Reels Techinical Specifications
Reels Techinical Specifications
Reels Techinical Specifications
Video specifications
Video format specifications for reels on Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) are
listed below:
Up to :90 seconds (less than 90 seconds is also ok, can be as short as :03 seconds)
.mp4 format
Recommended resolution of 1080p or higher
Upload aspect ratio: 9:16
Video codec: H.264, H.265
Recommended Frame Rate: 24FPS - 60FPS
Square pixels
Progressive scan
Audio specifications
Audio format specifications for reels on Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) are
listed below:
Channels: Stereo
Codec: AAC Low Complexity
Sample rate: 44.1kHz or 48kHz
Audio bitrate: 128kbs+
Content requirements
Facebook Reels content must comply with our Privacy Policy, Community Standards and
Terms of Use.