Brazilian Folklore
Brazilian Folklore
Brazilian Folklore
In Brazil, according to legend, there are beings who roam our forests, protecting trees and
animals from invaders. These legends originated in the mythology of the native Indians, such
as the Guarani people, together with the myths brought from Europe by the Portuguese and
from Africa. This blending of different myths has led to the creation of unique legends.
Throughout this blog you are going to get to know some of these legends such as Curupira
and Boto-cor-de-rosa.
Curupira was considered the defender of According to the legend, those who
the forest and therefore turned against purposely try to find the Curupira will
anyone who went into the woods to hunt never find him, because his upside-down
animals or cut down trees. The Indians feet give this being an important
believed that the Curupira could terrorize advantage: his footprints indicate one
his victims and even kill them to protect direction, while the Curupira is actually
the forest.The Indians believed in and going in the opposite direction.
feared the Curupira so much that many,
when they went into the forest, made The curupira's natural environment is the
offerings to ensure the curupira's favor. forest, which is why the indigenous people
were so afraid of entering it.
The curupira's presence could be noticed
by a constant and continuous whistling
So after a few hours, he wanders around
the city, the mysterious creature makes
the most of every second, entering parties
and balls.
As a result, the boy naturally attracts the
attention of the girls he passes, who are
drawn to his stature and strong body.
Soon, he easily makes friends with single
Boto-Cor-de-Rosa The dolphin's wit convinces a young
woman to get on his boat for a trip down
Legend has it that in the middle of the the river.
Amazon, when it's June festival time, a There's nothing left now.
pink dolphin emerges from the depths of The next day...
the region's rivers during a starry night. The young woman wakes up alone on the
The pink dolphin gradually transforms into boat! After a long night of lovemaking.
the image of a human. What she couldn't have failed to notice,
Slowly, covered by the darkness of the however, was one small detail:
night and shrouded by the forest, you can It turns out that outside the boat, she was
see a robust young man. being comforted by the calls of a beautiful
With a pinkish skin tone, the strange boy pink dolphin swirling in the river.
steals some clothes from the clothesline of After a few months, with the young man
a small village near the river, and never being seen by the girl, only one
disguises himself with a dressing gown thing remained: a baby!
and a hat over his face to cover his huge