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F.Tanedo St., San Nicolas, Tarlac City

(045)982-0245, Email: [email protected]
1st Trimester S.Y.2022-2023


Course Credit: 3 Units
Course This is the basic COURSE on child and development focusing on current research and theory on the biological, linguistic, cognitive
Description and socio-emotional dimensions of development and the factors that affect the progress of development.
The coverage of this course is structured to cover the key dimensions of the development of children and adolescents:
physical, linguistic, cognitive, and socio-emotional developments. For each dimension, the contemporary research findings as
having positive or negative emphasis is given to the factors that have been identified as having positive or negative effects on the
natural course of these developmental processes. In addition, some focus is given on the exceptional cases children or adolescent
vary from the natural course.
The coverage of these ideas is intended to provide the future teachers with a broad yet fairly detailed understanding of development
processes that students undergo, so that such an understanding may be used to guide all learning with students.
Learning 1. Gather and acquire information on the child and adolescent’s biological, linguistic, cognitive and socio-emotional
Program: developments which will serve as guide to future teachers.
2. Differentiate and analyse sociologists and theorists’ views on human development.
Course Learning 1. Define Human Development
Outcome: 2. Gain an understanding of some major principles of human development
3. Distinguish the two approaches to human development
4. Identify the different development theories and other relevant theories
5. Determine the developmental stages of learners in different curriculum year levels.
6. Draw implications of the principles of infancy and toddlerhood development to parenting and caregiving
7. Determine the qualities of family life that affect older children’s development including change on family interaction
8. Suggest at least 6 ways on how Erikson’s theory can be useful to the future teachers
9. Differentiate Piaget and Vygotsky’s views on cognitive development
10. Enumerate Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
11. Demonstrate appreciation of the role of teachers as consumers and producers of developmental research.
12. Appreciate , value, and respect the different and complex processes that humans of different ages go through
13. Analyze the issues related to physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional maturation inclusive of sexuality, heredity,
formulation of positive values on adolescent development.

Schedule Objectives Topics Learning Experience Assessment Tools
Week 1  Analyze the course syllabus, Course Orientation Virtual Discussion  Self-assessment
(Synchronous its coverage and A. Human  Coverage and requirements of the of yourself , as
& requirements Development, course to your age,
Asynchronous  Define Human Meaning, Concept  Raising the Motive Question: growth, health
) Development and Major “Have you ever learned something condition,
 Gain an understanding of Principles about yourself minutes after your school
some major principles of  Some Major mother delivered you into this advancements.
human development Principles of world?”  Graded
Human  Interactive discussion of the recitation
Development principle like: “Development is
relatively orderly”
Week 2  Distinguish two approaches Two Approaches to Human Reading:  In the light
(Synchronous to Human Development Development  Two Approaches to Human researches on
&  Identify the principles of 1. Traditional Development human
Asynchronous child development, and Approach Questions: What are the characteristics of development
) learning the bases of 2. Life-Span Approach Life-Span Approach? which of the 2
developmentally  Five Principles of How do the two approaches differ from approaches is
appropriate practice in early Child Development one another? closer to the
childhood program from and Learning from truth, traditional
children from birth through birth through age 8 or life span?
age 8 Why?
 Graded
Week 3  Differentiate childhood  Definition of  After an assigned student reporter  The teacher
(Synchronous from Adolescence Childhood and discussed his report online, announces some
&  Explain Freud’s views Adolescence anyone can express his/her views traits, students
Asynchronous about child and adolescent  Freud’s stages of about how the child and answer online
) development Psychosexual Dev’t. adolescent differ from one whether the
another. description is
that of a child
or of an
Week 4  Differentiate Piaget and  Piaget and  Virtual reporting by assigned  Graded
(Synchronous Vygotsky’s views on Vygotsky’s Views student on the views of Piaget and Recitation
& Cognitive Development on Cognitive Vygotsky on Cognitive  Whose view
Asynchronous Development development interest you
) more?
Week 5  Suggest ways on how  Erikson’s  Online delivery of Erikson’s Test:
(Synchronous Erikson’s theory can be Psychosocial Psychosocial theory by the Write a short story of
& useful to the future teacher Theory of assigned student reporter one’s life (Someone
Asynchronous Development you care about)using
) Erikson’s stages as
Week 6  Enumerate Kohlberg’s  Kohlberg’s stages  Through the assigned student’s  Graded
(Synchronous Stages of Moral of Moral report online he cited how the Recitation
& Development Development theory of moral development can  Explain each of
Asynchronous  Explain why Vygotsky’s 1. Pre-conventional be applied to the student’s work as the stages of
) Theory is called “Socio- level a teacher later on Kohlberg’s
Cultural Theory” 2. Conventional  Student’s Virtual discussion about Moral
3. Post-Conventional Vygotsky’s experience as a Development
 Vygotsky’s Socio- teacher and interest in literature  Comment on
Cultural Theory lead him to recognize social your evaluation
interaction and language as 2 on Vygotsky’s
central factors in cognitive experience as a
development teacher
Week 7  Get to understand  Bronfenbrenner’s  Virtual discussion about micro-  Assessment:
(Synchronous Bronfenbrenner’s Bio- Bio-Ecological system which comprises how the Suggest
& Ecological Model Model child directly interacts with one’s different ways
Asynchronous  Realize how scaffolding is family, school and neighbourhood of successful
) useful in teaching parenting, as
 Demonstrate appreciation of well as teaching
the role of teachers as on the part of
consumers and producers of teachers.
developmental research
Week 8  Trace the course of pre-  Development of the  Assigned student-reporters tackle  State the most
(Synchronous natal development learners at various lesson on Pre-Natal Development common
&  Determine the stages  Virtual reporting by assigned hazards to Pre-
Asynchronous developmental stages of - Pre natal students Natal
) learners in different development  Audio and Visual clips are Development
curriculum year levels  Development presented  Quiz : Write
processes in one significant
different curriculum development
year levels under every
curriculum year
Week 9  Draw the implications of the  Importance of  Giving results of previous parents’  How much care
(Synchronous principle of infancy and Parenting and Care interview as conducted by student do parents give
& toddlerhood development to Giving reporters to their infants?
Asynchronous parenting and care giving To their
) toddlers?
Week 10  Enumerate ideas on how to  Toddlers and Pre-  Lecture of assigned reporter  Oral
(Synchronous apply concepts of Physical School through virtual presentation of the Assessment:
& Development Development lesson How do you
Asynchronous  Take an informal  Systems developed find the toddlers
) stand/position on current in their stage: and pre-
pre-school teaching practice Somatic schooler’s
 Explain the individual’s Development, development at
developmental changes that Neurologic their stages of
occur in communication and Development, growth?
language, preparation for Cardiovascular,
school concepts or play, Gastrointestinal,
moral development and Immune System,
adaptation to uniqueness. Genitourinary and
Endocrine System
Week 11  Analyze the issues related to  Middle Childhood  Online reporting of assigned  Oral
(Synchronous physical, cognitive, and  The physical , student reporters assessment:
& socio-emotional maturation, cognitive, and  Presentation of picture cut-outs Present your
Asynchronous inclusive of sexuality , socio-emotional description on
) thereby formulating positive developments in how you
values in middle childhood middle childhood observe the
 Cognitive milestone development of
children under
their stage of
Week 12  Realize how scaffolding is  Late Childhood  Virtual discussion on the  Self-
(Synchronous useful in teaching a skill  The intermediate importance of family support, Assessment:
&  Determine the qualities of schooler’s physical, which is crucial in this stage How do you
Asynchronous family life that affect older cognitive and socio-  Realize parenting, good family assess your
) children’s development emotional relationship, examples of families relationship
including change in family development who have displayed nice with your
interaction relationship among themselves parents and
siblings? List
ways on how
you improve
your gamily
Week 13  Describe the rapid phase of  Adolescence  Student-reporters lectures, through  Graded
(Synchronous growth during Adolescence - The High online their assigned topics, and Recitation
& School the class interacts in the discussion  Final
Asynchronous Learner’s Examination
) Physical,
Cognitive and

Course Grading System:

The following factors shall be considered in the computation of grades.
Class Standing (60%) Periodical Examination (40%)

The class standing shall be computed as follows:

Project/Assessment 20% Seatwork/Class Activity 10%
Quizzes 20% Attendance/Recitation 10%

Prepared by:

Approved by:
VP- Academic Affair

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