UBL Annual Report 2018-166

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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position


Note 2018 2017 2016

Restated Restated
--------------------------- (Rupees in ‘000) ---------------------------

Cash and balances with treasury banks 6 187,915,671 161,119,170 133,467,502

Balances with other banks 7 41,747,060 35,549,112 32,267,304
Lendings to financial institutions 8 35,346,551 13,097,277 27,027,006
Investments 9 831,159,100 1,124,921,300 838,262,274
Advances 10 754,551,722 665,303,363 546,239,726
Fixed assets 11 50,898,280 49,230,901 38,208,734
Intangible assets 12 1,876,094 1,153,176 1,090,193
Deferred tax assets 13 6,685,952 - -
Other assets 14 92,312,444 80,538,689 68,260,888
2,002,492,874 2,130,912,988 1,684,823,627


Bills payable 16 27,272,967 29,852,405 37,285,182

Borrowings 17 279,918,125 517,082,159 205,865,131
Deposits and other accounts 18 1,448,324,041 1,349,698,487 1,220,265,446
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease 19 10,000 4,375 3,558
Subordinated debts 20 9,000,000 - -
Deferred tax liabilities 13 - 2,980,466 5,230,571
Other liabilities 21 69,343,882 56,801,334 52,444,515
1,833,869,015 1,956,419,226 1,521,094,403

NET ASSETS 168,623,859 174,493,762 163,729,224

Share capital 22 12,241,798 12,241,798 12,241,798
Reserves 60,078,870 47,203,516 42,615,188
Surplus on revaluation of assets 23 16,992,906 33,146,476 35,319,489
Unappropriated profit 73,749,955 76,410,128 68,939,008
Total equity attributable to the equity holders of the Bank 163,063,529 169,001,918 159,115,483

Non-controlling interest 24 5,560,330 5,491,844 4,613,741

168,623,859 174,493,762 163,729,224


The annexed notes 1 to 53 and annexures I, II and III form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Aameer Karachiwalla Sima Kamil Amar Zafar Khan Arshad Ahmad Mir Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk

164 United Bank Limited

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