LM 6 CP 2 - Criteria in Choosing Appropriate Assessment PPT Guide
LM 6 CP 2 - Criteria in Choosing Appropriate Assessment PPT Guide
LM 6 CP 2 - Criteria in Choosing Appropriate Assessment PPT Guide
Learning Module 6
Criteria in Choosing
Appropriate Assessment Tools
Course Packet 2
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course packet 2, learners should be able to:
Assessment methods are the strategies, techniques, tools, and instruments for collecting
information to determine the extent to which students demonstrate desired learning outcomes.
Teachers need to select tools to assess student achievement in the target outcome(s). The
selection of tools involves a process to obtain detailed information and the need to keep the
process feasible and manageable.
Student learning styles vary widely and their strengths and challenges with respect to
assessment vary as well. Teachers need to consider that variation as they choose assessments
for their courses. By varying the way teachers assess student understanding, they are more
likely to offer opportunities for every student to demonstrate their knowledge.
be gained from the use of tests and may
serve to facilitate decision-making.
1 Goals of Assessment
Methods of Assessment
2 (Direct or Indirect)
One of the challenges for beginning teachers is
to select and use appropriate assessment
techniques suited to the learners' needs. During
The teacher may either be utilizing the direct or
indirect method.
Examples of direct methods are:
a Examinations
e Portfolios
g Capstone Projects
Indirect methods can provide a useful
supplement and check on the findings from
direct measures.
Tool a
Student Satisfaction Surveys
e Reflective Essays
ICT-Based Assessment:
Tool 1
Measures the desired Level
Performance (Level of Satisfaction,
ICT-Based Assessment:
Tool 3
Useful that will produce results that
provide information that can be
used in making decisions to
improve student learning
ICT-Based Assessment:
a Participation
b Perspective Taking
c Social Regulation
Rubric is a set of criteria used to determine scoring for an assignment,
performance, or product. This can be used to score many kinds of written
assignments or exams, papers, projects, speeches, or ePortfolios.
They are not useful, however, as a grading mechanism for multiple choice
or short answer tests. There are many samples of rubrics online, but the
teacher may consider the learners, objective of the lesson,
contextualization, and localization.
6 Holistic rubrics
Types of Rubrics
Analytic rubrics describe
work on each criterion
separately. It utilizes
separate, holistic ratings
of specific charac-
teristics, products, or
Holistic rubrics describe
the work by applying all
the criteria at the same
time and enabling an
overall judgment about
the quality of the work.
It utilizes a holistic
rating for a product or
e-Exams were developed more than four decades ago for professional certification
in the IT industry and progressively evolving as a preferred alternative to Paper-
Pencil-Test (PPT) in schools, universities, recruiting firms as well as private and
public organizations (Bulama Bukar, Bello & Baba Ibi, M, 2016).
Computer-Based-Testing is more efficient than Paper-based tests
because it is individualized testing and has faster score reporting
within few minutes after the last submission. The students can
immediately view the scores on screen and more convenient for
teachers and students.
Computerized delivery of objective
tests has more advantages compared The creation of item bank of
to paper-pencil-test which include the questions invites the possibility
of each student being presented
following: 1 with a paper made up of
different questions, but of an
equivalent standard.
Automatic computerized
marking facilitates
2 immediate feedback for the
Computerized delivery of objective
tests has more advantages compared
to paper-pencil-test which include the Students can be invited to sit
following: 3 tests as frequently as they
find useful.
Computerized recording of
results facilitates the analysis
4 of groups' responses to
The teacher may consider balance
assessments (a blend of traditional and
ICT-based assessments).
1 Multiple-Choice
The process of achievement
testing is a chain with many links,
2 True or False
including identifying what to
teach, providing good instruction, 3 Matching Type
selecting appropriate test
4 Analogy
question formats, and reviewing
for the test. Some examples: 5 Simple Recall
Electronic Portfolio
Photo sourced from ePortfolio Student Tour
An electronic portfolio which is also known as an ePortfolio, digital
portfolio, or online portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence
assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web (Zimmerman,
ePortfolios ePortfolio
T y p e s o f e P o r t f o l i Xo
Ideal Portfolio Professional ePortfolio
Documentation Evaluation/Assessment
Portfolio ePortfolios