Reviewer-MAPEH Q3
Reviewer-MAPEH Q3
Reviewer-MAPEH Q3
- Form: The arrangement of musical units of rhythm, - Composed by: Ryan Cayabyab
melody, and or/ harmony that show repetition or 1. Composer
variation, the arrangement of the instruments or the way 2. Arranger
a symphonic piece is orchestrated", among other factors 3. Musical director in the Philippine
(Wikipedia, 2020). It could be identified as A, AB, ABC, music industry since 1970s.
ABA form. - Performed by: Hajii Alejandro
- Dynamics: refers to the volume of a sound or note. The
term is also applied to the written or printed musical ARTS
notation used to indicate dynamics. (Lumen, n. d.).
- Photography came from the Greek word “photos”
It could be seen as:
meaning light and “graphos” meaning writing.
- p (soft), - f (loud),
- As an artist means discerning a significant moment
- pp (very soft), - ff (very loud),
framing it in the camera viewfinder with an eye for
- ppp (very very soft), - fff (very very loud).
composition and clicking is photography as ART.
- Pitch: In music, position of a single sound in the
- as communication refers to modern art form which
complete range of sound. Sounds are higher or lower in
viewed as one of the powerful means of communication
pitch according to the frequency of vibration of the sound
in the field of journalism, advertising, and education.
waves producing them (Rogers, 2020).
- Distinctive Characteristics of Photography
- Tempo: The rate of speed of a musical piece or passage
1. Composition: is essentially how we arrange the
indicated by one of a series of directions and often by an
scene to tell the story best and how we get the
exact metronome marking (Merriam Webster, 2020).
viewer to look at and focus the most important
aspects of the photograph.
Largo – very slow
2. Story: The story you are telling with the image,
Presto – sudden or super fast
The great composition will make the
Allegro – fast, quickly and bright
photographs powerful.
Philippine Popular Music - Noteworthy Photographers in Philippines:
1. George Tapan: an award winning travel
- Music is distributed to large audiences through the music photographer who has won the two Pacific Asia
industry. Tourism Association and First place in the 2011
- Can be enjoyed and performed by people with little or no National entitled “Into The Green Zone”.
musical training. 2. John K. Chua: Chua-best known as an
- It stands in contrast to both art music and traditional or advertising and commercial photographer with
"folk" music. over 40 years of experience in this field. He has
- In the Philippines pop music is very relevant since early also applied his photo artistry to showcasing
1970s the beauty of the Philippines.
- Commonly termed as Original Pinoy Music or OPM.
Media Based Arts in the Philippines and The Art Elements
Creation of Popular Music
- Photography: It becomes clear how the photographer
- Theme: Listeners like songs that can understand and has captured the elements of form, color, light and
identify with. shadow, texture and composition to create a true work of
- Common themes of OPM: art.
- love relationships (starting up or falling apart), - Film: has risen to tremendous heights within the last
- good times, century. As its early name “Motion Pictures” declared,
- dreams and desires, film brought yet another dimension into play that of
- confronting problems, moving images.
- Film Makers and other parts: 5. Symmetrical Balance: A photograph with elements that
1. Film Director: Directs the acting. He or she show a mirror-image.
conceptualizes the scenes. 6. Asymmetrical Balance: Uneven subjects or elements that
2. Film Actors/ Acting: had to learn to express are place off-center.
themselves without the exaggerated facial
expressions and gestures used on stage. Purpose of Photography: It can vary depending on what the
3. Cinematography: This captures the director's vision photographer is trying to achieve such as documentary and news
of each scene through camera placement and photographers capture images for the purpose of providing
movement, lighting, and other special techniques. detailed account of actual events, while hobbyist photographers
4. Editing: Selecting, Sequencing, and Joining shots aim to capture life moments with their families and friends.
together to achieve the director's desired visual and Types of Photography:
emotional effect.
5. Production Set/ Design: This recreated in physical 1. Landscape: Landscape photography is the art of
terms through location, scenery, sets, lighting, capturing pictures of nature and the outdoors in a way
costumes, and props. The mental image that the that brings your viewer into the scene.
director had of how each scene should look, what 2. Macro: Macro photography is close-up photography of
period it should depict, and what atmosphere it small subjects, including things like bugs and flowers.
should convey. You can take macro pictures in a studio or outdoor
- Animation: To make something appear to move by environment so long as you are magnifying your subject
creating a series of drawings. sufficiently.
1. Urduja (2008): First fully animated Filipino film, 3. Wildlife: Wildlife photography is a type of photography
created by an all Filipino group of animators using that records the life of animals in their natural settings,
the traditional hand-drawn animation process with like in a forest or underwater. So, wildlife photography
some 3D effects. An animated film adaptation of the often constitutes the images of animals in movement or
legend of the warrior princess of Pangasinan. action such as eating, fighting, or in flight.
2. Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia (2008): First 4. Portrait: Portrait photography is about capturing the
Filipino full 3D animated film. Country’s first all- essence, personality, identity and attitude of a person
digital full-length animated feature film. First ever utilizing backgrounds, lighting and posing. The goal is to
animated movie to be screened during 34th MMFF capture a photo that appears both natural and prepared
in 2008, RPG Metanoia (2010). to allow the subject’s personality to show through.
- Print Media: Large sale publications such as 5. Documentary: Documentary photography describes any
newspapers, magazines, journals, books of all kinds like photos that attempt to record the world as it is. These
brochures, flyers, menus and the like. there remains the images can inform an audience about the hidden corners
more conventional form known as print media. of contemporary life and even become part of the
1. Advertising: These appear in newspapers, historical record.
magazines, posters, brochures and flyers. 6. Fashion: Fashion photography focuses on the display of
fashion clothing and items. It is most common on
Photography as an Artist: advertising boards and in fashion magazines.
- Photography as art involves recognizing an important 7. Travel: Travel photography is a type of photography that
moment or a distinctive expression, framing it in the may involve the documentation of an area's landscape,
camera viewfinder with an eye for composition, and then people, cultures, customs, and history.
pressing the shutter. 8. Event: The professional art of snapping high-quality
images during a wide variety of important occasions,
Photography as Communication: from personal events like weddings or birthday parties to
large public gatherings like corporate events, galas,
- Next to the printed word, the photographic image is award ceremonies and music festivals.
today’s most important means of conveying information
and ideas, expressing emotions, even championing PHYSICAL EDUCATION
- Physical Activity: WHO defines physical activity as any
Basic Compositions in Photography: bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that
require energy expenditure – including activities
1. Filling the Frame: Move in closer to your subject to
undertaken while working, playing, carrying out
strengthen your composition. It allows the focus to fall on
household chores, travelling, and engaging in
your subject filling the screen of your camera.
recreational pursuits.
2. Rule of Thirds: The thought that placing your subject off-
- Exercise: Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or
center yields a stronger, more natural - looking
maintains physical fitness and overall health and
3. Framing: A technique using a natural or man-made form
- Eating Habits: Refers to why and how people eat, which
(any shape) around your subject that serves like a
foods they eat, and with whom they eat, as well as the
picture frame.
ways people obtain, store, use, and discard food. It only
4. Leading Lines: This composition makes the viewer’s
goes wrong if we consume less or more that our body
eyes drawn into the succeeding patterns of lines.
needs; also when we eat unhealthy food. This can lead partnership with the World Bank to combat specific
to being underweight, overweight or even obese. problems under SDGs.
- Hip-hop dances are also referred as street dances. - Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases
- Best known for its impact in the form of the musical 1. Rollback Malaria: Increases the capacity, empower
genre of the same name. services and create an enabling environment for
- Found in the Bronx, New York City, in 1970. implementation, that responds to malaria illness
- Among the performers are: appropriately.
1. African Americans 2. Stop TB: To prevent further transmission of
2. Latin Americans tuberculosis or TB around the world, one of the
- Hip-hop culture is most likely DJing, Rapping, programs for Stop TB is the implementation of
Breakdancing and Graffiti art TBDOTS(( Directly Observed Treatment, Short-
course: a strategy to reduce the number of cases.).
Hip-Hop Styles 3. Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization: Strengthen
1. B-Boying: Also known as Breakdancing. The first hip-hop children’s immunization programs. Introduce new
dance style that originated among Black and Puerto generation of licensed vaccines that reduces the
Rican youths in New York City during the early 1970s. number of deaths in children 5 years old and below:
2. Popping: Popping forces parts of your body outwards, a. Hepatitis B Vaccine
similar to an explosion within parts of your body. Popping b. Childhood Meningitis Vaccine
also contracts muscles, but it is followed by relaxation c. Yellow Fever Vaccine
that gives it the jerking appearance of popping. d. Influenza Vaccine and for Pneumonia
3. Locking: Locking can be identify by its distinctive stops. 4. Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria: A funding
Usually performed by stopping the fast movement that project rather to prevent, reduce and alleviate the
you are doing, locking your body into a position, holding negative impacts of the 3 widespread diseases to
it, and then continuing at the same speed as before. humanity.
4. Krumping: Jabs, arm swings, chest pops and stomps. A - Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol
freestyle improvisational dance that is soulful but with Use
powerful moves, which is often a misconception of angry. 1. Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Tobacco:
5. Shuffling: The basic movements of the dance are a fast Provision of Non-price measures and price and tax
heel and toe action with a style suitable or various types measures; to reduce the demand for tobacco.
of electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm 2. Recognizes the close ties between the harmful use
movements. of alcohol and the socio-economic development of a
nation to regulate and reduce the demand for
HEALTH alcohol in the prevention and control of non-
communicable diseases.
Health Trends, Issues and Concerns at the Global Level 3. A global action plan to prevent non - communicable
diseases and the unhealthy lifestyle as risk factor.
- Millenium Development Goals (MGD): The United
- Global Initiative for Mental Health
Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September
1. Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-
2000, commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger,
2020: Addresses the fight and alleviates negative
disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and
trends in mental health, improves and provides
discrimination against women.
accessible mental healthcare services, prevention
of abuse and unjust treatment against people with
mental problems, disorders and disabilities.
- Global Strategy To Respond To COVID-19
1. Mobilize: Ensure every sector of government
communities to participate in the response and in
preventing cases through hand hygiene, respiratory
etiquette and individual-level physical distancing.
2. Control: Rapid finding, isolating all cases, provide
appropriate care, tracing, quarantining, and
supporting all contacts.
3. Suppress: Appropriate and proportionate
restrictions on nonessential domestic and
international travel.
- 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Our shared vision of 4. Reduce: Reduction of mortality through appropriate
humanity and a social contract between the world’s care, ensure the continuity of essential health and
leaders and the people. social services, and protecting the frontline workers
- UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon (2015) and vulnerable populations.
- Global Health Initiatives (GHI): GHI’s are programs set
by the UN through World Health Organization (WHO) in
5. Develop: Development of safe and effective • Large numbers of patients, particularly the
vaccines and therapeutics that can be delivered at very poor, leaving them to the largely
scale and that are accessible based on need. unregulated nonstate sector are often
excludes to the standardized health services
Impact of Global Health Initiatives on People’s Health
to TB management within the public sector.
- Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases • Access to high-quality care for TB patients is
1. Rollback Malaria: Treatment and prevention still limited.
interventions were recommended to treat malaria. - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
Prevention focuses on mosquito control. 1. GAVI is currently constituted.
2. Stop TB: Medicines to Stop TB is available at the 2. Not been able to reach a genuine consensus on the
local health centers exact role of immunization in protecting the health of
- Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization children in developing countries.
The United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF) 3. Conflict frequently arises between the priorities of
launched a program that will increase vaccination rates the founders of global initiatives and those of the
among children. countries the initiatives purport to assist.
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria 4. Countries that experience disease outbreaks,
Many supports were given to the program. natural disasters, armed conflicts and weak
People with AIDS can treat it as chronic diseases. TB governance.
and malaria incidence have reduced. 5. Countries that experience disease outbreaks,
- Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol natural disasters, armed conflicts and weak
Use governance.
This program helps protect, regulate, and - Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco Use
educate users the dangers of tobacco to reduce non 1. Information dissemination to the public regarding
communicable diseases. the health consequences of tobacco use.
- Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2. Tobacco companies taking advantage of trade
Global strategies focused on public health disputes to establish and grow their market.
advocacy and partnership and production and 3. Smuggling of tobacco products to increase sales
dissemination of knowledge. and profits.
- Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non- 4. Preventing tobacco taxes and smoke-free
Communicable Diseases legislation through sponsored research and
A global action plan to prevent non - misinformation and competing interests and
communicable diseases and the unhealthy lifestyle as incentives within governments (Bump and Reich,
risk factor. 2013).
- Global Initiative for Mental Health - Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol
This program fights, alleviates, improves and 1. Preventing and reducing harmful use of alcohol is a
prevents abuse of rights and unjust treatment against low priority among decision - makers.
people with mental problems , disorders and disabilities 2. Public health measures to reduce harmful use of
which are still prevalent around the world. alcohol are in conflict with other goals like free
- Global Initiative to Fight Coronavirus (COVID - 19) markets and consumer choice and can be seen as
While there is no vaccine to cure this infection harming economic interests and reducing
yet, people are advised to wear mask, wash hands often, government revenues.
use alcohol and follow strict social distancing when in - Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
public place and when there are many people around so Communicable Diseases
as not to have the virus. 1. Escalating costs of healthcare.
2. Unaffordable costs on health budgets.
Issues in the Implementation of Global Health Initiatives 3. Shortages in the healthcare workforce, at various
levels (specialist doctors, primary physicians,
- Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases
nurses, allied health professionals, and community
1. Rollback Malaria:
health workers.
• Interventions are available but because the
4. The availability and affordability of drugs
capacity for malaria control is insufficient in
- Global Health Initiative for Mental Health
endemic countries and their health system
1. Lack access to mental health care in high, middle
are often week they are not reaching the
and low-income countries.
people with the greatest burden of malaria.
2. Inadequate investments in mental health care.
• Safe, effective and affordable options are
3. The funds allocated to mental health care are
quickly running out.
directed disproportionately.
• Discovery of new antimalarial is not keeping - Global Health Initiative for COVID-19
pace. 1. Health, economic, environmental and social
2. Stop TB challenges to the human population.
• Weak health systems and scarce human 2. Disrupting the global economy.
resources are constraints to program 3. Nations are struggling to slow down the
implementation. transmission of the disease.
Adopting Global Health Initiatives to Local or National Context d. Prevent extra pulmonary tuberculosis among
- Global Fight Against Communicable Diseases: e. Promote healthy lifestyle
a. Rollback Malaria and Stop TB - Global Strategy to Respond to COVID-19 (Local)
(Local/National Interventions/Programs) a. Purchase medical supplies such as personal
1. Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) protective equipment (PPE) masks, gloves,
distribution antiseptics, face shields and gown.
2. Indoor spraying with insecticides b. Frequent handwashing
across all endemic areas. c. Bayanihan to Heal as One Act
3. Community Outreach Malaria d. Lockdown
Treatment e. Cash-aid – DOLE Cash Assistance Program,
4. TB DOTS (Directly Observed Social Amelioration Program (SAP)
Therapy, Short Course f. Mass testing, quarantine, and isolation
- Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Local/National g. Frontliner workers compensation
Interventions/Programs) h. Universal Health Care (UHC)
a. Conduct a routine immunization for infants,
children, women through the Reaching Every
Barangay (REB) Strategy
b. Sustain the Polio-free status of the Philippines
c. Eliminate measles infection, maternal and THE END
neonatal tetanus
d. Control diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis B and
German measles
- Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria (Local/National
a. Prevention program (including but not limited
to, condom distribution and promotion,
prevention of mother-to child transmission
b. HIV/AIDS treatment (Antiretroviral therapy)
c. HIV/AIDS care and support
d. Improve access to quality care and recovery
e. Indoor residual spraying, community outreach
f. TB treatment, DOTS
- Global Prevention and Control of Tobacco and Alcohol
Use (Local/National Interventions)
a. Increase excise taxes and prices of cigarettes
products and alcoholic beverages
b. Eliminate exposure to second-hand smoke in
all indoor workplace, public places and public
c. Enact and enforce comprehensive bans on
tobacco advertising, promotion and
d. Implement effective mass media campaigns
that educate the public about the harms of
smoking / tobacco use and second hand
e. Review the current legal minimum age (18
years) for sales of alcoholic beverage
- Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-
Communicable Diseases (Local/National
a. Immunization and vaccination
b. Preventive foot care for diabetic people
c. Lifestyle intervention
d. Screening for cervical cancer
e. Mammography for breast screening
- Global Initiative for Mental Health
a. Promote over-all wellness
b. School and workplace wellness programs
c. Prevent mental, psychological and
neurological disorders