Group 1 Detailed Lesson Plan DLP EDUC 201 TBC

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Heredity: Inheritance
and Variation (Asexual Reproduction
and Sexual Reproduction)

Submitted by:
David, Maricar P.
Delfin, Rovi M.
Dumandan Daniela P.
Gomez, Maria Chelsea S.
Lubiano, Justine D.
Mejia, Rhealyn A.
Paras, Jerome
Porlucas, Michelle
Robles, Angelito
Saulo, Herson A.
BSED Sciences 2A

Submitted to:
Ma’am Leodivina P. Tagama

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
• Identify the different types of reproduction.
• Perform the ability to use the punnet square in predicting the genetic outcome.
• Differentiate the asexual and sexual reproduction using a Venn diagram.


Topic: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
Subtopic: Explain the asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.
MLEC Code: S7LT-IIg-7
• Computer Laptop
• PowerPoint
• Cellphone
• White board and marker
• Pictures
Method use:
• Direct Instruction
• Inquiry-Based Learning
• Google:




Prayer So, everyone, before we greet

each other and proceed to our
class let us first have a prayer.
Everyone, stand up.

(The Teacher will lead the (Learners will stand up for

prayer) the prayer)

Okay, you may take your seat (The students will sit
now. down)
Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Teacher!

Welcome to another day of Yes, Teacher!

learning and discovery. As we
embark on this journey
together, let’s remember to be
curious, ask questions, and
support each other along the
way. Can we do that?

(The students sat down as

Very well! Take your seats and the teacher said)
let us check your attendance

Checking of Attendance I want you all say “Present” (The students followed the
when your name is called. teacher’s instruction)

I’m glad that everyone’s Thank you, teacher!

presence is here.
Checking of Assignments Before I forget, I have assigned Yes, Teacher. You gave us a
a homework last meeting. Am I homework about Animal
right? and Plant Cells.

Okay, that’s excellent. I hope

everyone did their assignment.

Please pass the paper in front (Students will pass their

silently. paper in front)
B. REVIEW Before we start, let’s take a
short recall of what we have
tackled and learned in the past

Does anyone from the class (Students start raising their

wants to share some of their hands and sharing their key
key takeaways from the past take)
C. MOTIVATION Before we begin our discussion
for today, we will be having a
simple activity that will give
you a hint about the topic we
are going to discuss.

We will group our class into 5

groups based on the first letter
of your name.

Group 1- a b c d e ( letter a - e )
Group 2 - f g h i j ( letter f - j ) The student will go to their
Group 3 - k l m n o ( letter k - group.
Group 4 - p q r s t ( letter p - t )
Group 5 - u v w x y z ( u - z )

I announced last week that you

need to bring a cartolina and Yes ma'am!
pentel pen, right class?

For our activity, you need to

define, differentiate, and find
the similarities between
asexual and sexual

You need to write your answer

on the cartolina that you bring.

You can use your gadget or any

platform to research the topic.

You are given 30 minutes to do

the activity, and after 30
minutes, each group will be
given time to discuss it in front
of the class.

The best output and group will

be given plus points for your
next activity.

Are my instructions clear,

class? . Yes, ma'am!

If you have any questions Okay po, ma’am!

regarding our activity, don't
hesitate to tell me, okay.

D. PRESENTATION Good morning again class

today we talk about asexual
and sexual reproduction.

To be able to know more about

asexual and sexual
reproduction we'll define first
what is reproduction.

Ms. Gomez can you define Reproduction is when

what is reproduction? organism produce new
living things

Thank you Ms. Gomez any Reproduction is the

other idea? Yes Mr. Pamposa process in which organism
give rise to new organism
or offspring.
Very good! Reproduction is
when organism produce new
living things. It occurs when
plants and animals reproduce to
make new individuals of a new
Now we already know the
definition of reproduction let's
now proceed to the 2 types of

Class can anyone know what The two types of

are the 2 types of reproduction? reproduction are sexual
Yes Ms. Dizon and asexual reproduction
Very good Ms. Dizon
Let’s begin first to the fist type
of reproduction which is sexual
Sexual reproduction is the
process that involves the union
of sex cells or gametes

Mr Dela Cruz, what are the The two-sex cell that

two-sex cell that involve in involve in sexual
sexual reproduction. reproduction is egg cell
and sperm cell
Correct! Thank you, Mr Dela

Egg cell and sperm cell are

involved in sexual
The gametes come from two
parent of opposite sexes the
male that produce sperm cell
and the female that produce
egg cells

Fertilization process happens

when an egg cell and sperm cell
joined together.

Do you understand the sexual Yes ma’am

reproduction class? It is clear?

Okay let’s proceed to the last

one that asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction takes

place when organism produce
offspring without fertilization.
It only involves one parent. It is
the process in which a single
organism produces genetically
identical offspring.

How does offspring produce in Idea ma’am. Offspring

asexual reproduction? produce by cell division
Anyone in this class?
Yes Ms. David
Yes! Offspring produce by cell
division and now let’s proceed
to the types of asexual

Can you give me the types of The types of asexual

asexual reproduction? Yes Ms. reproduction are binary
Dizon fission, budding,

That’s great! Thank you, Ms.

Dizon. Let’s discuss them 1 by

In binary fission, the parent cell

divided into two cells. It is one
of the simplest and
uncomplicated method of
asexual reproduction. Binary
occurs when one parent split
into two offspring.

It is clear in binary fission? Yes ma’am

Okay class next is budding

Budding is a process of
producing an individual
through the buds that develop
on the parent body. Hydra is an
organism that produced by

Can you me some examples of Yeast maam

organism that produced by
budding? Yes Mr. Pamposa

Thank you again Mr Pamposa

Yeast is other organism that
undergoes budding

Last is fragmentation Fragmentation occurs

What do you think is when the parent organism
fragmentation? Yes Ms. David divided into several
fragments and each
fragments develop a new
Thank you, Ms. David! That’s
right and example of this are
lobster, lizard, tadpoles, and

Now let’s proceed to the

advantage and disadvantage of
asexual reproduction
Ms. Dizon can you give me The advantage of asexual
some advantage and reproduction is the process
disadvantage of asexual of reproduction are rapid
reproduction? and the disadvantage is
they are enable to adapt the
changing environment.

That’s great! Other advantage

Mates are required, and it
occurs in various environment.
Other disadvantages is once the
Environment change the entire
species would eliminate

Did you understand the topic? Yes ma’am

If you really understand the Sexual reproduction

topic can you differentiate the involve two parent cell
sexual and asexual while asexual reproduction
reproduction? involve only one parent
Yes Ms. Capulong cell.

Very good! And that’s the end

of our discussion I hope you'll
learn a lot in our discussion

E. GENERALIZATION The teacher will have an in-

depth discussion on the key
concepts and ideas of the topic.

The teacher will explain the

two types of reproduction
including various modes and
the processes involved in
asexual and sexual

Now that we’ve covered the

basics of reproduction, let’s
recap what we’ve learned about
sexual and asexual

Sexual reproduction involves

the fusion of gametes from two
parents, resulting in genetically
diverse offspring. Asexual
reproduction, on the other
hand, only requires one parent
and produces genetically
identical offspring through
various methods such as binary
fission, budding, and
The teacher will ask the
students again some questions
to know if they understand the Student raises their hand to
lesson and objectives of the answer.
The students may answer.
Can anyone provide examples
of sexual and asexual
reproduction that we discussed Sexual reproduction
earlier? examples include humans
and animals, while asexual
reproduction examples are
budding in yeast and
Let’s review the advantages binary fission in bacteria.
and disadvantages of asexual
reproduction. Can someone Some advantages include
share some of them with the rapid reproduction, while
class. disadvantages include lack
of genetic diversity.
Reflecting on our discussion
today, how would you Sexual reproduction
differentiate sexual and asexual involves two parents and
reproduction? genetic variation, while
asexual reproduction only
has one parent and
produces identical
F. APPLICATION A. Group Activity
Identify the following pictures
if undergoes Sexual
Reproduction or Asexual
Reproduction and explain
why? Write your answers in a
piece of Manila paper.
B. Individual Activity
Identify the following
characteristics if it is Sexual
Reproduction or Asexual
____________________1. It
has 2 parents.
Natural Vegetative
____________________3. It
takes longer time to reproduce.
____________________4. It
does not involve gametes.
Binary fission.
____________________6. It
has a rapid reproduction.
The offspring show genetic
The offspring are identical to
the parent.
Fertilization is needed to form
new organism.
____________________10. It
has slow reproduction.



A. “Let’s have a quick recap if you really Student: “the passing on of genes and genetic
understand our topic for today “ traits from parent to offspring.”

“What is the simple definition of Student:” Variation is The changes in the

heredity?” different generations with comparison to
progeny is known as variations. Inheritance is
Inheritance of characteristics in an organism is
“Very good, Next is What is the main contributed to equally by the mother and
difference between inheritance and father. The mother and father provide equal
variation?” amounts of genetic material to their offspring”

Student:” Sexual and asexual reproduction”

“Very good, Next is what are the two

types of reproduction?” Student:” In sexual reproduction, an organism
combines the genetic information from each of
its parents and is genetically unique. In asexual
“Very good, Next is what is the main reproduction, one parent copies itself to form a
difference between sexual and asexual genetically identical offspring.

Scenario Activity Content Answer key

“After a quick recap

regarding the subject
Instruction: Identify the following
the teacher will be Quick
questions if it is an Sexual or Asexual
proceeding to give seatwork
type of reproduction.
the student a quick

Item 1: Produces genetically identical


Item 2: Is faster Asexual

Item 3: Leads to genetic variation Sexual

Item 4: Promotes evolution Sexual

Instcrution: Choose the correct

answer by encircling your answer
below the question

Item 1: Sexual reproduction involves

the fusion of two parental gametes to
produce a zygote.
What is resulting DNA composition in
the offspring?

a. The offspring will have the

same amount of DNA as each A
of the parents.
b. The offspring will have double
the amount of DNA of either
c. The offspring will have half
the amount of DNA of either

Item 2: Although sexual reproduction

involves the fusion of two cells, the
amount of DNA in the resultant
zygote is the same as that in any non-
germ line cell. Additionally, the
zygote DNA is not identical to that of
the parents.
How does this happen? (2 answers is
needed for this item)
(Choice A) It leads to genetic
AIt leads to genetic variation.
(Choice B) It occurs through
binary fission.
BIt occurs through binary

(Choice C) It helps in
evolution of a species.
CIt helps in evolution of a

(Choice D) It occurs through

DIt occurs through

Item 3: Which of the following

statements about sexual reproduction
are true? (2 answers is needed for this

(Choice A) The male gamete

involved is large and contains
reserve food stores.
AThe male gamete involved is
large and contains reserve
food stores.

(Choice B) Germ cells are

produced by meiosis.
B. Germ cells are produced by
(Choice C) Only one parent is
involved in sexual
C. Only one parent is involved
in sexual reproduction.

(Choice D) Sexual
reproduction leads to
variations in the genetic
material of offsprings.
D. Sexual reproduction leads
to variations in the genetic
material of offsprings.
A. In your own words, differentiate the following terms below.
1. Asexual and Sexual reproduction
2. Natural and Artificial Vegetative Propagation
3. Budding and Regeneration
4. Binary Fission and Budding

B. Based on what you’ve learned, answer the following.

Two parents are having a child. The father has dominant brown eyes (BB). The
mother has recessive blue eyes (bb). Find the possible eye color of the child.
What is the possible eye color of the baby?
b _______________________________________________

C. Study in advance the Ecosystems such as their components, ecological relationships

(Symbiotic and Non-Symbiotic Relationships), and the transfer of energy through
trophic levels.

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