BITSAT 2023 Sample Paper

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1. Speed v of a particle moving along a straight 5. An ideal monoatomic gas is carried around the
line, when it is at a distance x from a fixed cycle ABCDA as shown in the figure. The
point on the line is given by v2 = 108 - 9x2 efficiency of the gas cycle is :
(all quantities in S.I. unit). Then
(A) The motion is uniformly accelerated along
the straight line
(B) The magnitude of the acceleration at a dis
tance 3 cm from the fixed point is
0.27 m/s2. (A) 4/21 (B) 2/21 (C) 4/31 (D) 2/31
(C) The motion is simple harmonic about 6. Two monoatomic ideal gas at temperature
T1 and T2 are mixed. There is no loss of energy.
x = 12 m.
If the masses of molecules of the two gases
(D) The maximum displacement from the

are m1 and m2 and number of their molecules
fixed point is 4 cm. are n1 and n2 respectively. The temperature of
2. Assume that the entire surface of a burning the mixture will be :
log of wood is at the same temperature. Some T1 + T2 T1 T2
small spots on the wood appear brighter than (A) n + n (B) n + n
1 2 1 2
the rest of the surface. At such a spot–
(A) there is a small cavity in the wood. n 2T1 + n1T2 n1T1 + n 2T2
(C) n1 + n 2 (D) n1 + n 2
(B) there is a small hump (convex portion) in
the wood. 7. Two identical rooms in a house are connected
(C) less ash has formed than on the rest of the by an open doorway. The temperatures in the
wood. two rooms are maintained at different values.
Which room contains more air?
(D) more ash has formed than on the rest of
the wood. (A) the room with higher temperature
(B) the room with lower temperature
3. The temperature of a body falls from 52°C to
(C) the room with higher pressure
36°C in 10 minutes when placed in a surrounding
of constant temperature 20°C. What will be the (D) neither, because both have the same
temperature of the body after another 10 min. pressure
(Use Newton's law of cooling ) 8. A metallic wire of length L is fixed between
two rigid supports. If the wire is cooled through
(A) 28°C (B) 20°C (C) 32°C (D) 24°C
a temperature difference DT (Y = young’s
2U modulus, r = density, a = coefficient of linear
4. The quantity represents
fkT expansion) then the frequency of transverse
(where U = internal energy of gas) vibration is proportional to :

(A) mass of the gas a Ya

(A) (B)
(B) kinetic energy of the gas rY r

(C) number of moles of the gas

r ra
(D) number of molecules in the gas (C) (D)
Ya Y

E 1 / 15
13. A spherical object is of diameter d and
9. Radiation of wavelength 0 (l0 being the density r. The diameter is such that it equals
De-Broglie wavelengths of the object when
threshold wavelength) is incident on a
the object falls through vacuum, in the
photosensitive metallic sphere of radius R. The
gravitational field of the earth, through a
charge developed on the sphere when electrons
distance d. Then d is equal to :-
cease to be emitted will be :-
1/ 9 1/ 6
4 pe0 Rhc æ 9h 2 ö æ 18h 2 ö
(A) el (A) = ç 2 2 ÷
d (B) = ç 2 2 ÷
0 èp r gø èp r gø

6pe0 Rhc
(B) el 0 1/ 9 1/ 9
æ 6h 2 ö æ 18h 2 ö

(C) d = ç 2 2 ÷ (D) d = ç 2 2 ÷
8pe 0 Rhc èp r gø èp r gø
(C) el 0 14. The strength of magnetic field required to bend
photoelectrons of maximum energy in a circle
12 pe 0 Rhc of radius 50 cm when light of wavelength
(D) el 0 3300 Å is incident on a barium emitter is
6.7 × 10–6 T. The value of charge on the
10. En and Ln represent the total energy and the photoelectrons is obtained from this data is :-
angular momentum of an electron in the nth (Given : Work function of barium = 2.5 eV;
allowed orbit of a hydrogen like atom. Then mass of the electron = 9 × 10–31 kg)
(A) En µ Ln (A) 0.6 × 10–10 C (B) 1.8 × 10–19 C
(B) En µ Ln2 (C) 0.6 × 10–12 C (D) 1.8 × 10–20 C
(C) En µ Ln–1 15. In a hydrogen atom, electron moves from
(D) En µ Ln–2 second excited state to first excited state and
then from first excited state to ground state.
11. The following nuclear reaction is an example Ratio of wavelength is -
12 4
of 6 C + 2H ® 168O + energy 20 15
(A) (B)
3 4
(A) fission (B) fusion
27 5
(C) alpha decay (D) beta decay (C) (D)
5 1
12. A heavy nucleus having mass number 200 gets 16. According to Moseley's law the ratio of the
disintegrated into two small fragments of mass slopes of graph between f and Z for
numbers 80 and 120. If binding energy per
Kb and K a is: (where the symbols have their
nucleon for parent atom is 6.5 MeV and for
usual meaning).
daughter nuclei is 7 MeV and 8 MeV,
respectively, then the energy released in the 32 27
(A) (B)
decay will be :- 27 32

(A) 200 MeV (B) –220 MeV 33 22

(C) (D)
(C) 220 MeV (D) 180 MeV 22 33

2 / 15 E
17. A non viscous liquid of constant density 19. A parallel plate capacitor is connected from a
103 kg/m3 flows in stream line motion along a cell and then isolated from it. Two dielectric
vertical tube PQ of variable cross-section. slabs of dielectric constant K and 2K are now
Height of P and Q are 2m and 2.5m introduce in the region between upper half and
respectively. Area of tube at Q is equal to lower half of the plate (as shown in figure).
3 times the area of tube at ‘P’. Then work done The electric field intensity in upper half of
per unit volume by pressure as liquid flows dielectric is E1 and lower half is E2 then
from P and Q. Speed of liquid at ‘P’ is 3 m/s.

(A) E1 = 2E2

P 2m
(B) Electrostatic potential energy of upper half
is less than that of lower half
(C) Induced charges on both slabs are same
(A) 2000 J/m3 (B) 1000 J/m3
(C) 1500 J/m3 (D) 9000 J/m3 (D) Charge distribution on the plates remains
same after insertion of dielectric
18. A glass capillary tube open at both ends is
20. Constant current I is flowing through a circular
dipped in water, we can see that the water first
coil of radius R. At what distance from the
rises in the tube and finally remains at rest at
centre will the magnetic field (on the axis) be
certain height as shown in figure. If this
maximum :
capillary tube is cut from B then the diagram
of part AB is :- (B is the point where water R
level intersects the tube)

(A) (B) (C) R (D) zero
2 2
21. A conducting wire bent in the form of a
parabola y2 = 2x carries a current i = 2 A as
shown in figure. This wire is placed in a
uniform magnetic field B = -4 k̂ Tesla. The
A A magnetic force on the wire is (in newton)
(A) (B)


(C) (D)
(A) - 16 î (B) 32 î

(C) - 32 î (D) 16 î

E 3 / 15
22. Four wires of equal length are bent in the form
of four loops P, Q, R and S. These are (A)
suspended in a uniform magnetic field and
same current is passed in them. The maximum
torque will act on :-

S (C)

(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S (D)

23. A flexible wire loop in the shape of a circle
has a radius that grows linearly with time. 25. In the figure a slab of refractive index 3/2 is

There is a magnetic field perpendicular to the moved towards an object which is also moving
plane of the loop that has a magnitude inversely with veloicty 10 m/s as shown in the figure.
proportional to the distance from the centre of The velocity of image seen by the observer
1 will be
loop i.e. B ( r ) µ . How does the emf E vary
with time?
(A) E µ t 2 (B) E µ t

(C) E µ t (D) E is constant

24. A uniform and constant magnetic field B is
directed perpendicularly into the plane of the
page everywhere within a rectangular region
as shown in figure. A wire circuit in the shape
of a semicircle is uniformly (that is with (A) 12 m/s (B) 8 m/s
uniform angular speed) rotated counter (C) 10 m/s (D) 18 m/s
clockwise in the plane of the page about an
26. Maximum and minimum radii of given
axis A. The axis A is perpendicular to the page
3 5

at the edge of the field and directed through cylindrical conductor PQ are r1 and r2 then
the centre of the straight line portion of the current through the battery will be
circuit. Which of the following graphs best (r- resistivity)
approximates the emf E induced in the circuit
as a function of time t? pEr1 r2
(A) rl l

(B) rl
pEr1 r2
(C) 2rl E

(D) None

4 / 15 E
27. A circular portion is cut of a disc of thickness 30. A man weighing 60 kg stands on the horizontal
t, its resistivity is r and radii of disc are a and b platform of spring balance. The platform starts
(b > a). A potential difference is maintained executing simple harmonic motion of
between outer and inner cylindrical surfaces 2
amplitude 0.1 m and frequency Hz . Which
of the disc. What is resistance of the disc ? p
of the following statement, is most correct :-

V O a

r æbö æ1 1ö (A) The springs balance reads the weight of

(A) ln ç ÷ (B) r ç - ÷
2pt è a ø èa bø man as 60 kg

(B) The spring balance reading fluctuates
æ1 1 ö r æ b2 - a 2 ö between 60 kg and 70 kg
(C) 2prt ç 2 - 2 ÷ (D) 2pt ç ab ÷ (C) The spring balance reading fluctuates
èa b ø è ø
between 50 kg and 60 kg
28. In the circuit shown in figure :- (D) The spring balance reading fluctuates
between 50 kg and 70 kg
31. If Aufbau's rule is not followed and electron
filling is done shell after shell, then number of
unpaired electrons present in copper will be
6W (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
B 32. Ionisation energy is highest for .....
– – – –
3W 30V (A) F (B) Cl (C) Be (D) S
33. Which of the following statement is
(A) Power supplied by the battery is 300 W INCORRECT ?
(B) Current flowing in the circuit is 5 A (A ) DHe.g value of noble gases are negative
(C) Potential difference across 4 W resistance (B) Si is diagonally related to B.
is not equal to the potential difference (C) The element which have higher negative
across 6 W resistance DH eg. act as strong oxidising agent
(D) Current in wire AB is zero (D) H+ and Cs+ are the smallest and largest
29. A particle of mass m executes SHM according cation in periodic table respectively
34. If x, y, z represents the bond length of P–O
d x linkage as in a given ion, then which order is
to the equation + kx = 0 . Its time period
dt 2 CORRECT in given options.
will be: O
2p m H2PO 3 H – P –y O
– –

(A) (B) 2p
k k x
(A) x > y > z (B) x = y > z
(C) 2 pk (D) 2p k
(C) x > y = z (D) x = y = z

E 5 / 15
35. (I) PH4I + KOH ¾¾
® 40. Which of the following methods are used for
D removal of temporary hardness only :-
(II) 4H3PO3 ¾¾ ®
(A) Boiling (B) Clark's
(III) 2H3PO2 ¾¾
® (C) Zeolite (D) Both (A) and (B)
(IV) P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O ¾ ¾
® 41. Air pollutants that produce photochemical
Which of the following product is common in smog -
above four reaction. (A) Ozone, chlorine and sulphur dioxide
(A) PH3 (B) H3PO4 (B) Oxygen, chlorine and nitric acid
(C) P4O6 (D) P2O5 (C) Nitrous oxide, PAN and acrolein
36. Pick the INCORRECT match for given (D) CO2, CO and SO2
reactants and products (ignore balancing) : 42. Deficiency of vitamin E causes
(A) BaCl2 + K2Cr2O7 + KOH ® BaCrO4 + (A) Scurvy

KCl + H2O (B) Loss of appetite
(B) KCl + K2Cr2O7 (aq.) + conc. H2SO4 ® (C) Loss of sexual power
CrO2Cl2 + KHSO4 + H2O
(D) Beri beri
(C) HCl + KMnO4 ® Cl2 + KCl + MnCl2 +
43. Relation between (A) and (B) is :
H2 O
(D) H 2O 2 + KMnO 4 +H 2SO 4 ® K 2SO 4 + CH2–OH CH2–OH
MnSO4 + O2 + H2O O O
37. Which of the following complex shows optical (A) (B)
activity ?
(A) trans-[Co(ox)2Cl2]3–
(B) [Co(NH3)3Cl3] (A) Epimers
(C) [Fe(edta)]– (B) Anomers
(D) cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (C) Positional isomers
38. What is the hybridisation of central atom of (D) Functional isomers
sodium nitroprusside :- OH
(A) sp d
3 2
(B) d sp
2 3
(C) sp d
(D) sp 3
39. Which one is most appropriate scheme for 44. Product ; Product is :
extraction of Al from bauxite ?
(A) Hydraulic washing ® Calcination ® OH OH
Hoope's process ® Hall-Heroult process
(A) (B)
(B) Leaching ® Rosting ® Hall-Heroult
process ® Hoope's process Br
(C) Leaching ® ppt ® Calcination ®

Hall-Heroult process ® Hoope's process Br Br
Br Br
(D) Leaching ® Calcination ® (C) (D)
Hoope's process ® Hall-Heroult process
Br Br

6 / 15 E
45. What is the product formed when acetylene 51. 200 units of energy is required to take away
reacts with hypochlorous acid: electron from the lowest energy level to
(A) CH3COCl (B) ClCH2CHO infinity. The energy released when electron
(C) Cl2CHCHO (D) ClCH2COOH falls from infinite level to the second shell
46. Which of the following represent electrophile: (Assuming Bohr model to be applicable) will
(A) NaOH (B) CH3MgX be -
(C) BF3 (D) NH3 (A) 100 units (B) 400 units
47. (C) 50 units (D) 25 units
52. In the equilibrium ;
A– + H2O HA + OH–(Ka = 1.0 × 10–5)
The degree of hydrolysis of 0.001 M solution
of the salt is

(A) 10–5 (B) 10–4 (C) 10–3 (D) 10–6
53. The increasing order of effusion among the
Reaction I and II are:
st nd
gases, H2, O2, NH3 and CO2 is –
(A) Both SN1 (B) Both SN2 (A) H2, CO2, NH3, O2
(C) (I) SN1, (II) SN2 (D) (I) SN2, (II) SN1 (B) H2, NH3, O2, CO2
O (C) H2, O2, NH3, CO2

48. Cl ¾¾¾
H2 + Pd
® (D) CO2, O2, NH3, H2
BaSO 4
54. According to Freundlich adsorption isotherm,
which of the following is correct ?
The above reaction is known as
(A) Etard reaction x
(A) µ p0
(B) Rosenmund's reduction m
(C) Friedel craft reaction
(D) Clemmensen's reduction (B) µ p1
49. Which of the following pair can not distinguish
by given test ? x
(C) µ p1/ n
(4) All the above are correct for different ranges
(a) (b) (c)
of pressure
(A) (a) & (b) ® Tollen's test
55. What are the value of p, q, r and s for the
(B) (b) & (c) ® Haloform test following reaction
(C) (a) & (c) ® Fehling test p O3 + q HI ¾¾
® r I2 + s H2O
(D) (b) & (c) ® Aq. NaHSO3
(A)1, 6, 3, 1 (B) 1, 6, 3, 3
50. Natural rubber is also called as
(C) 1, 6, 6, 3 (D) 1, 6, 3, 6
(A) cis-1, 4-polyisoprene
56. Number of lines when an electron return from
(B) trans-1, 4-polyisoprene 5th orbit to ground state in H-spectrum
(C) cis-1, 4-neoprene (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 10
(D) trans-1, 4-neoprene
E 7 / 15
57. For the nuclear reaction ; DIRECTIONS (Q.63-64): Read the
AX A– 8 Y ; t1/2= 1600 yrs. following sentences and find out the error in
Z Z– 4 the underlined phrasal verb. Mark the correct
If initial activity was 107 dps, how many phrasal verb from the given options:
a-particles will be emitted per second after
63. Due to some minor issues, the committee called
4800 years ?
(A) 1.25 × 106 s–1 (B) 2.5 × 106 s–1 away the meeting.
(C) 1.25 × 107 s–1 (D) None (A) Called off (B) Called in
58. Calculate the value of Avagadro number from (C) Called upon (D) Called out
the following data : 64. When we hit the main city road, it was snarled
Density of NaCl = 2.165 g cm –3 , on.
distance between Na + and Cl – ions in
(A) Snarled out (B) Snarled up
NaCl crystal = 281 pm.
(C) Snarled in (D) Snarled at
(A) 1.52 × 1023 (B) 3.04 × 1023
DIRECTIONS (Q.65-68): Read the

(C) 6.09 × 1023 (D) 12.18 × 1023
59. 4 moles of HI is taken in a 1 litre closed vessel following passage carefully and mark the
and heated till equilibrium is reached. correct answer for the questions given below:
At equilibrium, the concentration of H 2 is Born out of the forces of globalisation, India's
1 mol lit–1. What is the equilibrium constant for IT sector is undertaking some globalisation of
2HI ® H2 + I2. its own. In search of new sources of rapid
(A) 4 (B) 0.5 (C) 2 (D) 0.25 growth, the country's outsourcing giants are
60. When 1.0gm equivalent of each acid HA and aggressively expanding beyond their usual
HB are neutralized separately by NaOH the stomping grounds into the developing world;
amount of heat released are 43kJ and 27 kJ setting up programming centres, chasing new
respectively. Which of the following is clients and hiring local talent. Through
incorrect geographic diversification, Indian companies
(A) Both HA and HB are weak acids hope to regain some momentum after the
(B) Ionisation constant of HA is greater than recession. This shift is being driven by a global
HB economy in which the US is no longer the
(C) Enthalpy of ionisation of HB is greater than undisputed engine of growth. India's IT powers
HA rose to prominence largely on the decisions
(D) Enthalpy of ionisation of HA is greater made by American executives, who were
than HB quick to capitalize on the cost savings to be
61. The businessmen at the gala were so gained by outsourcing noncore operations,
self-obsessed that they considered every service
such as systems programming and call centres,
person inferior than them.
to specialists overseas.
(A) Inferior to them
Revenues in India's IT sector surged from
(B) Inferiorer than them
$4 billion in 1998 to $59 billion last fiscal, But
(C) Inferiorer to them
with the recession NASSCOM forecasts that
(D) No change
62. Janie visited us along with her adorable the growth rate of India's exports of IT and
daughter who, I must say, is naiver than smart. other business services to the US and Europe
(A) Naiver and smart will drop to at most 7% in the current fiscal
(B) More naïve than smart year, down from 16% last year and 29% in
(C) Naiver and smarter 2007-08.
(D) No change Factors other than the crisis are driving India's

8 / 15 E
IT firms into the emerging world. Although 67. According to the passage, which of the
the US still accounts for 60% of the export following is NOT a difficulty that Indian IT
revenue of India's IT sector, emerging markets firms will face in emerging markets?
are growing faster. Tapping these more (A) Mindset resistant to outsourcing
dynamic economies won't be easy, however. (B) Local IT services are equally cost-effective
(C) The US is their preferred outsourcing
The goal of Indian IT firms for the past
30 years has been to woo clients outside India
(D) Conflicts arising during the training of local
and transfer as much of the actual work as talent
possible back home, where lower wages for 68. Which of the following words is most opposite
highly skilled programmers allowed them to in meaning to the word 'UNDISPUTED' as
offer significant cost savings. With costs in used in the passage?
other emerging economies equally low, Indian (A) Challenging (B) Doubtful
firms can't compete on price alone. (C) Deprived (D) Comprehend
DIRECTIONS (Q.93): Read the following

To adapt, Indian companies which are
relatively unknown in these emerging nations phrase and mark the option that explains it the
are establishing major local operations around best:
the world, in the process hiring thousands of 69. A great work of art
(A) Machete (B) Militia
locals. Cultural conflicts arise at times while
(C) Moccasin (D) Magnum opus
training new recruits. In addition, IT firms also
DIRECTIONS (Q.94-95): The following
have to work extra hard to woo business from questions have a set of four statements. You
emerging-market companies still have to figure out the correct order in which
unaccustomed to the concept of outsourcing. these statements should be arranged for the
If successful, the future of India's outsourcing paragraph to make sense.
sector could prove as bright as it's past. 70. (A) A community cannot long survive on
65. What is the author trying to convey through hatred alone.
the phrase "India's IT sector is undertaking (B) The main basis of the creation of Pakistan
some globalization of its own"? was the hatred of the Hindus.
(A) India has usurped America's position as (C) And on that poison, they have tried to live.
the leader in IT. (D) I have therefore been driven powerfully,
to my central thesis that we shall come
(B) The Indian IT sector is competing with
together again, precisely because we hate
other emerging nations for American
each other too deeply to be parted: a reflex
business. index of the deep fraternity that is
(C) The Indian IT sector is considering embedded in the blood stream of both the
outsourcing to developing economies. communities.
(D) Indian IT firms are engaging in expanding (A) ABCD b) DCBA
their presence internationally. (C) BACD d) CDAB
66. What do the NASSCOM statistics about 71. Select the correct option to replace the question
Indian IT exports indicate? mark in the given figure.
(A) Drop in demand for IT services by Europe
and the US 15
3 4 14 2 1
(B) Indian IT firms charge exorbitantly for their
services. 19 6 ? 17
(C) India has lost out to other emerging IT hubs 5
(D) The Indian IT sector should undergo (A) 22 (B) 16 (C) 10 (D) 20
E 9 / 15
72. Choose the figure to complete the given 75. Choose the correct option to replace the
pattern. question mark in the given series.

1, ?, 2, 22, 3, 32, 4, 42
? (A) 4 (B) 12 (C) 3 (D) 2

76. Select the correct option to replace the question

(A) (B) mark in the given figure.
(C) (D)
73. Identify the figure that completes the given 8 15
figure matrix.
14 ? 5 11 48 6

21 7

? 27 5

(A) (B) 1 43 4 7 39 12

2 19
(C) (D)

74. Identify the figure (out of Figures A, B C and D) (A) 33 (B) 34

that most closely resembles the unfolded for
(C) 35 (D) 36
of the figure Z (after cutting out the shaded
part out of it). 77. Identify the set of figures which follows the
given rule.

Rule: The series becomes complex as it

Fig. W Fig. X


Fig. Y Fig. Z (B)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

10 / 15 E
78. Trace out the figure (out of the four given 85. Directions : A cube of side 4 cm. is painted
options) which contains fig. X as its part. red on the pair of one opposite surfaces, green
on the pair of another opposite surfaces and
one pair of opposite surfaces is left unpairted.
Now the cube is divided into 64 smaller cubes
of side 1 cm. each.
Fig. X (A) (B) (C) (D)
How many smaller cubes have two surfaces
79. Choose the word which is different from the painted ?
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 24
(A) February (B) May 86. Count the no. of triangles in the given figure:
(C) December (D) March
80. Select the correct group of letters from the

given options to replace the question mark in
the given analogy.
Pragmatic: Quixotic :: Murky : ?

(A) Clear (B) Rapid

(A) 24 (B) 28 (C) 29 (D) 42
(C) Friendly (D) Cloudy
87. Between 2 o'clock to 10 o'clock, how many
81. Neelam, who is Rohit’s daughter, says to Indu, times the hands of a clock are at right angle ?
“Your mother Reeta is the younger sister of my
(A) 14 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 15
father, who is the third child of Sohanji.” How
is Sohanji related to Indu ? 88. In the given figure, A is 300 km eastward of O
and B is 400 km North of O, C is exactly in
(A) Maternal-uncle (B) Grandfather
the middle of B and A. The distance between
(C) Father (D) Father-in-law B and C is:
82. What is the no. of dots on the face opposite to
(A) 250 km (B) 250 2 km
that containing 2 dots in the given dice ?
(C) 300 km (D) 350 km
89. Complete the given series
4, 9, 13, 22, 35, ?

(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6 (A) 57 (B) 70 (C) 63 (D) 75

90. In the row of boys, Sanjay is seventh from the
83. If OX is coded as 39. What will be the code
left and Rohit is twelth fromt he right, If they
no. for LION ?
interchange their positions, Sanjay becomes
(A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 38 (D) 50 twenty-second from the left. How many boys
are these in a row ?
84. Which of the following year was leap year ?
(A) 19 (B) 31
(A) 1000 (B) 1800
(C) 33 (D) cannot found
(C) 1200 (D) 1400

E 11 / 15
91. The values of x, for which the 6th term in the 97. If the length of subnormal is equal to the length
of subtangent at any point on the curve
ì 1 log 4 x + 5 ü y = ƒ (x) and the tangent at (3, 4) to y = ƒ (x)
ï 3 5( ) 1 ï
expansion of í5 + 1 ý is 168,
ïî 55
log5 (2 x +1 )
ïþ meets the positive coordinate axes at A and B,
then area of DOAB, where O is origin, is -
is equal to -
25 9
(A) 1, 3 (B) 1, 2 (A) (B)
2 2
(C) 0, 1 (D) 0, 2
1 49
92. X-component of ar is twice its Y-component . (C)
If the magnitude of the vector is 5 2 and it 98. If one root of equation Ax2 + Bx + C = 0,
makes an angle of 135° with z-axis then the where A, B, C Î R is 2i then value of B3
vector is : (A3 – C3)-

(A) 2 3 , 3 , - 3 (B) 2 6 , 6 , - 6 (A) (B) –8
(C) 2 5 , 5 , - 5 (D) none of these (C) 0 (D) 4
99. The length of the normal at 't' on the curve
93. If the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2ƒy + c = 0
x = a(t + sint), y = a(1 – cost) is :-
bisects the circumference of the circle
x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 11 = 0, then the area of t t t
(A) tan (B) 2a sin cos
equilateral triangle taking common chord as 2 2 2

side of the triangle will be :- t t

(C) 2a sin 2 sec (D) asint
2 2
(A) 16 3 sq. units (B) 4 3 sq. units
100. If f(x) = x + c, then f(1), f(2), f(3),.......,
(C) 8 3 sq. units (D) 8 sq. units n

94. If sinx + cosecx = 2, where x is acute angle

f(n) is an A.P., then å f(x) and common
x =1

then the value of sin3x + cosec3x is equal to- difference are:

(A) 4 (B) 1
n (n + 2 c + 1) n (n + c) 1
(C) 2 (D) 8 (A) , 1 (B) ,
2 2 2
95. If a, b, c are in A.P., then for the equation
n (n + 2 c) 1
3ax2 – 4bx + c = 0 - (C) ,- (D) none of these
2 2
(A) both roots are negative 101. If the length of chord AB is 4 (as shown in
(B) both roots are of opposite sign adjacent figure), then find the area of shaded
(C) both roots lies in (0, 1) region -
(D) at least one root lies in (0, 1)
96. If a 1, a 2, a 3, .... are in A.P. such that,
a1 + a5 + a10 + a15 + a20 + a24 = 225, then
a1 + a2 + a3 + .... + a 23 + a24 is equal to : B

(A) 909 (B) 75 p

(A) (B) p
(C) 750 (D) 900
(C) p + 1 (D) 2 p
12 / 15 E
102. If each pair of the equation x2 + ax + b = 0, 107. Let ƒ : A ® B be a function such that
x2 + bx + c = 0 and x2 + cx + a = 0 has a
ì xln cos x
different common root, then product of all æ p pö ï x¹0
A º ç- , ÷ & ƒ (x) = í ln(1 + x2 ) . The
common roots can be - è 2 2ø ï0 x=0
(A) abc (B) 2 abc set of points where ƒ (x) is differentiable is -
(C) ab + bc + ca (D) 2 ab + bc + ca (A) A–{0} (B) A
(C) A–{1, 0} (D) A–{–1,1,0}
103. Number of rational roots of the equation
x3 – 3x + 1 = 0 2 cos x - sin 2 x - cos x
108. ¦(x) = ; g(x) = e
(p - 2 x)2
8x - 4p
(A) 0 (B) 1
h(x) = ¦(x) for x < p/2
(C) 2 (D) 3
= g(x) for x > p/2

1 1 then which of the following holds ?
104. If z & w satisfy z + = w + as well as
z w
(A) h is continuous at x = p/2

= w+
1 (B) h has an irremovable discontinuity at
, then |z2 – w2| is equal to -
w z x = p/2
(C) h has a removable discontinuity at
(A) 1 (B) 2
x = p/2
(C) 0 (D) none of these
æ p+ ö æ p- ö
105. Cards are drawn one by one without (D) ¦ çè ÷ø = g çè ÷ø
2 2
replacement at random from a well shuffled
pack of 52 cards until 2 clubs are obtained for 109. The points (l + 1, 1), (2l + 1, 3) and
(2l + 2, 2l) are collinear, if :-
the first time, for this 5 draws are required. The
probability that 6th card is an Ace of heart is - 1
(A) l = –1, 2 (B) l = ,2
13 39 C 3 13 38 C 3 1
(A) . (B) .
(C) l = 2, 1 (D) l = - , 2
1 88 52 C 4 1 88 52 C 4 2

C2 3 9 C 3 13
C2 38 C 3 b
(C) . (D) . ex/ a b b/ x
C 5 47 C1 52
C 5 47 C 1 110. If I1 = ò dx and I2 = ò dx , then :-
x a

106. If in a group of five married couples each male (A) I1 > I2 (B) I1 < I2
shakes hand with exactly one female similarly (C) I1 = I2 (D) aI1 = bI2
each female shakes hand with exactly one male,
then the probability that no husband shake 111. A committee of 5 is to be chosen from group
hands with his own wife, is - of 9 people. Number of ways in which it can
be formed if 2 particular persons either serve
23 11 together or not at all and 2 other particular
(A) (B) 2 5
24 persons refuse to serve with each other is -
1 19 11 (A) 41 (B) 36
(C) 1 20 (D) 3 0
(C) 47 (D) 76

E 13 / 15

2 é x 3x - y ù é3 2 ù
112. If the value of the integral
ò e dx is a , 117. If ê ú = ê ú , then -
ë zx + z 3 y - w û ë4 7 û

e4 (A) x = 3 , y = 7 , z = 1 , w = 14
then the value of ò ln x dx is :
e (B) x = 3 , y = –5 , x = – 1 , w = – 4

(A) e4 - e - a (B) 2 e4 - e - a (C) x = 3 , y = 6 , z = 2 , w = 7

(C) 2 (e4 - e) - a (D) none (D) none of these
113. A tea party is arranged for 16 people along
two sides of a large table with 8 chairs on each y + ¥ dy
118. If x = e y+ e , x > 0 then is -
side. Four men want to sit on one particular
side and two on the other side. The number of x 1+ x
ways in which they can be seated is (A) (B)

1+ x x

6 !8 !1 0 ! 8 !8 !1 0 ! 1- x 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 !6 ! 4 !6 ! x x

8 !8 !6 !
119. If f(x) = nlim (1 + x) (1 + x 2 ) (1 + x2 )
(C) (D) none of these
6 !4 ! ®¥

(1 + x2 )......(1 + x2 ) where |x| < 1, then -

3 n

114. Let m be a positive integer &

1 1
2r -1 m
Cr 1 (A) (B)
1-x 1+x
Dr= m - 1 m +1
(0£r£ m) , 1 1
sin 2
( )
m 2
sin (m) sin 2 (m + 1)
2 (C)
1 – x2
1 + x2

m dy
å D r is given by : 120. Let y = x + x + x + ......¥ then is not
then the value of dx
r =0
equal to -
(A) 0 (B) m2 - 1
(C) 2m (D) 2m sin2 (2m) 1 x
(A) 2 y - 1 (B) x - 2 y
115. If A is a matrix of order 3 × 4 , then both
ABT and BTA are defined if order of B is 1 y
(C) (D) 2 x + y
(A) 3 × 3 (B) 4 × 4 1 + 4x
(C) 4 × 3 (D) 3 × 4
116. The absolute value of the determinant ¥
e -1 / x
121. If ò e dx = a , then the value of òx
- x2
dx is -
0 0 x
-1 2 1
3 +2 2 2 +2 2 1 is : 7a
3 -2 2 2 -2 2 1 (A) a2 (B)

(A) 16 2 (B) 8 2 5a 2a
(C) (D)
2 5
(C) 8 (D) none

14 / 15 E
122. The eccentricity of the ellipse which meets the p
125. If |tan–1x| + |cot–1x|= , then x belongs to :-
x y
straight line + =1 on the axis of x and the (A) [0, ¥) (B) (–¥, 0)
7 2
(C) (–¥, ¥) (D) none of these
x y ì x xÎI ìx - 1 xÎI
straight line - =1 on the axis of y and
3 5 126. Let ƒ(x) = í x - 1 x Ï I, g(x) = í x xÏI
î î
whose axes lie along the axes of coordinates, (ƒ + g)–1(0) is-
is - (A) –1 (B) 0
3 2 2 6 (C) 2 (D)
(A) (B) 2
7 7
127. ò lnx dx + 2 ò xdx is equal to -

(C) (D) none of these (A) x3 lnx + c (B) x2lnx + c

x 2 lnx
123. cosec–1(cosx) is real if - (C) +c (D) xlnx + c
(A) x Î [–1, 1] 128. Equation of the chord of the hyperbola
(B) x Î R 25x2 – 16y2 = 400 which is bisected at the
point (6, 2) is -
(C) x is an odd multiple of (A) 16x–75y=418 (B) 75x–16y=418
(C) 25x–4y = 400 (D) none of these
(D) x is a multiple of p
æ 1ö 1
124. If the function f : [1, ¥) ® [1, ¥) is defined 129. ò çè 2 x + x ÷ø sin x dx is equal to :-
by f(x) = 2x(x – 1), then f –1(x) is -
1 1 1
x(x -1 ) (A) x2 sin + x cos + c (B) x cos + c
x x x
(A) çè ÷ø
(C) x2 cos + c (D) none of these
(B) 1 + 1 + 4 log2 x
) 130. The maximum value of coefficient of xy2z3 in
the expansion of (x cosecq + y cosq + z sinq)6,
(1 - 1 + 4 log2 x ) where q ¹ np, n Î I, is -
(A) 15 (B) 30
(D) Not defined (C) 45 (D) 60

E 15 / 15

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