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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

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Edible green infrastructure: An approach and review of provisioning MARK

ecosystem services and disservices in urban environments

Alessio Russoa, , Francisco J. Escobedob, Giuseppe T. Cirellac,d, Stefan Zerbee
Laboratory of Urban and Landscape Design, School of Arts, Culture and Sports, Far Eastern Federal University, 690922 Vladivostok, Russia
Functional and Ecosystem Ecology Unit, Biology Program, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas, Universidad del Rosario, Kr 26 No 63B-48, Bogotá DC,
Institute of Earth Sciences, Department of Regional Policy and Political Geography, Saint Petersburg State University, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Polo Centre of Sustainability, Imperia, Italy
Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy


Keywords: Recently published green infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and ecosystem disservices (ED) literature have
Edible forest gardens focused primarily on the supply of urban regulating and cultural ecosystem services (ES). Other literature on
Nature-based solutions urban and peri-urban agriculture has mostly studied the role of localized, intensive agricultural practices in
Urban agriculture providing food to inhabitants. The aim of this review is to raise awareness and stress the knowledge gap on the
Urban biodiversity
importance of urban provisioning ES, particularly when implementing an edible green infrastructure (EGI)
Urban food security
Urban soil toxicity
approach as it can offer improved resilience and quality of life in cities. We compiled and systematically
analyzed studies on urban ES and ED related to a number of EGI typologies. Our systematic review of the
relevant literature via an EGI framework, identified more than 80 peer-reviewed publications that focused on ES
and food production in urban areas. An EGI approach can contribute socially, economically, and environmen-
tally to urban sustainability and food security. However, such benefits must be weighed against ED trade-offs,
including: potential health risks caused by human exposure to heavy metals and organic chemical contaminants
often present in urban surroundings. We conclude with recommendations and guidelines for incorporating EGI
into urban planning and design, and discuss novel areas for future research.

1. Introduction integration for food cultivation and the benefits of provisioning ES in

relation to urban areas (Cameron et al., 2012). Below, we expand upon
The world’s population is rapidly increasing and will top 9.7 billion the historical traditions of urban agriculture by examining rarely
by 2050 (United Nations, 2015). By 2025, two thirds of the world’s incorporated studies on GI, ES, and NBS (Lin et al., 2015; Lovell, 2010).
population will be concentrated in urban areas, increasing the impor- Our review provides background justification and scope into
tance of providing not only environmental quality and livable spaces integrating commonly used GI, ES, ED, and urban agriculture concepts.
but food security and resilient food systems (Haberman et al., 2014). We then explore the relevant literature to better characterize different
This advanced rate of urbanization has coincided with global environ- types of edible green infrastructure (EGI) and their related ES and ED.
mental degradation, increased consumption of natural resources, We further our research by discussing recommendations for promoting
habitat loss, and overall ecosystem change (Daily, 1995; McDonald the design, planning, and management of sustainable EGI. At present,
et al., 2013; McNeill, 2000). A cause-and-effect reproach from escalat- GI and ES are promoted as concepts that have the potential to improve
ing global population brings to the forefront the need to re-examine environmental planning in urban areas (Hansen and Pauleit, 2014).
how urban spaces are developed, used, and urban inhabitants fed More recently, NBS is an approach that improves upon the livability
(Ackerman et al., 2014). Recent research has focused on the use of and resilience of cities in retrospect to climate change. Although these
regulating and cultural ecosystem services (ES) and ecosystem disser- concepts are apparently used interchangeably, below we refer to urban
vices (ED), green infrastructure (GI) and nature-based solutions (NBS) GI as hybrid infrastructure of green and built systems (e.g. urban
for improving upon environmental, social, and economic conditions in forests, wetlands, parks, green roofs, and walls that together can
cities (Haase et al., 2014). This literature has rarely focused on systems contribute to ecosystem resilience) and human benefits through their

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Russo).
Received 30 October 2016; Received in revised form 24 March 2017; Accepted 28 March 2017
Available online 05 April 2017
0167-8809/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

ecological processes or ES (Demuzere et al., 2014; Russo et al., 2016). using an EGI approach. Specifically, the objectives of this review are to:
These benefits or ES are also referred to as NBS when GI is incorporated (1) identify different typologies of urban EGI, (2) synthesize findings on
into urban management, planning, design, and sociopolitical practices ES and ED of EGI from relevant literature, and (3) provide indicators
and policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Indeed, and technical guidelines regarding the design, planning, and manage-
urban GI has been found to contribute positively to outdoor and indoor ment of sustainable EGI.
environments (Russo et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2014), while providing As pointed out, most of the GI and ES literature has focused on
many relevant ES − including important health benefits (Coutts and cultural and regulating urban ES with only scant references to their food
Hahn, 2015). As such, GI delivers measurable ES and benefits that are providing components and related co-benefits (i.e. provisioning ES)
fundamental to the concept of a sustainable city (Ahern et al., 2014). (Escobedo et al., 2011; Haase et al., 2014). Given the need for improved
Urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry (UPAF), on the other urban living spaces, food security, climate change mitigation, socio-
hand have been studied and can be considered a set of experiences and economic equity, and sustainable resource use, we propose that the EGI
practices for implementing the GI approach in and around cities approach can indeed provide both a lens and set of practices to address
(Eigenbrod and Gruda, 2015; Escobedo et al., 2011). UPAF systems mismatches in ES provision, food security, poverty alleviation, and
focus on agro-forestry production and agro-ecological practices (e.g. issues of inequality in urban areas.
production of vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, crops, aromatic and
medicinal herbs, and ornamental plants) as well as the raising of 2. Methodology
animals (e.g. livestock and aquaculture) in and around urban areas
(FAO, 2016). Whereas GI, as stated earlier, is closely related to ES and A systematic literature search was conducted using the following
human wellbeing, with particular focus on regulating, cultural, and electronic journal databases: Science Direct, Web of Knowledge,
supporting services such as biodiversity and nature conservation Scopus, ProQuest, Sage, Directory of Open Access Journals, Google
(Breuste et al., 2015; Tzoulas et al., 2007). Very few studies have Scholar, and Google. We specifically searched for the following English
integrated UPAF as part of GI and ES frameworks (Coronel et al., 2015; language keywords including “urban agriculture benefits”, “green roof
Di Leo et al., 2016). To our knowledge, studies on UPAF have focused + food”, “urban + provisioning ecosystem services”, “edible green
mostly on issues relating to livelihoods, poverty reduction, environ- wall”, “urban forestry food production”, “school gardens”, “edible
mental pollution, health risks, and urban policy (Lwasa et al., 2014). forest garden”, “historic gardens”, “edible botanic gardens”, “food
Studies have documented that urban soils often have increased + botanic gardens”, “edible community gardens”, “allotment garden”,
levels of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) such as Zn, Pb, Zi, and Cu “urban soil contaminants”, “edible green walls”, “ecosystem disservices
that are of primary concern in food production in cities, mostly due to + urban agriculture”, and “botanic gardens ecosystem services”. Once
their potential long-term effects to human and animal health (Lu et al., the literature was compiled, publications were systematically analyzed
2016). The balance between food supply and its demand correlates with so as to identify those that presented specific findings on urban ES, NBS,
sustainability and environmental health, while maintaining the factor and ED related to EGI, as previously defined, using strategic and critical
of human health, fundamental to future challenges and long-term goals reading methods (Matarese, 2013; Renear and Palmer, 2009).
(Boye and Arcand, 2013). In this paper, we define EGI as a sustainable From this original compilation of the literature we then identified
planned network of edible food components and structures within the and analyzed the identified literature and relevant information regard-
urban ecosystem which are managed and designed to provide primarily ing different urban EGI components (e.g. green roofs, urban forest, and
provisioning – as opposed to highly studied urban “cultural” (e.g. domestic gardens) which were then summarized and presented in the
recreation, increased property premiums, and aesthetics) and “regulat- results and discussion sections. As part of the systematic review process,
ing” (e.g. air and water pollution removal, temperature regulation, and we also identified past and existing terminology related to GI and UPAF
flood regulation) – ES. To this end, EGI can include allotment gardens, and we synthesize and updated it so as to provide a way forward with
rooftop gardening, edible landscaping, and urban forests. It can also the EGI framework. In addition, we identified the related ES and ED
include non-timber forest products in unmanaged and remnant peri- indicators and metrics related to these EGI components. Overall, we
urban landscapes (McLain et al., 2014). The EGI concept does however identified more than 6700 articles, reviews, and grey literature in our
emphasize UPAF practices that focus on sustainable techniques that initial literature review. To better focus our review, we filtered out
yield food, while protecting the environment and its associating human articles published before 1989 and omitted articles on cultural ES or
communities. Note, the scope of this research does not include intensive those that did not discuss the nexus between ES and food production in
urban-agricultural practices such as commercial farming, biomass urban and peri-urban areas, leaving us with approximately 175
feedstock, aquaculture, and livestock in urban areas (Eigenbrod and publications that included literature published in the form of books
Gruda, 2015). and technical reports.
In developing this review, we found it necessary to examine facets Once these were filtered, we compiled and discussed findings and
of the urban landscape, specifically, food supply. For example, a city’s their implications for development of management and planning
footprint requires vast areas and transportation networks to deliver the guidelines for city-based food production and policy uptake in different
necessary food products that urbanites have largely become depend cities worldwide. We conclude with specific recommendations and
upon, this includes: large amounts of food, complex and extended food guidelines for incorporating EGI into urban planning and design. Note
delivery systems, and associated energy use often supplied great that, in this review, all chemical element names are referenced by their
distances from the end consumer (Deelstra and Girardet, 2000). The element symbols.
results are emission of greenhouse gasses (Grewal and Grewal, 2012)
and negative socioeconomic impacts. But, to our knowledge, few cities 3. Results
produce a sufficient supply of the food they consume, and thus depend
largely on distant areas to meet demand (Eigenbrod and Gruda, 2015; After initial filtering out of non-relevant publications, we identified
Gerster-Bentaya, 2013). Low income urban dwellers are particularly approximately 80 peer-reviewed publications that were related to our
vulnerable to adverse food price shocks, as they are largely net food definition of EGI. The geographical distribution of EGI-related studies
buyers and depend mostly on accessible markets for their food supplies, varied according to different typologies. For example, approximately,
thus, more localized agriculture supplies may play a substantial role in 70% of the studies relating to ES of “edible urban forests and edible
reducing urban poverty and food security issues (Zezza and Tasciotti, urban greening” were from the USA. Conversely, there was only one
2010). The aim is to raise awareness and specify a gap in the knowl- review paper on “edible forest gardens” in which one co-author was
edge-base of urban provisioning ES, particularly when implemented from an American institution while 50% of the studies were from peri-

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

Fig. 1. Geographic distribution of papers on ED from EGI.

urban and rural areas in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The majority of 4. Discussion
studies on ED of EGI were from the USA (28.6%), the UK (16.7%) and
Italy (11.9%) – see Fig. 1. Several cities, international and non-governmental organizations
The scientific journals “Urban Forestry and Urban Greening” and (NGOs), and research institutions have provided guidelines for the
“Landscape and Urban Planning” published most of the identified design and management of different types of EGI (City of Vancouver,
articles. When analyzed according to discipline, most of these were in 2009; COST Action TU1201, 2017; EPA, 2011; SITES, 2017). In
the applied sciences (i.e. agriculture and forestry, ecology, and food particular, in North America there were many examples of English-
science) and social sciences (i.e. urban studies and planning, human language policies for developing city-based food production systems –
geography, and urban sociology). However, a few studies such as that of see Table 3 (CoDyre et al., 2015). According to these guidelines and
Lin et al. (2015), focused on ES and urban agriculture inclusive within policy programs, the main concerns are site safety and environmental
our scope of EGI research typologies. quality related to food production and potential for contamination from
Using the results from our finalized literature, we identified the both in-ground and airborne sources. Sustainable and environmentally-
most commonly reported EGI types and their characteristics that friendly practices have also been developed, for example: use of organic
matched our definition. As shown in Fig. 2, these sites can be found permaculture-based agricultural methods, water harvesting techniques,
across a vast array of contexts (e.g., countries, regions, climates, and and composting systems. Most of this literature frequently specifies city
urban land uses). We also used the literature to identify key urban ES planners to develop a context-specific list of nondesirable or not
associated with EGI and their related quantitative and qualitative recommended plants due to allergenic potential or other possible
indicators (Table 1). Following commonly applied typologies (e.g. negative effects to human health (Cariñanos et al., 2014; Lorenzoni-
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005), we organized ES into four Chiesura et al., 2000).
categories: (1) provisioning services, (2) regulating services, (3) cultural A more in-depth examination of the EGI typologies is provided and
services and human wellbeing, and (4) habitat or supporting services is based upon one macro-category, EGI and urban agriculture as well as
following both Escobedo et al.’s (2011) and Hasse et al.’s (2014) eight sub-classifications: (1) edible urban forests and edible urban
typologies for urban ES. Given the typology we assembled from the greening, (2) edible forest gardens, (3) historic gardens and parks and
literature, we also present identified ED as seen in Table 2. For each EGI botanic gardens, (4) school gardens, (5) allotment gardens and com-
type, we synthesized the relevant literature with a geographic focus munity gardens, (6) domestic and home gardens, (7) edible green roofs
while updating the scientific jargon and correlating terminology. It and vegetable rain gardens, and (8) edible green walls and facades. The
should be noted, urban and peri-urban landscapes are known to support following will detail each EGI typology and present key research
fiber, forage, and other non-human consumptive products (McLain findings identified during the review process as well as specific ES
et al., 2014); hence, since the number of studies on provisioning ES are points relating to each classification.
still limited a breakdown of the varying EGI typologies is presented in
Fig. 3.

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

Fig. 2. Examples of EGI types for urban areas in different international and geographical contexts: (a) domestic garden in Italy, (b) rooftop kitchen garden in Italy, (c) an allotment garden
in Finland, (d) date palm streetscape in the United Arab Emirates (e) an urban agriculture lot in Germany, (f) sour-orange street trees in Greece, (g) a riparian urban-agricultural zone in
Japan, and (h) vegetables in the Summer Garden park in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

4.1. EGI and urban agriculture tional and strategic use of woody perennial food producing species in
urban edible landscapes to improve the sustainability and resilience of
In this systematic and analytical literature review, we have intro- urban communities” (Clark and Nicholas, 2013). The difference be-
duced a new concept of EGI that enhances ES in urban areas and applies tween conventional forms of UPAF and urban food forestry is its focus
agro-ecological and UPAF-based management practices that makes and use of perennial woody plants for fruit and nut production (see
cities more sustainable and resilient. This concept, to some degree, “food trees”, Clark and Nicholas, 2013). McLain et al. (2012) identified
overlaps with urban agriculture; however, it stresses a non-EGI an alternative view of urban forests as places where people inhabit
inclusive position in terms of farming practices. For example, nature through the production of edible landscapes. Poe et al. (2013)
Ackerman et al. (2014) defined urban agriculture in the form of green highlighted that urban forests in Seattle, USA contain non-timber forest
infrastructure, urban farms, and community food gardens that help products that provide a variety of wild food products, medicine, and
reduce urban heat island effects, mitigate urban stormwater impacts, materials for the wellbeing of urban residents. von Hoffen and Säumel
and lower the energy use associated with food transportation. Overall, (2014) found that the consumption of non-vegetable fruits growing on
we found that several articles stated the principal benefits of urban inner-city sites in Berlin, Germany did not pose a risk to human health.
agriculture and EGI in cities were related to the production of food in Nevertheless, fruit trees in cities are indeed high-maintenance
close proximity to its consumers (Eigenbrod and Gruda, 2015; Gerster- dependent crops, requiring pruning, fertilization, and adequate water
Bentaya, 2013; Lee et al., 2015; Lovell, 2010). This benefit is to produce fruits that can then be consumed – incurring greater overall
particularly significant as it can reduce food transportation from remote costs. Still, a co-benefit that compensates fruit producing trees is they
farming areas and, therefore, reduce food mileage and subsequent can counteract allergenic pollen production and minimize specific ED
pollution emissions (Lee et al., 2015). to human health (Escobedo et al., 2011). Lafontaine-Messier et al.
Lee et al. (2015) illustrates that for the 51 km2 greater metropolitan (2016), for example, investigated and evaluated the financial potential
area of Seoul, South Korea, the implementation of urban agriculture of the establishment of food trees in two urban public parks of Villa El
would reduce annual CO2 emissions by 11.7 million kg. This offset Salvador, Peru with the help of local inhabitants. They found that the
value is the same amount of annual CO2 sequestered by 20 km2 of pine use of food trees in public green areas appeared to be a financially
forests and 10.2 km2 of 20-year-old oak forests. Similarly, EGI could viable alternative for both the municipality and its inhabitants.
provide employment opportunities and thus contribute to reducing
unemployment and poverty alleviation in cities as well as create
4.3. Edible forest gardens
stronger ties within the community (Thornbush, 2015). Other publica-
tions documented some of the limitations or costs associated with EGI,
An edible forest garden is another relatively new concept with
and we refer to these as ED. The controversy related to the detrimental
origins in North America and, more recently, in the UK dating back a
effects on human health caused by the consumption of food produced in
quarter century (Crawford, 2010). This garden typology, also referred
urban sites is regularly discussed and emphasized via the uptake and
to as a “multi-strata system”, has been introduced in tropical Asia and
eventual accumulation of trace metals in plant tissue. This process
Africa, Central America, and temperate and subtropical China. An
differs according to crop type, species, and plant parts (Säumel et al.,
edible forest garden can be described as being a perennial polyculture
2012; von Hoffen and Säumel, 2014; Warming et al., 2015). We have
that mimics a forest ecosystem (Jacke and Toensmeier, 2005). A simple
found robust implemented urban EGI systems that takes into account
forest garden generally contains three levels: (1) an overstory layer of
trace metals can assist in counterbalancing external food resources
tree crowns, (2) a middle canopy level composed of shrubs, and (3) a
(Chen et al., 2015; Olowoyo and Lion, 2016; Säumel et al., 2012).
ground layer composed of herbs, vegetables, and flowers (Jacke and
Toensmeier, 2005).
4.2. Edible urban forests and edible urban greening Edible forest gardens have the potential to provide several ES in
cities; however, the majority of studies did not relate to our urban EGI
Edible urban forests and urban greening have been generally concept due to where they had been conducted (i.e. rural tropical,
defined under the term urban food forestry and refers to “the inten- temperate, and subtropical areas) (Crawford, 2010; Kaya et al., 2002;

Table 1
ES indicators for different EGI types reported in scientific papers.

EGI Typology ES Indicators No. of Reference

A. Russo et al.


Edible urban forests and edible urban Provisioning services Production of food (kg/ha) 8 Clark and Nicholas (2013); Lafontaine-Messier et al. (2016); McLain et al. (2012, 2014);
greening, urban food forestry Food production, medicinal Mullaney et al. (2015); Niemelä et al. (2010); Poe et al. (2013); Richardson and Moskal
resources (2016)
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 4 Dobbs et al. (2011); Escobedo et al. (2011); McLain et al. (2012); Niemelä et al. (2010)
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 3 McLain et al. (2012); Niemelä et al. (2010); Poe et al. (2013)
Aesthetic, stress reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 5 Clark and Nicholas (2013); Dobbs et al. (2011); Escobedo et al. (2011); McLain et al.
Biodiversity, soil formation soil (2012); Niemelä et al. (2010)

Edible forest gardens Provisioning services Production of food (kg/ha) 9 Belcher et al. (2005); Bisseleua and Vidal (2008); Galhena et al. (2013); Kumar and Nair
Food production, medicinal (2004); Kumar (2011); Perera and Rajapakse (1991); Salafsky (1994); Torquebiau
resources (1992); Wiersum (2004)
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 5 Galhena et al. (2013); Kumar and Nair (2004); Kumar (2011); Mattsson et al. (2015);
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction Torquebiau (1992)
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 4 Corazon et al. (2012); Galhena et al. (2013); Kumar and Nair (2004); Torquebiau (1992)
Aesthetic, stress reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 8 Bisseleua and Vidal (2008); Galhena et al. (2013); Kaya et al. (2002); Kumar (2011);

Biodiversity, soil formation soil Kumar and Nair (2004); Mattsson et al. (2015); Perera and Rajapakse (1991); Torquebiau

Historic gardens and parks and botanical Provisioning services Production of food (kg/ha) 3 Apostolides et al. (2015); Heyd (2006); McLain et al. (2014)
gardens, Food production, medicinal
School gardens resources
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 1 Donaldson (2009)
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 4 Fleszar and Gwardys-Szczesna (2009); Hardwick et al. (2011); Heyd (2006); Ward et al.
well-being (2010)
Aesthetic, stress reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 5 Donaldson (2009); Hardwick et al. (2011); Maunder (1994); Oldfield (2009); Ward et al.
Biodiversity, soil formation soil (2010)

School gardens Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 10 Blair (2009); Cutter-Mackenzie (2009); Fleszar and Gwardys-Szczesna (2009); Graham
well-being and Zidenberg-Cherr (2005); Guitart et al. (2014); Hutchinson et al. (2015); Lineberger
Aesthetic, stress reduction and Zajicek (2000); Miguel and Ivanovic (2011); Ozer (2006); Skelly and Bradley (2007)

Allotment gardens (UK) and community Provisioning services Food production (kg/ha) 10 Bellows (2004); Breuste and Artmann (2015); Dennis and James (2016); DeSilvey (2003;
gardens (USA) Food production, medicinal Lin et al. (2015); McLain et al. (2014); McPhearson et al. (2013); Saldivar-tanaka and
resources Krasny (2004); Speak et al. (2015); Wiltshire and Azuma (2000)
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 5 Dennis and James (2016); Lin et al. (2015); Matteson and Langellotto (2010); Pawelek
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction et al. (2009); Speak et al. (2015)
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 15 Alaimo et al. (2008); Barthel et al. (2010); Bellows (2004); Breuste and Artmann (2015);
well-being Dennis and James (2016); DeSilvey (2003); Egli et al. (2016); Hawkins et al. (2013);
Aesthetic, stress reduction Kingsley et al. (2009); Lin et al. (2015); Saldivar-tanaka and Krasny (2004); van den Berg
et al. (2010); Wakefield et al. (2007); Wiltshire and Azuma (2000); Wiltshire and Azuma
(continued on next page)
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66
Table 1 (continued)

EGI Typology ES Indicators No. of Reference

A. Russo et al.

(2000); Wood et al. (2016)

Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 4 Dennis and James (2016); Matteson and Langellotto (2010); Pawelek et al. (2009); Speak
Biodiversity, soil formation soil et al. (2015)

Domestic gardens Provisioning services Food production (kg/ha) 5 Calvet-Mir et al. (2012); Cameron et al. (2012); Cilliers et al. (2013); Lin et al. (2015);
Food production, medicinal Rowe (2009)
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 5 Cameron et al. (2012); Cilliers et al. (2013); Davies et al. (2011); Lin et al. (2015);
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction Tratalos et al. (2007)
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 5 Calvet-Mir et al. (2012); Cameron et al. (2012); Cilliers et al. (2013); Lin et al. (2015);
well-being Rowe (2009)
Aesthetic, stress reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 2 Bigirimana et al. (2012); Davies et al. (2009)
Biodiversity, soil formation soil

Edible green roofs and vegetable Provisioning services Food production (kg/ha) 8 Aloisio et al. (2016); Astee and Kishnani (2010); Lin et al. (2015); Orsini et al. (2014);
raingardens Food production, medicinal Richards et al. (2015); Tanaka et al. (2016); Whittinghill et al. (2013); Whittinghill and
resources Rowe (2012)
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 8 Lin et al. (2015); Oberndorfer et al. (2007); Orsini et al. (2014); Richards et al. (2015);
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction Tanaka et al. (2016); Ugai (2016); Wang et al. (2014); Whittinghill et al. (2014b)
stormwater runoff reduction
Cultural services and human Human Well-Being Index 1 Orsini et al. (2014)

Aesthetic, stress reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 2 Francis and Lorimer (2011); Orsini et al. (2014)
Biodiversity, soil formation soil

Edible green walls and facades Provisioning services Food production (kg/ha) 2 Mårtensson et al. (2016); Al-Kodmany (2014)
Food production, medicinal
Regulating services Carbon sequestration (kg/year), air pollution 3 Manso and Castro-Gomes (2015); Raji et al. (2015); Al-Kodmany (2014)
Carbon sequestration, air removal (tons/ha), % runoff volume reduction
stormwater runoff reduction
Habitat or supporting services Shannon H diversity index, % organic matter of top 2 Francis and Lorimer (2011); Al-Kodmany (2014)
Biodiversity, soil formation soil
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66
A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

Table 2
ED from different EGI types reported in scientific papers.

EGI Typology ED No. of Reference


Edible urban forests and urban Risk of vegetables and soil contaminated 1 von Hoffen and Säumel (2014)
greening by heavy metals and pollutants
Allergies 3 Cariñanos et al. (2014); Dobbs et al. (2011); Escobedo et al. (2011)
Fruit fall problems 1 Dobbs et al. (2011)
Maintenance costs 1 Escobedo et al. (2011)
Water consumption 1 Pataki et al. (2011)
Water pollution from fertilizers and 1 Escobedo et al. (2011)
chemical inputs
Volatile organic compounds 4 Dobbs et al. (2011); Escobedo et al. (2011); Paoletti (2009); Russo et al. (2016)
Invasive species 1 Escobedo et al. (2011)

School gardens Risk of vegetables and soil contaminated 1 Warming et al. (2015)
by heavy metals and pollutants

Allotment gardens (UK) and Risk of vegetables and soil contaminated 12 Alexander et al. (2006); Antisari et al. (2015); Bretzel et al. (2016); Izquierdo
community gardens (USA) by heavy metals and pollutants et al. (2015); Kim et al. (2014); Leake et al. (2009); McBride et al. (2014);
Mitchell et al. (2014); Nathanail et al. (2004); Papritz and Reichard (2009);
Samsøe-Petersen et al. (2002); Warming et al. (2015)
Over application of chemicals 1 Bretzel et al. (2016)

Domestic gardens Risk of vegetables and soil contaminated 6 Alexander et al. (2006); Alloway (2004); Hough et al. (2004); Leake et al. (2009);
by heavy metals and pollutants Moir and Thornton (1989); Szolnoki et al. (2013)
Water consumption 2 Domene et al. (2005); Syme et al. (2004)
Invasive species 1 Bigirimana et al. (2012)
Allergies 3 Otang et al. (2015); Paulsen et al. (2014); Tavares et al. (2006)

Historic gardens and parks and Risk of vegetables contaminated by 1 Orecchio (2010)
botanic gardens heavy metals and pollutants
Invasive species 2 Galera and Sudnik-Wócikowska (2010); Reichard and White (2001)
Maintenance costs 1 Garrod et al. (1993)

Green roofs and vegetable Risk of vegetables contaminated by 1 Ye et al. (2013)

raingardens heavy metals and pollutants
Water consumption 2 Astee and Kishnani (2010); Whittinghill and Rowe (2012)
Water pollution from fertilizers and 4 Aloisio et al. (2016); Oberndorfer et al. (2007); Pataki et al. (2011); Whittinghill
chemicals et al. (2014a)

Edible green walls and facades Installation costs 2 Mårtensson et al. (2016); Al-Kodmany (2014)

Perera and Rajapakse, 1991; Salafsky, 1994; Wiersum, 2004). Keeping Botanical Garden of Palermo, Italy. These PAHs have been classified
within our EGI framework, edible forest gardens represented low- by the International Agency for Researches on Cancer as probable or
maintenance landscapes with dense vegetation which cover and reduce possible human carcinogens. The authors point out that levels were
water requisites, inhibits weeds, and improves soil quality through the higher than the maximum concentrations allowed by Italian legislation
production of organic matter (Hemenway, 2009). We did not however for green areas and were nearly two to three times higher than samples
identify any publications reporting relevant ED from these forest obtained from adjacent urban reference sites and about 20 times higher
gardens. than those of rural sites. Such an example points out the potential to
human health regardless of recreational benefit.

4.4. Historic gardens and parks and botanical gardens

4.5. School gardens
Historic gardens are architectural structures whose components are
primarily horticultural and plant-based, which mean they are perish- School gardens can positively contribute to a child’s education and
able and renewable (ICOMOS, 1982). These gardens are intended to their ability to identify fruit and vegetables and thus increase their
provide humans with existential, recreation, and recuperation activ- awareness of, and willingness to, eat healthier fruits and vegetables
ities, and cognitive experiences in a setting that can contribute to an (Hutchinson et al., 2015; Lineberger and Zajicek, 2000; Miguel and
overall renewed awareness for a variety of cultural benefits (i.e. cultural Ivanovic, 2011). Moreover, they have the potential to conserve agro-
ES). These cultural benefits also include garden related design, con- biodiversity and positively influence the diets of urban school children
struction, and maintenance and can thus generate income and employ- (Guitart et al., 2014). Garden-based learning also positively impacts
ment from their upkeep (Brandt and Rohde, 2007). The importance of academic performance and fruit and vegetable consumption
botanical gardens is based on their status as centers for the study and (Berezowitz et al., 2015). The use of school gardens as a teaching and
understanding of plants and their use in the medicinal sciences. learning resource to introduce basic biological principles increases the
Botanical gardens’ maintenance costs often exceed revenues thus effectiveness of the educational process. In particular, they can: (1)
making their continued existence regularly questioned (Garrod et al., provide students an opportunity for direct contact with nature, (2)
1993). Botanical gardens do however provide multiple cultural, social develop students’ talents and interests as well as teach them to conduct
benefits, and relating functions (Ward et al., 2010). Regrettably, they ecological and phonological observations, (3) teach them to recognize
have historically contributed to the introduction and dispersal of alien plants and animals, and (4) help acquaint them with the necessary
and often invasive plants to local urban environments (Galera and knowledge for growing, fertilizing, and tending plants (Fleszar and
Sudnik-Wócikowska, 2010; Reichard and White, 2001). Gwardys-Szczesna, 2009).
In terms of ED, a study conducted by Orecchio (2010) did find high In a secondary school in New York, USA, Wansink et al. (2015)
concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the measured the change in vegetable selection and plate waste when

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

Fig. 3. Number of articles on provisioning ES by different EGI typologies (GR = green roofs, EGW = edible green walls, AG = allotment gardens, DG = domestic gardens, SG = school
gardens, HG = historic gardens and botanical gardens, EFG = edible forest gardens, EUF = edible urban forests).

school-grown salad greens were incorporated in the cafeteria’s school 4.6. Allotment gardens and community gardens
lunch program. When the cafeteria menu included salads consisting of
food grown by students, the percentage of those who selected salads Allotment gardens were reported to provide important ecosystem
with their meals increased from 2 to 10% and on average students ate functions such as pollination, seed dispersal, and pest regulation
two-thirds of their salads. In addition, negatively the increased salad (Barthel et al., 2010). Barthel et al. (2010) found that allotment gardens
selection amounted to an increase in discarded plastic plate waste. We can serve as “communities-of-practice, where participation and reifica-
did not find papers that focused on other provisioning ES provided by tion interact and socio-ecological memory is a shared source of
school gardens and note this as an important area for future research. resilience of the community by being both emergent and persistent”.
Middle et al. (2014) explored the potential of integrating community
gardens into standardized and under-utilized public park landscapes

Table 3
Examples of English-language policy guidelines emphasizing city-based food production.

City, Country Policies and guidelines Online Reference

Yarra, Australia The Council established the Urban Agriculture Advisory Committee with the
aim to provide the Council with information about proposed urban
agriculture initiatives and to generally support and encourage community
gardening networks in Yarra.

Victoria, Canada The City of Victoria recognizes community gardening as a valuable∼Rec∼Culture/Parks/
community recreational activity that contributes to health and well- Documents/community-garden-policy.pdf
being, positive social interaction, community development,
environmental education, connection to nature, protection, and the use of
open space and economical, nutritious food production and food security.

Minneapolis City The Minneapolis City Council adopted The Homegrown Minneapolis
Council, USA Report in June 2009 with a variety of recommendations related to
improving the growth, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste
management of healthy, locally grown foods within the city.

Las Cruces City The objective of the plan is to provide informed recommendations to∼/media/lcpublicwebdev2/site
Council, USA advance and guide the city’s efforts to support and expand food and %20documents/article%20documents/community%20development/
agriculture activities within Las Cruces. planning%20and%20revitalization%20docs/urban%20ag/ua%20policy

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

and, as such, represent an innovative approach for providing ES and values previously found on agricultural soils, while the mean Ca
green space functionality. Community gardens can also have the concentration was similar. Szolnoki et al. (2013) determined heavy
potential for “nutrition intervention approaches” for increased fruit metal concentrations in urban garden soils in Szeged, Hungary and
and vegetable intake (Alaimo et al., 2008). Similarly, Hawkins et al. found that Cu, Zn, and Pb concentrations were considerably greater in
(2013) stated that participating in allotment gardening practices and the topsoil whereas in Ni, Co, Cr, and As they did not accumulate. A
being physically active within the garden itself was beneficial in terms principal component analysis revealed the geogenic origin of Ni, Co, Cr,
of relaxation and stress management. Indeed, allotment gardening can and As differentiated two groups of anthropogenic metals (i.e. Pb, Zn,
play a key role in promoting mental wellbeing and usefulness as a Cd, and Cu) thereby indicating the different sources of these heavy
preventive health measure (Wood et al., 2016). metals. For example, Cd exceeded the “B” limit value in some gardens
In terms of ED, Warming et al. (2015) offer an example where they due to point sources and its concentrations were slightly greater in the
calculated the hazard quotients (HQs) associated with soil ingestion, topsoil. Thus, the accumulation of heavy metals differed according to
vegetable consumption, measured trace-element concentrations, and crop plant species and cultivars as frequently reported in much of the
tolerable intake for five common crops cultivated in allotment gardens, literature (Alexander et al., 2006). Alexander et al. (2006) furthered
school gardens, and a university garden in Copenhagen, Denmark. They their research by pointing out highly significant differences in metal
found that HQs for trace elements (i.e. As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn) did content between cultivars of different vegetables. Similarly, some
not pose health risks. However, exposure to Pb-contaminated sites can edible species commonly grown in domestic gardens such as Allium
lead to unacceptable risks not caused by direct vegetable consumption sativum L., Mangifera indica L., Anacardium occidentale L., Daucus carota
but rather by unintentional soil ingestion. L., Lactuca sativa L. Brassica oleracea L., Carica papaya L., Musa
In the USA, Mitchell et al. (2014) conducted analyses for heavy paradisiaca L., Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck,
metals in 564 soil samples from 54 New York City (NYC) community Capsicum annuum L., Pastinaca sativa L., Solanum tuberosum L., and
gardens and found that in 70% of the gardens at least one sample Solanum lycopersicum L. can cause allergic contact dermatitis to some
exceeded health-based guidance values. In another study, paired people (Otang et al., 2015; Paulsen et al., 2014; Tavares et al., 2006).
vegetable-soil samples were collected from seven community gardens
in NYC and ten gardens and urban farms in Buffalo, NY. All samples 4.8. Edible green roofs and vegetable rain gardens
were analyzed for Pb, Cd, and Ba and the authors found that soil and
vegetable metal concentrations did not correlate while vegetable The installations of green-roof systems are popular and have been
concentrations varied by crop type. Also Pb was below health-based promoted worldwide, especially in the USA, Europe, and Asia (Li and
guidance values, comparatively, both for US EPA and EU food standards Yeung, 2014). Whittinghill et al. (2014b) has compared the carbon
in virtually all fruits. Specifically, 47% of root crops and 9% of leafy content of nine in-ground and three green roof landscape systems of
greens exceeded guidance values; while, over half the vegetables varying complexity to determine their carbon sequestration potential.
exceeded 95% of market basket concentrations for Pb and soil particle They found that landscape systems containing more woody plants, such
adherence was more important than Pb uptake via roots (McBride et al., as shrubs (65.67, 78.75, and 62.91 kg m−2) and herbaceous perennials
2014). and grasses for the in-ground and green roofs (68.75 and 67.70 kg m−2)
In Madrid, Spain pseudo-total and gastric-bioaccessible concentra- respectively had higher carbon content than other landscape systems.
tions of Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in a However, a vegetable and herb garden and vegetable green roof
total of 48 samples collected from six community urban gardens with contained only moderate carbon densities (54.18 and 11.03 kg m−2).
different characteristics (Izquierdo et al., 2015). A conservative risk Carbon life cycle analyses have often found that the high maintenance,
assessment with bioaccessible concentrations in two scenarios, that is, high chemical and energy inputs associated with green roofs can lead to
adult urban farmers and children playing in urban gardens revealed overall net C emissions (i.e. ED) (Blackhurst et al., 2010; Bozorg
acceptable levels of risk. It demonstrated large differences between Chenani et al., 2015).
urban gardens depending on land use history and proximity to high In Asia, Astee and Kishnani (2010) found that Singapore’s public
traffic areas, especially near the city center. Only in the worst-case housing estates were suitable for rooftop farming and the implementa-
scenario, in which children who used gardens as recreational areas and tion of a nationwide program that could result in a 700% increase in
ate the products grown there, did the risk exceed the limits of domestic vegetable production. This amount could satisfy domestic
acceptability (Izquierdo et al., 2015). Contaminant concerns in com- demand by 35.5% and reduce food imports while also decreasing
munity gardens have often been alleviated by the use of raised beds, Singapore’s annual carbon emissions footprint by 9,052 metric tons.
which can be considered an easy and effective best management Orsini et al. (2014) explored the production capacity of rooftop gardens
practice for reducing soil contamination risk (Kim et al., 2014). in Bologna, Italy and found that rooftop gardens could provide more
than 12,000 t year−1 of vegetables to Bologna, satisfying 77% of the
4.7. Domestic gardens inhabitants’ requirements. In addition, vegetable raingardens often
referred to as green-roof systems could also be integrated to further
Domestic gardens are an important component of urban GI and have augment food production and reduce urban stormwater runoff
the potential to make significant contributions to urban biodiversity (Richards et al., 2015).
(Zhang and Jim, 2014). Domestic gardens provide a large set of ES, Conversely, the literature also reported that green roof runoff,
provisioning being the most obvious while cultural services are the relative to atmospheric precipitation inputs, might contain higher
category reported as most valued (Calvet-Mir et al., 2012). Little concentrations of nutrient pollutants such as N and P (Oberndorfer
information has specifically identified the role of the domestic garden et al., 2007). Oberndorfer et al. (2007) and Pataki et al. (2011)
in regulation services such as climate change mitigation via carbon demonstrate a gap in the research and conclude that further investiga-
sequestration, but the effectiveness of garden plants and soils for carbon tions are needed to confirm these findings. Additionally, Whittinghill
offsetting will strongly depend on design (i.e. types of vegetation, et al. (2014a) compared three green-roof vegetation types (i.e. un-
density, biomass, and coverage). In addition, according to Cameron fertilized Sedum and native prairie species mixes, a fertilized vegetable,
et al. (2012) they can provide stormwater regulation services to the and herb species mix) on stormwater runoff quantity over three
urban matrix and alleviate related urban soil quality problems. growing seasons and runoff quality during one growing season. They
Research by Moir and Thornton (1989) in 94 domestic gardens and found that the prairie covered green roofs had the greatest reduction in
municipal allotments in nine British towns and cities found that the runoff; almost half that of Sedum or vegetable producing green roof
geometric mean of soil Pb concentration were five times higher than treatments. The edible vegetation type had no effect on runoff nitrate-

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

nitrogen (NO3−) concentrations, but NO3− concentrations decreased address the application of climate-smart agriculture practices
over the course of the growing season. Runoff P concentrations also (Dubbeling, 2014; Scherr et al., 2012) for the design, planning, and
decreased over time in the Sedum and prairie treatments, which were management of urban GI and NBS to mitigate climate change effects,
lower than P concentrations from the vegetable green roof throughout increase food security, and provide sustainability-based guidelines.
the growing season. Overall, the authors found that vegetable produc- We note that a main limitation of our literature review was that we
tion with careful nutrient management would not have a negative examined only relevant English language literature. For example, a
impact on stormwater retention or runoff water quality. There are search for the Spanish language term “agricultura urbana” (i.e. urban
several papers on cost-effectiveness and life cycle assessment of green agriculture in English) for articles in agricultural, applied social
roofs (Blackhurst et al., 2010; Bozorg Chenani et al., 2015; Peri et al., sciences, biological sciences, exact earth sciences and engineering in
2012) which did not utilize edible plant species. the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) – a search engine
focusing on scientific literature from Latin America and emerging
4.9. Edible green walls and facades countries – returned 64 publications from throughout Latin America.
Cities in emerging counties such as Rosario, Argentina and others in
Research on edible plant species in these EGI types is limited and Brazil and Cuba have established EGI policies and are regularly used as
recent (Larcher et al., 2013; Mårtensson et al., 2016). Edible plants in study sites for relevant Spanish and Portuguese language articles,
living wall systems have been reported to improve the local environ- reviews, and books that would indeed fit our criteria (Coronel et al.,
ment and the potential for provisioning ES in terms of harvestable goods 2015; Madaleno, 2000; Miguel and Ivanovic, 2011). Similarly, a search
(Mårtensson et al., 2016). In terms of their cost efficacy, Mårtensson for French, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian language scientific literature
et al. (2016) state the installation costs of living wall systems is often would have likely produced relevant publications from France, Africa,
expensive, which means that they are installed on high profile buildings Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe (Bellows, 2004; Crawford, 2010;
so as to add more aesthetic visual effects to the urban landscape. Di Leo et al., 2016).
Recently, facade technology integration has been extensively imple- In this review, we have highlighted that EGI together with the
mented and planned throughout major cities in China, and to a lesser beautification of a city, contribute to not only urban food production
extent North America, the Middle East and Europe (Al-Kodmany, but nutritional, socioeconomic, and environmental co-benefits
2014). Al-Kodmany (2014) points out their enhancement of environ- (Madaleno, 2000). However, poor urban agricultural practices can
mental performance and dramatic visual effect promote a range of have a negative effect on air pollution by-way-of associated pesticide
technical provisions that accommodate vertical urban farming, aes- use, odors, smoke and dust emissions, allergenic pollens, and residue
thetics, efficient thermal performance, daylight penetration, and inter- production. Nitrogen compounds emitted from agricultural sources in
ior environment control. In addition, they can form a vital system that particular affect air quality in two primary ways, that is: (1) NH3
can improve the holistic approach to buildings offering an ever-growing emissions resulting from fertilizers, and (2) NOx from fuel combustion
need for combined food, housing, and integrated sustainable solutions. in agricultural equipment (Dale and Polasky, 2007). Woody plant
Facade design have been found in skyscraper exoskeletons and inno- selection can also affect volatile organic compound emission and
vative skins reshaped to support ecological and agro-green design subsequent O3 air pollution (Escobedo et al., 2011). We note that most
principles. reviewed literature has not taken into account ED and this would be a
timely topic for future research.
5. Conclusion: recommendations for incorporating EGI With the ever increasing demand for livable space we conclude that
ES and NBS from EGI, in conjunction with proper agricultural and
We found increased concerns in the reviewed literature regarding urban design practices, is opportune for urbanization-related research
the suitability of possibly contaminated urban land and its use for food and interlinking environmental food security norms and policies. This
growing systems. But guidelines exist and regularly recommend against research extends to establish relevant resilient food security systems
growing crops less than ten meters from busy roads, particularly in and to promote the use of edible gardens, roofs, walls, and facades. Our
countries where lead-based fuels are still used (Deelstra and Girardet, review shows that the urban potential for ES provision from an EGI
2000). Another commonly reported guideline is using buildings and framework, via the developed indicators and our proposed typology,
large masses of woody vegetation as barriers between crops and roads indicate a research gap in which unknown or a little amount of
as a means of reducing trace metal contamination (Säumel et al., 2012). examination indicates the socio-ecological benefits of such an agenda.
Proper planning guidelines indicate that when designating an area Results from this novel research could be used for developing sustain-
as suitable for EGI, that knowledge of past site history, existing soil able urban agricultural practices and community participation pro-
properties and distance from possible nearby sources of pollution, grams for policy uptake. As discussed, several cities have already
especially traffic, be taken into account in order to prevent crop integrated different types of EGI into their urban management plans.
contamination. Similarly, the overuse of chemicals needs to be pre- Management and planning must take into account context-specific
vented (Bretzel et al., 2016). Exceedingly high heavy metal concentra- geographic (e.g. climatic zones), social (e.g. community development,
tions in urban grown fruits and vegetables must be strictly related to educational benefits, and equity), and economic (e.g. employment
specific safe zones in the city where plants are going to be grown. As opportunities and inexpensive food sources) requirements.
such, when plants are cultivated near pollution-emission sources (e.g. Recommendations can further be extended to incorporate the potential
main roads or factories), risks of heavy metal contamination are EGI benefits for sustainability-based living and raise societal awareness
increased approximately 1.5-fold when fruits and vegetables are grown of food sources and quality (i.e. organically grown fruits and vegeta-
10 m from the road as compared to 60 m (Antisari et al., 2015). bles). Future research should continue to focus on EGI food quality
Our review identified a commonly reported need for more detailed protection from contamination and other possible opportunities from
and region-specific education tools, information and clearing houses on hydroculture practices.
products, best agriculture practices, and techniques so as to implement We propose that EGI is a rather novel concept that intertwines
and promote rooftop agriculture practices worldwide (Ugai, 2016). environmental, social, and economic co-benefits and locates food
Examples of more effective governance instruments and experiences are sources closer to city-dwellers thus increasing food security and
also needed to better identify successful approaches for integrating city- lessening food transport distances. It reinforces low-energy and chemi-
based food production into urban sector policies and urban land use cal input practices, less human consumption of processed foods, and
planning instruments, and to facilitate the development of safe and teaches people from all socioeconomic levels the equitable benefits of
sustainable urban agriculture (FAO, 2007). Future research should also locally grown food. An EGI approach can thereby play a vital role in

A. Russo et al. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 242 (2017) 53–66

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environments’. We thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers for Cameron, R.W.F., Blanuša, T., Taylor, J.E., Salisbury, A., Halstead, A.J., Henricot, B.,
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