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JEE-Main | JEE-Advance | NEET | BOARDS


B.Tech IIT Roorkee (AIR 23)



1. A 10 F capacitor is fully charged to a potential 5. In the circuit shown, charge on the 5 F capacitor is
difference of 50 V. After removing the source voltage it
is connected to an unchared capacitor in parallel. Now
the potential difference across them becomes 20 V. The
capacitance of the second capacitor is

(A) 15 F (B) 20 F

(C) 30 F (D) 10 F

2. In the circuit shown in the figure, the total charge is 750 (A) 18.00 C (B) 10.90 C
C and the voltage acorss capacitor C2 is 20 V. Then
the charge on capacitor C2 is (C) 16.36 C (D) 5.45 C

6. A parallel plate capacitor has plate of length ‘l’, width

‘w’ and separation of plates is ‘d’. It is connected to a
battery of emf V. A dielectric slab of the same thickness
‘d’ and of dielectric constant K = 4 is being inserted
between the plates of the capacitor. At what length of
the slab inside plates, will the energy stored in the
capacitor be two times the initial energy stored?
(A) 2l/3 (B) l/3 (C) l/4 (D) l/2
7. A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area A separated
by distance ‘d’ between them.It is filled with a dielectric
(A) 450 C (B) 590 C
which has a dielectric constant that varies as k(x) = K
(1 + x ) where ‘x’ is the distance measured from one
(C) 160 C (D) 650 C
of the plates. If  d   1, the total capacitance of the
3. A capacitor C is fully charged with voltage V0. After
system is best given by the expression
disconnecting the voltage source, it is connected in
parallel with another uncharged capacitor of capacitance
C/2. The energy loss in the process after the charge is
distributed between the two capacitors is

1 1 1 1
(A) CV02 (B) CV02 (C)
CV02 (D) CV0
3 4 2 6

4. Two capacitors of capacitances C and 2C are charged

to potential differences V and 2V respectively. These
are then connected in parallel in such a manner that
the positive terminal of one is connected to the negative 2
terminaol of the other. The final energy of this A0K   d   AK0  d 
(A) d  1   2   (B) 1
configuration is    
 d  2 

25 3 9 A 0K  2 d2  AK0
(A) CV 2 (B) CV 2 (C) zero (D) CV 2 1   1  d 
6 2 2 (C) d  2  (D)

3rd Floor Kumar Tower, Boring Road Chowraha, Opposite Malabar Gold, Patna 800001
9798788627 | 9525416708

8. Effective capacitance of parallel combination of two 13. The parallel combination of two air filled parallel plate
capacitors C1 and C2 is 10 F . When these capacitors capacitors of capacitance C and nC is connected to a
are individually connected to a voltage source of 1 V, battery of voltage, V. When the capacitors are fully
the energy stored in the capacitor C2 is 4 times that of charged, the battery is removed and after that a
C1. If these capacitors are connected in series, their dielectric material of dielectric constant K is placed
effective capacitance will be between the two plates of the first capacitor. The new
potential difference of the combined system is
(A) 1.6 F (B) 8.4 F (C) 3.2 F (D) 4.2 F

9. A capacitor is made of two square plates each of side n  1 V

(A) V (B)
‘a’ making a very small angle  between them, as K  n 
shown in figure. The capacitance will be close to

nV V
(C) (D)
Kn K n

14. Figure shows charge (q) versus voltage (V) graph for
series and parallel combination of two given capacitors.
The capacitances are

q C

0 a2  a  0 a2  a 
(A) 1   (B) 1  
d  4d  d  d 

0 a2  a  0 a2  3a 
(C) 1   (D) 1   500 B
d  2d  d  2d 

10. Voltage rating of a parallel plate capacitor is 500 V. Its

dielectric can withstand a maximum electric field of 106 80
V m–1. The plate area is 10–4 m2. What is the dielectric
10 V V (Volt)
constant if the capacitance is 15 pF ?
(A) 50 F and 30 F (B) 20 F and 30 F
 0  8.86  10 12 C2 N1 m2 
(C) 60 F and 40 F (D) 40 F and 10 F
(A) 3.8 (B) 8.5 (C) 6.2 (D) 4.5
15. Two identical parallel plate capacitors, of capacitance
11. A parallel plate capacitor has 1 F capacitance. One C each, have plates of area A, separated by a distance
of its two plates is given  2 C charge and the other d. The space between the plates of the two capacitors,
is filled with three dielectrics, of equal thickness and
plate,  4 C charge. The potential difference developed
dielectric constants K1, K2 and K3. The first capacitor
across the capacitor is
is filled as shown in figure I, and the second one is
(A) 3 V (B) 2 V (C) 5 V (D) 1 V filled as shown in figure II. If these two modified
capacitors are charged by the same potential V, the
12. A capacitor with capacitance 5 F is charged to 5 C . ratio of the energy stored in the two, would be (E1 refers
If the plates are pulled apart to reduce the capacitance to capacitor (I) and E2 to capacitor (II)
to 2 F, how much work is done?

(A) 6.25  10 6 J (B) 3.75  10 6 J

(C) 2.16  10 6 J (D) 2.55  10 6 J

3rd Floor Kumar Tower, Boring Road Chowraha, Opposite Malabar Gold, Patna 800001
9798788627 | 9525416708

19. A parallel plate capacitor having capacitance 12 pF is

E1  K1  K 2  K 3 K 2K 3  K 3K1  K1K 2  charged by a battery to a potential difference of 10 V
(A) 
E2 K1K 2K 3 between its plates. The charging battery is now
disconnected and a procelain slab of dielectric constant
6.5 is slipped between the plates. The work done by
E1  K1  K 2  K 3 K 2K 3  K 3K1  K1K 2  the capacitor on the slab is
(B)  (A) 508 pJ (B) 692 pJ
E2 9K1K 2K 3
(C) 560 pJ (D) 600 pJ
20. In the figure shown below, the charge on the left plate
E1 9K 1K 2K 3 of the 10 F capacitor is – 30 C . The charge on the
(C) E   K  K  K K K  K K  K K 
2 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 right plate of the 6 F capacitor is

E1 K 1K 2K 3 6 F
(D) E   K  K  K K K  K K  K K  10 F 2 F
2 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 2
4 F
16. In the given circuit, the charge on 4 F capacitor will (A) 18 F (B) 12 C (C) 12 C (D) 18 C
21. Seven capacitors, each of capacitance 2 F , are to be
connected in a configuration to obtain an effective
 6
capacitance of   F . Which of the combinations,
 13 
shown in figures below, will achieve and desired value?


(A) 9.6 C (B) 24 C (C) 5.4 C (D) 13.4 C

17. A parallel plate capacitor is made of two square plates (B)
of side a, separated by a distance d (d < < a). The
lower triangular portion is filled with a dielectric constant
K, as shown in the figure. Capacitance of this capacitor

K0 a2 (C)
1 K 0 a2
(A) (B) d K  1 In K
2 d  

K0 a2 K 0 a2
(C) 2d K  1 (D) In K
  d
18. A parallel plate capacitor is of area 6 cm 2 and a 22. In the figure shown, after the switch S is turned from
separation 3 mm. The gap is filled with three dielectric position A to position B to energy dissipated in the circuit
materials of equal thickness (see figure) with dielectric in terms of capacitance C and total charge Q is
constants K1 = 10, K2 = 12 and K3 = 14.The electric
constant of a material which when fully inserted in the
given capacitor gives same capacitance would be

5 Q2 1 Q2 3 Q2 3 Q2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) 36 (B) 12 (C) 4 (D) 14 8 C 8 C 8 C 4 C

3rd Floor Kumar Tower, Boring Road Chowraha, Opposite Malabar Gold, Patna 800001
9798788627 | 9525416708

23. A parallel plate capacitor with plates of area 1 m2 each,

are at a separation of 0.1 m. If the electric field between
the plates is 100 N C–1,the magnitude of charge on each
plate is
 12 C 
 Take  0  8.85  10 2 
 Nm 

(A) 8.85  10 10 C (B) 7.85  10 10 C

(C) 9.85  10 10 C (D) 6.85  1010 C
24. In the circuit shown, find C if the effective capacitance 6 7 7
(A) F (B) 4 F (C) F (D) F
of the whole circuit is to be 0.5 F . All values in the 5 11 10
circuit are in F . 25. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 90 pF is
connected to a battery of emf 20 V. If a dielectric material
of dielectric constant K  is inserted between the
plates, the magnitude of the induced charge will be
(A) 1.2 nC (B) 0.3 nC (C) 2.4 nC(D) 0.9 nC

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (C)

10. (B) 11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (D) 15. (C) 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (B)

19. (A) 20. (D) 21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (A)

3rd Floor Kumar Tower, Boring Road Chowraha, Opposite Malabar Gold, Patna 800001
9798788627 | 9525416708

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