BTB Better Than Buttress

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Threaded and Coupled Connection

© Grant Prideco December 2000. All rights reserved.


BTB “Better-Than-Buttress”
Threaded and Coupled Connection

• Full-strength threaded and coupled casing design.
• Surface, intermediate, and drilling casing, sizes
7” through 20”
• Medium pressure applications - (5,000 - 8,000 psi)
• Whenever pressure sealing, thread performance, or
running characteristics need to be ”Better-Than-Buttress“ with-
out the expense of a high priced premium connection.
Makeup Benchmark
• Makeup benchmark encircles the API pipe body for easy
Performance Ratings
• Tensile efficiency greater than API buttress.
• Internal pressure rating equal to the API pipe body Increased
clearance for
rating. easy running

• Collapse rating equal to the API collapse rating for the

pipe body.

Tapered Interference Thread with Hooked Thread Form -7°

Pin crest/box
root contact

• Thread design optimizes tensile efficiency.

• Steep 1 inch per foot taper stabs deeper, reduces cross-thread-
ing, requires fewer turns to makeup.
• Rugged 4 pitch design, 0.060 (pin)/0.065 (box) thread height.
• 25° stab flank stabs easily, reduces cross-threading.
• Negative 7° load flank eliminates thread jump-out.
• Increased thread axial clearance for easy running.

TEFLON® Seal Ring

• Entrapped Teflon seal ring eliminates the thread leak path.
• Seal ring is superior to a thread seal.
• Long term performance of thread seals can be unreliable.
Thermal and and load cycling can cause thread seals to leak.

© Grant Prideco December 2000. All rights reserved. 51

BTB Casing Connection Data

Pipe Data Connection Data

API Nominal
Size Nominal Wall Nominal Drift Pipe Body Coupling Makeup
OD Weight Thickness ID Diameter Area OD Loss
in. lbs/ft in. in. in. sq in. in. in.

7 23.00 0.317 6.366 6.250 6.655 7.656 4.420

26.00 0.362 6.276 6.151 7.549 7.656 4.420
29.00 0.408 6.184 6.059 8.449 7.656 4.420
32.00 0.453 6.094 6.000 9.317 7.656 4.420
7-5/8 26.40 0.328 6.969 6.844 7.519 8.500 4.564
29.70 0.375 6.875 6.750 8.541 8.500 4.564
33.70 0.430 6.765 6.640 9.720 8.500 4.564
39.00 0.500 6.625 6.500 11.922 8.500 4.564
7-3/4 † 46.10 0.595 6.560 6.500 13.374 8.500 6.064
8-5/8 28.00 0.304 8.017 7.892 7.947 9.625 4.660
32.00 0.352 7.921 7.875 9.149 9.625 4.660
36.00 0.400 7.825 7.700 10.336 9.625 4.660
40.00 0.450 7.725 7.625 11.557 9.625 4.660
44.00 0.500 7.625 7.500 12.763 9.625 4.660
9-5/8 43.50 0.435 8.755 8.599 12.559 10.625 4.672
47.00 0.472 8.681 8.525 13.572 10.625 4.672
53.50 0.545 8.535 8.500 15.546 10.625 4.672
9-7/8 † 62.20 0.625 8.625 8.469 18.162 10.625 7.661
10-3/4 40.50 0.350 10.050 9.894 11.435 11.750 4.660
45.50 0.400 9.950 9.875 13.006 11.750 4.660
51.00 0.450 9.850 9.694 14.561 11.750 4.660
55.50 0.495 9.760 9.625 15.947 11.750 4.660
60.70 0.545 9.660 9.504 17.473 11.750 4.660
11-3/4 60.00 0.489 10.772 10.625 17.300 12.750 4.732
65.00 0.534 10.682 10.625 18.816 12.750 4.732
66.70 0.547 10.656 10.500 19.252 12.750 4.732
71.00 0.582 10.586 10.430 20.420 12.750 4.732
11-7/8 71.80 0.582 10.711 10.555 20.648 12.750 6.232
13-3/8 68.00 0.480 12.415 12.259 19.445 14.375 4.672
72.00 0.514 12.347 10.250 20.768 14.375 4.672
77.00 0.550 12.275 12.119 22.160 14.375 4.672
13-5/8 88.20 0.625 12.375 12.188 25.525 14.375 7.661
14 82.50 0.562 12.876 12.689 23.726 15.000 6.412
94.80 0.656 12.688 12.501 27.500 15.000 6.412
99.30 0.688 12.624 12.437 28.773 15.000 6.412
111.00 0.779 12.442 12.255 32.356 15.000 6.412
§ 123.00 0.872 12.256 12.069 35.493 15.000 6.412
16 75.00 0.438 15.124 14.937 21.414 17.000 6.436
84.00 0.495 15.010 14.823 24.112 17.000 6.436
94.50 0.562 14.876 14.689 27.257 17.000 6.436
109.00 0.656 14.688 14.501 31.622 17.000 6.436
118.00 0.715 14.570 14.383 34.334 17.000 6.436
128.00 0.781 14.438 14.251 37.341 17.000 6.436
18-5/8 87.50 0.435 17.755 17.567 24.858 20.000 6.436
93.74 0.468 17.689 17.501 26.696 20.000 6.436
96.50 0.485 17.655 17.467 27.639 20.000 6.436
109.35 0.563 17.499 17.311 31.947 20.000 6.436
112.00 0.579 17.467 17.279 32.825 20.000 6.436
136.00 0.693 17.239 17.051 39.040 20.000 6.436
20 94.00 0.438 19.124 18.936 26.918 21.000 6.460
106.50 0.500 19.000 18.812 30.631 21.000 6.460
117.00 0.563 18.874 18.868 34.379 21.000 6.460
133.00 0.635 18.730 18.542 38.631 21.000 6.460
147.00 0.709 18.582 18.394 42.969 21.000 6.460
§ 169.00 0.812 18.376 18.188 48.948 21.000 6.460

† Thread bearing area critical § Box critical

BTB Connection Data Table Notes:
1. BTB connection pressure ratings are equal to the API pipe body rating for minimum internal yield and collapse.
2. BTB connection tensile joint strength is calculated by multiplying the connection critical area times the material minimum yield strength, except
as noted.

52 © Grant Prideco December 2000. All rights reserved.


BTB Casing Connection Data

Load Data
J-55/K-55 L-80/N-80 P-110 Q-125
Tensile Reference Tensile Reference Tensile Reference Tensile Reference
Joint String Joint String Joint String Joint String Size
Strength Length Strength Length Strength Length Strength Length OD
1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs ft 1000 lbs ft in.
341 10600 496 15400 682 21200 775 24100 7
390 10700 567 15600 780 21400 887 24400
440 10800 639 15700 879 21700 999 24600
487 10900 709 15800 975 21800 1108 24700
386 10400 562 15200 772 20900 878 23800 7-5/8
442 10600 643 15500 885 21300 1005 24200
507 10700 738 15600 1014 21500 1153 24400
588 10800 856 15700 1176 21500 1337 24500
637 9900 927 14400 1274 19700 1448 22400 7-3/4
406 10400 591 15100 812 20700 923 23500 8-5/8
472 10500 687 15300 944 21100 1073 24000
538 10700 782 15500 1075 21300 1222 24200
605 10800 880 15700 1209 21600 1374 24500
671 10900 976 15800 1342 21800 1525 24800
656 10800 954 15700 1312 21500 1491 24500 9-5/8
712 10800 1036 15700 1424 21600 1618 24600
820 10900 1193 15900 1641 21900 1865 24900
843 9700 1226 14100 1685 19400 1915 22000 9-7/8
590 10400 859 15100 1181 20800 1342 23700 10-3/4
677 10600 984 15400 1353 21200 1538 24100
762 10700 1109 15500 1525 21400 1732 24300
839 10800 1220 15700 1677 21600 1906 24500
922 10800 1342 15800 1845 21700 2096 24700
909 10800 1323 15800 1819 21700 2067 24600 11-3/4
993 10900 1444 15900 1985 21800 2256 24800
1017 10900 1479 15800 2033 21800 2311 24700
1081 10900 1572 15800 2162 21800 2457 24700
1093 10900 1590 15800 2186 21700 2484 24700 11-7/8
1021 10700 1486 15600 2043 21500 2321 24400 13-3/8
1094 10900 1592 15800 2188 21700 2487 24700
1171 10900 1703 15800 2341 21700 2661 24700
1355 11000 1971 16000 2710 21900 3079 24900 13-5/8
1255 10900 1825 15800 2509 21700 2851 24700 14
1462 11000 2127 16000 2924 22000 3323 25000
1532 11000 2229 16000 3064 22000 3482 25000
1729 11100 2515 16200 3459 22300 3930 25300
1787 10400 2599 15100 3574 20800 4062 23600
1120 10700 1629 15500 2240 21300 2546 24200 16
1269 10800 1845 15700 2537 21600 2883 24500
1442 10900 2097 15900 2883 21800 3276 24800
1682 11000 2446 16000 3363 22000 3822 25000
1831 11100 2663 16100 3662 22200 4161 25200
1996 11100 2904 16200 3993 22300 4537 25300
1300 10600 1891 15400 2601 21200 2955 24100 18-5/8
1401 10700 2038 15500 2803 21400 3185 24300
1453 10800 2114 15600 2906 21500 3303 24400
1690 11000 2458 16100 3380 22100 3841 25100
1738 11100 2529 16100 3477 22200 3951 25200
2080 10900 3026 15900 4161 21900 4728 24800
1409 10700 2049 15600 2817 21400 3201 24300 20
1613 10800 2346 15700 3226 21600 3665 24600
1819 11100 2646 16200 3638 22200 4134 25200
2053 11000 2986 16000 4106 22100 4666 25100
2291 11100 3333 16200 4583 22300 5208 25300
2560 10800 3724 15700 5121 21600 5819 24600

3. Reference string length is calculated by dividing the joint strength by both the nominal weight in air and a 1.4 design factor. These values
are offered for reference only and do not include other load factors such as bending, buoyancy, temperature, load dynamics, combined
loads, etc.
4. All BTB connections for a given OD are interchangeable.
5. Performance ratings are based on nominal pipe body dimensions.
© Grant Prideco December 2000. All rights reserved. 53

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