Epf Act
Epf Act
Epf Act
Objectives: -
****This wage-ceiling is 15,000 with effect from 1 September, 2014. The EPFO
has recently proposed to enhance this wage-ceiling to 21,000 per month.
Appropriate Government:
➢ In relation to an establishment belonging to the central government are,
railway company, a major port, a mine or an oilfield or a controlled
industry or in relation to an establishment having departments or
branches in more than one state and in relation to any other
establishment, the state government.
Basic Wages:
➢ All emoluments which are earned by an employee while on duty or on
leave or on holidays with wages in accordance with the terms of contract
of employment but does not include
• the cash value of any food concession,
• any dearness allowance, house rent allowance, overtime
allowance, bonus, commission or any other similar allowance
payable to the employee in respect of his employment or of
work done in such employment,
• any presents made by the employer [Sec. 2(b)].
➢ Any person who is employed for wages in any kind of work, in
connection with the work of an establishment, and who gets his wages
directly or indirectly from the employer, and includes any person
employed by or through a contractor
➢ engaged as an apprentice, not being an apprentice engaged under the
Apprentices Act,1961
• not more than 05 central government officials
• not more than 15 representatives of state governments
• 10 representatives of employers in consultation with
organizations of employers, and
• 10 employees’ representatives in consultation with
organizations of employees, all appointed by the central
Executive Committee
For assisting the Central Board of Trustees, the central government may
appoint the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is to consist of:
State Board
Contribution: -
Employees’ Pension Scheme: - EPF Pension which is technically known as
Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), is a social security scheme. The scheme
makes provisions for employees working in the organized sector for a pension
after their retirement at the age of 58 years. However, the benefits of the
scheme can be availed only if the employee has provided a service for at least
10 years (this does not have to be continuous service).
Types of Pensions: -
➢ Widow pension or vridha pension is applicable to the widow of the
member eligible for a pension. The pension amount will be payable until
the death of the widow or her remarriage
➢ Child Pension: -In case of death of the member, monthly children
pension is applicable for the surviving children in the family in addition
to the monthly widow pension. The monthly pension will be paid till the
child attains the age of 25 years.
➢ Orphan Pension: -In case the member dies and has no surviving widow,
his children will be entitled to get the monthly orphan pension of 75%
of the value of monthly widow pension.
❖ The scheme came into force with effect from 1 August 1976. All the
members of the Employees’ Provident Funds
❖ Following is the formula to compute the EDLI pay-out:
Following are the key features of the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance
Scheme (EDLI) that apply to all the beneficiaries of the policy:
❖ Organisations with more than 20 employees have to register for EPF.
As a result, an employee who holds an EPF account will automatically
become eligible for the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme
(EDLI). In other words, employees don’t have to contribute towards
EDLI separately.
❖ Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme protects the insured
person round the clock with no exceptions to the insurance coverage.
❖ Employers can take other group insurance policies. However, the
benefits from such a scheme have to be equal to or more than the
benefits offered under EDLI.
❖ Employer’s contribution is at 0.5% of the basic salary or a maximum of
INR 75 per month per employee. If the company has no other group
insurance policies, the maximum contribution is capped at INR 15,000
per month.
❖ EDLI considers both the basic salary and dearness allowance together
for all calculations.
❖ The benefit is directly credited to the claimant’s account.
❖ Age and other factors do not have any impact on the employee’s
eligibility for the scheme.
➢ On the death of a member while in employment of the same
establishment for a continuous period of 12 months preceding
➢ the month in which he died, the persons entitled to receive the
provident fund accumulations of the deceased are also
➢ to be paid, in addition, an amount equal to the average monthly wages
drawn multiplied by 20 times
Pandit Deendayal Upadhayay Shramev Jayate Karyakram (2014)