Categorical Proposition
Categorical Proposition
Categorical Proposition
Categorical Propositions:
By a ‘class’ Aristotle means a collection of all individuals, objects etc that have
some specified characteristic in common. A categorical proposition affirms or
denies a predicate of a subject absolutely. i.e. without any condition. It is
unconditional Proposition. For example: ‘All Chilies are pungent’. The
pungency of chilly is not determined by any condition.
For example:
It is Universal when it refers to all members of the class of the Subject term and
it is Particular when it refers to some members of the class of the Subject term.
For example :
The first proposition is Universal, as in this proposition the subject term i.e. ‘the
class of chess players’ refers to the entire class to which it applies and the
second proposition is Particular, as in this proposition the subject term i.e. ‘the
class of languages’ refers to some members of the class to which it applies.
This proposition asserts that every member of the class of subject term,
‘Teachers’, is a member of another class of predicate term, ‘qualified persons’.
Any Universal Affirmative proposition can be written schematically as follows:
‘All S is P’.
Where the letters ‘S’ and ‘P’ represent the subject and predicate terms,
respectively. This proposition is also called as ‘A’ proposition. It affirms that
the relation of inclusion holds between two classes and says that the inclusion is
complete. (i.e. universal) All members of class ‘S’ are said to be, also the
members of class ‘P’. In other words class S is wholly included in class ‘P’.
This proposition asserts that every member of the class of subject term, ‘Lions’,
is not a member of another class of predicate term, ‘Tigers’. Any Universal
Negative proposition can be written schematically as follows:
‘No S is P’.
Where ‘S’ and ‘P’ represent the subject and predicate terms, respectively. This
‘Some S is P’.
which says that at least one member of class of subject term ‘S’ is also
the member of the class of predicate term ‘P’. This proposition is also called as
‘I’ Proposition. It affirms the relation of inclusion between two classes partially.
It asserts that the class of subject term, ‘S’ is partially included in class of
This proposition asserts that some members of the class of subject term,
‘animals’ are excluded from another class of predicate term ‘Wild beings’. Any
Particular Negative proposition may be schematically written as
‘Some S is not P’, which says that at least one member of the class of subject
term ‘S’ is not the member of the class of predicate term ‘P’. This proposition is
also called as ‘O’ Proposition. It denies the relation of inclusion between two
classes partially. It asserts that the class of subject term, ‘S’ is partially excluded
from the class of predicate term ‘P’.
Inference by Opposition of Propositions:
Opposition of Propositions is the relation between any two kinds of Categorical
propositions having the same subject and predicate terms, but differing in either
Two standard forms of categorical propositions that have the same subject and
predicate terms, but differ from each other in both quantity and quality are
For example: ‘No pilots are Marine Engineers’, is ‘E’ Proposition and
Both the contradictories cannot be true together and the contradictories cannot
be false together.
For example: ‘All artists are creative persons’, is ‘A’ Proposition and
predicate terms but which differ in quality are Sub-contraries. Thus ‘I’
Proposition and ‘O’ Proposition are Sub-contraries.
For example : ‘Some rich men are handsome’, is ‘I’ Proposition and
When two Categorical propositions with the same subject and predicate terms,
agree in quality but differ in quantity, are called corresponding propositions.
Thus ‘A’ Proposition and ‘I’ Propositions are corresponding.
For example: ‘All branded things are expensive’, is ‘A’ Proposition and