Factors For Team Satisfaction

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Factors influencing Cross-functional teams (CFTs) are being

product development used 70-75 per cent of the time for new
team satisfaction product development (NPD) (Cooper and
Kleinschmidt, 1994; Griffin, 1997). Despite
the attractiveness of such teams, many
Gloria Barczak and companies and managers are finding it
David Wilemon difficult to create teams that are effective.
Effectiveness is partly a function of team
members being satisfied with their team and
their project. Not surprisingly, most of the
elements driving team member satisfaction
and thereby, team effectiveness, are
controllable by senior management and team
leaders. The challenge is identifying those
The authors drivers so that appropriate actions can be
taken to establish teams with a greater
Gloria Barczak is Associate Professor of Marketing,
probability of success.
Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
This article reports the results of 71
David Wilemon is Director, Earl V. Snyder Innovation
interviews with members of NPD teams from
Management Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse,
a variety of industries. Our emphasis is on the
New York, USA.
factors that influence team member
satisfaction and the actions managers need to
Keywords take to ensure that these drivers are fully
Teams, New product development, Effectiveness, implemented.

Abstract Methodology
The increasing use of cross-functional teams for new
In-depth interviews using a structured
product development (NPD) belies the difficulty managers
protocol were conducted with 71 members of
face in creating teams that are truly effective.
NPD teams in 18 diverse technology-based
Effectiveness depends, in part, on having members who
are satisfied with their team and their project. This article
companies. These companies were drawn
reports the results of 71 interviews with members of NPD
from a variety of industries including medical
teams, with a particular focus on the drivers of team
technology, software, electronics, industrial
member satisfaction. These drivers include: team
automation, telecommunications,
characteristics, clear project goals, clarity about biotechnology, and computer hardware.
evaluation and rewards, effective leadership, Particular firms were chosen due to their
management support, and manageable levels of conflict long-time use of cross-functional NPD teams,
and stress. To create satisfied team members, we discuss their accessibility to the researchers, and their
actions that can be taken at the senior management, willingness to participate in the study.
project leader and team member level. Individual team members were selected for
similar reasons. All interviews were tape-
recorded and transcribed. The average length
Electronic access
of each interview was about one and a half
The research register for this journal is available at hours. All individuals and companies were
http://www.mcbup.com/research_registers based in the USA.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is About 68 percent of respondents were from
available at engineering while the remaining 32 percent of
http://www.emerald-library.com/ft team members were from other functional
areas such as marketing, quality assurance,
and manufacturing. About 54 percent of team
members had bachelor’s degrees while 34
European Journal of Innovation Management
Volume 4 . Number 1 . 2001 . pp. 32±36 percent had Master’s degrees. Team
# MCB University Press . ISSN 1460-1060 members had been with their company an
Factors influencing product development team satisfaction European Journal of Innovation Management
Gloria Barczak and David Wilemon Volume 4 . Number 1 . 2001 . 32±36

average of ten years. The average length of an others on the team. Thus, team members
NPD project was 1.8 years with a range from need to possess several different
one to five years. interpersonal skills as well as functional
expertise to be effective.
(2) Setting clear project goals that are
Drivers of team member satisfaction communicated to and understood by team
members pays off in greater focus and thus,
Six key factors from our study were identified greater satisfaction.
as drivers of team member satisfaction. They Lack of clear project goals and
are: continual shifting of goals makes it
(1) team characteristics; difficult for the team to know how to
(2) clear project goals; proceed. It leads to frustration and
(3) clarity about evaluation and rewards; dissatisfaction and ultimately, less
(4) effective leadership; successful project outcomes. Team
(5) management support; members desire to know the project’s
(6) manageable levels of conflict and stress. purpose, the goals of the project as well as
Let us now consider each driver with evidence their role in accomplishing these.
of both good and poor practice within the Moreover, they need stable goals, which
companies studied and the implications for they can continually use as a guide to
management: keep them on-track and focused.
(1) Team characteristics are critical to team (3) Clearly articulating how team members are
member satisfaction. Positive characteristics evaluated and rewarded is crucial to team
such as sharing a common purpose, having a member satisfaction.
team orientation and members with the Most NPD team members are
‘‘right’’ skill mix lead to greater satisfaction. uncertain as to how they are evaluated
Team members who have a shared and/or rewarded. Firms rarely specify
understanding of a common goal are NPD or any other performance
aligned in their efforts to achieve that evaluation criteria or the reward for good
goal. Clear roles and responsibilities help performance. Although the types of
keep each member focused on their reviews and rewards vary, we found that
specific task and provide a sense of how team members are most frustrated by the
their task fits into the ‘‘big picture’’. lack of knowledge and understanding
Teams require members who are they have about the evaluation and
cooperative and get along with others. reward systems for new product
They thrive with members who put the development work.
needs of the team and the project before To do their jobs well, NPD team
their own needs and agendas. members require clear communication of
Effective team members possess a set of evaluation and reward criteria,
skills that facilitate their functioning in a mechanisms and procedures. Members
team environment. Although expertise in need to know who is doing the evaluation
one’s functional area is necessary, it is not (i.e. their functional manager or the NPD
sufficient for being a member of a team. project leader), what the criteria are (i.e.
We found that team members also need contribution to functional group or
to have effective work-styles which means contribution to the NPD project/team),
they have a strong work ethic, are and the specifics of the rewards for good
disciplined, determined and motivated. performance (i.e. keeping one’s job,
In other words, effective team members bonus/raise, recognition, attaboys).
are committed to a common objective (4) Effective team leaders possess a variety of
and will do what it takes to achieve that skills important to enhancing team member
objective. satisfaction.
Strong communication skills are also One important characteristic of an
important to effective team members. effective leader is the ability to manage
Our interviews noted that members must the team. This includes taking actions
be willing and able to share ideas, listen, that serve to motivate, coordinate and
and be open-minded about the views of facilitate team members in their efforts.
Factors influencing product development team satisfaction European Journal of Innovation Management
Gloria Barczak and David Wilemon Volume 4 . Number 1 . 2001 . 32±36

Leaders also need skill in managing the (6) Manageable levels of conflict reduce the
process/project itself. It is important that amount of stress experienced by team
they set schedules, define roles and members and, thus, increase satisfaction.
responsibilities, organize and manage The primary conflict experienced by
meetings, establish budgets and review NPD teams is conflict between them and
performance. senior management or between the team
Personal qualities of the leader are also and other organizational units (functional
important to team member satisfaction. departments). Our interviews indicated
Traits such as being approachable, that friction with senior management
respected, motivated, visionary and easy centers around policies and procedures,
to work with are qualities highly regarded support, and resources over which the
by team members. Leaders who possess team has little control. For example, the
such valued personal qualities may project schedule is a primary source of
command more respect and cooperation, conflict between the team and senior
thereby enhancing the team’s management. This conflict leads to a high
effectiveness. In addition, such leaders degree of stress on individual team
may attract individuals with the proper members and the team to get the project
mix of task and interpersonal skills to completed quickly in spite of resource
improve the team’s performance constraints and technical difficulties.
Although leaders need strong technical Discord between the teams and other
skills, these alone are not sufficient for organizational units generally takes the
effectiveness. Thus, leaders need to possess form of politics or turf battles.
three sets of skills: interpersonal, project Team members also experience
management, and technical. Through conflict around teamwork. Strife around
effective utilization of these skills, the team teamwork stems from interpersonal
leader is able to motivate team members, conflicts and ineffective communication
generate involvement, manage conflict between members as well as having
constructively, manage the environment of members with ‘‘big egos’’ who put
the team, and overall, achieve continuous themselves before the team and/or the
levels of satisfactory behavior. project. Such conflicts can lead to finger
(5) Support from senior management in the form pointing; members not pulling their
of clear goals and priorities, adequate weight on the team; and withdrawal by
resources, appropriate schedule, and a sense some team members. These interpersonal
of commitment to the project engender conflicts lead to stress. Thus teamwork –
satisfaction. learning how to work together as a team –
Lack of senior management support is can be a major source of stress.
a common source of team member Another source of conflict emanates
dissatisfaction. Support deficiencies from the task itself. Shifting goals,
include having unclear goals and priorities and schedules cause conflict. So
priorities, inadequate resources, do roadblocks such as not being able to
unattainable schedules, and a lack of solve technical issues quickly or
commitment by senior management. We completely.
found that one of the greatest frustrations We found that conflict between the
of team members is thinking that their team and management, between the team
project is not of value to the company or and other units, and between team
of interest to senior management. members has a greater impact on team
Team members need to know that members than conflict about the task.
management supports their project. This However, too much conflict can result in
must be done not simply through words negative feelings about the project,
but through actions. For example, frustration, stress and apathy. These
management can show commitment by feelings, in turn, often negatively affect
knowing the status of the project, talking morale and commitment to the project.
with team members about problems and Negative feelings about the project can
issues, and by providing requisite also affect the quality of work. Thus,
resources when a strong, logical rationale conflict can lead to poor direction, poor
is offered. coordination and communication
Factors influencing product development team satisfaction European Journal of Innovation Management
Gloria Barczak and David Wilemon Volume 4 . Number 1 . 2001 . 32±36

between members, lower quality work, a clear signal that both skills are
and more mistakes and errors. Clearly, important.
these negative results can create even . Improve how team members are evaluated
more conflict resulting in even lower and rewarded for their NPD efforts and
quality project work. It is important, clearly communicate this to NPD personnel.
therefore, for team members and their Although the intrinsic challenge of an
leaders to deal with the conflict so that NPD project can be highly rewarding,
this iterative cycle does not spiral into team members’ comments suggest that
deeper and deeper negativity. knowledge of how they are evaluated and
rewarded is important to their behavior
and motivation towards the project.
What can be done?
. Be aware of the causes of stress and develop
activities to help team members deal with
To create satisfied team members, several stress. The fact that the very process of
actions must be taken at the senior team membership is stressful to team
management, project leader and team members implies that activities that focus
member level. Specific recommendations at on team building, communication, stress
each level are discussed below. management, and healthy living can help
members manage stress.
Implications for senior management
. Build an organizational culture that supports Implications for team leaders
teamwork. This can be achieved by: . Develop, manage, and sustain the team’s
creating models of effective teamwork relationship with senior management. Since
and sharing exemplary stories throughout disagreements about organizational issues
the organization, emphasizing cross- create conflict and affect team members’
functional integration, recognizing and satisfaction, engage in activities aimed at
rewarding cooperation, and providing promoting and generating support for the
training in teamwork skills. project. To do this, one must possess
. Support NPD projects by setting clear strong interpersonal skills which allows
goals, providing resources, and protecting him/her to forge positive relationships
teams from political in-fighting. Failure with senior management, with other
to provide these elements can lead to functional groups, and with customers.
conflict and feelings of frustration and . Understand the internal dynamics of cross-
dissatisfaction on the part of team functional teams and take appropriate
members. This, in turn, can lead to actions to manage these relationships. Since
negative attitudes and behaviors when CFTs require strong interpersonal skills
individuals are assigned to a team. as well as functional expertise, special
. Ensure that team leaders possess three sets of care should be taken when selecting/
critical skills: interpersonal, project assigning individuals to particular teams.
management and technical. As a first step, Although it is not always possible or
management needs to consider carefully practical to consider carefully the mix of
whom they place into team leadership people on a team, evidence indicates that
positions. In addition, however, as teams selecting the right team members can
become more prevalent, training needs to have significant benefits. More
be provided to various levels of managers importantly, however, since individuals
for the purposes of building and often need help being part of a team,
enhancing their interpersonal as well as team leaders need to take responsibility
project management skills. for securing and providing training in
. Reconsider hiring criteria to include teamwork to NPD team members.
interpersonal skills along with functional Particular skills which team members
expertise. Both qualities can be used for need to develop include: conflict
evaluating NPD team leaders as well as resolution, stress management,
team members. By including these negotiation and communication.
criteria in their hiring and performance Training in these interpersonal skills can
evaluation processes, management sends lead to better internal team functioning
Factors influencing product development team satisfaction European Journal of Innovation Management
Gloria Barczak and David Wilemon Volume 4 . Number 1 . 2001 . 32±36

which, in turn, can result in the team member. This does not suggest that
reaching its goals. communication is not important to
. Reconsider and communicate the criteria used member or team effectiveness. Rather, it
for performance evaluation. Since many indicates that effective communication
team members are uncertain about how needs to be integrated with a willingness
they are evaluated, leaders need to to support others as well as to work
articulate clear performance criteria. towards common goals. By displaying
These criteria should include assessments
these characteristics, team members show
of interpersonal skills (ability to work with
their willingness and ability to truly be a
others) as well as functional expertise.
. Proactively acquire what is necessary for
Implications for team members
project success. If goals or performance
. Possess the capabilities needed to be an effective
team member. If management is unwilling or criteria or rewards are not clear, seek
unable to take action on this issue, find clarity from team leaders and managers.
ways to develop your own teamwork
capabilities. For example, team members
can: seek out and participate in training References
seminars in areas such as team building
Cooper, R. and Kleinschmidt, E.J. (1994), ``Determinants of
and interpersonal communication and
timeliness in product development’’ , Journal of
identify and develop relationships with
Product Innovation Management, Vol. 11,
others who have strong interpersonal and pp. 381-96.
team skills and solicit them as a mentor. Griffin, A. (1997), ``The effect of process and teams on
. Recognize that strong communication skills product development cycle time’’, Journal of
are not sufficient to be an effective team Marketing Research, Vol. 34, pp. 24-35.


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