San Stefano Complex Main Building TP-2: E9907-SPC-ME-01-REV0
San Stefano Complex Main Building TP-2: E9907-SPC-ME-01-REV0
San Stefano Complex Main Building TP-2: E9907-SPC-ME-01-REV0
A. This Section specifies the basic requirements for mechanical installations and
includes requirements common to more than one section of Division 15. It
expands and supplements the requirements specified in sections of Division
B. Multiple Units: When two or more units of materials or equipment of the same
type or class are required, these units shall be products of one manufacturer.
D. Check all architectural, structural and electrical drawings in laying out work to
verify adequacy of space in which work is to be installed. Notify the Engineer
where space appears inadequate.
B. Shop drawings are to be new drawings prepared by the Contractor and are not
to be reproductions or tracings of the Engineer's Drawings.
C. In preparing shop drawings, establish lines and levels for the work specified
and check the drawings to avoid interference with structural features and other
D. Shop drawings are to show to-scale dimensions of equipment, pipes, ducts, etc.
in plan and elevation with clearances and relation of same to space assigned.
F. Shop drawings are to include floor layouts drawn to a minimum scale of 1/100
with Mechanical Room and Toilet Room layouts to a minimum scale of 1/50,
showing all equipment and piping to be installed. For critical areas, provide
section drawings to a minimum scale of 1/50.
1. Ductwork mains and branches, size and location, for both exterior and
interior; locations of dampers and other control devices; filters, boxes,
and terminal units requiring periodic maintenance or repair.
2. Mains and branches of piping systems, with valves and control devices
located and numbered, concealed unions located, and with items
requiring maintenance located (i.e., traps, strainers, expansion joints,
tanks, etc.). Valve location diagrams, complete with valve tag chart.
Refer to Division 15 Section "Mechanical Identification". Indicate actual
inverts and horizontal locations of underground piping.
3. Equipment locations (exposed and concealed), dimensioned from
prominent building lines.
7. Detailed and simplified one line, colour coded flow diagram of each
system with tag number, location and function of each valve and
G. Submit for approval in letter form, materials not covered by drawings e.g.
pipes, fittings and incidentals giving ratings and names of manufacturers.
B. Arrange for chases, slots, and openings in building structure during progress of
construction to allow for mechanical installations.
G. Coordinate requirements for access panels and doors where mechanical items
requiring access are concealed behind finished surfaces. Access panels and
doors are specified in Division 8 Section "Access Doors".
B. Coordinate space requirements with other trades, where work will be installed
in close proximity to and may interfere with work of other trades. Coordinate
space requirements in shafts, chases, double partitions and hung ceilings.
C. Furnish to other trades templates, patterns, setting out plans and shop details
necessary for proper installation and coordination of adjacent work.
B. All work is to be guaranteed for a period of one year dated from the final
acceptance of the work by the Owner unless specific components have longer
warranty periods.
C. Repairs or replacements made under the guarantee shall bear an additional one
year guarantee dated from the final acceptance of the repair or replacement.
H. During the guarantee period, provide necessary skills and labor to assure
proper operation and to provide regular and preventive maintenance for
equipment and controls, on a continuous 24 hour basis.
K. Spare parts for normal wear and tear during guarantee period are to be
provided by Contractor.
A. Deliver products to the project properly identified with names, model numbers,
types, grades, compliance labels, and other information needed for
3. Protect stored materials and equipment from the weather, dirt, fumes,
water, construction debris, and physical damage from construction
7. Do not stack containers or store in such manner that may cause damage.
10. Do not pack in straw unless delivered in this manner from manufacturer.
12. Do not install damaged materials or equipment; remove from Site and
replace with new.
A. Verify final locations for rough-ins with field measurements and with the
requirements of the actual equipment to be connected.
C. Arrange for and provide templates or detailed dimensions for chases, slots, and
openings in the floors, walls, partitions, and other building components, to
allow for mechanical installations.
L. Install systems, materials, and equipment level and plumb, parallel and
perpendicular to other building systems and components, where installed
exposed in finished spaces, except where otherwise indicated.
M. Arrange for and provide templates or detailed dimensions for the installation of
access panels or doors where work is concealed behind finished surfaces.
Access panels and doors are specified in Division 8 Section "ACCESS
DOORS". Identify access doors to indicate location of concealed work.
N. Install systems, materials, and equipment giving right-of-way priority to piping
systems required to be installed at a specified slope.
6. Upon written instructions from the Engineer, uncover and restore Work
to provide for Engineer observation of concealed Work.
E. Protect the structure, furnishings, finishes, and adjacent materials not indicated
or scheduled to be removed.
G. Patch existing finished surfaces and building components using new materials
matching existing materials and experienced Installers. Installers'
qualifications refer to the materials and methods required for the surface and
building components being patched. Refer to Division 1 Section
"DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS" for definition of "experienced
H. Patch finished surfaces and building components using new materials specified
for the original installation and experienced Installers. Installers' qualifications
refer to the materials and methods required for the surface and building
components being patched. Refer to Division 1 Section "DEFINITIONS AND
STANDARDS" for definition of "experienced Installer".
C. Lay out the work in accordance with approved shop drawings. Furnish and set
in place, in advance of placing of slabs or construction of walls, all inserts and
sleeves necessary complete the Work.
A. All floor mounted equipment and apparatus are to be provided with necessary
concrete pedestals, bases, pads, curbs and anchor blocks as shown or required.
Provide anchor bolts, slab inserts, supports, cradles, saddles, hangers and
sleeves as may be required or necessary for proper support or attachment to the
building structure for all piping, conduit, equipment and apparatus.
B. Concrete pads are to be 100 mm high unless otherwise indicated, with steel
reinforcing and necessary bolts, anchors, etc. Where concrete pad is set
directly on concrete floor, provide dowels in floor to tie base to floor.
Coordinate size, locations, anchor bolts, etc.
C. Construct concrete equipment bases of dimensions indicated, but not less than
100 mm larger than supported unit in both directions. Follow supported
equipment manufacturer's setting templates for anchor bolt and tie locations.
A. Excavation and backfilling of trenches required for the installation of all utility
services and underground piping within the building, and to points of
connection with exterior underground utilities outside of the building, are to be
performed by each trade for its work as specified.
B. Excavate to the required depths and grade, the bottoms of trenches to secure
the required slope for pipe lines. Rock or existing concrete, where
encountered, are to be excavated to a minimum depth of 150 mm below the
bottom of pipe. Where mud or otherwise unstable soil is encountered in the
bottom of the trench which is incapable of supporting the pipe or utility lines,
such soil is to be removed to firm bearing and the trench is to be backfilled
with sand to the proper grade and tamped to provide uniformly firm support.
Pipe is not to be laid on frozen subgrade.
C. Trench Size: Sides of trenches at a point 300 mm above the top of pipe is not
to be more that 4/3 overall lateral dimension of the pipe, expressed in
millimeters plus 200 mm. Above this point the sides of trenches are to be kept
as nearly vertical as possible and are to be braced and shored to protect
foundations, utility pipe lines and workmen. Where machines are used to
excavate pipe trenches, such machine excavation is to terminate 75 mm above
the invert of the pipe. Final excavation and shaping of the trench is to be
performed only for short distances in advance of the pipe laying.
E. Separation: Separate trenches are to be provided for potable water and sewer
F. The trenches are not to be backfilled until the piping has been tested by the
Contractor as required and reviewed by the Engineer and any local authorities
having jurisdiction.
A. Keep all pipe and duct openings closed by means of plugs or caps to prevent
the entrance of foreign matter, and cover all fixtures, equipment and apparatus
as required to protect them against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage
both before and after installation.
B. In Mechanical Rooms, where piping runs over motor control centers or other
electrical equipment, provide a sheet metal shield or gutter. Submit shop
drawings showing proposed shielding at each location.
B. Damage and Touch Up: Repair marred and damaged factory-painted finishes
with materials and procedures to match original factory finish.
B. Noise level resulting from equipment and heard in the same building or nearby
buildings is not to exceed 40 decibels as measured with a standard sound level
meter on the 'A' scale.