Financial Development, Growth and Poverty - How Close Are The Links
Financial Development, Growth and Poverty - How Close Are The Links
Financial Development, Growth and Poverty - How Close Are The Links
Financial Development, Growth and Poverty: How Close are the Links?
397 1,214
1 author:
Patrick Honohan
Trinity College Dublin
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All content following this page was uploaded by Patrick Honohan on 12 April 2017.
Patrick Honohan
Development Research Group and Financial Sector Operations and Policy Department
The World Bank
The causal link between finance and growth is one of the most striking empirical
macroeconomic relationships uncovered in the past decade. As this branch of the
literature matures, the focus shifts from growth to other aspects of economic prosperity
and from financial depth to multidimensional measures of financial development. This
paper reviews the evolution of the literature and contributes by (i) showing that financial
depth is negatively associated with headcount poverty, even after taking account of mean
income and inequality; (ii) illustrating the pitfalls in equating financial development with
financial depth and (iii) proposing alternative measures of financial development that,
though summary, capture its multidimensional nature.
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the
exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly,
even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should
be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely
those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors,
or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at
Thanks to Gerard Caprio, Aslı Demirgűç-Kunt, Charles Goodhart and Sole Martinez
Peria for helpful discussions.
1. Introduction and summary
Among the most striking empirical macroeconomic relationships uncovered in the past
decade is the apparently causal link between financial development and economic
growth. This paper begins (Section 2) with a brief account of the key methodological
elements underlying this discovery.
On the output side, while average growth rates remain by far the most studied, there has
also been more emphasis on the quality of growth in terms not only of volatility, but also
income distribution, both of which are crucial to sustainability. Section 3 contributes to
this emphasis presenting new evidence on the question of whether finance-intensive
growth is pro-poor: we find that financial depth is negatively correlated with headcount
poverty rates, even after taking account of the mean income and the share going to the
top income groups.
Regarding the input side, financial depth remains central in empirical analysis despite its
severe shortcomings whether as a cross-country or time series measure of financial
development. Section 4 illustrates these shortcomings in a brief examination of four
contrasting country cases (China, Korea, Russia and the United Kingdom). Recognizing
these difficulties, second generation research has widened the focus on the input side to
include structural characteristics of finance, such as the relative importance of banks and
securities markets and infrastructural and institutional prerequisites, such as the legal and
informational environment as well as the regulatory style. Use of data on these
dimensions has allowed a richer interpretation of the processes by which financial
development impacts wider economic conditions. Section 5 suggests drawing on some of
these second generation findings to construct a more comprehensive composite indicator
of financial development, using complementary institutional characteristics.
True, there was a 1970s “money and growth” literature which argued essentially that by
manipulating the rate of inflation the government could correct an underinvesting
economy by inducing a change in the private savings ratio. But that was an era in which
it was somewhat less than respectable for economists to think that economic policy could
alter economic growth rates on a sustained basis. Once full employment was achieved,
all that could be hoped for was for growth in productivity to augment labour growth. A
higher propensity to save out of income would result in a more capital-rich economy, but
one which, with diminishing marginal returns to capital, would eventually settle down at
the same growth rate as before – driven by productivity. And productivity was not
something that most economists felt comfortable talking about.
Instead of seeking to manipulate long-term growth rates, students of growth theory in that
era were concerned instead to design policy that would ensure that the economy would
select the long-term equilibrium growth path with the appropriate level of capital – not
overinvesting (like Soviet Russia), and not underinvesting (like, perhaps, Britain in those
days). Here’s where that manipulative use of money through the inflation tax, to ensure
sufficient saving, could come in.
But for most purposes, money and finance were seen as something that could go wrong,
plunging the economy into a disequilibrium of involuntary unemployment as had
occurred in the 1930s, and seemed to be re-emerging in the 1970s with the collapse of the
Bretton Woods system and the oil crises. Avoiding crises seemed to be the main task of
financial policy.
In an important contribution Levine and Renelt (1992) showed that the data could not
discriminate between most of the alternatives. The volume of investment and the level of
education provision seemed to be the about the only economic variables robust to the
inclusion of alternative candidates. Not that the other variables were necessarily
irrelevant, but they were too closely correlated among each other to be able to tell which
was the driving force and which was merely tagging along. A researcher coming with a
strong prior belief about any of some two dozen causal variables could find confirmation
in the data, but what such a researcher could not do was refute an opponent who believed
that another of the collection of supposed causal variables was instead the truly
significant one. Levine and Renelt seemed to put paid to the prospect that a robust causal
variable would be found.
Then, unexpectedly, from the apparent wreckage of most cross-country growth studies, a
neglected variable bubbled to the surface. Almost uniquely, financial depth, when tested
in the same way, proved to survive. The discovery was made by King and Levine
(1993). Overnight, the finance and growth literature was relaunched along an entirely
new dimension.
The subsequent literature has been a large one, which I will not attempt to review here.
For me its conclusions are summarized in two charts. The first one I call “post hoc ergo
propter hoc”, because, in itself, its force is no stronger than that. Nevertheless, it is
suggestive that the mean GDP growth rate over the next 40 years of country groups
sorted by financial depth is so clearly ranked (Fig. 1). King and Levine’s 1993 papers of
course went well beyond that. One of their main goals, as mentioned, was to show that
this correlation survived the process of controlling for other candidate variables for
explaining growth.1 And it does, whether we look at contemporaneous or initial (1960)
data on financial depth.
The other chart (Figure 2) draws on a later paper by Levine, with Loayza and Beck
(2000), which is my favorite from this literature, because of the persuasive way it deals
with another problem: that of reverse causality (endogeneity). After all, perhaps post hoc
ergo propter hoc is not enough (especially if we look at shorter periods than 30 years).
Perhaps persistently rapid-growth countries call forth deeper financial systems: if so, then
observing a deep financial system in such a country may not be telling us anything about
the power of finance to generate growth. The standard way of dealing with this problem
in econometrics requires the use of instrumental variables, i.e. variables correlated with
financial depth, but not otherwise linked to GDP growth. Employing, in the causal
regressions, the predicted value of a country’s financial depth from a regression using
such instruments removes the potential reverse causality bias. Finding valid and strong
instrumental variables is easier said than done, but LLB employ a recently discovered
fact, namely that countries which have inherited variants of English common law tend to
have deeper financial systems than those whose legal inheritance is from the Napoleonic
code or the distinct German and Scandinavian traditions that are recognized. These legal
origins date so far back as to exclude the possibility of feedback from recent growth
processes, which helps ensure that they are valid instruments.2
Figure 2 shows the scatter of financial depth and growth rates in the LLB sample. Two
lines are plotted. One is drawn by me as a naïve simple regression, and as such
potentially contaminated not only by reverse causality, but by the omission of other
causal factors. The other line, marked “model” is the projection of the multivariate
relationship estimated by LLB. I learn two striking facts from this figure. First, the
relationship is not a very close one: much of the variation in growth is due to other
causes. And if a country moved from the lowest decile of financial depth (13%) to the
highest (75%) it could expect to improve its growth rate by a lot (over 4 percent in this
model) all other things being equal, but there are pairs of countries with a smaller
Such as initial income level, education, government spending, inflation, trade openness, measures of
political liberties and law and order.
A third requirement for validity, that the instruments have no independent causal effect on GDP growth, is
not easily tested. The well-known over-identification tests do not fully test this, contrary to what many
authors seem to believe.
financial depth difference (30 percentage points) but a growth difference more than twice
as great. Second, the modeled impact of finance on growth is much stronger than the
naïve regression would have indicated. That is to say, the combined effect of reverse
causality and omitted variables bias is to mask rather than to exaggerate the effect.3
Yet for some observers emphasizing finance seems to be getting the wrong end of the
stick. Noting such characteristics as the high salaries paid on average in the financial
sector, these observers suppose that if the financial sector prospers, this may mean a
deterioration in the distribution of income: more for well-paid investment bankers, not
much for their drivers or cleaners. Rajan and Zingales (2003) cite Tom Wolfe’s novel
The Bonfire of the Vanities as illustrative of the widely held view that finance benefits
only, or mainly, the rich. If this casual prejudice was borne out in reality then one would
become somewhat ambivalent about relying on financial development as a priority
instrument for tackling poverty in developing economies.
But, as Rajan and Zingales note, a healthy financial system can be a powerful anti-
monopoly tool, providing the lubrication for the emergence of competitors that can
undermine the power of incumbent firms, and the means for poor households and small-
scale producers to escape the tyranny of exploitative middlemen. In contrast, the
undeveloped financial system, in their words, can be “clubby, uncompetitive and
conservative”. If so, financial development could be pro-poor. But is it?
To be sure, financial development promotes growth, and we have extensive evidence that
growth worldwide has been a powerful mechanism for reducing poverty. Furthermore,
the lowest quintile shares in the national rate of growth. To use the terminology of fiscal
policy, growth is neither progressive nor regressive: it is – on average – neutral (Dollar-
Kraay 2002). That means that the rich get more dollars from every increment of growth
than do the poor, and that no improvement can be expected in relative poverty from the
growth process per se, but it also means that absolute poverty declines.
But the Dollar-Kraay results do not amount to saying that “a rising tide raises all boats.”
The tidal analogy is quite imperfect. Of the many drivers of growth it could still be that
financial development is regressive. This indeed is the prediction of the widely cited
model of Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990). They argue that getting involved in the
The finance-growth relationship continues to be studied, and even challenged, as in, for example, Favar
(2003), who fails to find significant coefficients on finance in instrumented growth regressions. At bottom
the main problem is typically one of weak instruments: OLS estimates still indicating causality. Such
negative findings are not sufficient to revise the main-line view that finance causes economic development
based, as it is, not only on the studies cited but on a wide range of cross-country studies, including those
based on firm-level, industry-level and state-level evidence (see World Bank, 2001, and the papers cited
financial sector and benefiting from the screening and risk pooling that it offers requires
an initial set-up cost (either of participating in the group that establishes financial
infrastructure, or eventually paying an access charge to those who have done so). Poor
households will not be in a position to incur this cost, and will not find it worthwhile even
to set aside savings for this outlay, hence falling even further behind in the distribution of
The regressiveness prediction of Greenwood and Jovanovic has not been borne out in the
empirical literature. Specifically, Li, Squire and Zou (1997) find that financial depth
entered strongly and significantly as a contributor to lower inequality (Gini index) and
raise the average income of the lower 80% of the population.4 The reasoning suggested
by Li, Squire and Zou is that better financial development should alleviate credit
constraints for poorer households, allowing them to make productive investments, for
example in human capital. (They also note that the household Gini for wealth index in the
past should also predict inequality of investment – though in that case it is perhaps easy
to think of multiple paths through which past wealth inequality persists in predicting
current income inequality.)
Inequality and poverty incidence are not, of course, the same thing, especially if we
measure poverty in absolute terms, such as the share of the population earning less than
$1 a day. Nor does analysis of the growth of the average income of the bottom quintile
directly address the impact of financial development on poverty. Indeed, there appears to
have been comparatively little reported empirical cross-country research on the possible
impact of financial development on absolute poverty ratios.
Apparent gaps in the empirical literature often reflect the absence of significant and
robust empirical relationships. Yet, in this case, there are already intriguing indications
from cross-country evidence that finance may be surprisingly effective in reducing
One contribution employing indirect but highly suggestive evidence suggesting a pro-
poor dimension to finance-rich growth comes from Dehejia and Gatti (2002), who study
child labor, well-known to be a correlate of poverty.5 Using a panel of countries at five
or 10-year intervals, and controlling for the level of GDP per capita and other expected
causes, they find that the incidence of child labor seems to be affected on a cross-country
basis by the degree of financial depth. That this might reflect the enhanced ability of
deep financial sectors to insulate poor households from shocks is further suggested by the
fact that the impact of national income volatility on child labor is insignificant if analysis
is confined to countries with deep financial systems.
The problems of reverse causality that plague the empirical analysis of the causal role of
finance and growth may be less severe when it comes to exploring a causal role for
finance in poverty. After all, only a small fraction of aggregate financial assets are held
The first result is subjected to more robustness tests than the second, where the financial depth variable is
correlated with other variables measuring overall development or per capita income.
Though some research suggests that it may not reduce schooling by as much as is often thought.
by the poor, so poverty rates are very unlikely to influence financial depth in a significant
manner. Anyway, although it is rarely possible to exclude the possibility of reverse
causality altogether, we will proceed on the basis that assuming its absence is likely to be
better than working with weak instruments.
Thus, the way is open to a fairly straightforward approach to seeing if there might be a
possible causal link. Accordingly, drawing on a cross-section of some 70-odd developing
countries6 for which poverty data are available, we now show that a striking empirical
relationship seems to emerge: deep financial systems appear to be associated with lower
The major determinant of variations in poverty incidence across developing countries is,
not surprisingly, the mean level of GDP per capita: an unevenly-divided small cake
leaves more people hungry than a large one. As shown in Equation A of Table 1, this
variable alone explains 47 per cent of cross-country variation in absolute poverty (share
of population below $1 a day). The point estimate implies that a 10 percent increase in
mean per capita income translates into a 1.6 percentage point reduction in absolute
poverty. Naturally, the way in which this income is distributed also matters: for example,
calculating the mean income of the bottom 90% of the population (by subtracting the
income earned by the top 10% income earners) greatly improves the fit – the RSQ now is
54% (Equation B). Interestingly, the income share of the top 10% also contributes to
explaining cross-country poverty variance (likely because it also predicts a higher share
for the non-poor that are in the lower 90%).7 Anyway with this addition, the RSQ is up
to 58% (Equation C).
Now it’s time to add in the financial variables. Starting with the standard non-
government (“private”) credit variable. Here we prefer to exclude three countries which
are outliers in a cross-country regression of credit on inflation and per capita GDP – their
data for non-government credit are more than three standard errors away from the
regression line.8 One is Panama, an offshore center, the other two are Thailand and
China. (We will return to China below, observing that most Chinese “non-government”
credit is to state-owned or controlled firms.) With the remaining data, a striking negative
coefficient is observed in the regression explaining poverty (Equation D). The additional
variable improves the fit to 64%. Taken literally – and we should not do this except as a
rough indication of the size of the effect – the estimates imply that a 10 percentage point
in the ratio of private credit to GDP should (even at the same mean income level) reduce
poverty ratios by 2.5 to 3 percentage points.
Note that the finance and growth studies typically study both rich and poor countries. Poverty shares in
the advanced countries are all measured at essentially zero for these international cut-off lines of $1 and $2
a day.
Though the Gini coefficient does not enter significantly. Alternative specifications using the share of the
top 20%, or the bottom 10 or 20 percent, are inferior in fit. Results from including alternative aspects of the
distribution as explanatory variables are reported in Table 6. The link between income inequality and
poverty is also discussed in Besley and Burgess (2003), though by looking at standard deviation of log
income (rather than, as here, the top decile share) their estimates are influenced by the mechanical partial
induced between inequality and absolute poverty by conditioning on mean income.
Results for the full sample are reported as Table 1 (Alternate).
This finding suggests that the theories that argue that financial development can help the
poor may have some bite. The balance-sheet size of even a well-developed banking
system will be adversely affected by inflation, as is repeatedly confirmed in the literature.
Allowing for this either by including inflation as an additional regressor, or by
substituting the residual in a regression of credit on per capita GDP and inflation9, takes
account of this. In both cases credit remains highly significant (Equations E and F,
Table 1).
(Using the higher poverty threshold of $2 a day gives broadly similar results, though not
quite as strong an effect of credit; see Tables 3 and 4).
So much for the banking dimension to finance. How about capital markets? Their
development has been shown to be equally important for growth. Do they also contribute
to a greater lowering of poverty than implied by their effect on growth? The answer is
that apparently they do not. Adding stock market capitalization and or market turnover to
the basic equation does not significantly alter fit or the other coefficients and the new
variables are not significant. Nor does bank concentration appear to be a significant
contributor (Table 5).10
The empirical correlation which we have detected is suggestive, rather than conclusive
evidence that emphasizing financial development is benign in regard to poverty in that it
is more likely to reduce poverty than the average pro-growth initiative. But the analysis
is at too aggregate a level to be fully convincing. Additionally, the ways in which
financial development is being measured, based mainly on size, are clearly rather weak
This auxiliary regression is reported in Table 7.
Once again the $2 a day threshold gives similar results (not shown).
development itself is a proxy for what we really are interested in, which is some measure
of the quantity and quality of financial services that households, firms, and governments
received in total (as well as which part of this they get from domestic financial service
providers – the decline in this share is likely to attenuate the link between domestic
finance and growth).
Current theories about these channels of effect emphasize four key functions of finance
are central: mobilizing savings (thereby creating concentrations of capital that allow
exploitation of economies of scale); allocating capital (helping judge where returns are
most likely to be obtained); monitoring the use of loanable funds by entrepreneurs; and
transforming risk by pooling and repackaging it (cf. Levine 1997). When put this way, it
becomes less surprising that legal structures may have a role in determining the scale and
the efficiency of finance (making them so useful as econometric instruments), given that
the intertemporal contracts that underlie each of these functions need to be actively
supported by a legal and judicial system. Regulatory and information infrastructures in
the economy may also evidently be important. Also, it becomes evident that
summarizing the development of a financial system by a single measure of the scale of its
banking is not likely to fully capture variations in the degree and effectiveness with
which it performs these functions. Nor has the literature neglected these points.
Among large countries, China has the deepest banking system of all (bar a few places like
Luxembourg, which are important offshore centers and the scale of whose banking
system is based on the export of financial services). The ratio of China’s bank deposits to
GDP is still rapidly growing – the M2 to GDP ratio now exceeds 170%. And we know
that China’s economy has been growing very rapidly for the past couple of decades. Yet
China’s banking system does not normally receive accolades for having importantly
contributed to this rate of growth. Instead, commentators like Lardy (1998) point to the
quasi-fiscal use of China’s banking system as a means of keeping afloat state-controlled
enterprises: at a time when rapid liberalization of the Chinese economic system had left
many enterprises—no longer able to function profitably on the basis policy-influenced
relative prices that were far from those of the world economy—high and dry. China’s
state-controlled banks – and that accounts (one way or another) for more 95 percent of
the system, had responded by advancing the needed funds to these enterprises on the
basis of public interest. These were not the engines of growth – though it could be
argued that keeping them going offered a degree of political and social insulation to the
process of adjustment to a more coherent set of market prices that was an essential
prerequisite of growth. As a result of this practice, non-performing loans at the Chinese
banks rose very rapidly in the late 1990s and the government has already had to make
special provisions to ease the burden on the banks.
China is, of course, a vast country of contrasting economic structures. Provincial level
data exploiting this variation offer another opportunity for applied econometricians to test
their favorite theories. In a recent working paper Genevieve Boyreau-Debray (2003)
examines the banking-depth and growth relationship across 26 Chinese provinces.
Interestingly, and perhaps not surprisingly, she finds the opposite relationship to that
found in cross-country studies. The provinces with the greatest banking depth are the
provinces that have been growing more slowly (Figure 3). (Boyreau-Debray does
examine some other aspects of the financial environment: greater diversity in provincial
finance does seem to help growth for example.)11
The Chinese case not only raises the question of measurement: it also confronts us with
the challenge of explaining just why China can have done so very well in terms of growth
this past quarter century with a financial system that, though deep, has not been
performing the theoreticians’ functions of a market-driven financial system to any
considerable extent. Undoubtedly, there is a financial dimension here, namely the scale
of investible resources: if the Chinese savings ratio averaged over 35 percent for two
decades, these savings have certainly built up the stock of capital in China. Just as with
other East Asian miracles, I think it’s fair to say Chinese growth can be largely attributed
to the accumulation of capital and the successful shift in the application of available labor
away from subsistence agriculture to higher productivity activities using this capital.
This helps us understand better how to view the role of finance in growth. You can get a
long way without a state of the art financial system. Even if available savings are not
allocated to the most effective enterprises, the sheer volume of capital accumulation
(even if not the most appropriate or best-judged design), combined with the huge
productivity gain from shifting workers from subsistence agriculture to the modern
economy allows very rapid growth. At the same time, for all the rapid growth that China
has had, it is still not at the global production frontier. Per capita income is still less than
$1,000 measured at market prices, and less than $5,000 measured at purchasing power
parities.12 Even the higher figure puts it into the same class (only) as Eritrea, Macedonia,
Algeria or Peru. Still a long way to go to match Korea, say (with its PPP per capita
income at $18,000): it will need a better financial system to get to the frontier.
A more dramatic example of the way in which banking depth can be misleading comes
from the former Soviet Union countries, where deposit growth through the 1980s left
them with deep banking systems as it appeared. The ratio of M2 to GDP in Russia in
1990 was 81%. But here the holding of bank deposits was distorted by a number of
features, including the widespread rationing (why spend your bank deposits if there is
nothing to buy). Indeed, the true value of bank deposits was much lower in that price
controls held prices of consumer goods far below their market-clearing values. If valued
at market-clearing prices, aggregate bank deposits were much smaller, and (though
Most of the international (cross-country) studies exclude the Chinese data for one stated reason or
The PPP measure is better for judging living standards; perhaps less good for assessing convergence to
international levels of productivity.
output figures were also somewhat flattered by the artificial prices) the true money to
GDP ratio was surely much smaller. In the event, rapid inflation fueled by the printing
press following price liberalization soon made the initial stock of bank deposits in Russia
almost worthless. Russians were slow to return to trusting their banking system, which
remained small, and collapsed again in the exchange rate and debt default crisis of 1998.
Even today, the Russian banking system does very little of the classic activities for which
the theoreticians would have us look. A decade after the collapse of the old system, by
end-2000, the M2/GDP ratio had recovered, but only to 22%. Three-quarters of
household deposits are with the state-owned Sberbank, which accounts for over a quarter
of the total banking system and still lends more than half of its resources to the state. It is
evident that Russia did not have what we would regard as a developed financial system
when it had a high M2/GDP ratio and it does not have one now.
A feature common to Russia and China is that much of the banking resources were being
lent to the public sector either as part of a plan (pre-reform Russia)13 or in a vestigial
survival of plan-type allocation. The use, by econometricians like Levine, of lending to
the private sector as a better measure than simply M2 or total credit is one way of getting
around this problem.
The case of Korea reinforces these points, especially in regard to the vulnerabilities that
can be created by the high leverage and weakened creditworthiness associated with credit
booms. The Korean experience of the 1960s and 1970s could be seen as – and I think are
– part of the positive feedback interaction between monetary deepening and a
strengthening of the economic structure. But if we look at the last 20 years, the Korean
data seems to show a negative association between banking depth and growth. This is
especially so if we take the conventional base of the core banks – the so-called deposit
money bank of International Financial Statistics. Here the rapid acceleration in
monetary depth of the late 1990s seems to coincide with the collapse in growth rates. But
such a sharp break in trend as we see at 1996-97 alerts the applied economist to the
likelihood that something else is happening in the background that (even if there is no
change in the statistical definitions used to construct the series – and there is none here)
alters the interpretation or representativeness of the series. Indeed, something was going
on and – interestingly it was a phenomenon which confused Korean policy-makers at the
time, pulling some statistical wool over their eyes and blinding them to an impending
disaster. As is explained by Cho (2001), Korean financial institutions and their
customers, maneuvering around both macroeconomic policy (including monetary targets)
and prudential controls, began to employ forms of credit which were off the balance
sheets of the commercial banks. Monetary aggregates – based on the balance sheets of
the banks – were reassuringly stable, and prudential warning bells remained silent even as
rapid increases in corporate leverage, especially short-term indebtedness, heightened the
vulnerability of the entire economy. Adding back in the credit issued by near-banks16
shows the true evolution of credit in Korea: a steady and rapid rate of increase until the
crisis. The effect of the adjustment is to reinforce the appearance: rapid credit growth
precedes a crisis. And this is, of course, a fairly universal observation (Honohan 1997;
Demirgüç-Kunt and Detragiache 2001, etc.).
Another message of the Korean and UK experience is the increasing slipperiness of the
data as the financial sector increases in complexity and scale. We saw how crucial the
dividing line between commercial banks and near-banks was for interpreting the scale of
Korean intermediation. Rolling forward the UK data reveals several huge changes in the
measured aggregates (both increases and decreases) as statistical conventions were
revised over the years from 1980 to try to keep appropriate track of financial innovations.
Between 1986 and 1987, the definition of bank deposits was revised, bringing the
measured ratio in IFS of M2 (money plus quasi-money) to GDP from 46.8% in 1986 to
80.5% the following year. How can cross-country comparisons be relied upon if even
within a country two acceptable definitions of monetary depth can be so widely differing
for consecutive years. As a rule of thumb, I suggest that any country which has a
monetary depth of 100% has already satisfied the minimum scale criterion for having
reached the frontier in financial development: a necessary condition, but not a sufficient
The “Other Banking Instititutions” of International Financial Statistics. There may be a slight
overstatement here in that some bank credit received by nonbank financial institutions is double-counted;
but this is small.
So, in summary, several drawbacks have been noted to the use of banking aggregates as
proxies for overall financial development. Monetary depth will be a misleading indicator
of financial development if the savings so mobilized are being monopolized by the state.
That is not to say that the liquidity and money transmission services being provided by
narrow banking systems are of no importance, but they are arguably simpler to achieve:
the hugely important credit dimension cannot be neglected. Turning to private credit, an
issue of quality arises: if expanded too rapidly or too much, credit creates risks both
microeconomic (poor judgement on the allocation of credit) and macroeconomic
(excessive leverage creates linked vulnerabilities to various adverse shocks).
The other bank-related measure is one of efficiency: interest rate spreads or margins.18
This potentially disposes of the problem of uncompetitive systems, but is very partial in
its focus: scale has fallen out altogether. Also, since interest spreads vary widely
depending on the credit and maturity risks, as well as the monitoring costs that are
involved, they may be considered exceptionally problematic in a cross-country
However, attempts to judge the relative success of economies with large banking systems
and those with large or active stock exchanges have so far proved, in my reading,
inconclusive (cf. Demirgüç-Kunt and Levine 2002). It seems that countries have done
rather well with a wide variety of relative bank- and market-intensities. Perhaps each of
these advanced countries has seen an adaptation of its financial structure to accommodate
both the particular needs of its nonfinancial sectors and its inherited legal, administrative
and informational infrastructure.
Perhaps a caveat is not out of order here. We have also seen how similar variables have
been employed as econometric instruments for banking depth in the finance and growth
literature. But a variable cannot logically be both a valid instrument and an appropriate
component in a composite financial development indicator. After all, a valid instrument
must have its effect on the dependent variable (growth in the case above) only through
the variable being instrumented. Its exclusion from the main causal regression must be
justified. In devising a composite indicator, care should be taken to avoid being trapped
in a contradiction where we assert that a particular environmental or infrastructural
variable has a direct effect, and in addition rely on the results of some study where it has
been employed as an instrument.20
Bearing this caution in mind, but forging bravely ahead, let me assert as a stylized
summary of the literature that legal, regulatory and informational infrastructure has a
strong impact on the degree to which particular financial structures (banking systems of a
certain depth, stock markets of a certain level of activity) are actually effective in
delivering the benefits that we would like to see: long-term growth, insulation, access to
SMEs and microenterprises, and poverty reduction. Some of this infrastructure may also
have an independent direct effect.
outsiders in ownership is also low, and that the stock market may not therefore be performing much of a
governance function.
There has to be some question as to whether some of the institutional variables that have been employed
as instruments really do satisfy the necessary exclusion criteria: as mentioned above this is not something
that is easily tested.
We can picture the situation as a multiple-input, multiple output situation at the center of
which the measured structures xi of the financial system sit: influenced by the
infrastructural inputs zj, influencing the outputs yk. Other factors wl will also be relevant.
Examples of structures: banking depth, stock market turnover; examples of infrastructure:
legal system, quality and style of regulation, informational infrastructure; examples of
output: GDP growth, stability of output and employment, poverty. If the process can be
y k = f *k ( x, z , w) = f k ( g k ( x, z ), w) (1)
then we can think of the function gk as capturing the contribution of finance (structure
and infrastructure) to the output k. An overall objective function W(y) may be postulated
to aggregate the outputs. Then the marginal contribution of a financial structure variable
xi to the objective function W can be written
dW ∂W ∂f k ( g k ( x, z ), w) ∂g k ( x, z )
= ∑ k Wk f k 1 g i = ∑ k (2)
dxi ∂y k ∂g k ∂xi
If f is linear in its two components, then this expression will be independent of the other
non-financial factors w.
D =a + ∑ bx +∑ c z
i i i j j j where bi = ∑W
k k f k 1 g ki ; cj = ∑W
k k f k 1 g kj
So much for the algebra. Let me illustrate with some examples which will serve to
illustrate the diversity of the data sources being employed in the recent literature to dig
behind the aggregates and try to uncover the mechanisms that are at work in linking
finance to wide economic goals.
I will take three particular infrastructural dimensions: legal, regulatory and ownership,
and look at just a handful of papers that illustrate the way in which infrastructure interacts
with the financial system itself in influencing outputs along – again – three major
dimensions, growth, stability and distributional aspects.
Legal infrastructure
In their highly influential 1997 and 1998 papers, La Porta et al. (LLSV) assembled a
database on the major distinguishing characteristics of legal systems in different countries
as they impact financial contracts and control. In essence the major distinctions lie in the
relative protection that is provided to a firm’s managers, controlling shareholders and
other insiders as against outsider financiers including both creditors and minority
shareholders. Fairly systematically, the relative protection formally granted correlates
with the degree of development of the relevant market. Stronger shareholder rights are,
on a cross-country basis, associated with a greater number of listed firms and with higher
stock market capitalization; stronger creditor rights are associated with a higher level of
bank credit and bond finance.21, 22
Looking behind the national aggregates to the performance of individual firms, Beck,
Demirgűç-Kunt and Maksimovic (2002) draw on a recent survey of some 4,000 firms –
small and large – in 54 countries that were asked for their perception of financing, legal
and corruption constraints to their growth. The responses allow one to pinpoint where in
the economy these constraints are biting. Uniformly, while all sizes of firms report
constraints, uniformly it is the smaller firms whose growth is being more affected by a
given level of self-reported constraint. Disappointingly, the answers to more detailed
questions on the specific nature of the constraint (11 specific questions about legal
constraints, for example) fail to predict firm growth rates, making it difficult to draw
detailed inferences on what are the most damaging legal difficulties.23 Interestingly the
main explanatory power comes from comparing average experience across countries: the
within-country variation in self-reported legal (and other) constraints is not highly
correlated with individual firm performance. Thus (even though the systemwide “law
and order” variable from the abovementioned KKZ database does not add much
explanatory power to the self-reported legal constraints in predicting differences in firm
growth), it does seem to be cross-country differences in legal conditions that matter rather
than just the idiosyncratic experiences varying from firm to firm.24
These papers have led to an explosion of research refining and deepening the results. For example, Emre
Ergungor (2002) shows that it is mainly in common law countries that creditor rights explain variations in
banking sector development (and he also explains why this should be expected).
An ongoing debate concerns the primacy of legal origin and geographic endowments in creating the
environment for subsequent financial and wider economic development. Using a sample of 70 former
colonies, Beck, Demirgűç-Kunt and Levine (2003) find evidence for both hypotheses. However, it is initial
endowments that are more robustly associated (than legal origin) with financial intermediary development
and they also explain more of the cross-country variation in financial intermediary and stock market
development than does legal origin. But this debate does not affect the validity of legal origin as an
instrument. Just why legal origin should matter is discussed by Beck, Demirgűç-Kunt and Levine (2002),
perhaps because some legal traditions do a better job at defending private interests against the state, or
perhaps (and what evidence there is favors this one) law in some traditions is better able to adapt itself to
varying commercial conditions. Political – and as such time-varying – influences from interest groups on
the policies determining financial development are emphasized by Rajan and Zingales (2002).
Details of the self-reported financing constraints are more informative in this regard: high collateral
requirements, banking bureaucracy, high interest rates, need for the borrower to have a special connection
with the bank, and “banks lack money to lend” all correlated with firm growth.
Note a hidden assumption here, namely that defining good-for-finance legal systems is unproblematic.
We already highlighted the fact that different legal systems attach different priorities to the main players.
Most writers on this topic assume that enforcement of creditor rights is the key thing, but a respectable
theoretical proposition can be made to the effect that lenience in this regard might encourage
entrepreneurship: however, the empirical evidence, including that cited here, seems to argue against such a
soft proposition. In developing countries policy discussion focuses as much (or more) on the judicial and
administrative enforcement of the law as on how to tilt the legal protections in law: few would disagree
with the importance of enforcement.
If the content of the law may be less important than the fact that it is enforced, an
argument can be made that the opposite is true for prudential regulation. Practitioners of
regulation typically see the regulators as disinterested technocrats for whom the only
requirements are adequate legal powers and sufficient skilled resources. However, the
wider perspective of the economic analyst points to self-serving or politically biased
regulatory performance. And the informational and skill requirements for the effective
pursuit of some regulatory strategies is simply beyond reach in most countries, with the
result that the damaging side-effects of regulatory capture and rent-seeking may be
incurred without any compensating gain in stability. The World Bank’s extensive survey
of regulatory practice in 107 countries (a second wave has recently been conducted)
allows the impact of regulatory style on financial stability and financial development to
be assessed quantitatively. Barth, Caprio and Levine (BCL 2002) et al find that the
regulatory choices made on some three dozen different dimensions tend to cluster into
one of two styles, which they term the “grabbing hand” and the “helping hand”. The
interventionist “grabbing hand” approach relies heavily on discretionary official
supervision of bank activities; the “helping hand” approach empowers market discipline
by, for example, ensuring information disclosure, and removing discretion that could turn
into excessive forbearance. Perhaps unsurprisingly (given the loaded terminology) they
proceed to show that helping hand policies work better for promoting bank development,
performance and stability—at least in the sense of limiting the frequency of systemic
banking failures and reducing non-performing loans. But the less discretionary approach
may come at a cost in terms of amplifying short-term fluctuations, as shown in evidence
presented by Caprio and Honohan (2002).
The case of foreign ownership is more highly contested, given the widely observed
tendency for the typical foreign-owned bank to lend to larger firms, and the fear that their
commitment to the host country might be limited, with the result that they might have a
greater tendency to exit in a downturn. However, data-based findings (surveyed by
Clarke et al. 200225), suggest that these concerns are over-done and that entry of foreign
banks tends to improve the efficiency and stability of the financial system. Even small
See also Levine (2002) confirming in a striking way the favorable impact of foreign banks on bank
spreads. More widely, the role of competition in improving performance but potentially adding to
vulnerability is examined in the papers presented at a World Bank conference in Washington DC in April
2003, see
firms report easier access to finance in systems with larger foreign bank penetration (as is
shown by Clarke et al. 2001, using the 400-firm database mentioned above).
Numerical implications
Drawing from these studies, we may propose an extended set of measures of financial
development, combining not only scale and competitive efficiency, but also the presence
of these major infastructural preconditions. Unfortunately, a metastudy of the existing
literature based on the framework outlined in (1) and (2) above is not altogether
For one thing, there does not seem to be any existing discussion in the literature on the
policy weights to be assigned to the different components of outturns (the Wk). Much of
the literature seems to proceed as if growth were the only objective, but this surely cannot
be so. Aggregate national fluctuations cannot easily be insured, so the second moment
must be of some relevance. Likewise the poverty dimension may be important if, as has
been suggested by the empirical evidence provided above, some policy approaches are
more effective in reducing poverty than others, conditional on growth. Finally, it is likely
that growth at the production frontier (attained in advanced economies) has somewhat
different determinants than growth that is mainly a convergence to that frontier. If they
embody new technology, access by new firms to finance may be even more important for
growth at the frontier than away from it. For the present then, the literature does not tell
us much about how to value these different components, which we need to do according
to equation (2) above.
The second difficulty is a more practical one, namely that the various empirical studies
have not all been set up to closely conform with equation (1). Different variables are
used on both sides of the equation and so forth. So arriving at an acceptable summary is
a task which, though not insurmountable, has not yet been accomplished.
But we can already begin to see whether the composite indicator has the potential to be
substantially different from the size-based measures. Could it, for example, result in a
considerable re-ordering of the international league table of financial development?
As an initial illustration along these lines, we took the developing countries already
examined in the poverty exercise above and assembled data on (i) governance and legal
institutions (KKZ and LLSV data) and (ii) regulatory approach (BCL data) and
ownership (also from BCL). The same indicators are not always available for all
countries, indeed, for only 17 of the poverty countries are they all available. Table 8
(panel A) shows that pairwise the indicators are not highly correlated among themselves
or with the size and activity measures (Table 8 shows the correlations on the basis of the
common sample, those based on the much larger maximal samples are broadly similar).
Even when aggregated in an ad hoc manner26 to three sub-aggregates the correlations are
all moderate (panel B). This suggests that re-ranking is quite possible depending on the
weights used.
Essentially by normalizing and adding together, with algebraic sign corresponding to the literature’s
consensus on the direction of impact on growth.
Indeed, Figure 6 illustrates the contrast for about 20 countries, using an aggregate of (i),
(ii) and (iii) as a preliminary non-size composite. Countries substantially above or below
45 would be re-ranked by an index that combined the size and non-size data. The way in
which re-ranking would occur can be seen by rotating the chart to the right: the angle of
rotation indicating the relative weight on the non-size component. It can be seen in
particular that China, which as mentioned has the largest banking system as a share of
GDP, would lose this title with quite a moderate weight (0.3) on the the non-size
composite (when both are normalized to zero mean and unit variance).
Further work will be needed to fill out the data set and choose weights in a systematic
6. Conclusion
Probing financial development by means of cross-country regressions has greatly
enriched our understanding of the processes most likely to be at work. The apparent
importance of financial development for contributing to sustainable economic growth has
been underlined. Second generation models have probed additional dimensions of both
cause (finance) and effect (sustainable economic development). We have shown that
finance-intensive growth (at least as measured by banking depth) is empirically
associated with lower poverty ratios. On the other hand, depth alone is an insufficient
measure of financial development, and we have suggested an approach to defining a more
comprehensive summary statistic, drawing on results in the literature.
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Why Does Legal Origin Matter?”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2904,
October 2002, forthcoming Journal of Comparative Economics
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Stability: An Exploration” in William C. Hunter, George G. Kaufman and Michael
Pomerleano, eds. Asset Price Bubbles: The Implications for Monetary, Regulatory, and
International Policies, (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press), pp. 337-360.
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Crisis”, in Gerard Caprio, Patrick Honohan and Joseph E. Stiglitz, eds. Financial
Liberalization: How Far, How Fast? (New York: Cambridge University Press).
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Asking Borrowers” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2716.
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Figure 1: “post hoc ergo propter hoc”,
Mean GDP growth rate 1960-2000 of country groups sorted by 1960 financial depth
(Source: World Development Indicators (GDP), International Financial Statistics (Liquid
Deep (>0.5)
0.25 to 0.5
Ratio of liquid
liabilities to GDP in
0.15 to 0.25
Shallow (<0.15)
Acerage GDP growth 1960-95
2 Model
0 2 4 6
Private credit as % GDP (log)
Figure 3: China: Provincial banking depth and growth
Source: Boyreau-Debray (2003)
Provincial growth rate
40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
State-bank deposits as % provincial output
60 4.5
5-year centred moving average GDP
banking depth
40 3
30 2
10 0.5
1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976
Figure 5: Korea – Money and Growth 1961-2002
Source: International Financial Statistics
180 11
100 8
80 7
0 4
1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001
Figure 6: Financial Depth and Financial Infrastructure – Cross Country Comparison
(Most recent year available)
Source: See note to Table 8.
Infrastructure index
M EX 3.4
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Table 1. Poverty and Financial Depth
(Dependent Variable: $1 per Day Poverty Ratio)
Equation: 1.A 1.B 1.C 1.D 1.E 1.F
Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat
Constant 152.0 **9.0 229.8 **9.9 184.4 **7.3 164.9 **6.3 184.3 **7.6 152.1 **5.8
GDP per cap (log) -16.6 **7.8
GDP per cap lower 90% (log) -17.3 **9.0 -15.3 **8.2 -13.4 **6.7 -15.4 **8.6 -11.9 **5.8
Share of top 10% 0.635 **3.4 0.708 **3.8 0.671 **3.7 0.709 **3.8
Private credit -0.260 **2.5 -0.354 **3.3
Private credit residual -0.353 **3.2
Inflation -0.096 *2.4
R-squared / NOBS 0.462 73 0.535 73 0.601 73 0.636 71 0.652 70 0.663 70
Adjusted R-squared 0.454 0.529 0.590 0.620 0.636 0.642
S.E. of regression 15.8 14.7 13.7 13.3 13.0 12.9
Log likelihood -304.2 -298.8 -293.2 -282.6 -277.1 -276.0
** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Cross section excluding China, Panama and Thailand
Data Sources for all tables: Poverty data from; Inequality from World Development
Indicators, except Gini from Human Development Report; Financial from IFS; Institutions from Kaufmann, Kraay and Mastruzzi (2003)
Table 2. Poverty and Financial Depth
(Dependent Variable: $1 per Day Poverty Ratio)
Equation: 2.A 2.B 2.C 2.D 2.E 2.F
Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat
Constant 194.7 **6.1 186.9 **6.8 191.4 **7.4 194.1 **6.5 185.5 **6.2 149.5 **4.9
GDP per cap lower 90% (log) -16.2 **6.9 -15.6 **7.8 -16.0 **8.3 -16.2 **7.1 -15.5 **7.0 -11.3 **4.5
Share of top 10% 0.649 **3.4 0.666 **3.6 0.666 **3.6 0.649 **3.5 0.669 **3.6 0.485 *2.2
Private credit residual -0.368 **3.2 -0.361 **3.1 -0.364 **3.3 -0.371 **3.3 -0.355 **3.1 -0.262 *2.5
Institutions (KKF) 2.14 0.5 0.716 0.2 1.82 0.8 2.01 0.6 0.243 0.1
Which institution Corrupt Govteff Regqual Regqual Rulelaw Regional dummies
R-squared / NOBS 0.654 70 0.652 70 0.656 70 0.654 70 0.652 70 0.727 70
Adjusted R-squared 0.632 0.631 0.635 0.633 0.631 0.692
S.E. of regression 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 12.0
Log likelihood -276.9 -277.0 -276.7 -276.9 -277.1 -268.6
** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Cross section excluding China, Panama and Thailand; Regression F includes five intercept dummies corresponding to World Bank regional
groupings. The omitted (base) region is South Asia. Of the others, the Middle East and North Africa dummy is significant at the 1% level with a
negative coefficient.
Table 3. Poverty and Financial Depth
(Dependent Variable: $2 per Day Poverty Ratio)
Equation: 3.A 3.B 3.C 3.D 3.E 3.F
Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat
Constant 215.1 **9.4 313.5 **9.7 269.4 **7.3 251.3 **6.4 266.6 **7.3 233.3 **5.9
GDP per cap (log) -21.8 **7.6
GDP per cap lower 90% (log) -22.4 **8.4 -20.6 **7.6 -18.9 **6.3 -20.4 **7.6 -16.8 **5.4
Share of top 10% 0.639 *2.3 0.714 *2.5 0.666 **3.7 0.701 *2.5
Private credit -0.232 1.5 -0.355 *2.1
Private credit residual -0.355 **3.2
Inflation -0.110 1.8
R-squared / NOBS 0.439 75 0.492 75 0.527 75 0.547 73 0.552 72 0.663 72
Adjusted R-squared 0.431 0.485 0.514 0.527 0.532 0.642
S.E. of regression 22.1 21.0 20.4 20.4 20.1 20.0
Log likelihood -337.6 -333.9 -331.2 -321.5 -316.2 -315.4
** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Cross section excluding China, Panama and Thailand
Table 4. Poverty and Financial Depth
(Dependent Variable: $2 per Day Poverty Ratio )
Equation: 4.A 4.B 4.C 4.D 4.E
Dependent variable: Pov2 Pov2 Pov2 Pov2 Pov2
Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat
Constant 267.6 **5.5 273.2 **6.6 273.1 **6.9 311.1 **6.9 255.6 **5.6
GDP per cap lower 90% (log) -20.5 **5.8 -20.9 **6.8 -20.9 **7.1 -24.0 **7.0 -19.6 **5.8
Share of top 10% 0.663 *2.3 0.654 *2.3 0.659 *2.3 0.566 *2.0 0.686 *2.4
Private credit residual -0.357 *2.1 -0.373 *2.1 -0.365 *2.2 -0.427 *2.5 -0.337 1.9
Institutions (KKF) 0.21 0.0 1.65 0.3 1.43 0.4 1.65 1.6 -2.17 0.4
Which institution Corrupt Govteff Polstabl Regqual Rulelaw
R-squared / NOBS 0.552 72 0.553 72 0.553 72 0.569 72 0.553 70
Adjusted R-squared 0.525 0.526 0.527 0.543 0.526
S.E. of regression 20.2 20.2 20.2 19.9 20.2
Log likelihood -316.2 -316.1 -316.0 -314.8 -316.1
** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Cross section excluding China, Panama and Thailand
Table 6. Poverty and Financial Depth: Additional Distributional Variables
(Dependent Variable: $1 and $2 per Day Poverty Ratios)
Equation: 2.A 2.B 2.C 2.D 2.E 2.F
Dependent variable: Pov1 Pov1 Pov1 Pov2 Pov2 Pov2
Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat Coeff. t-Stat
Constant 182.7 **5.5 146.5 **2.5 181.4 **7.3 269.6 **5.4 102.7 1.2 264.4 **7.2
GDP per cap lower 90% (log) -15.4 **8.4 -15.3 **8.3 -15.3 **8.4 -20.5 **7.5 -20.1 **7.7 -15.3 **7.5
Share of top 10% 0.668 **3.2 0.950 *2.2 0.373 0.7 0.672 *2.3 2.005 **3.3 0.300 0.4
Share of second 10% 0.090 0.1 1.228 0.6 -0.182 0.1 5.197 1.8
Share of lowest 10% 3.175 0.7 15.16 *2.5
Gini (hdr) 0.270 0.6 0.690 0.5
Private credit residual -0.353 **3.2 -0.369 **3.3 0.353 **3.2 -0.354 *2.1 -0.369 *2.6 0.356 **2.1
R-squared / NOBS 0.652 70 0.655 70 0.654 70 0.552 72 0.590 72 0.554 72
Adjusted R-squared 0.631 0.628 0.633 0.525 0.559 0.527
S.E. of regression 13.1 13.2 13.1 20.2 19.5 20.2
Log likelihood -277.1 -276.8 -276.9 -316.1 -312.9 -316.0
Pov 1 (2) are the $1 ($2) per Day Poverty Ratios
** and * indicate significance at the 1% and 5% levels, respectively.
Cross section excluding China, Panama and Thailand
View publication stats
Panel B: Sub-aggregates
Depth 1.00 0.49 0.45 0.11
Institutions 0.49 1.00 0.38 0.15
Regulation 0.45 0.38 1.00 -0.11
Ownership 0.11 0.15 -0.11 1.00
Note: For the individual series, the mnemonics in the colums headings are as in the sources. MEANKKZ is the mean of the six KKZ governance indexes.
The sub-aggregates in panel B are computed as follows: Depth is PVTCREDGDP; Institutions is Average of normalized PROPERTYRIGHTS and MEANKKZ;
Regulation is the algebraic sum of OFFICIALPC, CAPINDEXPC, RESTRICTPC and PRIVATEINDEXPC: all except the last with minus sign; Ownership is FOREIGNOWNED
Source: Based on data in Barth, Caprio and Levine, 2002; Kaufmann, Kraay, Mastruzzi, 2003; Levine, Loayza and Beck, 2000; International Financial