Appendix 1 - Annex A - Process Design Report
Appendix 1 - Annex A - Process Design Report
Appendix 1 - Annex A - Process Design Report
March, 2018
A project of:
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
LIST OF ANNEXURES .........................................................................................................................II
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................. IV
ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................... V
SALIENT FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ VII
1.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 TREATMENT CONCEPT ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 THIS REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF AVAILABLE DATA ...................................................................................... 3
2.1 STZ PRODUCTION DATA ....................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER – 3: INFLUENT AND EFFLUENT ........................................................................................ 6
3.1 WASTEWATER QUANTITY AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................. 6
3.2 REVISED WASTEWATER DESIGN DATA ................................................................................ 9
3.3 EFFLUENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER 4: ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 13
4.1 SEGREGATION OF WASTEWATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ................................................. 13
4.2 OPTIMUM MODULAR APPROACH ..................................................................................... 13
4.3 TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY ................................................................................................ 14
4.3.1 Treatment System Objectives ........................................................................................ 14
4.3.2 General Selection Criteria for Wastewater Treatment System ..................................... 14
4.3.3 Treatment System Requirements for CETP.................................................................... 15
4.3.4 Evaluation of Alternate Preliminary Treatment Processes ............................................ 16
4.3.5 Evaluation of Alternate Primary Treatment Processes .................................................. 18
4.3.6 Evaluation of Alternate Biological Treatment Processes ............................................... 19
4.3.7 Comparative Analysis of Alternate Treatment Processes .............................................. 22
4.3.8 Comparative Analysis of Alternate Treatment Technologies in Combinations ............. 24
4.3.9 Evaluation of Alternate for Aeration System and Sludge Dewatering........................... 27
4.4 KEY TREATMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND FACILITIES ................................................ 27
CHAPTER 5: DESIGN OF WATER LINE ............................................................................................ 29
5.1 BAR RACK FOR ULTIMATE FLOW ....................................................................................... 30
5.2 FINE SCREENS ..................................................................................................................... 31
5.3 VORTEX TYPE GRIT CHAMBER............................................................................................ 32
5.4 OIL & GREASE SEPARATOR................................................................................................. 33
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Annexure I: “Basic Information and Guidelines for Segregation of Streams in Sialkot Tannery
Zone” ........................................................................................................................................ 58
Annexure II: UNIDO Documents .............................................................................................. 70
Annexure III: Drawings ............................................................................................................. 74
Annexure IV: Punjab Environmental Quality Standards for Municipal and Liquid Industrial
Effluents ................................................................................................................................... 78
Annexure V: Schedule of Plant ................................................................................................ 82
Annexure VI: Motor List ........................................................................................................... 98
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Table 1: Number and Type of Tanneries to be established in STZ ............................................ 3
Table 2: Area Allocated for Amenities ....................................................................................... 5
Table 3: Planned Production Capacity for STZ ........................................................................... 5
Table 4: Calculated Wastewater Quantity, Pollution Load and concentration based on
maximum production capacities and emission factors ............................................................. 7
Table 5: Average Concentrations of Tannery Wastewater computed using Emission Factors . 8
Table 6: Concentrations of tannery wastewater, domestic sewer and combined effluent ...... 8
Table 7: Adopted Design Values for CETP.................................................................................. 9
Table 8: Average Values of Pollution Load Discharged (Conventional Process) - UNIDO ....... 10
Table 9: Concentration Estimation based on Loads per Ton of Production – Phase I ............ 11
Table 10: New Estimated and Adopted Raw Effluent Design Data – Phase I .......................... 11
Table 11: Summary of Key Parameters; Punjab Environmental Quality Standards (PEQS) -
2016 ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 12: Treated Effluent Requirements ............................................................................... 14
Table 13: Screening of Preliminary Treatment Technologies: Screen ..................................... 16
Table 14: Screening of Preliminary Treatment Technologies: Grit Chamber .......................... 17
Table 15: Screening of the Primary Treatment Technologies ................................................. 18
Table 16: Screening on the Basis of Desired BOD Removal Efficiency .................................... 23
Table 17: Screening on the Basis of Ability to Treat High Strength Wastes and Resistance to
Shock Loads .............................................................................................................................. 24
Table 18: Comparative Analysis of Various Treatment Technologies ..................................... 24
Table 19: Comparative Analysis of Aeration System ............................................................... 27
Table 20: Comparative Analysis of Sludge Dewatering ........................................................... 27
Table 21: Summary of Wastewater Design Data for Phase I of STZ ........................................ 29
Table 22: Design Criteria and Unit Dimensions for Bar Rack ................................................... 30
Table 23: Screen Chamber Design Details ............................................................................... 32
Table 24: Design Criteria and Design of Vortex Grit Chamber ................................................ 32
Table 25: Design of Equalization Tank for Beam House Effluent ............................................ 34
Table 26: Design of Equalization Tank for Tanning & Post Tanning Effluent .......................... 35
Table 27: Design of Coagulation Flocculation Unit .................................................................. 35
Table 28: Primary Sedimentation Tank Design ........................................................................ 37
Table 29: Biological Process Parameters adopted for Aeration Tank Design ......................... 38
Table 30: Design Parameters Adopted for Aeration Tank Design ........................................... 39
Table 31: Design Check Parameters ........................................................................................ 39
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
The town of Sialkot is located about 130 km from Lahore, in the province of Punjab.
Currently, there are 250 tanneries located in 10 different clusters, scattered all
around Sialkot city and suburbs. These scattered tanneries are unable to meet the
international standards which are becoming more and more stringent with the
passage of time. Meeting the international standards needs proper infrastructure
which is not possible to be extended to each tannery in scattered locations all
around the city. The foremost and critical requirement for international trade and
exporting leather goods is the environmental and social compliance.
STZ with an area of 392 Acres will provide a central place for various scattered
tannery clusters of Sialkot and the surrounding areas. It shall mitigate the
environmental pollution in the city. It will be an international standard industrial
zone equipped with all facilities & infrastructure like roads, sewerage, water supply,
drainage, effluent treatment plants and others. (Ref: EIA of STZ, 2011)
A result of these joint efforts was the Technical Report depicting Conceptual Design
of the Common Effluent Treatment Plant, prepared by UNIDO in 2015. On the basis
of this report, to fulfill the requirements of the project, UNIDO seeks the services of
consultants for detailed designing and supervision of the implementation of CETP for
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
The concept of the CETP is to have the pre-treated wastewater collected from all the
units located within STZ to a common facility for treatment to comply with PEQSs.
In this report a process design for the CETP is presented, based on consideration of
both wastewater characteristics, opportunities for cost reduction and design criteria.
This version of the report is for review and comments on the local and international
level. As soon as the process design of CETP concludes, CETP hydraulic profile will be
developed on the basis of the definitive process design and accordingly, will be
documented as a Chapter in the final report.
The Sialkot Tannery Zone is just initiated and still relocation of tanneries in the zone is yet to
get pace. Therefore, data required for CETP design in terms of quality and quantity is to be
extracted from Secondary Sources. Basically the planning documents of the proposed zone,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA - March 2011) of the Sialkot Tannery Zone Project
and Climate and Social Assessment Study (CSA – February 2015) are the main documents for
development of CETP design data. At the same time, information provided by the
Management of Sialkot Tannery Association (February 2017) regarding Size and production
of Sialkot Tanneries is used to verify and update the production statistics.
Secondly, the Technical Report prepared by UNIDO (May 2015) addressing the conceptual
design of CETP STZ was also used to arrive at a safe conclusion.
Layout of the proposed Sialkot Tannery Zone is shown in Figure-1. A brief of the data is
presented in the following sections of the report.
Total area of proposed STZ is 160.175 hectares. As per the latest data of STZ, a total
of 554 industrial are planned to be located in the zone. The details are as follows:
No. of
# Process
1 Raw to Wet blue or Finish 60
2 Wet blue to Finish 244
3 Wet blue to Crust 150
4 Finish goods factories (leather garments & gloves manufacturers) 100
Total No. of Units 554
The area covered by these Units will be 112 Hectare. Out of 112 Hectares, area
reserved for processing units is 83 Hectares. Another 48 Hectares are reserved for
various purposes as per following details.
As per surveys carried out in 2000 and accordingly, production planned for STZ in
2014, following production figures were finalized;
The surveyed carried out in Year 2000 among 189 tanneries located in Sialkot showed
that about 4.5 tons of Hides/Skins are being processed per hectare of land. The same
ratio has been used to finalize the design production of STZ for 83 Hectares allocated
to processing tanneries.
The Zone is planned for processing of about 1,400,000 sft per day, although current
production in Sialkot is about 700,000 sft/day.
It is estimated in the Master Plan that about 13,500 work-force will be available in
the STZ.
It shall be noted that all aforesaid references presents unit pollution loads more or
less in the same ranges.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Table 4: Calculated Wastewater Quantity, Pollution Load and concentration based on maximum production capacities and emission factors
Raw to Finish 153,626 5,223 - 8,603 6,913 12,751- 22,890 22,276- 35,488 7,681 - 13,212 461 - 1,075 615 - 1,383 615 - 922 1,782 - 2,750 21,047 31,032 7,989 - 16,899
Raw to Wet Blue 12,624 328 - 505 417 972 - 1,717 1,528 - 2,348 530 - 871 25 - 63 50 - 114 47 - 69 134 - 201 1,666 - 2,424 530 - 1,073
Raw to Crust 35,779 1,181 - 1,896 1,538 2,970 - 5,260 5,188 - 8,086 1,789 - 3,005 107 - 250 143 - 322 143 - 215 415 - 640 4,902 - 7,227 1,861 - 3,936
Subtotal 202,029
Wet blue to Crust 87,317 611 - 1,135 873 87 - 175 873 - 1,048 262 - 437 9 - 35 - 9 - 17 17 - 44 262 - 524 349 - 786
Wet blue to Finish 83,727 670 - 1,340 1,005 84 - 335 837 - 1,005 251 - 419 8 - 33 - 8 - 17 17 - 42 251 - 502 335 - 754
Subtotal 171,044
Total 373,073 8,013 - 13,479 10,746 16,864- 30,376 30,702- 47,974 10,514 -17,944 611 - 1,457 808 - 1,818 821 - 1,240 2,365 - 3,677 28,128- 41,710 11,063- 23,447
Concentrations Range (mg/l) 1,569 - 2,827 2,857 - 4,464 978 - 1,670 57 - 136 75 - 169 76 - 115 220 - 342 2,617 - 3,881 1,030 - 2,182
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
These values are further compared with the similar cluster’s data obtained from
Korangi Tannery Cluster, presented hereunder. Adopted design values are rounded
off figures with nominal safety margin to remain in line with the similar data.
However, SO4 values are taken lower than the Korangi value due to the fact that in
Korangi, brackish ground water (due to proximity of ocean) is being used in
processes, containing high SO4 concentrations, which is not the case in Sialkot.
Adopted Design
Parameter Unit STZ Effluent CETP - Korangi
Production Tons/day 458 373
Q m3/day 12,000 13,500 12,000
pH 7-8 7-8 8
Temp °C 30 30 30
TSS mg/L 2,043 2,000 2,100
COD mg/L 3,414 3,570 3,600
BOD5@20°C mg/L 1,240 1,390 1,400
Cr mg/L 88 6.2 100
S mg/L 112 N/T 200
NH3-N mg/L 195 N/T 200
TKN mg/L 263 300 300
Cl mg/L 2,977 N/T 3,000
SO4 mg/L 1,472 2,210 1,500
In accordance with the aforementioned data, a detailed process design report was
prepared in March 2017 and submitted to the UNIDO and STAGL for review and
comments. After review of the report, UNIDO experts emphasise on the need of
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
fresh production data from the STAGL. Subsequently, on October 19, 2017, STAGL
held a meeting to review the availability of fresh production data. After a thorough
discussion with the stake holders, technical consultants and UNIDO expert, STAGL
recommended the following revised data to be adopted as design parameters for the
first phase of CETP design:
1. The CETP will be established on modular approach and the first module will be
for the treatment of 4,000 m3/day of tannery effluents.
2. Effluents from industries will be in two separate channels – “Chrome free” from
beam-house operations 1,500 m3/day and 2,500 m3/day from tanning & post
tanning operations.
3. It was also decided that CETP will have separate sulphide oxidation for Beam-
house effluents. For tanning liquors STAGL will arrange Chrome Recovery Units
either within individual tanneries or on cluster level.
4. It was also deliberated that the CETP design will be replicable for rest of the two
or three modules.
In the light of above discussion and conclusion on the wastewater quantity following
estimations are made for the pollution concentration for Phase I of the project.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Table 10: New Estimated and Adopted Raw Effluent Design Data – Phase I
The new design values are representative of the untreated combined raw effluent
from tanneries’ operations. While, in accordance with the discussion above, the
beam house effluent will be transported separately and primarily treated for
sulphide removal. Similarly chrome tanning effluent will first go through chrome
recovery unit. The two primarily treated streams will then be combined and treated
for BOD, COD and TSS removal as conventionally.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Table 11: Summary of Key Parameters; Punjab Environmental Quality Standards (PEQS) -
It shall be noted that the treated wastewater through most efficient biological
treatment process will treat the wastewater in conformance to all PEQS except TDS
and its constituent Chlorides and Sulphates. These details will be presented in
Chapter 4 and 5 of this report.
However, to further treat the water to bring down the TDS limits, high cost
technologies would be required, such as Membrane Filtration, etc. This aspect has
been discussed in detail in Chapter 6 of this report.
Alternative analysis has been done for the following three important decisions:
A separate report has been prepared to discuss and finalize the various alternatives
pertaining to segregation of conveyance system in STZ. The report has been
submitted to UNIDO and STAGL and duly finalized after a detailed deliberation in the
Month of July 2017. For ready reference the said report is attached as Annexure-I
with this document.
It is obvious that starting with the operational functioning of the estate, the
wastewater flows and pollution loads would keep on increasing with time, as the
individual production units come into operation one by one, and it would take
certain period of time, till all the individual industrial units in the estate are operating
at their full capacities and, consequently, the ultimate wastewater flows and
pollution loads are being generated by estate. This period to the full development
may be in years. Keeping this aspect in view, commonly the CETPs are not
constructed at their ultimate design capacity at the start and are rather executed in
phases, commensurate with the actual growth of the flows and pollution loads from
the estates, as established by actual time-to-time monitoring. This course is adopted
primarily to avoid the waste of facilities and equipment, owing to their prolonged
disuse and useless maintenance expenses, during the periods of their disuse, both
leading to the wastage of the financial resources. In such cases, the capacity of the
CETP, to be executed at the start, may range from 25 – 50% of the ultimate capacity,
depending upon the assessment of the growth patterns during initial stages of the
Implementation of STZ is just initiated and relocation of industrial units is yet to gain
pace. Industrial estates in Pakistan may take 10 to 15 years to reach the optimum
occupancy. It would be advisable to construct the CETP in modules as per increase in
occupancy level.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
However, the STAGL management has decided to construct first module of CETP
having a capacity of 4,000 m3/day and subsequent modules will be planned after
reviewing the actual occupancy and growth rate of industries in STZ
As already established in Chapter 3, the CETP shall be intended to bring the values of
wastewater BOD, COD, SS and oil & grease within the limits set by National
Environmental Quality Standards for Inland Waters, as promulgated under Pakistan
Environmental Protection Act, 1997. However, removal of chromium present in the
wastewater shall be carried out within the industries.
Table-12 presents the design influent concentrations for BOD, COD and SS,
applicable PEQS values, design effluent concentrations and respective required
treatment efficiencies.
PEQS Value (mg/L) Concentrations Required
(mg/L) Treatment
Into Inland Into Sewage
Into Sea Influent Effluent (%)
Waters Treatment
BOD5 @20°C 80 250 80 1,600 80 95
COD 150 400 400 4,400 150 96.6
TSS 200 400 200 2,500 200 92
COD removal, by any biological treatment, would not exceed about 1.6 to 1.8 times
the amount of BOD removed. The design effluent concentration for COD is
established on the assumption that the ratio of biodegradable/bioeliminable COD to
BOD shall be of the order of 1.6. Residual COD exceeding the limits will be treated by
additional treatment unit.
The wastewater treatment facilities shall be selected after taking due consideration
of the pertinent technical, operational and economic factors, limitations and
constraints. The key factors, which govern the choice of the treatment system, are as
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Physical Constraints: Physical constraints, principally being the area available and
the topography of the plant site with reference to the system hydraulic
requirement, govern the selection of treatment technology.
Cost: The system selected should be the least cost alternative, keeping in view
both capital as well as operational costs, within the range of technically feasible
Operational Skills: Skills required for the routine operation and maintenance of
the treatment system should be available locally, with only a minimum of
training. The proposed system shall have relative ease of operation and
Nuisance: The degree of color, odor and noise shall be below the nuisance
threshold, especially, with reference to the proximity of the treatment system to
the build-up areas.
The principal pollutants to be removed are BOD, COD and SS. It implies that a
combination of physical and biological treatment processes shall be required. The
ratio of COD-to-BOD is such that the removal of BOD, by biological treatment, would
not bring the COD within the PEQS limits and advanced/tertiary treatment will be
In the case of Sialkot Tannery Zone, tannery wastewater treatment may call for a
sequence of anaerobic /chemically enhanced Primary Treatment - aerobic
treatment, which is known to be rather effective in the removal of high organic
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Grit removal
Large Small
Selection of Screens Remarks Justification
Solids Solids
Easy operation and
High skill labor not
Bar Screens (Coarse) High Low
Efficient in removing
large solids.
Easy operation and
High skill labor not
Mechanically Cleaned Fine Bar Screens High High
Efficient in removing
small solids.
Complex operation and
Rotary Screens High High High skill labor required.
Very efficient in
removing small solids.
Complex operation and
Disc Screen High High High skill labor required.
Very efficient in
removing small solids.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
% Removal % Removal
Selection of Grit
of 0.3 mm of 0.2 mm Remarks Justification
Removal Unit
Particle Particle
Easy operation and
High skill labor not
Simple construction
Horizontal Grit
Large footprint
Chamber without 90 90
Mechanical Aid Head loss is excessive
Channels without
effective flow control will
remove excessive
amounts of organic
High skill labor required.
Do not require flow
control because all
bearings and wearable
moving mechanical parts
are above the water line.
Minimal head loss
Detritor Large footprint than
95 90
(Mechanical) vortex type.
Removal system removes
large quantities of
organic material
In shallow installations
the rake arm of scraping
mechanism can create
agitation of settled grit
Remove a high
percentage of fine grit
Small footprint
Minimal head loss
Vortex Grit Energy efficient and
Chamber 95 95 require less power as
(Mechanical) compared to detritor.
Feasible for small flows
Modifications in the
system are difficult at a
later stage
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Plain Sedimentation: Sedimentation tanks are large circular basin with retention
time of not less than 1.5 hours to hold water under quiescent conditions. No
agitation helps to remove settleable solids under their own weight or gravity. In
plain settling no chemical aid is provided. Requires slow loading rates, produce
less sludge and consumes less energy. However due to low loading rate, large
surface area is required.
Chemical aid reduces the loading requirement and higher surface loading rates
can be achieved. However the sludge quantity is increased substantially because
of the formation of chemical sludge.
The loading rates are much higher than the gravity settling types but high
amount of air is required, hence increasing energy requirement of the system.
The sludge quantity is also increased because of the chemical sludge. Increased
number of equipment, hence maintenance requirement is more. Skilled labour is
required to operate the system.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
At the first step all available and applicable treatment technologies are brought
under review. Generally following biological treatment technologies are available for
industrial wastewater treatment:
Biological Methods of
Wastewater Treatment
Aerobic Anaerobic
RBC Lagoons Fluidized
Conventional Oxidation Bed
Contact Stabilization
Sequencing Batch
■ Aerobic
Oxidation Ponds
Trickling Filters
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Aerated Lagoons
Activated Sludge
Rotating Biological Contactors
Membrane Bioreactors
■ Anaerobic
Anaerobic Ponds
Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB)
Oxidation Pond System: Oxidation ponds are large shallow basins, in which raw
wastewater is treated entirely by natural processes, involving both algae and
bacteria. They are the most important method of wastewater treatment in hot
climates. However, since the rate of unaided oxidation is slow, large areas are
required for their construction. Their specific advantages are simple operation
and reduced sludge management problem.
Tricking Filter Process: In this process, the settled wastewater is allowed to trickle
down over a circular deep bed of coarse aggregates filter or plastic media filter.
The microbial film, developed on the surface of filter media over time, treats the
wastewater. A part of this film, washed away by the hydraulic action of trickling
wastewater, is separated in secondary clarifier, in form of humus sludge,
disposed of after sludge treatment, or returned for digestion into the UASB
reactor, if applicable.
Aerated Lagoons: Aerated lagoons are completely mixed basins, with detention
periods ranging from 2 to 6 days, in which wastewater is generally treated on
flow through basis (without solids recycling), with forced aeration. The aerobic
suspended biological flocs, responsible for the waste conversion, closely
resemble to that of activated sludge process. Area requirements are in between
those of the oxidation ponds and activated sludge process.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
The rotating disks support the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms present in
the sewage, which breakdown and stabilize organic pollutants. To be successful,
micro-organisms need both oxygen to live and food to grow. Oxygen is obtained
from the atmosphere as the disks rotate. As the micro-organisms grow, they
build up on the media until they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided by
the rotating discs in the sewage.
UASB uses an anaerobic process whilst forming a blanket of sludge in the lower
parts of the tank. Wastewater flows upwards through the blanket and is
processed by the anaerobic microorganisms. The upward flow combined with the
settling action of gravity suspends the blanket. The blanket begins to reach
maturity at around 3 months after start-up.
Anaerobic Ponds: Anaerobic ponds are normally used to treat high strength
concentrated industrial waste and no oxygen is present in the pond. All the
biological activity is anaerobic decomposition. These ponds are 8 to 12 feet deep
and are anaerobic throughout. Scum forms on the top of the most anaerobic
ponds. This scum stops air from mixing with the wastewater. The gases that are
produced by the anaerobic bacterial action cause odor problems.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
All of these technologies are screened for applicability in the specific Sialkot Tannery
Zone conditions. Following is a comparative analysis of above treatment systems,
with respect to their suitability for CETP of STZ:
Rotating Biological Contactors: For RBCs also, maximum BOD removal efficiency
as reported in literature is 85%, therefore the technology could not be applicable
in STZ conditions.
Oxidation Pond System: For Oxidation Pond also, maximum BOD removal
efficiency as reported in literature is 90%, therefore the technology could only be
applicable as pretreatment unit in STZ conditions. Moreover, these ponds need
very large areas, for their construction. In STZ conditions, the area requirement is
of the order of 50 -60 acres. The pond area required, to achieve the desired
treatment efficiency, in case of CETP, is far in excess of the available area. This
option therefore cannot be considered at all.
Aerated Lagoons System: For Aerated Lagoons also, maximum BOD removal
efficiency as reported in literature is 90%, therefore the technology could only be
applicable as pretreatment unit in STZ conditions. Moreover, Aerated Lagoons, in
comparison with the activated sludge and trickling filter process, need more
area. Estimated area requirement for the STZ case is about 30 - 45 acres which is
2 - 3 times of those required for activated sludge (conventional) or trickling filter
process. In any case, the area required for CETP, to achieve the desired
treatment efficiency, is more than that available.
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB): For UASB also, maximum BOD removal
efficiency as reported in literature is 80 - 90%, therefore the technology can only
be applicable as pretreatment unit in STZ conditions. Anaerobic treatment
processes in comparison to aerobic treatment processes, except for oxidation
ponds systems, are highly energy efficient, particularly in hot climates.
In aerobic biological systems, such as, activated sludge and aerated lagoons
processes, energy is required for artificial aeration of wastewater. In case of
activated sludge process, energy is also consumed in sludge recycling process.
For trickling filters, hydraulic energy is needed to rotate the rotary distributor by
pressurized feeding of the influent and recirculation wastewater to it.
Introduction of an anaerobic treatment reduces the overall operational cost of
the biological treatment, because lesser amount of organic matter is to be
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Maximum BOD
# Treatment Technologies Removal Efficiency Remarks
1 Oxidation Ponds 90
2 Trickling Filters (Two Stage + recycling) 95
3 Aerated Lagoons 90
4 Activated Sludge 95
5 Anaerobic Ponds 70
6 Membrane bioreactors 98
7 Rotating Biological Contractors 85
8 Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) 80
■ Step 2: Screening on the basis of ability to treat high strength wastes and
resistance to shock loads
Trickling Filter Process: The principal advantages claimed for attached growth
processes, like trickling filters, over the activated sludge process include less
energy requirement and better sludge thickening properties; whereas the
disadvantages often cited are poorer effluent quality and greater sensitivity to
lower temperatures. In most cases, the reaction rates for soluble industrial
wastewaters are relatively low and hence filters are not economically attractive
for high treatment efficiencies. Reported BOD removal efficiencies for industrial
wastewaters range from as low as 10% to most of them lying below 60%.
Another problem associated with trickling filters is breeding of filter flies
(psychoda), which is a nuisance for plant area as well as the surrounding
Activated Sludge Process: This process is in fact the most commonly employed
treatment process worldwide for the removal of BOD from the domestic as well
as from a variety of individual and combined industrial wastewaters, because of
its operational flexibility and its capability to furnish higher removal efficiencies
in varying conditions with suitable level of process control, besides other
comparative advantages.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Table 17: Screening on the Basis of Ability to Treat High Strength Wastes and Resistance to
Shock Loads
Tentative Area
BOD Removal Sensitivity to
# Treatment Technologies Requirement
Efficiency Shock Loads
1 Anaerobic Ponds 70
2 Rotating Biological Contractors 85
3 Oxidation Ponds 90
4 Aerated Lagoons 90
5 Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) 80
6 Trickling Filters (Two Stage + recycling) 95 25 - 35 High
7 Activated Sludge 95 15 - 20 Moderate
8 Membrane Bioreactors 98 10 - 15 Moderate
− anaerobic lagoon
− chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) or
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
− oxidation pond
− aerated lagoon
− activated sludge system
− membrane bioreactor
preliminary lagoon aerated ACO
treatment lagoon
With regards to the estimated efficiencies of the first treatment step, it may be
noted that a second treatment step is absolutely necessary in order to comply with
the effluent standards. For this reason, the option “no treatment” should be left out
of the options for the second step. In view of the limited space available, the
hydraulic residence times (HRT) that are normally applied in the various systems
may prove helpful in deciding for the best combinations for further study. It may be
noted that with a HRT of more than 5 to 7 days, the system under study may be
considered too large for application in the CEPT. In Figure-4, the indicative HRTs of
the various systems are presented. They will lead to exclusion of a number of
systems from the scheme.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
pond HRT 20 d
preliminary lagoon aerated
HRT 4 d A
treatment lagoon
HRT 7 d
HRT 1.5 h activated
sludge HRT 1 d
HRT 8 h
HRT 0.5 d
The elimination of a number of options leads to a more simple scheme for treatment
options, which is shown in Figure-5.
preliminary sludge
MBR is very expensive technology in Pakistan’s local context. It will be 2.5 times
higher than Activated Sludge System in terms of Capital Cost and about 1.5 times
higher in terms of O&M Cost.
Considering the high Sulphate concentration in tannery wastewater which are more
than 2,100 mg/L in this case and corresponding COD:Sulphate ratio which is about
2.1, it will be high risk to opt for the UASB technology. As the desired concentration
for UASB is less than 1,000 mg/L and COD:Sulphate ratio is 3:1, therefore, it is
expected that emissions of Hydrogen Sulphide will be generated which are fatal for
the human life.
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
In light of the above discussion, following are the key components of treatment
system and facilities proposed for CETP.
■ Water Line
Prescreen Chamber
Screen Chamber
Grit Chamber
Equalization Tank with Catalytic Sulphide Oxidation
Prescreen Chamber
Screen Chamber
Grit Chamber
Equalization Tank
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
o Combined Effluent
■ Sludge Line
Sludge Thickeners
Sludge Conditioning Tank
Sludge Dewatering (Belt-Press Type Sludge Filter)
Details of each aforesaid unit are discussed in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of this report.
In the following sections detailed design of CETP will be presented. Table-21 depicts the
Wastewater data used for designing of the CETP.
Water line of the proposed CETP will be consisting of the following components:
Description of each aforesaid component with its design and basis of design is
presented in this chapter. However, details regarding hydraulic profile are presented
in the Chapter 7 of this report.
It is recommended that the Pre-Screen Chamber shall be provided for the ultimate
flow of 6,000 m3/day for beam house and 10,000 m3/day for tanning and post
tanning effluents, so that future Phases could start directly from here.
The chambers are provided to act as a receiving structure for the wastewater from
the industrial estate. It will receive wastewater for screening through RCC sewers.
The design criteria and the unit dimensions are provided in the Table-22.
Table 22: Design Criteria and Unit Dimensions for Bar Rack
In case of complete accidental shutdown of CETP, the chamber will also act as the
bypass structure so that all the effluent can be bypassed directly to the ultimate
disposal point. For this purpose the chambers will be equipped with a penstock,
each, at the inlet point.
After Bar Screen, all the subsequent units are designed for Phase I of the CETP
having average capacity 4,000 m3/day.
From the coarse screen chamber, the wastewater will flow into the fine screen
channel which will be provided with mechanically & manually cleaned screens. The
wastewater has to be screened in order to remove the large floating constituents
present in it. At the top of the screening channels, RCC platforms, of adequate space,
shall be provided for manual cleaning of the screens, operation of the sluice gates
and other purposes. The screenings shall be disposed to the landfill site along with
dewatered sludge. For safe operation, 1 + 1 screens for each wastewater stream
shall be provided, each capable of handling the full flow.
Two numbers of screening channels for each stream of wastewater in parallel will be
constructed. The channels shall be of rectangular geometry in plan. One of the
channels will be equipped with mechanically operated coarse screens. While the
other will be equipped with manually cleaned screens as standby operations. Two (2)
sluice gates at inlet and outlet of each screen channel are also provided to take any
channel out of operation for maintenance purpose. Under normal operating
conditions, the wastewater will flow through all channels.
Two Screening Compartments (RCC), in parallel, with 1 Penstock (CI) each, at its
inlet and outlet to the common Influent & Effluent Chamber, in order to bring
any of the compartments out of operation
One mechanically cleaned Screen in one of the two channels.
One manually cleaned screen to act as standby.
Two Operating Platforms constructed 1 each in the 2 Screening Compartments,
at level of top of screens, in order to receive screenings, for their subsequent
transfer to the ground level
Common Effluent Chamber (RCC)
One effluent pipes (RCC), to the Grit Chamber.
Access Walkways
Monkey Ladders (SS)
Table-23 presents the design criteria for mechanically cleaned screen chambers
adopted for the Project:
The screened wastewater will pass through grit chamber prior to entering the
respective equalization tanks. Grit removal is essential for safe operations of pumps
and to avoid overloading of the aeration tanks with inert inorganic material.
The grit chamber is designed on a loading rate of 0.02 – 0.04 m3/m2/sec for effective
grit removal. The design criteria and unit dimensions are given in Table-24.
It should be noted that for each module one number vortex grit chamber is
proposed as duty. For ultimate capacity two numbers are proposed as standby. One
of the standby will be constructed during Phase I and other will be constructed in
Phase III of the CETP.
Motion unit
Central shaft with paddles
Air lift for extraction of grit
Coaxial gearmotor
After degritting, the effluent shall pass through the oil separator. It is a packaged
device to remove oil from water. The separated oil is collected inside the separator
unit while the wastewater is directed to the effluent line. The flow capacity of oil
separator for beam-house effluent is 43 Lt/sec, and for tanning & post tanning
effluents is 72.2 Lt/sec.
Bea house wastewater, after passing through respective grit chambers will enter into
the designated Equalization Tanks. These tanks will equalize the characteristics and
flow for onward treatment processes. This is necessary because of the expected
large fluctuations in the quantity of the wastewater. It is expected that a substantial
number of the industrial units will be working in one shift only. Therefore, for a 24
hours smooth biological treatment process, continuous supply of wastewater is
essential. The equalization tanks will also act as a reserve buffer for storage and
onward unhindered supply of wastewater to the biological reactors.
Tanning & post tanning wastewater, after passing through respective grit chambers
will enter into the designated Equalization Tanks. These tanks will equalize the
characteristics and flow for onward treatment processes. This is necessary because
of the expected large fluctuations in the quantity of the wastewater. It is expected
that a substantial number of the industrial units will be working in one shift only.
Therefore, for a 24 hours smooth biological treatment process, continuous supply of
wastewater is essential. The equalization tanks will also act as a reserve buffer for
storage and onward unhindered supply of wastewater to the biological reactors.
Table 26: Design of Equalization Tank for Tanning & Post Tanning Effluent
The wastewater from the equalization tanks # 1 and equalization tanks # 2 shall be
pumped to Coagulation Flocculation Unit of the CETP. Alum will be used as
Coagulant and Poly electrolyte Flocculants will be used for proper flocs formation.
Details are as under:
The flocculated wastewater shall enter Primary Sedimentation Tank under gravity.
Quiescent conditions will ensure the settling of > 80% of suspended solids in the
Tank. Details are as follows:
Settled sludge is collected and removed through an opening provided in the sludge
hopper at bottom whereas clarified wastewater is collected through overflow weirs.
It is perceived that the system will give 85% TSS, 30% BOD & 40% COD removal
Table-28 presents influent characteristics and design criteria used for design of new
PSTs along with design summary for existing units.
In aeration tanks, microorganisms under aerobic condition convert the dissolve and
colloidal organic matter in wastewater to mineralized products. One Aeration Tank
will be provided which shall receive screened, equalized, grit-free and 70%
suspended solids removed wastewater from the primary sedimentation tank under
The current worldwide practice is to base the design of activated sludge process on
Solids Retention Time (SRT) and Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS). Same is
adopted for the project. Values of solids retention times (SRT) and mixed liquor
suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations, for CMAS process, as suggested in literature
and as adopted for the project are given in the Table-29.
Heterotrophic biomass
Biomass cells debris
Influent non-biodegradable volatile suspended solids (nbVSS)
Heterotrophic biomass
Biomass cells debris
Influent non-biodegradable volatile suspended solids (nbVSS)
Influent Inert suspended solids
Following are the values of different biological parameters adopted for the process
Table 29: Biological Process Parameters adopted for Aeration Tank Design
Table-30 presents other design parameters, their typical ranges and the values
adopted for the aeration tank design.
Following are the key secondary design parameters which are computed for the
proposed design and checked against the literature-reported values:
A pre-selector will be provided for return sludge before mixing in the aeration tank,
details are presented in the Table-33.
The design of aeration system is presented in Table-34. While designing the aeration
system biomass growth and other factors are considered at maximum design
The effluent from aeration tanks will flow to the sedimentation tank, where mixed
liquor is allowed to settle under dormant condition. Settled sludge is removed from
bottom whereas clarified wastewater is recovered from weirs. Settled sludge will be
returned to the aeration tank through opening at bottom of the tank. Table-35
presents influent characteristics and design criteria used for design of sedimentation
Surface area for sedimentation tank was calculated for each loading rate. Solid
loading rate governed the area requirement. The design of sedimentation tank is
presented in Table-36.
The wastewater discharged from SST will still have COD greater than the PEQS
values. Therefore, a chemical Oxidation unit will be required to bring the COD to the
required limits. The details are presented in the Table-37.
The treated wastewater will be in conformance to all PEQS except TDS and its constituent
Chlorides and Sulphates. To further treat the water to bring down the TDS limits is possible
through Membrane Filtration. It would be advisable to install Rapid Sand Filters before the
Low Pressure Membrane Treatment. At the same time, the concentrate (Reject) which will
contain very high ppm of TDS will also be required to pass through some evaporation
process to extract salt from it. Therefore, bringing the TDS below 3,500 ppm treated
wastewater could be discharge into the inland water.
This scheme will have very high capital and operational cost. It is advisable to design tertiary
treatment after at least one year of CETP smooth and stable operations. At that time various
options shall be studied for reused of treated wastewater such as;
After having one year’s data based precise information on treated water quality will enable
designer to choose any option from the aforesaid alternatives or select proper membranes
for RO treatment. In the following section, a conceptual design and cost estimate has been
presented to support the decision making process.
Wastewater from Neutralization Tank will flow into Rapid Sand Filters for further
polishing. The design criterion of filter is presented in Table-39.
Table 39: Influent Data and Design Criteria for Rapid Sand Filters
Treated water tank would serve as source water for filter backwash. The backwash
pump shall be connected to the electrically operated valves installed at inlet and
outlet of filter to facilitate automatic backwash.
The wastewater from the RSFs will be pumped to the RO unit for further treatment.
The required quality of treated water to used in agriculture or can be discharged to
irrigation canal is shown in the Table-41.
Selection of appropriate membrane will be done as per the criteria shown in the
Table 42: Energy Consumption, Product Recovery, and Removal Efficiencies of Different
Residual Particulate Matter Removal Operations
Simulation of selected RO membrane is done with the help of ROSA a purpose built
The concentrate having very high ppm of TDS will be taken to the evaporator for
extraction of salt. Vacuum evaporator will be selected for 50 m3/hr flow and 17,000
ppm TDS.
This chapter presents the Design of the Sludge Line of CETP for Phase I for total capacity of
4,000 m3/day. Sludge line shall consist of following units:
Description of each component with its design and basis of design is presented in the
following sections.
There will be two main sources of sludge generation in the CETP; the Primary and
the secondary sedimentation tanks. Both the sludge will be taken to Combined
Sludge thickened. From the thickener the sludge will be conditioned inline and finally
to Filter press for dewatering. Details of thickening unit are presented hereunder:
The thickened sludge from combined sludge thickener will be conditioned with
Polyelectrolyte inline through inline mixer or orifice plate, before final dewatering.
The details are provided in the Table-44.
The dewatered sludge from filter press will be disposed of into designated landfill.
The landfill site is proposed and shown alongside the CETP site. The type of landfill
proposed is “Area/Mount type” as the ground water table during rainy seasons is up
to 1.52m (5 ft.) as provided by STAGL.
The required area for the landfill for disposal of CETP sludge is anticipated to be
27,000m2 (6.67 acres), mainly because of the restriction of mount height of not more
than 3 meters.
Table-46 presents estimated and tentative capital cost for single module of CETP,
having capacity of 4,000 m3/day.
Table 46: Capital Cost for Single Module of CETP (4,000 m3/day)
# Description
(Million Rs.)
1 Civil Works Including Building, Roads and Yard Piping 200.00
2 Mechanical Works including Machinery, Equipment with Allied Piping 80.00
3 Electrical Works Including External Illumination 15.00
4 Contingency 5.00
The prices presented above are tentative and preliminary in nature. Precise
costing will be furnished in ‘Engineers Estimate’ along with the tender
It should be noted that the above mentioned capital cost estimates for civil
works are based on structural design taking into account a normal bearing
capacity of 1.85 kg/cm2 at 1.5 meter depth
Estimates are based on the market rates prevailing in the month of December
2017. USD conversion rate is taken at Rs. 110 / USD.
# Description
(Million Rs.)
A Operations and maintenance items
1 Human Resource 10.00
2 Chemical 42.00
3 Energy 80.00
4 Sludge Disposal 7.00
5 Maintenance 1.20
# Description
(Million Rs.)
6 Laboratory Cost 1.00
Sub - Total - A 141.2
B Depreciation cost (using straight line depreciation)
1 Civil (based on 25 years span) 8.00
2 Mechanical (based on 10 years span) 8.00
Electrical (based on 25 years span for cables and 10 years span
3 0.96
for equipment)
Sub - Total - B 16.96
Grand Total (A+B) 158.16
Rounding Off, Say 158
# Description Rs./Unit
1 O&M cost Rs./m3 of wastewater 118
2 O&M cost Rs./gallon of wastewater 0.53
The prices presented above are tentative and shall be considered as reference only.
Only depreciation cost is added, other financial costs (capital cost refund, bank
charges, currency devaluation margin, etc.) are not included.
The initial estimates show that the capital cost of Tertiary Treatment system will be
about PKR 100 – 115 million. And annual operating cost will be around PKR 90/m 3 of
wastewater. This is in addition to the aforesaid costs of secondary treatment.
This component of operation and maintenance mechanism presents the chain of command,
number of personnel required to run the plant and specific recommendations for staffing
including specific man-hours, job responsibilities according to qualification, experience
necessary for proper operation of each unit operation and process.
The plant, under normal course of operation, shall run for 24 hours a day, in
following three shifts:
Following are some protocols that shall be followed while shift take over:
The predecessor shall hand-over all log books of operation and maintenance data
to the successor.
The predecessor shall inform the successor of any accidents that has occurred
during the preceding shift.
The predecessor shall inform the successor of any mechanical and electrical
equipment and instrument malfunctioning that has occurred during preceding
The predecessor shall inform the successor of the status of chemical supplies, if
needing refill, required by the wastewater treatment processes.
Plant staff shall be trained on all the relevant issues relating to plant operation &
maintenance and data documentation. Frequency of these trainings can be
established according to the need. Consultants, trainers and people from different
agencies working on these issues can provide in-house trainings to the relevant staff.
Staff should be provided training in the following key areas:
A project of:
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
The town of Sialkot is located about 130 km from Lahore, in the province of Punjab.
Currently, there are 250 tanneries located in 10 different clusters, scattered all
around Sialkot city and suburbs. These scattered tanneries are unable to meet the
international standards which are becoming more and more stringent with the
passage of time. Meeting the international standards needs proper infrastructure
which is not possible to be extended to each tannery in scattered locations all
around the city. The foremost and critical requirement for international trade and
exporting leather goods is the environmental and social compliance.
STZ with an area of 392 Acres will provide a central place for various scattered
tannery clusters of Sialkot and the surrounding areas. It shall mitigate the
environmental pollution in the city. It will be an international standard industrial
zone equipped with all facilities & infrastructure like roads, sewerage, water supply,
drainage, effluent treatment plants and others. (Ref: EIA of STZ, 2011)
A result of these joint efforts was the Technical Report depicting Conceptual Design
of the Common Effluent Treatment Plant, prepared by UNIDO in 2015. On the basis
of this report, to fulfill the requirements of the project, UNIDO seeks the services of
consultants for detailed designing and supervision of the implementation of CETP for
STZ. Services of NEC Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd are taken by the UNIDO as per a
predetermined TOR and subsequent contract.
‘Provide basic information and guidelines for STZ management for segregation of the
streams in the tannery/STZ in order to reduce volume of sludge contaminated with
chromium. ‘
b. Health and safety issues. Although the major quantity of Chrome is in the
form of trivalent Chromium, but different environmental conditions such as
high temperature can change it into Hexavalent Chromium which is
reportedly carcinogenic.
Sludge having nominal content of chrome can be safely disposed in any landfill site
or alternatively can be fed to composting unit for conversion as fertilizer.
3 Chromium Sulphate is an expensive resource which shall not be wasted into the
drains and logically shall be recovered and reused.
In specific case of Sialkot Tannery Zone, based on the data provided in February
2017, following are the expected quantities of Chromium in the wastewater:
Even if the primary sludge is mixed with the secondary sludge and other sludges like
alum etc, even then it will be more than 3 % of the total sludge. This high content of
chromium will definitely hinder the final disposal or utilization of sludge.
Aforesaid three points, made it absolutely necessary to make such arrangement that
following targets can be achieved:
1 100 % fool proof system to avoid mixing of tanning and post tanning effluent
with liming discharge. It will eliminate the risk of H2S production and subsequent
Subsequently, following options are available for further treatment and conveyance
of wastewater:
Option 1:
This option will have the following essential components; (Figure 1, illustrates
the scheme)
Option 2:
Separate line from tann-yard of each tannery to common CRRP at CETP site
Separate line from beam house to the CETP site for common Catalytic
Post CRRP and Post liming oxidation effluents mixed in the CETP treatment
Option 3:
All above options are workable and will necessarily achieve the desired targets.
Selection of any one option from the aforesaid three options shall be based on the
enforcement authority of industrial by-laws entrusted to STAGL management. To
support the decision, a framework summarizing the important factors is presented in
Table 2:
Table 2: Decision Support Framework
If STAGL can locate all the wet blue processing tanneries in one sector nearest to the
CETP, than option 3 would be the best option. Installation of CRRPs in each tannery
with a separate line for tanning and post tanning effluents to the CETP site and a
separate line for beam-house discharge to the CETP Site may be the best choice.
All the other tanneries which are not involved in the wet-blue processing can use a
single conveyance system upto the CETP site.
Figure 4: Egg-Shaped Sewer to maintain self cleansing velocity in large variations in flow
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
■ Emission Factors for the Calculation of the Wastewater Quantity and Quality of the Leather
Manufacturing Process
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
■ Pollution levels per ton from other types of hides processed (British Leather Company
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Layout Plan
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Capacity 125 m3/h
Head 08 m
Free Pass 80 – 100 mm
Guaranteed Duty Point (GDP) is between 80% and 120% of
Efficiency the flow rate at the Best Efficiency Point (BEP).
Pump Casing Cast Iron and shall comply with BS EN 1563 / EN-GJS-700-2
Cast S.G. Iron and shall comply with BS EN 1563 / EN-GJS-
Casing Wear Ring
Cast S.G. Iron and shall comply with BS EN 1563 / EN-GJS-
KSB, Flygt, Bedford Pumps, Torishima, Flowserve, Goulds,
Sulzer Pumps or approved equal
Make SIEMENS, ABB or approved equal
Phase/Voltage 3/400 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Efficiency Motor efficiency shall comply with the requirements of IEC
60034 - 30 high efficiency Class IE2.
IP 55
Insulation Class F
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Submersible Mixer
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Geared Motor
Make SEW, Flender or approved equal
Phase/Voltage 3/400 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Velocity gradient 1500/sec
IP 65
Insulation Class F
Accessories Oil level glass etc.
External Finish Epoxy coating on gear box
Foundation plate SS 316 plate
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Numbers of Agitator 01
Agitator type Top Entry, Turbine 6 Blades with 45˚ with Agitator Shaft
or approved equal
Material (Shaft & Propeller) SS 316L
Material (Flange, Nuts & SS 316L
Geared Motor
Make SEW, Flender or approved equal
Phase/Voltage 3/400 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Velocity gradient 100/sec
IP 65
Insulation Class F
Accessories Oil level glass etc.
External Finish Epoxy coating on gear box
Foundation plate SS 316 plate
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
pH Meter
Equipment pH Meter
Equalization Tanks, Mixing Tank, Flocculation Tank, Aeration
Tank, Chemical Oxidation Tank, Neutralization Tank
Numbers 08
pH Meter
Online pH measurement, range pH 2-12. Accuracy of meter ±
Specific Requirement
pH 0.1.
Make European / North American Brand or approved equal
Medium Tannery Wastewater
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone
Process Design Report
Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Sialkot Tannery Zone