was the common factor that was negatively related to both taxa richness and taxa

KEY WORDS : Freshwater molluscs, Multivariate Analysis, Principal Component Analysis,

Canonical Correspondence Analysis, North-West Himalayas

INTRODUCTION (Sousa et al., 2013, Higgins et al., 2013). Gastropods

harbour many macroparasites inside their body
Molluscs being the second largest group of animals (Thieltgis et al., 2006). Freshwater snails are
after insects, are highly adaptive and have colonised obligatory first intermediate host of digenetic
all possible habitats from terrestrial to freshwater, trematodes e.g; lung fluke, Paragonimus sp,
brackish water and marine. Freshwater malacofauna schistostomes (Mishkin and Jokinen, 1986), and are
delivers invaluable functions to aquatic ecosystems, also a source of cercarial dermatitis in humans
but are under high levels of threat (Bohm et al., (Doanh et al., 2018). The presence of susceptible snail
2020). Freshwater molluscs form an important link host is a prerequisite for the occurrence of snail
in aquatic food chain and act as biomonitoring agent borne infections. Dynamics of snail population and
to detect pollution (Patang et al., 2018). Freshwater its prevalence in multiple areas should be studied
bivalves filter water as they feed on organic matter from time to time in order to evolve long term
that remains suspended in water column and strategic control measures against snail-borne
produce large quantities of pseudofaeces, thereby parasitic diseases.
transfer resources from water column to sediments Freshwater ecosystems face extreme stress due to

anthropogenic activities (Darwall et al., 2018). Manhasan stream, a distributory of River Chenab,
Habitat loss being the most cited threat worldwide, traverses through the Ghou-Manhasan village and
accounts for extinction of every one in three Sehi stream, a tributary of river Tawi (a part of
freshwater species (Collen et al., 2014). Freshwater Chenab river system) traverses through R.S. Pura, a
molluscs particularly juveniles are the most tehsil of Jammu district. Both the streams support
susceptible to several chemicals in the aquatic small villages and agricultural fields throughout
ecosystems (Wang et al., 2017). Major threat to their entire length which affect the limnology of the
freshwater molluscs is the increasing pollution of stream (especially during monsoons). Moreover, the
water bodies due to agricultural run off and stream receives sewage, domestic waste water from
sedimentation (Gallardo et al., 2018, Zieritz et al., catchment area and also faces anthropogenic stress
2018). Despite rendering ample services to mankind, due to dumping of garbage, washing of clothes,
freshwater malacofauna are under high level of utensils, cattle bathing and fishing. Two lentic water
threat. Driving forces for the threat may vary bodies are - a natural Gharana wetland and an
regionally and need to be studied at national, sub- artificial pond located in Botanical garden of
national or regional levels. It is pertinent that University of Jammu, Jammu. Gharana wetland
comprehensive action plans are drawn up to conservation reserve is located merely 500m from
preserve freshwater ecosystems and its biodiversity. Indo-Pak border. It is also recognized as an
The present communication is an attempt to enlist important bird area as it is home to thousands of
some freshwater mollusc species from Jammu migratory birds arriving in winters. The wetland is
waters covering four different aquatic habitats bounded on left side by village and on the right side
found in the region- two tributaries of Chenab River by agricultural fields. It faces a lot of anthropogenic
(Northern Himalayan River), artificial standing pressure because of wastewater, dumping of
water body and a wetland. Prevalence of the species garbage and cattle bathing. On the other hand,
collected and effect of various hydrophysical and botanical garden pond is a freshwater artificial pond
hydrochemical parameters on prevalence of these free from anthropogenic stress.
species have been discussed in detail in this paper. 2. Field Collection and laboratory analysis
A comparison with earlier reports have also been Freshwater molluscs were collected over a period of
made so that a conclusion is drawn about the one year (August, 2020- July, 2021). Specimens were
changing trend in their population structure over a handpicked after dredging and sieving the
period of time and conservation strategies can be sediments under water and beating the submerged
made to save these shelled creatures from being vegetations over a sieve (Planorbidae). Specimens
endangered or extinction. were counted live on field. Some specimens were
released back into water after counting and some
MATERIALS AND METHODS were taken to laboratory for preservation and
identification purpose. Specimens were first
1. Study sites: Four study sites in Jammu district narcotized in water sprinkled over by Magnesium
(32.73° N, 74.8570° E) of UT of Jammu and Kashmir, sulfate, then fixed and preserved in 70% ethyl
North India (lower shivaliks of the Himalayas) were alcohol. Identification was done according to Rao
selected based on source of water in these water (1989), Ramakrishna and Dey (2007), and Thorp
bodies (Table 1). Of the four, two comprised lentic (2016).
resources and two lotic resources (streams). Ghou- Water samples were also taken from each water
Table 1. Descriptive data of four selections sites.
Station Geo-coordinates Water source Bottom
Ghou-Manhasan 32.69754°N, River Chenab, precipitation, Sandy,
Stream (GMS) 74.68219°E waste water and run off gravel
Sehi Stream (SS) 32.304008°N, River Tawi, precipitation, Sandy
74.43269°E waste water and run off gravel
Botanical garden 32.720301°N, Tube well and precipitation Muddy
pond (BGP) 74.8670823°E
Gharana wetland (GW) 32.3228°N, Precipitation, waste water Bottom with
74.4127°E and run off macrophytes

relationship between environment variables and

sampling sites. The relationship between environ-
mental variables and molluscs communities was
analysed using canonical correspondence analysis
(CCA). Cluster analysis using the unweighted pair-
group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) on
the basis of Bray-Curtis distance measure was used
to check the similarity among water bodies in terms
of molluscan fauna. Rare taxa were excluded from
the analysis. The above analyses were performed
using Paleontological Statistics software (PAST
version 4.03).
Fig. 1. Map showing locations of sampling sites. Multiple Regression analyses were used to assess
the relationship between environmental variables
body during collection for estimation of ten with taxa richness and mollusc density using
environmental variables- air temperature (AT), Minitab (version 19). Environmental variable with
water temperature (WT), depth, pH, dissolved highest p value was removed in each step of
oxygen (DO), free carbon dioxide (FCO2), alkalinity, regression until only variables related (p<0.05) to
calcium ions (Ca2+), magnesium ions (Mg2+) and density and taxa richness remained.
chlorides ions (Cl-). AT and WT were measured via
mercury bulb thermometer, pH was analyzed using RESULTS
digital pH meter by Hanna instruments. Remaining
Data depicting the physicochemical variations in
variables were analysed as per Adoni (1985).
various study stations is presented in table 2.
3. Data analyses Highest alkalinity (596.7 mg/l) is reported in lotic
water bodies (maximum: from 490.32 mg/l in GMS
The dominance of molluscs in a study area was
to 596.7 mg/l in SS) in comparison to lentic water
calculated using formula (Ka: number of bodies (maximum: 343.12 mg/l in BGP to 480.3 mg/
individuals of a mollusc species, K: total number of l in GW). DO was found to be relatively low in
individual of all mollusc species). The physical and stagnant water bodies (lowest value: from 3.4 mg/l
chemical variables among selected water bodies in GW to 4.0 mg/l in BGP). Average pH was lowest
were subjected to ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to in GW (pH = 6.3) and highest in SS (pH = 7.81). In
examine the significance of difference. A non-metric BGP, highest contribution of calcium (56.35 mg/l)
multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was performed and magnesium ions (18.70 mg/l) was observed
on log transformed data of molluscs abundance while chloride ions (104.10 mg/l) dominated in GW.
using Bray-Curtis distance for testing the clustering The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for each
of different substrates types (sediments with and physical and chemical variable of selected water
without macrophytes). A Principal Component bodies revealed that 7 out of 10 variables showed
Analysis (PCA) was performed to analyze the significant differences (p<0.05). These variables

Table 2. The physical and chemical variables of water (ranges) in investigated water bodies.
Parameters Ghou-Manhasan stream Sehi Stream Botanical Garden Pond Gharana Wetland
Air temperature (°C) 15.6-30.0 17.7-33.6 12.4-34 13-29.4
Water temperature (°C) 13.2-28.7 18-30.4 10.6-28 12-28.6
pH 7.07-7.9 7.7-8.1 6.49-7.8 4.6-8.05
Depth (m) 30-52 39-55 15-15.4 22.6-24.5
Dissolved Oxygen (mgl-1) 5.4-9.82 6.4-8.92 4-5.44 3.4-7.03
Free carbon dioxide (mgl-1) 0-10 0 0-16 4.2-8.36
Alkalinity (mgl-1) 230.7- 490.32 460-596.7 158.32-343.12 151.28-480.3
Chloride ions (mgl-1) 8.94-16.40 6.72-10.48 8.51-18.01 71.58-104.10
Calcium ions (mgl-1) 5.21-7.01 4.33-6.59 21.10-56.35 6.44-11.34
Magnesium ions (mgl-1) 3.40-6.91 2.96-3.208 6.78-18.70 5.39-9.53

include water temperature, depth, dissolved stations. Of which, 10 species were gastropods
oxygen, alkalinity, calcium ions, magnesium ions belonging to 6 families and 3 were bivalves
and chloride ions. Results of ANOVA applied to belonging to 3 families. Gastropods formed
different physicochemical variables are presented in dominant assemblages over bivalves at all study
table 3. The variables which showed significant stations except at GMS. Taxa richness, indicated by
difference were further used for analysis. high value of Shanon-Wiener index (H) was
observed in lotic water bodies i.e., GMS (H = 1.342)
Table 3. Results of univariate ANOVA applied to 10
physico-chemical variables of water from different sites. and SS (H = 1.784). Contrary to this, a low value of
Shanon Wiener index in lentic water bodies like BGP
Parameters‘ F value p value (H = 0.536) and GW (H = 0.7006) indicated these
Air temperature 0.438 0.729 sites to be less diverse in terms of malacofauna
Water temperature 7.225 0.004* diversity. The species present in GW were not
pH 2.664 0.09 common with other water bodies. Complete
Depth 19.9 5.96E-05* dominance of gastropods and absence of bivalves
Dissolved oxygen 4.592 0.023* was observed at lentic water bodies. The overall
Free carbon dioxide 0.6908 0.525
order of dominance of freshwater water molluscs
Alkalinity 6.098 0.009*
followed the trend: Melanoides tuberculata (45.61%) >
Calcium 6.73 0.006*
Magnesium 7.195 0.005* Pisidium mitcehlli (23.08%) > Physa acuta (9.94%) >
Chlorine 80.25 3.29E-08* Bellamya bengalensis (4.77%) > Lamellidens corrianus
(4.54%) > Gyraulus ladacensis (4.30%) > Biomphlaria
(* indicates that p value (<0.05) is significant)
sp. (3.05%) > Lymnaea luteola (1.56%) > Indoplanorbis
exustus (1.41%) > Lymnaea auricularia (0.93%) >
1. Mollusc communities and effect of
Corbicula cashmiriensis (0.57%)> Bithynia tentaculata
environmental factors
(0.31%) > Corbicula cashmiriensis (0.23%) > Helisoma
A total of 1278 specimens of freshwater molluscs sp. (0.23%). One invasive alien species was recorded
were collected from different study stations. A among them, i.e. Physa acuta. Two endemic species
detailed account of abundance (%) of species of the region Bithynia tentaculata and Corbicula
collected at different study sites is presented in table cashmiriensis were also found, but in very less
4. After close examination of the preserved species, numbers.
13 freshwater species of molluscs belonging to 9 The NMDS plot based on log transformed data of
families were identified from different study mollsucs abundance did not indicate grouping or

Table 4. Values of dominance (D%), species count and Shanon-Wiener index for mollusc communities in selected water
Families Name of species GMS SS GW BGP Jammu
(D%) (D%) (D%) (D%) district
Thiaridae Melanoides tuberculata (Muller, 1774) 27.43 31.00 0 71.70 45.61
Viviparidae Bellamya bengalensis (Lamarck, 1822) 5.73 12.67 0 0 4.77
Bithyniidae Bithynia tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 0 8.51 0 0.31
Physididae Physa acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) 2.24 5.00 0 19.43 9.94
Lymnaeidae Lymnaea luteola (Lamarck, 1822) 4.23 0 2.13 0 1.56
Lymnaea auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) 0 4.00 0 0 0.93
Planorbidae Gyraulus ladacensis (Nevill, 1878) 0.50 2.00 0 8.87 4.30
Indoplanorbis exustus (Deshayes, 1834) 1.75 3.67 0 0 1.41
Helisoma sp. (Swainson, 1840) 0 0 6.38 0 0.23
Biomphlaria sp.( Preston, 1910) 0 0 82.97 0 3.05
Unionidae Lamellidens corrianus (Lea, 1834) 5.23 12.34 0 0 4.54
Sphaeridae Pisidium mitchelli (Prashad, 1925) 52.61 28.00 0 0 23.08
Cyrenidae Corbicula cashmiriensis Deshayes, 1855) 0.25 0.67 0 0 0.23
Total individuals 401 300 530 47 1278
No. of species 9 10 4 3 13
Shanon-Wiener index H 1.342 1.784 0.771 0.622 1.669

extracted based on loading scores (correlation

coefficient >0.60) of these variables. The variables
related to PC1 were depth, dissolved oxygen,
alkalinity, calcium ions and magnesium ions. The
most significant loading score in case of PC2 was of
water temperature. The scatter plot of PC1 and PC2
indicated the clear separation of GMS and SS (lotic
water bodies) from BGP and GW (lentic water
bodies). A slight overlap between BGP and GW was
observed. All four study sites were found to have
different environmental conditions as very less or no
overlapping between symbols from different sites
was there in PCA plot (Figure 3).
The CCA showed that dissolved oxygen, depth,
alkalinity, chlorine and calcium best explained the
Fig. 2. NMDS plot (based on log transformed abundance variance in distribution of malacofauna in selected
data) showing relationship of sampling sites with water bodies. The first two axis explained 99.61% of
different substrate types (sediments with variance in relationship between environment
macrophytes-; Sediments without macrophytes-
variables and taxa. Bithynia tentaculata, Helisoma sp.
and Biomphlaria sp were found to be sensitive species
clustering of sampling sites with different substrate and were associated with high concentration of
types (Figure 2). It can be inferred that molluscs
abundance at different sites was not affected much
by the presence or absence of macrophytes.
The PCA analysis showed that the first two
principal components accounted for 69% of total
variability among four study sites. First three
principal components which accounted for 85.21%
of the total variability (48.22% of PC1, 20.78% of PC2
and 16.211% of PC3) with Eigen value >1 and
statistical significance were extracted. Principal Fig. 3. Scatter plot of Principal Component Analysis
components with Eigen value <1 were excluded (PCA) using six statistically significant physico-
from analysis. The significant loading scores based chemical variables of water
on correlation matrix, for first three principal
components is listed in table 5. The variables
constituting different principal components were

Table 5. Results of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

performed on 10 most differentiated physico-chemical
variables of water bodies and significant correlation
loading scores (>0.60) for the first the three principal
components (PC)
Variables PC 1 PC 2 PC 3
Eigen values 3.375 1.454 1.134
% variance 48.22 20.78% 16.211% Fig. 4. Result of canonical correspondence analysis
WT 0.042 0.877 0.415 (CCA): ordination diagram of best explanatory
Depth 0.904 0.292 0.126 variables and molluscs abundance data (M.t:
DO 0.704 -0.218 -0.540 Melanoides tuberculata, B.b: Bellamya bengalensis, B.t:
Alkalinity 0.831 0.045 0.135 Bithynia tentaculata, P.a: Physa acuta, L.a: Lymnaea
Cl- -0.376 -0.533 0.707 auricularia, L.l: Lymnaea luteola, H.sp: Helisoma
Ca2+ -0.767 -0.514 -0.291 species, B.sp: Biomphlaria species, I.e: Indoplanorbis
Mg2+ -0.798 -0.008 -0.224 exustus, G.l: Gyraulus ladacensis, P.m: Pisidum
mitchelli, L.c: Lamellidens corrianus)

chloride ions, whereas other species were found in was negatively related to chlorides (adj. R2 = 44.13%,
water bodies with comparatively low levels of p=0.003) and magnesium (adj. R 2 = 38.63%, p=
chlorides. Melanoides tuberculata, Physa acuta and 0.006). The taxa density was positively related to
Gyraulus ladacensis were predominantly related to calcium ions (adj. R 2 = 28.19%, p=0.02) and
high concentration of calcium ions and low negatively related to chloride ions (adj. R2 = 54.52%,
concentration of magnesium ions in water. Lymnaea p= 0.001). No significant results were obtained when
auricularia was associated to greater extent with DO regression analysis was performed on taxa richness
than with alkalinity and depth. Bellamya bengalensis, as a function of taxa density. The graphs illustrating
Indoplanorbis exustus and Lamellidens corrianus were linear regression equations for ‘taxa richness’ and
associated more with alkalinity than depth and ‘taxa density’ as function of different physical and
dissolved oxygen. Pisidum mitchelli was found to be chemical variables is presented in Figure 5.
affected more by depth and alkalinity and less by A cluster analysis based on structure of mollusc
dissolved oxygen. communities separated the lotic water bodies (GMS
The multiple regression analysis revealed that the and SS) and BGP in a distinct group and less
taxa richness was positively related to depth (adj. R2 similarity was found in GW which showed a
= 55.35%, p = 0.001), dissolved oxygen (adj. R2 = different community structure. Further, GMS and SS
38.86%, p= 0.006), alkalinity (adj. R2 = 35.91%, p= showed similar species composition (8 common
0.008) and pH ((adj. R2 = 23.03%, p=0.03) whereas it species) and were grouped together (Figure 6).

Fig. 5. Linear regression equations for the (a) Depth, (b) DO, (c) pH, (d) alkalinity, (e) Cl- and (f) Mg2+ as a function of
taxa richness; (g) Cl- and (h) Ca 2+ as a function of taxa density; R-Sq (adj)- coefficient of determination.

essential requirement for shell calcification in

molluscs. Previous study by Lodge et al 1987 also
showed that low calcium concentration (<4.5 mg/l)
is the limiting factor for successful establishment of
gastropods in pond. Further, our field patterns
supported the laboratory studies by Thomas et al.
(1974) and Madsen (1987) who also witnessed
reduced growth and reproduction of gastropods
reared at low calcium concentration (<5 mg/l).
Taxa richness was related to magnesium ions
with a negative binomial according to linear
refression results. The reason for this could be that
high levels of magnesium ions over calcium ions
Fig. 6. Diagram of the faunal similarities among selected
study sites using UPGMA (Unweighted pair-
result in high Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio which interfere with
group methods with the arithmetic mean the fecundity of snails. Harrison et al. (1966)
(UPGMA) based on Bray Curtis distance measure observed that Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 19:7 caused the
stoppage of egg laying in a planorbid snail
Biomphlaria pfeifferi.
The taxa richness was positively related to pH,
alkalinity, depth, dissolved oxygen. According to
The observations from present communication
Okland (1983) calcium ions are hardly available to
revealed that the common variable affecting both
freshwater snails at low pH as calcium dissolution
taxa richness and taxa density was the concentration
increases with low pH. Freshwater molluscs are the
of chloride ions. Both taxa richness and taxa density
most intolerant group to acidification and are
showed a decline when compared to chloride ions in
sensitive to decreasing alkalinity and low pH of
a linear regression. The findings of the present study
habitat (Hunter, 1988; Bendell and Mc Nicol, 1993).
showed complete dominance of gastropods over
Alkalinity and habitat area positively influences
bivalves in studied lentic water bodies (BGP and
gastropod richness in an ecosystem (Hoverman et
GW). Taxa richness was also less in both sites and
al., 2011). This might be the reason that despite
represented by ony 3-4 taxa during the study period.
optimum values of calcium ions in GW (average pH
Since fishes are required for development and
= 6.3), molluscs richness and density both were low.
dispersal of glochidia (Pip, 1986) so, absence of
In BGP, pH fluctuated from acidic (6.49) to alkaline
fishes in these water bodies could be the reason for
(7.8), so inspite of high calcium concentrations
disappearance of bivalves and hence less taxa
(21.10-56.35 mg/l), taxa richness was low. In GMS
richness. Less dominance of Lamellidens corrianus in
and SS high alkalinity and pH near to (7-8) favoured
GMS (5.23%) compared to SS (12.34%) might be due
more number of species to flourish. CCA results
to a comparatively high value of chlorides in GMS.
indicated that Pisidium mitchelli was related
Unionid mussels, particularly glochidia are sensitive
positively to depth. Similar observstions were made
to elevated concentration of chlorides (Gills 2011;
by Bespalaya (2014) in a congeneric species P.
Patnode et al., 2015).
lilljeborgi which was found to inhabit deeper site
Linear regression between taxa density and
with a sandy-gravel substrate.
calcium showed significant results. The reason for
Taxa richness showed an increase with DO in
positive relationship between taxa density and
water bodies. Many researchers (Sowa et al., 2019)
calcium ions could be related to the findings of
did not find any relation of mollusc taxa richness
Rundle et al. (2003), who observed that high
and dissolved oxygen. Few researchers such as
concentration of calcium ions in habitat results in
Satheeshkumar and Khan (2012), Dzul and
stronger shells thus it helps in defensive mechanism
Castaneda (2016) however reported a positive
against predation. The highest abundance of
correlation of DO with dominance of molluscs. The
gastropods (41.47% of total individuals from all
reason for this could be that lower layers of water
sites) was reported from BGP which was found to
are hypoxic. At low DO, mostly the prosobranchs
have highest calcium concentrations (21.10-56.35
communities fail to establish as these gill breathing
mg/l) in all seasons among all sites. Calcium is an
snails are completely dependent on dissolved

to be rare taxa while sampling in GMS stream.

Therefore, a check has to be done on pollution levels
of such water bodies, use of chloride containing
fertilizers and arrangement for proper disposal of
human sewage and animal waste should be made.


The authors would like to thank Head, Department

of Zoology, University of Jammu and Department of
Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
(GoI) for providing necessary facilities and
Fig. 7. Distribution of molluscs taxa along a chloride ion
equipments purchased out of RUSA (Rashtriya
gradient (M.tu: Melanoides tuberculata, B.be: Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan), FIST (Fund for
Bellamya bengalensis, B.te: Bithynia tentaculata, P.ac: improvement of S&T) and PURSE (Promotion of
Physa acuta, L.au: Lymnaea auricularia, L.lu: Lymnaea University Research and Excellence) programs.
luteola, H.sp: Helisoma species, B.sp: Biomphlaria Further, the corresponding author is highly thankful
species, I.ex: Indoplanorbis exustus, G.la: Gyraulus to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
ladacensis, P.mi: Pisidum mitchelli, C.ca: Corbicula (CSIR) for providing research fellowship in the form
cashmiriensis, L.co: Lamellidens corrianus) of CSIR-SRF.
oxygen in water for respiration whereas pulmonates
can climb stones or aquatic vegetation to inhale
atmospheric air.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
Result of our studies indicated chloride levels to
that are relevant to the content of this article.
be the common factor which negatively relates to
taxa density of molluscs. A graph illustrating
distribution of studied molluscs along a chloride
gradient (Figure 7). GW molluscs particularly
Adoni, A.D. 1985. Workbook on Limnology. Pratibha
Biomphlaria and Helisoma could be looked upon as Publishers, C-10, Gour Nagar Sagar, India.
potential indicator of high level of chlorides in a Bendell, B.E. and McNicol D.K. 1993. Gastropods from
water body. Most affected among all studied small northeastern Ontario lakes: their value as
molluscs are bivalves which disappeared completely indicator of acidification. The Canadian Field-
from sites experiencing high chloride concentrations Naturalist. 107(3): 267-272.
(BGP and GW). Bespalaya, Y. 2015. Molluscan fauna of an Arctic lake is
Out of total 13 species, three species- Corbicula dominated by a cosmopolitan Pisidium species.
cashmiriensis, Biomphlaria sp. and Pisidium mitchelli Journal of Molluscan Studies 81:294–298. http://
have found to be data deficient whereas remaining
Bo¨hm, M., Richman, N.I.D., Seddon, M., Ledger, S.H.E.
ten species show a ‘Least Concern’ status according 2020. The conservation status of the world’s
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from Oriental region is available. Though the current Collen, B., Whitton, F., Dyer, E.E. et al. 2014. Global
status of Bithynia tentaculata is ‘Least Concern’ patterns of freshwater species diversity, threat and
according to IUCN, but extremely low abundance endemism. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 23:
values of this species (0.31% of total mollusc density 40–51.
from all sites) which is endemic to the region is a Darwall, W., Bremerich, V. and DeWever, A. 2018. The
Alliance for Freshwater Life: a global call to unite
matter of concern as it might lead to extinction of
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