ICSE Class 8 Chemistry Full Paper
ICSE Class 8 Chemistry Full Paper
ICSE Class 8 Chemistry Full Paper
Full Marks: 80
1. The collisions between the particles in a liquid are responsible for the formation of ___________
1. In a chemical change, the sum of the masses of the reactants is not same as that of the products.
7. Red lead oxide on heating strongly forms lead dioxide and oxygen.
a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. None of these
2. The various state of matter can be interchanged into one another by altering the conditions of:
a. Pressure
b. Temperature
c. Volume
d. Both (a) and (b)
3. The electrons in the outermost orbit of an atom are held very weakly by the nucleus and are called:
ICSE Class 8
Full Marks: 80
a. Lose electrons
b. Weak electrons
c. Valence electrons
d. None of these
a. John Dalton
b. J.J. Thomson
c. Rutherford
d. Niels Bohr
a. Molecule
b. Element
c. Compound
d. Radical
6. A substance which does not take part in a chemical reaction, but change the rate of chemical reaction,
is called:
a. Reactant
b. Active element
c. Excited element
d. Catalyst
8. The chemical reaction which proceeds with release of heat energy is known as
a. Endothermic
b. Exothermic
c. Either (a) or (b)
d. None of these
Full Marks: 80
5. The number of hydrogen atoms which combine directly of indirectly with one atom of an element, so
as to form a compound.
7. The chemical reaction between silver nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution.
8. Decomposition of copper carbonate on heating to form copper oxide and carbon dioxide.
5. State any four observations made by Rutherford, in bombarding gold foil with alpha particles.
6. State the mass number, the atomic number, number of neutrons and electronic configuration of the
following atoms. Also, draw atomic diagrams for each of them.
7. What is variable valency? Name two elements having variable valency and state their valencies.
8. The atomic number and the mass number of sodium are 11 and 23 respectively. What information is
conveyed by this statement?
(b) Mg + O2 → MgO
Full Marks: 80
11. On being strongly heated, potassium chlorate (KCIO,) gives potassium chloride and oxygen. Write a
balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
13. Define the term chemical combination reaction. Support your answer by two examples and write
fully balanced chemical equations.
14. Define the term chemical decomposition reaction. Support your answer by two examples and write
fully balanced chemical equations.
15. Define the term chemical displacement reaction. Support your answer by two examples and write
fully balanced chemical equations.
1. Explain briefly the Conservation of mass in the reaction between sodium sulphate and barium
3. (a) What are the two main parts of which an atom is made of?
4. State how electrons are distributed in an atom. Explain in brief the rules which govern their
Full Marks: 80
8. Define the term chemical double displacement reaction. Support your answer by giving one example
of neutralization reaction and one example of precipitation reaction.