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The purpose of this study was to determine the politeness of language in Tere Liye's novel "The
Fallen Leaf Never Hates the Wind" with a deixis study. This research method uses the approach
qualitative. The data source of this research is Tere Liye's novel "The Fallen Leaves Don't Hate
the Wind". The data collection technique in this study is a literature study technique or literature
study. Data collection with this library technique is done by reading, taking notes, studying, and
collecting data from written sources. The results of this study were found by using person deixis,
time deixis, and place deixis. There are nine person deixis found in the novel, there are seven time
deixis determined in the novel, and there is one place deixis found. Persona deixis users dominate
in Tere Liye's novels Leaves That Never Fall Hate the Wind.
Keywords: deixis; novel; pragmatics
I. Introduction
Language occupies a position in human life. Language is a system of sound symbols used
by members of certain groups, in working together and identifying themselves (Aci, 2019). Based
on this, language is a tool used by the community to communicate and interact. With language,
humans can grow and abstract various indications that arise in their environment. In human life
can not be separated from language activities. Language activity consists of four aspects skills
namely listening, speaking, writing and reading.
Efforts to describe the use of communicative language, easy to understand and reach the
desired target. In this case, pragmatic research is very important to study because pragmatics is
research on the relationship between linguistic forms and the consumption of those forms (Aci,
Language is a central matter in human life. This is because, as social beings, humans must
relate to each other. In relationships, humans convey ideas, feelings and in the process of
interaction and communication this needs to be understood so that nothing goes wrong
interpretation or misunderstanding between speakers and addressees. Therefore, it is necessary
to first master the nature, use, and influence of language itself in the process communication.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/linglit.v2i3.518 132
Linglit Journal: Scientific Journal of Linguistics and Literature
ISSN: 2774-4523 (Online), 2774-4515 (Print)
Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2021, Page: 132-140
Email: linglitjournal@gmail.com
Communication does not take place in a social vacuum, or in the context of a particular
atmosphere. Broadly speaking, the context here means all aspects beyond the people who are
speaking. According to the context, it is something that becomes an explanatory facility for an
intention. Without looking at the context the meaning cannot be understood. Therefore, the
meaning of a new speech can be understood when it is related to the context of the speech so
that communication can run easily. In communicating, speakers often use words that refer to
something, which is called deixis. Deixis which is one of the fields of study of pragmatics, by
(Effendi et al., 2018), is intended as a method of referring to something related to
As we know, the main function of language is a tool to convey messages from speakers
to the interlocutor. Therefore, a description of the context must be owned by language users in
interpreting speech because context can clarify an informed speech. If the speaker uses the
wrong form of deixis when speaking, it will make the communication he builds falter. For
example, in the sentence tomorrow this task must have been collected on my desk. In this
sentence, there are words that contain deixis, both personal deixis, space deixis, and time deixis.
The word tomorrow is included in the time deixis. The word tomorrow refers to the day after
today or next week according to the lecture schedule. My words are personal deixis.
Pragmatics is a field of research that focuses on the meaning that is informed by speakers
and writers after it is interpreted by listeners or readers (Listyarini, 2020). Pragmatics is pursuing
a language which in fact also has other meanings or meanings not only from what is said by
someone. When someone says something, that person may have other intentions behind his
words. In other words, pragmatics can also study the intentions of the speaker and aims from
what is informed by the speaker (Listyarini, 2020).
One of the fields of study of pragmatics is deixis. Deixis is a semantic indication that
exists in words or constructions that can only be interpreted as references by taking into account
the atmosphere of the conversation (Nur & Wahyudi, 2017). Deixis is a concept whose
references change and move according to the speaker and the place of speech. The use of deixis
by someone, must pay attention and master the atmosphere of the conversation. If someone
does not master the atmosphere, later there will be misunderstanding between the speaker and
the listener.
A speaker who is in dialogue with his interlocutor often uses words thatrefers both to
person, time and place. The reason why the writer analyzes the deixis of the novel leaves that feel
never hate the wind Tere Liye's work is a novel that describes the modern world but is on the
verge of extinction. This story begins with a meeting between a patient and a doctor. The
problem in this research is how is the deixis of the novel leaves that feel never hate the wind by
Tere Liye. This study aims to describe the analysis of novel deixis leaves that feel never hate the
wind Liye's work. The method used is descriptive qualitative.
II. Review of Literature
(Muhyidin, 2019), stated that deixis is a semantic indication that exists in words that can
only be interpreted by reference by observing the atmosphere of the conversation. A word can
be said to be deixis if the referent changes depending on who is the speakerand depending on
what it says.
It can be meant that deixis is a word or unit of words, phrases, or expressions whose
references move or not always, depending on who is the speaker, time, and the place where the
language unit is spoken. Deixis is a word or phrase that shows the pronoun of the person, object,
event or activity being discussed by the speaker. According to (Kholilah, 2020) Deixis is a
concept whose references change and move according to the speaker and the place of speech.
The use of deixis by someone, must pay attention and master the atmosphere of the
conversation. (Kholilah, 2020) said deixis is a form of language that has a pointer function in the
form of a word, and others that can move depending on the context. This applies to all deixis
both person (person), time (time), place (place), and social (social).
Deixis is one of the sciences of pragmatics which discusses the part of a sentence that
can increase the clarity of meaning. A word in a sentence can have different meanings depending
on the context of the conversation. This applies to all types of deixis, deixispersona, place, time
and marker. Deixis can not only be found in a discourse, deixis can also be found in literary
works. Literary work is an artificial life or literary fiction. Life in literary works is a life that has
been colored by the attitude of the writing, the backgroundeducation, beliefs and so on
(Kholilah, 2020).
a. Persona Deixis
Deixis Persona The term persona comes from the Latin Persona as a translation of the
Greek word Prosopon, which means a mask (a mask worn by a playwright), which also means
the role or character performed by the playwright. Individual deixis refers to the position of the
participant in the conversation event, for example the speaker, whodiscussed and other entities.
Personal deixis is defined for the participant's position in language events. The position
of the participants can be divided into three. The first is the first person (first persona), which is
the category of the speaker's reference to himself or the group that involves him, for example
me, us and us. The second is the second person (second person), which is the category of
speaker's reference to a listener or who is more present with the first person, for example you,
you and your brother. The third is the third person (third person) the category of reference to
people who are not speakers or listeners of the speech, eitherpresent or not, for example he and
b. Place Deixis
Place deixis according to (Ummi Kalsum, La Yani Konisi, 2019), relates to understanding
the location of the space or place used at the location where the speaker is in conversation. The
place or location that becomes deixis can be seen from the location of the people
whocommunicate in conversation activities. Place deixis and space deixis are related to
specifications place relative to the anchor point in the speech event. The importance of this place
specification appears in the fact that there are two basic ways of referring to objects, namely by
describing or calling objects by placing them in thea location.
Place deixis is giving shape to the location of space seen from the location of the actor in
the speech event. Place deixis is related to the deixis of “this and that” deixis. In analyzing
sentences, all parts of the sentence that refer to places are called adverbs, and words are usually
preceded by the word in or at, forming a preposition. For example at home, on the bench, in the
room. Such phrases do not seem to be classified as deixis because the reference is fixed, because
the words house, room, bench whenever and wherever, have a fixed reference that is different
from here and there. Just keep in mind that this deixis is usually preceded byinand to, to be here
and there, here and there.
c. Time Deixis
According to (Ummi Kalsum, La Yani Konisi, 2019), time-related deixis is related to the
temporal structure. Temporal deixis is used to find points or intervals on the time axis. There are
three main divisions of the time axis, namely before the time of speech, at the time of speech and
after the period of speech, (Ummi Kalsum, La Yani Konisi, 2019).
(Ummi Kalsum, La Yani Konisi, 2019), time deixis, namely the disclosure to a point or
distance of time seen from the time an utterance occurs, or when a speaker speaks. The time the
utterance occurs can be expressed by now or at the moment. The next time used the word
tomorrow (tomorrow), the day after tomorrow, later, or later. Meanwhile, for the time before the
utterance occurs, the word is usedyesterday, yesterday, last week, then, or before.
novel is an event or experience in a story that does not describe the characteristics or actions of
the actors in the story.long romance.
Novel is a long prose essay containing a series of story of a person's life with the people
around him by highlighting the character and nature of each actor (KBBI). According to
(Hutahaean, 2018) the novel is a written and narrative prose fiction work. Usually in the form of
a story. Novels are longer (at least 40,000 words) and are more environmental than short stories,
and are not limited by the structural and metrical limitations of plays or rhymes. Usually, a novel
tells about the characters and their behavior in everyday life, withfocuses on the odd sides of the
This study uses a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is a research process that
produces descriptive data, the data collected takes the form of words or pictures rather than
numbers. Descriptive is a way of working that describes or describes the object of research and
examines the elements contained in the object of research which can be in the form of spoken or
written words from the object being observed. Therefore, qualitative descriptive is research that
provides a description or description of the situation as clearly as possible without anytreatment
of the object under study.
The research data used to analyze person deixis, place deixis, and time deixis. The data
collection technique in this study is a literature study technique or literature study. Literature
study or literature study is defined as a study that explores, observes, examines, and identifies
knowledge. Collecting data through library research is all efforts made by researchers to collect
information relevant to the topic or problem being studied. Data collection through this library
study technique is done by reading, taking notes, and collecting data from written sources.
a. First Person
The first person in Indonesian is divided into two, namely the first person in the singular
form and the first person in the plural form (Alwi et al., 2008:251-252). In this study the singular
first persona containing deixis is divided into three forms, namely the first persona form I, form
ku-, and form -ku, while the first persona is plural form which contains deixis.found us and us.
The following is an example of such data.
1) I decide not to go home during the holidays before the new semester starts at NUS. Ijust say,
not a month ago already home. Three more monthsIalso go home at the weddingthem, why
waste money. (Liye: 2016:132)
2) All of it myreport via chat to him. I'm online almost every day. Waiting for himcome to work
and be ready in front of his desk. (Liye, 2016:73).
3) "Since when did Kak Danar stay away from we when you get a call?" I asked while
staringsharp my brother. Dede just shook his head unconcerned. (Liye, 2016:102).
Deixis in the form of a singular first person can be seen in quotations (1, 2, and 3). My
form as a free form has a bound form, namely ku- and –ku. Halliday and Hasan (1976: 54)
suggest that personal pronouns in possessive relations are personal pronouns related to
ownership, both free and bound forms.
b. Second Person
The second persona is divided into two, the second persona is singular and the second
persona is plural. In this study, the singular second persona containing deixis is divided into two,
namely the singular second persona form you, you and -mu,. Then, the second persona of the
plural whichcontaining deixis is your form.
1) "You should wear sandals,” he said, tying the makeshift bandage. I just grimaced.How can we
buy sandals?(Liye, 2016:24)
2) “And, Dede….isn't Oom ever going with youyour when burying the betta fish? Mother also
will never come back like the betta fish. (Liye, 2016:63-64)
3) From the second floor of the biggest bookstore in this city, We can see freely the view of the
bustling main street right in front of it, as well as the biggest street in this city.(Liye, 2016:8)
You form deixis is usually used by older people to younger people or by people of higher
social status (Alwi, 2008:253). The –mu form is a variation of your form, there is only a
difference when using the –mu form, and usually participants have a close relationship,
regardless of age or social status.
c. Third Person
In this study, the third person singular containing deixis was found, namely the singular
third person he, and his. The third person plural that contains deixis is their form.
1) He is holding my finger. Great. On the left holding Dede's shoulder.He looking at me with
that look. That gaze that somehow makes you starts to believe in yourself.Hecalming warm
smile. (Liye, 2016:19)
2) I'm callinghis by title om, despite agehis most only twenty five years old. Imitating my sister.
That evening he drove us back to the cardboard house near the river on the city access road.
My mother was scared and confused to see the arrivalhis. (Liye: 2016:26)
3) The workers who wear helmets don't care about the rain. They are chasing the
targetinauguration in six months. (Liye, 2016:9)
The singular third person deixis in the forms he (1) and –nya (2) refers to the character
mentioned by the speaker, namely the Danar character. The forms he and his are used to express
ownership. The form is used to change the category of a verb into a noun if it is attached to a
verb, both active and passive (Alwi et al., 2008: 256).
Third person deixis their plural form in quote (3) refers to workers. In general, their form
is only used for humans (Alwi, 2008: 257). Their form has no variation in shape. Their use of the
third persona is used for neutral relationships, meaning not used for more respect or vice versa.
a. Past Time
Past time deixis is in the form of words like yesterday, three years ago, a month ago,
earlier, and before.
1) And you know, when we take the same bus to go home as yesterday night,somebody it was
there rebuke us. Smile.As if waiting. (TereLiye,2016:25)
2) Oh Lord! That was the first time he complimented me. And I'm really ashamed. I remember,
the last time I wore clothes this goodthree years ago. When returning home for Eid. When
dadstill alive. (Liye, 2016:18)
3) It's got my initials on it: Q. I'm so touched. Uncomfortable feelingearlier directfall for a
moment. (Liye, 2016:103)
4) Two weeks later, we went to this bookstore. The biggest bookstore in our city. Going around
buying school supplies. Lack of shoes, because he alreadybuy him time on the city busbefore.
(Liye, 2016:29)
Yesterday's form in quote (1) is a past tense deixis because it refers to the time that
happened the day before the event. Based on the context of the novel, Tania tells the readers
that when Tania and Dede take the same bus to go home, Danar's character always reprimands
and smiles, as if they have been waiting, even though they never talk to each other.promise to
meet like yesterday's incident on the city bus.
The form of the phrase three years ago (2) in the context of this novel, the use of the
phrase describes a backward plot, considering the past of the main character. Then, the previous
forms (3) and earlier (4) refer to the time before the speech is delivered to the speech partner.
The difference is that the word usually refers to a recent event. If you use the word first, usuallya
very long time has passed.
1) Food tent stalls packed the road as far as the eye could see. Filled with young people who
came two or three. The cold weather and rain made puffs of smoke from the fried rice
cauldron, grilled satay stove, soto pot, vegetable chicken pan, and dozens of other types of
food. Very appetizing. Honey, tonight I'm not hungry at all! (Liye, 2016:9)
On quote data (1) this night deixis refers to the time when the speech occurs. In the
context of this novel, the main character as the speaker describes the situation of a Sunday night
around a street full of tent stalls, filled with young people who are dating accompanied by cold
weather due to rain.spatter.
c. Future Deixis
Future time deixis refers to the time after the speech occurs. The deixisfound in the data
in the form of words tomorrow, later, and next week.
1) The conversation that night turned out to be important to me. Because Dede alreadystart it:
share his feelings. Solater, the following months, I am much more comfortable to tell
storiesmy feelings for him. (Liye, 2016:122)
2) Next week, after the storytelling class which finished earlier than usual, my mother, I and my
sister went to Fantasy World. The place that had only beendream. Eveneven when my father
was alive. (Liye, 2016:39)
Deixis later in the data quote (1) refers to the future because it refers to the time after the
speech, but the time is uncertain. In the context of the novel, Tania shared her feelings deeply
with Dede that night so that in the future it will be more comfortable when sharing feelings,
there will be no feeling of silence anymore. Next week's deixis in the data quote (2) is a future
time deixis because it refers to seven days after the speech is stated. In the context of the novel,
Tania said that the next seven days they (Tania, Mother, and Dede) will go to a fantasy world.
1) The second floor of the city's largest bookstore. It's been more than half an hour I think I've
been silenthere. (Liye, 2016: 104).
Place deixis on quote (1) is marked with the word here. Place deixis generally refers to
those that are close to the speaker and far from the speaker (Halliday and Hassan,
V. Conclusion
Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the use of persona deixis and place deixis
contained in the novel leaves that feel never hate the wind by Tere Liye can be seen as follows.
First, the forms of personal deixis found in the novel are first person deixis, second person
deixis, and third person deixis. The most common use of personal deixis is the use of singular
third person deixis. The author uses third person pronouns to make it easier to understand the
story line. Second, the form of place deixis used in the novel leaves that feel never hate the wind
is a place deixis here and there. The use of the word there is more dominantly used by the
author. Third, the function of persona deixis contained in the novel is more directed as a sign of
belonging, as object, and as object. These functions are more often used by authors. Fourth, the
place deixis function contained in the novel only shows informationthe place.
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