A Comprehensive Study of G
A Comprehensive Study of G
A Comprehensive Study of G
“An audit is an examination of accounting records undertaken with a view of establishing
whether they correctly and completely reflect the transactions to which the purport to relate.”
–Lawrence R. Dickey
“Audit is defined as an investigation of some statements of figures involving examination of
certain evidence, so as to enable an auditor to make a report on the statement.” –Taylor and Perry
“An audit denotes the examination of balance sheet and profit and loss accounts prepared by
others together with the books of accounts and vouchers relating thereto such in such a manner
that the auditor may be able to satisfy himself and honestly report that in his opinion such
balance sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of affairs
of a particular concern according to the information and explanations given to him and as shown
by the books.” -F.R.M De Paula
“Auditing is a systematic examination of the books of records of business or other organization
in order to ascertain or to verify and to report upon the facts regarding its financial operations
and the result thereof.” –Prof. Montgomery
The term audit is derived from a Latin word “audire” which means to hear authenticity of
accounts is assured with the help of the independent review.
Audit is performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information. Examination of books
and accounts with supporting vouchers and documents to detect and prevent error, fraud is the
primary function of auditing.Auditor has to check the effectiveness of internal control systems
for determining the extent of checking out the audit.Initially its meaning and use were confined
merely to cash audit, and the auditor has to ascertain whether the persons are responsible for the
maintenance of accounts had adequately accounted for all the cash receipts and the payment on
behalf of this principle.But the word audit has an extensive usage, and it now means a thorough
scrutiny of the books of accounts and its ultimate aim is to verify the financial position disclosed
by the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts of a company.In short, an audit implies an
investigation and a report. The process of checking and vouching continues until the study is
completed and the auditor enables himself to report under the terms of his appointment.
Audited accounts provide high quality information. It gives confidence to users that information
on which they are relying is qualitative and it is the outcome of an exercise carried out by
following Auditing Standards recognized globally.
In case of companies, shareholders may or may not be involved in daily affairs of the company.
The financial statements are prepared by management consisting of directors. As shareholders
are owners of the company, they need an independent mechanism so that financial information is
qualitative and reliable. Hence, their interest is safeguarded by an audit.
An audit acts as a moral check on employees from committing frauds for the fear of being
discovered by audit.
Audited financial statements are helpful to government authorities for determining tax liabilities.
Audited financial statements can be relied upon by lenders, bankers for making their credit
decisions ie whether to lend or not to lend to a particular entity.
An audit may also detect fraud or error or both.
An audit reviews existence and operations of various controls operating in any entity. Hence, it is
useful at pointing out deficiencies.
The term audit is derived from the Latin term ‘audire,’ which means to hear. In early days an
auditor used to listen to the accounts read over by an accountant in order to check them Auditing
is as old as accounting. It was in use in all ancient countries such as Mesopotamia, Greece,
Egypt, Rome, U.K. and India. The Vedas contain reference to accounts and auditing. Kautilya
detailed rules for accounting and auditing of public finances in his book “Arthasashthra”. The
original objective of auditing was to detect and prevent errors and frauds. Auditing evolved and
grew rapidly after the industrial revolution in the 18th century with the growth of the joint stock
companies where the ownership and management became separate. The shareholders who were
the owners needed a report from an independent expert on the accounts of the company managed
by the Board of Directors who were the employees. The objective of audit shifted and audit was
expected to ascertain whether the accounts were true and fair rather than detection of errors and
frauds. In India the Companies Act, 1913 made audit of company accounts compulsory. With the
increase in the size of the companies and the volume of transactions, the main objective of audit
shifted to ascertaining whether the accounts were true and fair rather than true and correct.
Hence, the emphasis was not on arithmetical accuracy but on a fair representation of the financial
efforts. The Companies Act, 1913 also prescribed for the first time the qualification of auditors.
The International Accounting Standards Committee and the Accounting Standards Board of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India have developed standard accounting and auditing
practices to guide the accountants and auditors in the day to day work. The later developments in
auditing pertain to the use of computers in accounting and auditing.
Bank audit is a procedure performed by an auditor appointed by RBI and ICAI to verify the
financial statements of the banking institutions and to verify whether the banking concerns are
following the law and compliances or regulatory framework applicable on them or not.
Bank Audit Check List & Procedure (Concurrent Audit)
A financial entity requires continuous monitoring of transactions. For an entity like a bank, the
review mechanism must be robust and unabating. Hence the need for a concurrent audit.
Concurrent audit means a parallel examination of the financial transactions, i.e. examination at
the time of the happening of the transaction. It is part of an early warning system of a bank for
ensuring timely detection of lapses or irregularities.
Concurrent Audit
As the name itself suggests, it is an audit that takes place at the moment when transactions take
place, that means it is parallelly conducted. Unlike most audits that are post transactional review,
the concurrent audit is as and when transactions take place. It gives an early warning to ensure
timely detection of irregularities and lapses.
Concurrent Audit Procedure
The concurrent audit covers all transactions of the bank. Hence to understand how this audit
needs to be conducted, an understanding of the processes of the banks is imperative. Banking
functions are inclusive but not limited to the following:
● Acceptance of deposits
● Loans and advances
● Cash management
● Safety Lockers
● Forex
● Bill payment
To conduct a concurrent audit, functions of the bank must be fragmented to transactions, and the
necessary checks and balances must be assigned.
Acceptance of deposits
Acceptance of deposits is a core function of banks. The deposits are of varied nature depending
on the holder and purpose of the account. Nevertheless, the process of acceptance of deposits can
be summed up as follows:-
Collection of details
3 Are all the necessary proofs collected in original and verified as per
KYC and AML norms?
4 Are all the details inputted in the CBS correctly and is the account
9 Check if the fixed deposits that have an OD facility have lien marked?
The KYC norms will differ as per the status of the holder of the accounts. Hence the document
verification must be carried on accordingly.
The lending of funds is the other core function of the bank. The bank accepts deposits at a certain
rate and lends at a higher rate. The margin is the bank’s profit. Lending function ranks higher on
the risk factor as there is a possibility of the debt not being recovered. Hence there is a great
significance and need for proper documentation.
There are several loans and advances that a bank offers. However, the process for disbursement
remains more or less the same. The process for disbursement of loan can be summed up as the
following transactions:
4 Are all checks required for checking credibility performed like CIBIL
Cash management
Since the bank earns interest on the rupee it lends, maintaining a high cash balance can result in
interest losses. However, banks need to hold enough to fund the ATMs. Hence the bank must
achieve a balance. As an auditor, one must:Forex
For forex operations of a bank, the auditor must ensure the following checks:
Rate of foreign exchange on the transaction date and correct entry in books
Bill payments
This is an add on service offered by banks; wherein a customer can make payments towards
public utilities through the bank. The auditor will have to verify:
1 Check the cash balances in the cash book and ensure that it is as per the
2 Conduct surprise audits to verify the cash in hand.
3 Verify the insurance cover and ensure that the cash is kept safely.
Safety lockers
Banks also hold valuables of the customers in lockers. As an auditor, the following checks must
be done:
2 Is the locker rent collected duly as per the size of the locker, any
deviations should be backed up by satisfactory explanation?
If standing instructions have been received from customers, then ensure that the same has
been noted in the CBS to generate an auto payment
Income leakage
For an auditor to ensure completeness of audit it is imperative to check that all charges are
collected, interest rates are inputted accurately in the CBS. The auditor must generate MIS to
analyze the various charges and interest computations. Also, there has to be a documented
process for changing the rates in the system, and the same must be strictly monitored.
The concurrent audit aims at reducing the gap between the occurrence of a transaction and its
examination. A concurrent audit report covers all transactions and hence is the second line of
defense for a bank.
1. Assurance to Stakeholders:
This comes as one of the biggest advantages of auditing is that the final report of the audit is
accepted by all and provides a clear picture of the business's position. The owners or investors
get a proper idea of the accuracy of the books of accounts and, eventually, the performance of the
business. This also provides them with satisfaction about the functioning of their employees and
various departments. They get an idea about the overall profitability and efficiency of the
business; this helps them be assured of their stake holding.
2. Fair Evaluation:
This process helps a business' evaluation be done fairly without any chance of manipulation as
the auditor responsible for examining the books of account gives their viewpoint as an
independent authority. The audit officer's remark is much valued among the owners and investors
of the business entity. All the documents, financial statements, and inventory inspections are
closely inspected and verified for getting a fair report and do not involve any biasness.
3. Fraud Identification:
Fraud is intentional misconduct on the part of the individual. At the same time, there is always a
chance of unintentional mistakes by an individual. Both situations can be easily noticed after an
audit, and accountability can be sought in both cases. Employees taking care of them might get
examined for any of these cases. So, this creates a responsibility among them to do their tasks
honestly and efficiently. The auditing process decreases the chance of committing fraud and
errors in the functioning of the business entity.
4. Moral Policing:
This process does the task of teaching a sense of moral accountability towards the firm in the
employees. They know their mistakes will be discovered, so this generates the responsibility for
being honest and always avoiding irregularities and irresponsibility in their work.
5. Credibility:
Audit of the books of a firm allows their stakeholders, like creditors, investors, banks, and
debenture holders, to have more confidence in them. These are important connections of a
business entity as they help raise money, loans, and capital accumulation, a much-needed
resource for their growth. As the auditing body has no agenda or biasness, the reports thus
produced after analysis of the financial statements, accounts, etc., have high credibility for the
6. Overall Improvement:
An audit is the best way to get an idea about the functioning of the sustaining system and
opportunities that can be grabbed for more development and business performance. Auditing
also helps implement changes in the present situation as regular reports are obtained with overall
The main objective of an audit lies in ensuring that all the policies and procedures comply with
the standard norms. Also, with the help of the process, a proper analysis can be done to evaluate
the company's conduct with that of good practices, and effectivity can be measured against the
expected one.
9. Legal Proof:
The report obtained after auditing a business firm acts as legal proof. This record can be used for
the sake of insurance. Many firms like LIC, HUDCO, etc., consider the previous year's audit
report more reliable for their services.
This helps settle disputes and claims between management. This contains independently done
assessments about every transaction with defined all details. Which becomes a source for the
identification of any claim or disputes involved.
Y S Prasade & Co. LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership that was formed on March 17, 2016. It
is registered with the Mumbai Registrar of Companies. CA is the designated partner of Y S
Prasade & Co. LLP. CA Yogesh Sudhakar Prasade CA Kiran Ramchandra Nimse CA Madhura
Joshi CA Yogita Sawant Lipson Paul, Nikhil Poddar, and Tushar Prasade.The company employs
around 14 articles and approximately 5 interns. Interns and articles work and report to CA.
Tushar Prasade and Nikhil Poddar. The company has two departments: human resources and
accounting, audit, and taxation.
The firm specialises in government audits, fraud and forensic audits, statutory audits, system
audits, tax audits under the Income Tax Act, due diligence, internal concurrent audits, certificate
services, stock verification, bank audits, audits of cooperative societies, debt funding, and PE
funding.The also specialises in Internal audit services for different clients. There are around 300
ITR clients and approximately 100 GST clients.Clients are primarily entrepreneurs, business
owners, and a few salaried individuals.
Accounting services, direct tax consultancy, GST consultancy, audit and assurance, and business
counselling are all provided by the organization.The business provides highly effective
accounting services to local, national, and international clients such as
Sale and purchase invoicing
Preparation of return (Form no 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 6, 7)" to "preparation of all types of Income tax
Withholding Tax Compliance Form 15CA, 15CB Certification & Consultancy in the case of
DTAA matter.
Income tax Appeals, revisions before CIT (Appeals), ITAT Level, and provide assistance at High
Court Level, and Supreme Court Level & Settlement Commission.
Facilitation of TDS Calculation, Payments &Forms (16, 16 A) generation online with Govt.
Websites on behalf of the Client.
Certification to be obtained from Income Tax department under Tax holiday, Lower deduction
certificate, Assets sold certificate u/s 281
Good and service tax (GST) is a tax applicable to supply of goods and services in India.
GST registration
GST audit
GST notices
Registration with VAT/CST Service Tax/Excise/Custom and SEZ Authorities under different
states, generation of forms.
Consultation in tax matter and tax planning for all kinds of assessee
Calculation of Taxes as per the application section, rules, facilitation of payment on or before due
date on behalf of client, preparation and revision of returns online.
Getting assessment done representing a client before the tax authorities at different level.
Tax appeal revision before CESTAT & VAT Appeals.
Assistance in the audit and certificate work as and when required by the assessee.
To maximise the value of every transaction, Y.S. Prasade & Co LLP employs a focused
business-advisoryand tailored approach to rapidly identify and understand potential deal
breakers, value drivers and other areas of specific interest to our clients. Our professionals bring
extensive experience with clients providing commercial / market diligence, financial accounting
due diligence, operational due diligence, IT due diligence, valuation services and tax due
diligence in a unique integrated approach. Our professionals can execute in buy and sell side
situations. In their efforts to methodologically assess, address and mitigate enterprise risks, and
aligning the related governance and regulatory compliance initiatives.
IT Due Diligence
Valuation Services
We have years of experience in providing business financial services to our clients. Our experts
carefully analyze the current situation and accordingly prepare the project reports. Loan
arrangement needs are also well taken care by us including cash credit limit, term loan and
project loan. We also offer due diligence for finance and valuation of shares.
Project Funding for all kind of Industry with ease in the respect of procedural part & feasible
Providing guidance and assistance in the hedging, switching for current account, forward
A comprehensive solution for setting up family trust and managing the investment portfolio,
taxation and reporting.
Providing guidance and assistance in pulling private equity into the business.
Provide services of recognizing the areas of cost controlling and saving in the course of business
Providing guidance and assistance in investment planning and opportunities
Providing guidance & assistance in setting up the process & Financial control system & Audit
Providing guidance & assistance in setting up the process for ratio analysis.
Providing guidance & assistance Financial Accounting, Valuation & Securitization.
International taxation services
Withholding tax compliance forms 15CA,15CB certificate and consultancy in case of DTAA
Advice and assistance in seeking advance ruling from the authorities for advance ruling in India
on complex International Tax issues of cross border transactions.