6035 L2u206 PPT Outcome1 Part 1

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Unit 206: Domestic hot water systems

Outcome 1 (part 1)
Types of domestic cold water
Types of systems
The Water Regulations (1999)
The Water Regulations Guide (WRAS)
WRAS – Water Regulation Advisory Scheme
Building Regulations Part G
Directory of fittings (WRAS approved)
Types of systems
BS6700 – Design, installation, testing and maintenance

BS8000 pt15 – Workmanship on building sites

(code of practice for hot and cold water services)
Types of systems
Manufacturers’ instructions

These will outline installation requirements, maintenance

and servicing requirements and fault diagnosis, and list
spare parts. They will also list commissioning details, such
as flow rates and maximum temperatures for appliances.
Types of systems
Types of systems
Hot water: Water heated to a specific temperature
for domestic use.
Centralised: Water is heated and/or stored centrally
in the building and is distributed from
that point to all the hot water outlets.
Localised: Water is heated and/or stored locally to
one specific draw-off point area.
Stored: A cylinder of water is heated to
temperature before being distributed to
the hot water outlets.
Instantaneous: Water is heated on demand when hot
water outlets are opened.
Types of systems
Centralised – stored hot water
This is commonly used in a domestic property and uses a
hot water cylinder, centrally located in an airing cupboard,
which is heated by a boiler (or immersion) and distributes
the hot water through the pipework system.

Centralised – instantaneous hot water

This is commonly used in smaller domestic properties and
uses a combination boiler, which heats water on demand
and distributes the hot water through the pipework system.
Types of systems
open vented indirect
gravity system.

This system is not

installed today but is
commonly found in
older properties.
The primary flow and
return from the boiler
relies on convection to
transfer heat from the
boiler to the cylinder.
Types of systems
open vented indirect
pumped primaries.

This system is commonly

installed today. The
primary flow and
return from the boiler
transfers heat from the
boiler to the cylinder by
the use of a pump or
circulator through the
Types of systems
The F&E feeds the
primary circuit of the boiler
This heats up the water
contained within the
cylinder via an indirect coil. .

The CWSC feeds the

secondary circuit – hot
water distribution.
Types of systems
These systems require:
• Boiler
• Primary flow and return pipes
• Heat exchanger coil
• Hot water cylinder
• Cold water storage cylinder
• Feed and expansion cistern
• Open vent pipe
• Cold feed pipe
• Hot distribution pipe
Make sure you can identify these components and describe
their functions.
Types of systems
Direct hot water cylinder
using a boiler.

In this system there is no

heat exchanger coil in the
cylinder. The boiler heats the
water that directly comes
out of the draw off points.
Types of systems
Direct hot water cylinder
using electric immersion heaters.

In this system there is no

heat exchanger coil, instead it
uses two immersion heaters.
They heat the water that directly
comes out of the draw-off points.
Types of systems
Open vented systems

These systems are low pressure systems relying on the

head height of the CWSC to give the system pressure.
They also contain a vent pipe, from the hot water cylinder
which terminates over the cold water storage cistern. This
allows the system to run a atmospheric pressure.

The vent also allows air out of the system when it is filled,
and allows air in the system when it is drained down.
The primary function of the vent is to act as a safety relief
when the system is operational:
•Expansion and contraction on heating and cooling
•Overheating on control failure
Types of systems
Open vented systems

BS6700 recommends that the capacity of the CWSC

feeding a hot water cylinder should be at least the capacity
of the cylinder.

If the CWSC feeds hot and cold, the minimum size is 230

If the CWSC feeds just the hot system, the minimum size is
115 litres.
Types of systems
Important points:
• Minimum size of vent pipe is 22mm
• No valve allowed on vent pipe
• Hot water distribution should rise slightly from the
cylinder and should be at least 450mm long before the
vent pipe connection (one pipe or parasitic circulation)
• Cold feed should be sized according to BS6700. It also
allows for expansion when the cylinder is heated
• CWSC needs to be as high as possible for head
• Cold feed pipe only goes to the cylinder and has a DOV
at the lowest point
As BS6700 states, no
valves should be placed
on the route of the vent

If found, they need to be

Types of systems
Direct or indirect open vented system

In a direct system the hot water cylinder does not have any
form of heat exchanger or coil. In older systems the water
was heated directly by the boiler; in more modern systems
the water is heated by immersion heaters.
Types of systems
Direct or indirect open vented system

In an indirect system the hot water cylinder has an internal

coil, which acts as the heat exchanger to heat the stored
water. These cylinders normally have a back-up immersion.
Types of systems

Coil No coil (immersion) Chamber

Indirect Direct Indirect

double feed single feed
Types of systems
The primary F&R pipework
is normally 22mm unless it
is from a solid fuel boiler,
which would need 28mm

Under part L the heat-up time

Is now 25 minutes. High heat
recovery cylinders will heat
up in 10 minutes.

Cylinder thermostat is positioned

one-third of way up cylinder.
Types of systems
Under BS6700:

• The minimum size of the open vent is 22mm

• The open vent should not have any valves on it
• There should be a minimum distance of 450mm from the
exit of the cylinder to the open vent tee to stop one pipe
• The primary function of the open vent is to act as a
safety relief valve in case of overheating
• On the cold feed from the CWSC to the hot water
cylinder, there should be a fullway gate valve installed
• The minimum size of the cold feed is 22mm
Types of systems
Cylinder support

When installed, cylinders should be placed on two pieces

of wood or a purpose built vented stand, to prevent
condensation forming on the base of the cylinder dome,
thus affecting the floor.
Types of systems
These systems are called double feed systems.

There are two cisterns in the loft area:

• The larger CWSC feeds down to the hot water cylinder
as hot water is drawn off
• The smaller F&E cistern feeds down to the primaries and
tops them up with water as required

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