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FINAL Detailed Lesson Plan (Angle of Elevation and Depression)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Division of Tarlac Province


Prepared by: Joel V.Tangonan
Junior High School Level Applicant


A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of trigonometry.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to formulate and solve real-life
problems with precision and accuracy.
C. Learning Competency
The learner:
- illustrates angles of elevation and angles of depression. M9GEIVd-1
- uses trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems involving right triangles. M9GEIVe-1

Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. identify angle of elevation and angle of depression;

b. illustrate angle of elevation and angle of depression; and
c. solve problems involving angle of elevation and angle of depression


 Topic: Angles of Elevation and Depression

 References: Realistic Math 9 Scaling Greater Heights, pages 331-335.
 Materials: Power point Presentation, Textbook, Scientific Calculator, and Visual Aids



A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class! Good morning, Sir!

Today is a good day and it is only appropriate to start

this lesson with a prayer but first, pick up those
papers, plastics, candy wrappers near you and put it
inside your pockets. Student 1: Let us close our eyes, bow our head and
Okay, may I call someone to lead us the prayer?

Once again, good morning class! Good morning, Sir!

You may now take your sits. We believe that your
presence matters, so, Ms. Secretary kindly check the

Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us recall our Students:

classroom rules again. 1. Listen respectfully, without interrupting.
Okay, very good! 2. Allow everyone the chance to speak.
3. Raise your hand if you have a question.

B. Review
In preparatory with today’s discussion, let’s try to
take a look at what we discussed about last time.

We just finished talking about the six basic Yes Sir!

trigonometric ratios, right?

Now who can enumerate me the six basic Student 2: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and
trigonometric ratios? cotangent.

What mnemonics did we use in order to formulate the SOH -CAH -TOA
equation of each ratio?

Again, when we say mnemonics in English, these are

techniques that can optimize your ability to
remember what you're learning. It comes from the
Greek word 'mnemonikos' which means 'aiding
memory. ' Sometimes mnemonics involve rhyme,
songs, poems or acronyms.

What does each letter stand for? Sine Cosine Tangent

Oppossite Side Adjacent Side Opposite Side
Hypotenuse Hypotenuse Adjacent Side

Okay. Very Good!

We also discussed about the special triangles, such as

the 45-45-90° right triangle and the 30-60-90° right

C. Motivation

Now, let’s have an activity entitled follow me. I have

4 instructions here that you need to follow. Let’s see
if you can do it correctly. (Students will do the activity)

First, sit in a comfortable position with your head

facing forward. You may focus on a point or
something that’s in your eye level.
Next, starting from the straight gaze, move your head
slowly to your right side and to your left side.
Then look up and try to look on a point or something
which is above you.
Lastly, look down as if you were looking at the
ground or your feet.

Very good! You may now look at me.

D. Presentation of the Topic

Every day we tend to look all things around us.

Sometimes we need to look up and sometimes we
need to look down.

Why do we need to look up and why do we need to

look down? Yes Sir!

Have you tried thinking that one?


So, we need to look up for us to see the things above

us and we try to look down for us to see things below

Now as we look up and as we look down there are

angles that are formed these angles are what we
called angles of elevation and depression.

For today’s discussion we will be focusing our

attention with these lesson objectives
(Teacher will read the objectives)

E. Discussion
Let’s start with our example.

On your way to a park, you pass in this ground. We

supposed that this person who is standing here is you.
As a person if you are going to look straight there is
this imaginary line that is formed which is our eye
level. This imaginary line is what we called the

Now as you walk in this ground you observe that

there is this airplane that's flying over you and you
also observed that there is this cat that is coming
towards you.

The question is, what are you going to do to see the

airplane and to see the cat?

Okay, for you to see the airplane you need to look up.
Now as you look up there is this line that is formed,
this one here.

And for you to see the cat, you also need to look
down and there is this line also that is formed.

Now these lines here that is formed as you look up

and look down is what we called the LINE OF

As you look up and as you look down there is this

angle that is formed.

Let's begin as you LOOK UP. This angle here is what

we called the ANGLE OF ELEVATION and the
angle that is formed as you LOOK DOWN is what
we called the ANGLE OF DEPRESSION.

See even in our simple life experiences we can see

angles of elevation and depression.

In short, ANGLE OF ELEVATION is the angle formed

between the horizontal and the observer’s line of sight to
an object located above the horizontal while ANGLE OF
DEPRESSION is the angle formed between the horizontal
and the observer’s line of sight to an object located below
the horizontal.
For me to find out whether you understood what we
have discussed, let’s have an activity entitled,
“Identify Me”.

Identify whether an angle of elevation or an angle of Angle of Elevation

depression is shown in the given photos. I will choose
one student from the class to answer each photo. If Angle of Depression
you want to answer just raise your hand
Number 1, what angle is shown? Sir Angle of Depression
How about number 2? Angle of Elevation
The third one?

And the last one?


Thank you for your active participation.

The knowledge on the trigonometric ratios may be

used to solve certain problems involving angles of
elevation and angles of depression.

For example, from a point 17 meters away from a

tree, the angle of elevation to the top of the tree is
38°. How high is the tree?

By reading and analyzing our example, we have

formed a right triangle. The question is how high is the
So, the first thing that we need to do is we need to
identify our given. As we identify our given, we are
able to identify also the formula or ratio that are we
going to use using the mnemonics SOH-CAH-TOA
to solve for the height of the tree.

We name the angle of elevation using the Greek letter

θ read as “theta”.

Our given are:

θ = 38°
adj = 17m
opp = ?
Student 3: By using the mnemonics TOA we are
From our mnemonics SOH-CAH-TOA, what are we
going to use the formula:
going to use in which there are adjacent and opposite
side? tan θ =
Very good!

In this case, we can use the tangent ratio.

After we identify the relationship of each side to our

angle, we will substitute it to our formula and let our
unknown be the “h” then we will come up with the
tan38° =
17 m
Then we cross multiply, we will have:
tan38° (17 m) = h
Reminder, if the measure of the angles is not 30°,
45°, and 60°, we use scientific calculator to
determine trigonometric or numerical values.

For tan38°, put the calculator in the degree mode,

press “tan”, “38”, and “=” to display the value.

We will have now:

(0.7812856265) (17m) = h (Students will try to use the scientific calculator to
Finally, we will perform the indicated operation and catch up with the solving)
we will have the value of our h ≈ 13.28.

Therefore, the tree is approximately 13.28m high.

Another example.

Let us now proceed to the example of angle of


The angle of depression of the lamp post to a point of

the ground is 64°. How long is the light beam if the
lamp post is 17 meters high?

In the given illustration, we can see that the ground

and the horizontal of the beam of light are parallel.
Thus, we can say that the angle of the depression of
the lamp post and the angle of the elevation from the
end of the beam to the lamp post are congruent since
they are alternate interior angles. We can use the sine
opposite (Students will try to use the scientific calculator to
sin θ = catch up with the solving)
sin 64° =
x sin 64° = 17
x =
sin 64 °
x = 0.8987940463
x ≈ 18.91 Students: The length of the light beam is around
What can we conclude from our solving? 18.91m.

F. Generalization
For me to find out whether you understood our
lesson, let’s have another activity entitled, “Formula
I will give you the given in a problem and try to
determine the ratio or formula we are going to use to Tangent Ratio
solve for the unknown.
Cosine Ratio
Number 1, what ratio or formula are we going to use?
Sine Ratio
How about number 2?

And the last one?


G. Application
Applying the concept, you have learned, answer the
following problems:
(Have the students solve on the board)
Students will answer/solve

1. The angle of elevation from a boat to the top of a

92-meter hill is 12°. How far is the boat from the base
of the hill?

2. From the top of the cliff 280 meters high, the angle
of depression of a boat is 25°. How far from the base
of the cliff is the boat?


For your individual activity, please get sheet (crosswise) of paper and answer this short test.

1. The sun shines on a flagpole, causing a shadow to be cast on the ground. The distance from the base of
the pole to the tip of the shadow is 49 feet. At that time of day, the sun’s rays make an angle of 38° with
the ground. How tall is the flagpole?
2. A 200 ft high television transmitting tower is to be supported by guy wires running from the ground to
the top of the tower. The wires make an angle of 63° with the ground. How far from the base of the
tower must they meet the ground?


CRITERIA 3 2 1 0
The learner There is missing in Incompletely There is no given
completely the given but knows identified the given shown in the
UNDERSTANDING identified all the the formula needed and doesn’t know solution.
given and the to solve the what formula to be
formula needed to problem. used.
solve the problem.
The learner There is a minor There are many There is no
ILLUSRATION illustrates the error in the errors in the illustration has
problem accurately. illustration of the illustration of the shown in the
problem. problem. solution.
The learner The learner The learner only The learner
followed the steps followed the steps showed the first two didn’t show any
correctly in solving correctly in solving steps of his solution. solution.
SOLUTION the problem and the problem and
came up with an came up with an
exact final answer. incorrect final

1. Look for a tree (small plants are also applicable) in your community then find its height using a
trigonometric ratio.
2. Draw an illustration in a short bond paper with your name and section.
3. Write your solution below your illustration on how did you solve for the height of the tree.

*The teacher will show a video on how to create and use an improvised clinometer using the following

Plastic straw
Scotch tape

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