Behavior of Zirconium Alloy Under Different Application

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EPJ Web of Conferences 94, 02021 (2015)

DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20159402021

c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015

Dynamic behavior of zirconium alloy E110 under submicrosecond

shock-wave loading
D.N. Kazakov, O.E. Kozelkov, A.S. Mayorova, S.N. Malyugina, S.S. Mokrushin, and A.V. Pavlenkoa

RFNC-VNIITF, 456770, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia

Abstract. Stress waves have been measured under shock wave loading of zirconium alloy E110 samples with the 0.5 – 8 mm
thickness at normal and elevated temperatures. Duration of shock loading pulses varied from ∼0.05 up to 1µs with the amplitude
varying from 3.4 up to 23 GPa. Free-surface velocity profiles have been registered using VISAR and PDV interferometers with
nanosecond resolution. Attenuation of the elastic precursor has been measured to determine plastic strain rate behind the elastic
precursor front. The plastic strain rate was observed to decrease with propagation from 106 s−1 at the 0.46-mm distance down to
2 · 104 s−1 at the 8-mm distance. Spall strength has been measured under normal and elevated temperatures. Spall strength versus
strain rate relationships have been constructed in the 105 s−1 – 106 s−1 range. Under shock compression higher than 10.6 GPa,
the three-wave configuration of the shock wave has been registered and the polymorphous α → ω transition is considered to be
the reason of this phenomenon.
This work was supported by State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” within State Contract # H.4x.

1. Introduction are practically unavailable. The considered experimental

investigation results for zirconium alloy E110 samples
Investigation into processes of elastic-viscous-plastic
loaded in well-controlled conditions is an attempt to fill
deformation of metals and alloys under shock-wave
this gap.
loading [1] allows us to measure velocity-temperature
relationships how these materials resist to deformation
and fracture. In shock waves, a wide range of strain 2. Material and experimental setup
rates of solid bodies can be covered and thus we can
accumulate experimental data that can serve as the basis Zirconium alloy E110 contains niobium (Nb 1%) as
for construction of defining relationships needed to predict an alloying component; principal impurities – are iron
materials behavior under high-intensity shock loads [2]. and oxygen (O and Fe less than 0.1%), the rest
The structure of shock waves in solid bodies depends admixtures (tin, hafnium, nickel, chromium, carbon,
on processes of their elastic-viscous-plastic deformation, silicon, etc.) in the aggregate do not exceed 0.25%. The
possible phase transformations, as well as on kinetics alloy has 6.5 g/cm3 density, 160 MPa yield strength, and
of fracture incipience and development [3–5]. In recent 270–310 MPa ultimate strength.
years, shock-wave methods were used for [6–9] systematic The material was studied in the as-received condition.
investigations into the velocity-temperature relationships The rod with the 35-mm diameter was sliced into disks
for yield stresses and fracture of pure metals with face- with the thickness of 0.5, 1.0, 2, 4, and 8 mm to serve
centered and body-centered cubic structures. These data as zirconium alloy E110 samples for tests. Unevenness
are practically absent for metals with hexagonal close- of the sample surface after processing was within
packed structure. 2.5–6 µm. The ultrasonic technique and samples with the
Interest to zirconium and alloys on its basis is 8-mm thickness were used to determine longitudinal cl and
inspired by a wide application of this material in shear cs sound velocities: cl = 4700 ± 15 m/s and cs =
nuclear power engineering due to happy combination 2262 ± 5 m/s. Volume sound velocity was estimated to
of its nuclear physical (small thermal-neutron capture be c0 = 3.91 km/s. In order to estimate stresses arising in
cross-section), physical-and-mechanical characteristics, the samples, we used Hugoniot adiabat of zirconium D =
processing behavior and also resistance to corrosion. 3.91 + 0.91u (km/s), where D – is shock wave velocity, u–
Zirconium – is a polymorphous metal that has a hexagonal is mass velocity [10] with a correction for sound velocity
close-packed lattice under normal conditions and belong data obtained for alloy E110.
to transition metals. Zirconium alloy E110 (Zr – 1.0% Nb) Our experiments used a 44-mm bore one-stage gun
– is one of the main commercial alloys for nuclear power [11] and the “symmetric” impact approach when strikers
engineering. Experimental data on dynamic properties of and samples are made of the same material apart from
zirconium alloys in the area of high-strain rate deformation experiments with 0.5-mm thick samples, wherein strikers
were cut our from the zirconium foil having 0.1-mm
a Corresponding author: [email protected] thickness. Shock waves in samples with 1-; 2-, and 4-mm
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Table 1. Setting Data on experimental setups and measured strength characteristics of zirconium alloy E110.
σh , στ , σsp ,
V0 ,m/s hi ,mm hs ,mm W h ,m/s S R rw, s−1
G Pa
254 1.979 3.995 46 0.709 0.32 2.56 0.13
302 1.985 7.947 38 0.58 0.27 2.75 0.08
307 1.974 7.977 42 0.65 0.30 - 0.08
548 2.0 1.965 54 0.82 0.38 -
577 2.004 3.988 46 0.70 0.32 2.58 0.13
591 0.468 0.971 55 0.85 0.39 3.31 0.57
607 0.972 1.972 44 0.68 0.31 2.93 -
618 1.993 7.943 38 0.58 0.27 2.98 0.09
619 0.114 0.495 63 0.96 0.44 4.07 1.48
∼620 1.975 51 0.78 0.36 2.60 0.13
(315 ◦ C)
627 1.994 7.970 40 0.62 0.29 - 0.09
918 0.11 0.457 63 0.95 0.44 4.09 1.64
950 0.980 1.983 53 0.80 0.37 3.28 0.25
955 0.462 0.972 60 0.92 0.42 3.00 0.71
1050 2.00 3.996 46 0.69 0.32 3.20 0.18
1181 1.993 7.991 42 0.65 0.30 3.23 0.08
1225 1.043 1.963 53 0.80 0.37 3.35 0.26
1252 1.998 46 0.70 0.32 3.01 0.18
(368 ◦ C)
1363 0.115 0.457 63 0.96 0.44 4.43 1.45
1524 2.00 3.99 46 0.71 0.33 3.01 0.13
1575 0.991 1.962 53 0.82 0.38 3.03 0.27

thickness were formed by the striker having 0.5-; 1-, and

2-mm thickness and experiments with 8-mm thick samples
used 2-mm thick strikers. Impact velocity varied from 0.25
to 1.6 km/s. Striker velocity was measured with the error at
least 0.5%. In experiments with the up to 1 km/s velocity,
out-of-parallelism of impacting surfaces was ∼1 mrad with
the velocity higher than 1 km/s–2..4 mrad. Experiments
were performed in conditions of vacuum.
Resistance heaters were used for tests under elevated
temperatures in order to heat up samples to the required
temperatures and this heating took not more than
15 minutes. Temperature was monitored with the accuracy
of ±5 ◦ C by T-type thermocouples fixed at the lateral
surface of samples. Figure 1. Free-surface velocity profiles for Zirconium alloy E110
Laser Doppler interferometers VISAR [12] and PDV samples.
[13] recorded velocity profiles W (t) for the free surface of
samples. Surface sounding area for VISAR-interferometer σh = σ H E L –dynamic elastic limit, στ –dynamic yield
was in the center of the sample and diameter of this stress, σsp - spall strength, SRr w –strain rate in a rarefaction
area was not more than 0.8 mm. Sounding area for PDV- wave (V  /V0 ).
interferometer was shifted from the sample center by 3 mm The value of the dynamic elastic limit σ H E L =
and was not more than 0.4 mm. Time resolution of VISAR- ρ0 cl Wh /2 agrees with conditions of uniaxial deforma-
interferometer is at least 2 ns, its velocity resolution is not tion; this value is converted to the yield strength in standard
more than 1% when velocities are measured within 0.3– conditions of uniaxial stressed state στ using a simple
1.6 km/s. The Hilbert method was used to process PDV relationship στ =3/2σ H E L (1-(cb /cl )2 ).
interferometric data. Figure 1 shows free-surface velocity profiles W (t)for
Zirconium alloy E110 samples having 0.5-; 2-; 4- and 8-
mm thickness under different-intensity impacts.
3. Measurement results Each profile has designated velocity of the striker. The
Table 1 gives (new and previous [14]) basic data on two-stage elastic-plastic compression wave is registered
the setup of shock-wave experiments, as well as certain when the impact velocity is up to 0.6 km/s. When shock
measured strength characteristics of zirconium alloy E110. compression pressure goes higher than 10.6 GPa, the
We also used the following designation: V0 –impact plastic shock wave looses its steadiness and splits due to
velocity, h i –impactor thickness, h s –sample thickness, the known polymorphous transformation α → ω with the
Wh –velocity at the front of the elastic precursor, decrease of the specific volume. When shock compression

DYMAT 2015

Figure 2. Free-surface velocity profiles for Zirconium alloy

E110 samples. Profiles have designated velocity of the striker Figure 3. Relationships of measured dynamic elastic limit σh ,
and nominal thickness of samples; exact values of thickness for yield strength στ , calculated plastic train rate γ p , and measured
samples and strikers are given in Table 1. strain rate behind the elastic precursor front

pressure is higher than 16 GPa, the two-wave configuration

where S = 0 .87 GPa, α = 0 .138 , and h 0 = 1 mm. The
“closes” due to the fact that the velocity of the wave
elastic precursor attenuation is related to the plastic
with phase transformation becomes equal to or higher than
deformation rate γ p just behind its front by the relationship
the plastic shock wave velocity. When impact velocity
[15, 17]:
varies, the compression stress on the elastic precursor
dσx /dh| H E L = −4 /3Gγ p /cl , (2)
remains practically unchanged. It follows that in this
range of parameters, attenuation of the elastic precursor where G–is shear modulus, σx – is compression stress in
is practically independent of the final shock compression the direction of wave propagation, h–is distance covered
pressure. by the wave. Taking into account relationship (1), the
All sample free-surface velocity profiles demonstrate plastic deformation rate can be expressed as:
decrease of parameters in the rarefaction wave behind
the area of steady-state flow. Interaction of the incident γ p = −3 /4 (Sαcl (h/ h 0 )) −(α+1) /(h 0 G). (3)
and reflected rarefaction waves leads to generation of
tensile stresses inside the sample and to its spall fracturing. After the wave-covered distance h from relationship (1)
Relaxation of tensile stresses due to fracturing causes is substituted into (3), we have the initial velocity of the
initiation of the compression wave in the stretched material “plastic shear deformation versus shear stress behind the
and arrival of this wave at the surface is accompanied by precursor front” relationship:
the repeated increase of its velocity, which is called spall
γ p = 3 /4 (τ E  /(SG))
pulse. The subsequent periodic fluctuations of the free- Sαcl /(h 0 G). (4)
surface velocity are conditioned by waves reverberation,
i.e. reflection of rarefaction and compression waves from Figure 3 shows data on the dynamic elastic limit
the surface on the separated layer of the material. attenuation, empirical relationship (1), and appropriate
Spall strength was estimated based on measured free- plastic deformation rate.
surface velocity decrease under unloading from the shock- Plastic deformation rate behind the elastic precursor
compressed state taking into account correction for the front changes from 106 s−1 at the 0.46-mm thickness of
velocity profile distortion caused by the difference in the samples up to 2 · 104 s−1 at the 8-mm thickness of samples
velocity of spall pulse and plastic wave propagation in the and this is almost one order of magnitude higher than the
unloading area [4]. plastic deformation rate in magnesium alloy Ma-2 [15].
Elastic precursor and plastic flow behind its front. Analysis of elastic precursor attenuation provides
Figure 2 gives measured profiles for the free surface information on the initial plastic deformation rate directly
velocity of zirconium alloy E110 samples having different after the elastic limit is attained. Measurements of
thickness. Each profile has designated thickness of compression velocity in the plastic shock wave provide
samples and velocity of the striker that has generated the data on the material behavior at the follow-on stages
compression wave in the sample. Amplitude of the elastic and usually at higher deformation rates. The maximum
precursor decreases with its propagation. Elastic precursor plastic deformation rate of alloy E110 in the plastic shock
attenuation is conditioned by relaxation of tresses due to wave is 5 · 105 s1 at the impact velocity of 254 m/s
plastic deformation development. (compression stress behind the plastic shock wave is
Measurement results for the elastic precursor attenua- 3.4 GPa) and 1.3 · 107 s−1 at the impact velocity of 577 m/s
tion are given in Fig. 3. Similar to previous studies [6–9, (compression stress – is 7.8 GPa). The maximum shear
14–16], attenuation measurement results are approximated stresses in the plastic shock wave were 173 GPa and
by the following empirical relation: 284 GPa, respectively.
Phase transformation. Splitting of the plastic shock
σh = S(h/ h 0 )−α , (1) wave (Fig. 2) indicates polymorphous transformation,

EPJ Web of Conferences

Figure 5. Free-surface velocity profiles W (t) for Zirconium alloy

E110 samples having 4-mm thickness loaded by the impact of
Figure 4. Measured spall strength of zirconium alloy samples
the 2-mm plate from the same material at a rate of about 600 m/s
versus deformation rate under expansion.
under normal and elevated up to 315◦ C temperatures.

probably a well-known transformation α → ω [18]. As the

first plastic shock wave propagates, pressure at its front, στ = 1 .5 σ H E L (1 − (c b /cl )2 ) taking into account the
which corresponds to transformation onset, decreases from time-dependent longitudinal sound velocity demonstrated
11.2 GPa for the sample having 0.46-mm thickness down that yield strength decreases from 300 MPa at room
to 10.6 GPa when this wave leaves the sample having 4- temperature down to 280 MPa at 315◦ C. Spall strength
mm thickness. Pressure decrease in the first plastic shock was measured at normal and elevated temperatures in
wave as it is propagating is indicative of the final velocity very similar loading conditions taking into account
of phase transformation. When striker velocity is 1181 m/s, measurement errors and it proved to remain unchanged and
loading amplitude becomes sufficient for the principal to be equal to 2.7 GPa.
wave to begin to “close” the first plastic shock wave.
Spall strength. Figure 4 shows results of processing
the stress wave profiles as the “spall strength versus 4. Conclusion
the material expansion rate in the unloading part of the
incident compression pulse” relationship. The paper presents measurement results for dynamic
Measurement results for the elastic precursor attenua- characteristics of zirconium alloy E110 in the range of
tion are given in Fig. 3. Similar to previous studies [6–9, loading duration from ∼0.05 µs up to 1 µs when the
14–16], attenuation measurement results are approximated pressure amplitude in the shock wave varies from 3.5
by the following empirical relation: up to 23 GPa. Measured dependences of elastic precursor
attenuation allowed us to estimate the plastic deformation
σsp = 0 .402 (V  /V 0 )0.164 GPa. (5) rate that changes from 106 s1 at the 0.46-mm thickness
of samples to 2 · 104 s−1 at the 8-mm thickness and this
Relationship (5) also determines how the initial rate of practically one order of magnitude higher than the plastic
discontinuities growth depends on stresses and can be used deformation rate in zirconium alloy E635, VT1-0 titanium
to construct a macrokinetic model of fracturing. and magnesium alloy Ma-2.
Experimental data given in Fig. 4 cover the impact load
duration range from ∼0.05 µs up to 1 µs and, respectively, The reason why the compression wave is split into
spall thicknesses – from 0.08 mm up to 2 mm. the three-wave configuration under pressure higher than
Figure 5 illustrates how the dynamic elastic limit 10.6 GPa (striker velocity is higher than 780 m/s) is the
and spall strength of zirconium alloy E110 depend on polymorphous α → ω transformation. Attenuation of the
temperature. We were forced to limit experiments to the first plastic shock wave indicates the final rate of phase
temperature of 370◦ C as zirconium looses its reflectivity transformation. Splitting of the plastic shock wave “closes”
even if its surface is protected by deposited gold. when the impact velocity is more than 1.2 km/s.
In the meantime, zirconium alloy members are usually Spall strength of zirconium alloy increases with the
in service just in this temperature range. deformation rate according to σsp = 0 .402 (V /V0 )0.164 .
Wave profiles were processed taking into account Spall strength of the material is practically independent of
temperature relationships of elastic moduli given in [19]. heating up to 315◦ C.
Particularly in this temperature range, shear modulus of
zirconium decreases by 20% and the longitudinal sound
velocity–by 3.2%. Authors express their sincere gratitude to G.I. Kanel for
Comparison of wave profiles in Fig. 5 shows 10% problem statement and useful discussions during this work
growth in the dynamic elastic limit of zirconium, i.e. implementation.
from 640 MPa at room temperature up to 710 MPa at Very helpful in experiments were E.I. Karnaukhov, M.I.
315◦ C. Calculation of the appropriate yield strength Serkov, M.F. Geraschenko, S.Yu. Filatov.

DYMAT 2015

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