Usage of Efficiency Matrix Based On Adidas Ag 2011-2017

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School of Business and Governance

Department of Business Administration

Anton Bolotin


Bachelor’s thesis
International Business Administration, Finance and Accounting

Supervisor: Paavo Siimann, PhD

Tallinn 2019
I hereby declare that I have compiled the paper independently
and all works, important standpoints and data by other authors
has been properly referenced and the same paper
has not been previously presented for grading.
The document length is ……….. words from the introduction to the end of conclusion.

Anton Bolotin ……………………………

(signature, date)
Student code: 156180TVTB
Student e-mail address: [email protected]

Supervisor: Paavo Siimann, PhD:

The paper conforms to requirements in force

(signature, date)

Chairman of the Defence Committee:

Permitted to the defence
(name, signature, date)

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS .......................................... 8
1.1. Financial analysis theory .................................................................................................. 8
1.2. Financial statement analysis users................................................................................... 11
1.3. Financial analysis theory ................................................................................................ 13
1.3.1. Analysis of the efficiency level of the company in terms of submatrices for
efficiency .......................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.2. Analysis of benchmark index of company's overall efficiency ................................. 17
1.3.3. Growth analysis of company's overall efficiency...................................................... 20
1.3.4. Variance analysis ..................................................................................................... 23
2. EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS OF ADIDAS GROUP ................................................................ 27
2.1. Competition overview .................................................................................................... 27
2.2. Company overview......................................................................................................... 29
2.3. Efficiency analysis of Adidas Group 2011–2017 ............................................................ 33
2.4. Benchmark analysis of Adidas Group 2017 .................................................................... 39
2.5. Variance analysis of Adidas Group 2011–2017............................................................... 42
2.6. Recommendations for efficiency improvements ............................................................. 45
CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................... 48
LIST OF REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 50
APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 53
Appendix 1. Initial data for matrix compilation ..................................................................... 53
Appendix 2. Balance sheet .................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 3. Income statement .............................................................................................. 58
Appendix 4. Cash flow statement .......................................................................................... 59
Appendix 5. Exchange rates .................................................................................................. 62


The activity of each company is associated with usage of various resources, investments, earning
profit and cash. However, the questions of whether the resources are used efficiently, whether the
company earning maximum profit and cash possible as well as uses investments efficiently, rise
on the daily basis. Moreover, the managers want to know how the company is ranked among
competitors by efficiency criteria as well as to indentify is overall efficiency improved during the
analysed period.

The aim of the reserch is to check notion of efficiency matrix by analysing the efficiency of Adidas
Group and make recommendations for efficiency improvements based on the efficiency matrix
results. The methods of the research are efficiency matrix analysis, benchmark index of company’s
overall efficiency analysis, analysis of the growth of company’s overall efficiency and variance

Based on results, the most efficient year for the company during 2011–2017 was 2017, due to
ability of the company to increase efficiency of main business activities, whereas 2014 was the
most inefficient, mainly as a result of crisis on several markets. Moreover, Adidas Group was
ranked as the second company by efficiency criteria among closest competitors (Nike and Puma),
where Nike was the first and Puma the last. It was suggested to improve six key areas to compete
with the company with highest effciency (Nike), such as daily cash management, efficiency of
investment activities, sales profitability, assets usage, labour usage, expense management.

Keywords: financial statement analysis, efficiency analysis, ranking.


The activity of each economic unit is connected with the usage of various resourses. The economic
unit is a legal entity or individual which performs the economic activity. It includes corporations,
natural persons, municipalities, cooperatives, states and so on. Companies are also the examples
of the economic units. The resources are used to form the final results of activity. Moreover, each
resource along with others forms the results only through expenses. So, the question about whether
the resources are used efficiently appears on the daily basis. To answer the question, the managers
usually determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company compared with major competitors
and consequently to set the goals for the future. Both profitable and non-profitable companies can
be inefficient as it associated with unwise usage of resources.

Since the main purpose of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of market relations is to earn
profit and cash, the understanding of whether the company is earning maximum implementable or
feasible profit is important. Furthermore, the managers want to know if the company uses the
investments efficiently. By the way, it is necessary to know if the company is generating as
maximum cash as possible. Finally, the managers want to identify how the company is ranked
among the competitors and to know if the overall efficiency is being improved or declined during
the analysed period.

Efficiency is a broad concept which refers to different areas of business activities and it can not be
evaluated by using a single financial ratio. In addition to the problem, the methods which were
developed to calculate the efficiency are complicated to understand for the average person as it
demands the higher education in finance or business area. The liquidity, solvency, profitability are
the narrow areas which refer to a certain categories of company’s abilities and they can be well-
covered with financial ratios.

Adidas AG is one of the largest sportswear manufacturer in the world. The company successfully
produces several products and equipment for professional and amateur athletes. In addition, the
financial performance of the company is improving each year. For example, the sales of the

company are growing each year. The author of the thesis assumes that the company has a great
potential to grow further. First of all, the new high quality products are being produced every year
to attract new customers and occupy the higher market share than its competitors. Moreover, the
company signs new contracts with professional sportsmen, sport clubs and celebrities to make the
brand more recognisable in the world.

The actuality of this thesis is supported by the fact that there are new companies established every
year, new financial analysis tools are being developed and the importance of financial analysis
becomes more significant as the quantity of users is also growing.

The research problem of the study is that a company’s efficiency represents the level of
company’s performance that characterise how well the company uses the input variables to achieve
the output variables; however, the efficiency can’t be estimated using only one financial ratio and
comparing the company with the closest competitors by using different indicators is a complex

The purpose of the study to test the usability of efficiency matrix concept when analysing the
efficiency of Adidas Group. To discover the hidden reserves of Adidas Group and make the
proposals on how to improve the efficiency in the future based on the efficiency matrix.

The object of this research is the German sportswear manufacturer Adidas Group, which operates
globally. The study of efficiency of the company is based on the company’s overall efficiency
matrix for a recent period of six years, 2011–2017, when the company started to be more
recognisible on the global scale and during which sales significantly grew. The study will provide
the overview of weaknesses and strenghts of the company’s business activities, which will allow
to be compared and ranked among its closest competitors based on efficiency and to show trends
of the efficiency. The research questions are:
1. Which year was the most efficient for Adidas Group among 2011–2017? Why?
2. Which year provided the lowest efficiency results for the company among 2011–2017
and why?
3. How Adidas was ranked among its closest competitors (Nike and Puma) in 2017 based
on efficiency results?
4. Which improvements and recommendations can be suggested for the company to
increase efficiency based on the matrix analysis of efficiency?

The methodology of the study is efficiency matrix analysis based on annual reports 2011–2017,
analysis of the benchmark index of company’s overall efficiency based on the efficiency matrix
results in 2017, analysis of the growth of company’s overall efficiency based on the efficiency
matrix results of 2011–2017 and variance analysis.

The first part of this thesis begins with the theoretical background of financial analysis including
a generalised theory of financial analysis and the users of financial analysis. In addition, the first
chapter introduces efficiency matrix, the new tool of financial analysis, and the methods for
utilising the results of this tool for comparison with closest competitors and to check the dynamics
of efficiency over the period of time. The second chapter starts with an industry overview and the
company itself. Finally, the second part provides the practical approach of the new financial tool
of efficiency matrix based on the chosen company’s information, the process of comparison of the
chosen company among the closest competitors based on the overall efficiency results, comparison
of the efficiency dynamics of the chosen company and further recommendations for the company
based on all the obtained final results.

Acknowledgements. The author would like to especially thank Paavo Siimann for his professional
advice, useful feedback, helpful comments and support and patience, which have helped and
motivated the author to write this Bachelor Thesis. The author would like to thank his own family
for their help, understanding and support during writing of the Bachelor Thesis.


The aim of this chapter is to generalise the financial analysis theory and introduce the new financial
analysis tools such as company’s overall efficiency matrix, benchmark index of the company’s
overall efficiency and growth index of the company’s overall efficiency, which focuses more
deeply on the broad concept which is poor studied but equally important – efficiency.

1.1 Financial analysis theory

Financial analysis is the process of research and evaluation of the main indicators of the company,
together with giving an objective assessment of its financial position, financial performance and
cash flows. In addition, the analysis helps to understand the reasons of poor financial condition as
well as possibilities of its stabilisation (Peterson & Fabozzi, 2006, pp. 2–6; Sherman, 2015, pp. 2–
4; Бочаров, 2009, pp. 5–9).

The financial analysis is prepared by the company’s professionals and then provided to the
company’s management to make business decisions and strategies (Бернстайн, 2002, p. 24;
Robinson, Henry, Pirie, & Broihahn, 2015, p. 2; Helfert, 2001, pp. 8–11). The subject of financial
analysis is to understand the dynamics of financial indicators and the reasons for their change, the
impact of changes in financial indicators on each other and the impact on the financial condition
of the company as a whole (Sherman, 2015; Бочаров, 2009, pp. 5–15).

The financial analysis can be divided into two types: external and internal analysis. Internal
analysis is carried out with the aim of improving the efficiency of company management and the
development of management decisions. Its results are used for planning, monitoring and
forecasting company development. External analysis can be carried out by all parties interested in
the activities of the company (each, depending on their interests, using public reporting data)
(Файдушенко, 2013, pp. 10–11; Сазонов, 2017, pp. 7–9).

The object of financial analysis are the financial activities and financial operations of companies
and organizations engaged in financial calculations. The methods of financial analysis are the ways
to approach the study of changes in financial performance and the relationships between them.
The methods include:
 comparative analysis;
 trend analysis;
 vertical analysis (common-size analysis);
 horizontal analysis;
 financial ratio analysis;
 variance analysis (also known as component analysis).
The comparative method of financial analysis based on comparing the values of separate groups
of similar financial indicators among themselves over a determined period (quarter, year, month
and so on) within the company or between the companies in the same field of activity. In the
process of using the analysis, the sizes of absolute and relative deviations of the compared
indicators are calculated. The method helps to understand the trends of changes of absolute figures
or percentages (Ravinder, 2013; Бочаров, 2009, pp. 70–75).

The trend analysis is a method of financial analysis, which examines the values of indicators for a
certain period of time, where the current values of indicators are compared with their past values.
One of the main tasks in trend analysis is to establish patterns of changes in indicators over time,
as well as to determine its trends (Бочаров, 2009, pp. 59–63; Файдушенко, 2013, pp. 79–81). The
analysis shows the dynamics over the period. As the rule, the lowest or the highest year is taken
and then compared with other years to see the changes. Horizontal analysis is a comparison of
each reporting item with the previous period. The horizontal analysis shows the changes within
the determined period. (Сазонов, 2017, p. 16) Horizontal analysis studies the dynamics of
individual financial indicators over time (Ravinder, 2013; Sherman, 2015, pp. 30–33; Dobesova,
2011, p. 19).

Vertical analysis is a method of financial analysis which identifies the proportion of individual
items (accounts) of financial statements in the final indicator, taken as 100%. In addition, it
determines the structure of the final financial indicators and identifies the impact of each of them
on the overall result of economic activity. The analysis aims to study the structure of assets,

liabilities, income, expenses, cash of the organization (Sherman, 2015, p. 34; Dobesova, 2011, p.
20; Бочаров, 2009, pp. 63–70).

Finally, ratio analysis is financial analysis method which is used to calculate the relationships
between the individual items (accounts) of financial statements to check or control the company’s
financial performance. The ratio analysis examines a company’s different areas of operating,
financing and investing activities such as liquidity, solvency, profitability, etc. Moreover, the
analysis allows to determine weak and strong areas of the company’s activities (Бочаров, 2009,
pp. 84–88; Sherman, 2015, pp. 43–67).

The main subpart of financial analysis is financial statement analysis. The financial statement
analysis represents an assessment of the financial and economic activities of the company in the
past, present and expected future and it is necessary for making management and business
decisions. The goal of the analysis is to determine the financial position of the company, to identify
weaknesses and potential sources of problems in its further work and to discover the strengths on
which the company can rely (Haskins, Ferris, & Selling, 1996, p. 37).

The main source of information about the business activities of the company is the financial
statements. Financial statements are representations of the financial position, financial
performance and cash flows of the company at the reporting date. The purpose of financial analysis
is to provide the information about the financial performance of the company to different users for
making economic decisions. In practice, there are four main financial statements: statement of
financial position (balance sheet), income statement, cash flow statement and statement of change
in equity (statement of retained earnings) (Haskins, Ferris, & Selling, 1996, pp. 37–49).

A statement of financial position (balance sheet) represents the information about the assets,
liabilities and owner’s equity of the company at the reporting date. The income statement reflects
information about the company’s revenue and expenses or financial results of the company for the
reporting period. (Temte, 2003, pp. 14–64) The cash flow statement represents information about
the company’s cash inflows and outflows and gives an idea of the company's cash sources and key
directions of its usage in three areas of activities: operating (main), investment and financial
(Johnston & Johnston, 2006, pp. 71–72). The statement of change in equity (statement of retained
earnings) represents the changes and movements of owner’s equity for a period of time (Sherman,
2015, pp. 19–28; Dobesova, 2011, pp. 17–18; Gibson, 2008, pp. 46–48).

To sum up, the financial analysis is used to estimate or assess the financial position, financial
performance and cash flow of the company and, in turn, to make business decisions or strategies
based on the results. The analysis is divided into two types (internal and external), which are
carried out for different purposes. In order to perform the financial analysis, six key methods of
the analysis are applied, which focus on changes in financial performance and the relationships
between them. Financial statement analysis is a basic subpart of the financial analysis, which
determines the financial position of the company in recognising weak areas that the management
of the company needs to improve and strong areas on which the company can rely.

1.2. Financial statement analysis users

The objective of financial statements is to provide the information to users for making different
kinds of economic decisions (Ravinder, 2013; Шеремет, 2006). The users of financial statements
can be individuals or legal entities interested in information about the activities of the company.
They can be divided into two categories:
1) internal users;
2) external users.
Internal users – users who directly take part in the working process of the company or the
management personnel who make various economic and financial decisions in the company
activity to improve the profitability and performance of the company (Dobesova, 2011, pp. 15–
17). The internal users include:
 owners;
 managers;
 employees.
External users – users who are not directly involved in the working process of the company.
The external users’ category includes:
 tax officers;
 auditors;
 analysts;
 government officers;
 creditors;
 suppliers;
 competitors;

 clients.
Each user of the categories has his own aims in utilising of financial statement analysis. For
example, the main internal users of financial statements are the owners as they risk their
investments and reputation if the business directions of the company are ill-advised. It is important
for them to see what the return on the spent investments and efforts are, as well as how great the
levels of economic risk and the possibility of material losses are (Gibson, 2008, p. 1; Foster, 1986,
pp. 1–22; White, Sondhi, & Fried, 1994, p. 4).

Employees seek to determine whether the company receives sufficiently high profits in order to
increase salaries (Merritt, 2013). Managers and top managers of economic departments can
analyse indicators better than anyone (Foster, 1986, pp. 3–5). They are the users of financial
statements that form the foundation of the company, determining the most effective and profitable
direction of its activities. They also examine the need for different resources or whether investment
decisions have been made correctly. They make future forecasts based on existing indicators
(Ganbaatar, 2010, pp. 12–13; Sherman, 2015, pp. 4–7).

Tax officers use the financial statements to understand whether the company pays the taxes and
does not avoid them. In addition, there are government departments, which control whether the
corrected amount of taxes is paid and how the company uses resources of the government.
Potential investors use the information from financial statements to assess the risks and profits
associated with the investments and acquisitions of securities of the company (Пелюшкевич,
2014, pp. 12–13).

Creditors determine whether the company is able to pay interest on loans on time and repay the
debts. A bank is a common example of a creditor. Furthermore, suppliers want to know whether
the company is able to pay for goods purchased on credit or whether the company can purchase
more goods from them (White, Sondhi, & Fried, 1994, p. 5; Бернстайн, 2002, pp. 10–11).Clients
use the financial statements to evaluate the conditions of the company, especially in the case of
long-term contracts and relations with the company or whether the company will be in a position
to supply these goods in the future (Foster, 1986, pp. 6–7).

Auditors check the financial statements to determine whether it is created correctly and in
appropriate manner. Finally, competitors use the financial statements of the company to estimate
its financial performance, financial position and condition. The information contained in the

statements can help to build and create new competitive strategies or alter existing strategies and
forecasts (Бернстайн, 2002, p. 25).

To conclude, financial statements provide the information for users to make various economic
decisions. The users of financial statement analysis are divided into external and internal users.
The main difference between internal and external user is that an internal user is directly involved
in the working process of the company whilst external isn’t. Each user in the category has its own
purpose for using the financial statement analysis.

1.3. Principles of efficiency matrix analysis

1.3.1. Analysis of the efficiency level of the company in terms of submatrices for efficiency

Efficiency is a broad economic phenomenon and the level of efficiency cannot be reflected as a
result of a single ratio. In the opinion of the author of this thesis, this is due to the fact that the
efficiency is an extensive or multilateral concept, which can be used and measured in different
areas of business activities. The matrix approach was developed and applied in order to analyse a
phenomenon such as the efficiency of the company. Efficiency matrix is a versatile financial tool
that helps to analyse the efficiency fields of main business activities of the company. The
efficiency field represents systematicity of qualitative indicators, whose values’ grow as efficiency

One of the first attempts at matrix integration for efficiency analysis was provided by Mereste in
1981, which was used in the practice of light manufacturing. In the following years, the matrix
approach was developed further and used in other different industries of light manufacturing
(Старцева, 2016). The subsequent studies of this broad phenomenon helped to analyse efficiency
of different economic activities, including business activities, efficiency of different industries of
companies and follow the dynamics of changes of efficiency.

Economic efficiency is a relative indicator that measures the obtained result with the costs or
resources used to achieve this result (Старцева, 2016; Мансуров, 2011). Thus, economic
efficiency reflects the relationship between the result of the activity and the costs or resources
applied to obtain this result (Мазурова, 2010, p. 5). The input and output indicators need to be
chosen in order to analyse the efficiency by composing the matrix approach. Viippola (2017) and

Gofaizen (2016) mentioned and implemented the matrix approach in their works to analyse the
economic efficiency. Alver (1989) provided a more general consideration for resources and
expenses as input indicators and results as output indicator and arranged the following scheme:
According to (Старцева, 2016) and (Siimann, 2018), the scheme suggests that resources are
converted via expenses to the final result. J. Alver and Siimann (2015), also mentioned this
suggestion in their research. In the opinion of the author of the thesis and that of Siimann (2018),
the indicators of the scheme can be divided further for a deeper analysis of efficiency field of the
main business activities.

All the companies’ business activities have the following structure: operating activities, investment
activities and financing activities. First of all, the investment activities appear at the beginning.
For instance, a creditor provides a loan for the company or investments come from the company’s
owner. When the company finds the required investments, the financing activities appear. For
instance, the company can purchase or invest in assets. Finally, the operating activities emerge.
This type of activities is related to the income earning or acquiring losses and cash flows (inflows
or outflows). All the company’s business activities are interrelated. Therefore, according to
(Siimann, 2018, pp. 70–71), the business activities can be characterised by the following scheme
for a better understanding:

The scheme suggests that the process of raising capital makes it feasible to acquire or invest in
resources, which are converted via expenses to income, profit and cash flow. In the author’s
opinion, for a more thorough analysis or to analyse additional areas of the business activities, the
indicators of this scheme can be further divided if required, depending on the aims of analysts. For
example, cash flow can be converted into dividends or reinvested again in resources.

The ways of raising capital:

 owner’s equity;
 loan;
 In addition to the capital there are other ways of financing, (e.g., provisions).
Resources are categorised as:
 assets;
 employees.

Income can be divided into:
 revenue;
 gains.
Profit is defined as the difference between income and expenses.
Cash flow is categorised as:
 operating;
 investment;
 financing.
Thereafter, the six aforementioned business activities items can create the company’s overall
efficiency matrix, which contain eight quantitative indicators and is divided into 28 efficiency field
elements in total. The efficiency field of the matrix provides 17 submatrices. Each quantitative
indicator represents the item of the business activity (Siimann, 2018, p. 84). The efficiency matrix
is established with the next suppositions:
 only the information which is comprised in accessible public annual reports is used;
 attention is paid to the order of how the quantitative indicators are presented in the
efficiency matrix: capital-resources-expenses-income-profit-cash flow (the essential point
for the efficiency matrix is that it should be structured, quantitative indicators of the
matrix should be ordered in economically significant order);
 information that easily comparable between entities is applied;
 the pattern includes an even number of quantitative indicators, thus allowing the dynamic
analysis and the comparative analysis of efficiency levels in a way that the outcome of
the analysis is influenced by all the quantitative indicators.
The quantitative indicators of the company’s overall efficiency matrix include:
1. average capital (C),
2. average number of employees (E),
3. average assets (A),
4. operating expenses (O),
5. sales revenue (S),
6. earnings before interest and tax expense (EBIT, P),
7. net operating cash flow (R),
8. free cash flow (F).

According to (Siimann, 2018, p. 83), it is better to use average values for resources and capital
quantitative indicators for more proper process of comparison of expense, income, profit and cash
flow indicators, which have values in financial statements.

Average capital quantitative indicator involve owner’s equity and loan. As companies have
different capital structures, the total of these two indicators exclude differences in the structures.
Average number of employees and average assets represent the resource indicator for the matrix.

The operating expenses appear from the expense indicator, as the operating expenses are composed
of all the expenses associated with sales of the company (Siimann, 2018). Sales revenue represents
the income, which the company earn from the operating activities, so that is why it is chosen as an
indicator for income.

As the companies have different capital structures it is appropriate to use EBIT as a representative
of profit indicator. The regulations of countries can influence net profit and operating profit does
not take financial income from assets items into account (Siimann, 2018). Net operating cash flow
and free cash flow represent the cash flow indicator. The free cash flow is computed as net
operating cash flow added to net investing cash flow.

The efficiency matrix has the following properties: the elements of the main diagonal of the
efficiency matrix are equal one; with respect to the main diagonal, symmetrically arranged
elements are reverse to each other (Старцева, 2016, p. 50). An efficiency field is a certain field
that is defined by a triangular matrix containing direct indicators of production efficiency (Table
1.1). The inverse field of efficiency is a certain field that is defined by a triangular matrix
containing inverse performance indicators (Старцева, 2016, p. 50; Siimann, 2018, pp. 65–68).

The efficiency matrix has the following advantages:

1) Simplicity and convenience for the users (even without business education).
2) Provides the full picture of weaknesses and strengths of the company’s activities.
3) The efficiency matrix can be used at the same time with various financial analysis tools.
4) The matrix assists in analysing all the financial ratios in an easy and clear way.
5) There is no need for the additional reports, as the efficiency matrix attempts to use the
information that appears during financial accounting.
6) The way of matrix approach can be automatised in a simple way.

Table 1.1. The company’s overall efficiency matrix.

Source: Siimann (2018, p. 82).

In summary, economic efficiency is measurement of acquired result and the resources used to
obtain the result. It cannot be calculated using only one financial ratio as it is a broad concept.
Therefore, the input and output indicators need to be selected to analyse the efficiency. The
efficiency matrix approach can be arranged based on the companies’ business activities, which can
be characterised by the following scheme:
(the process of raising capital makes it feasible to acquire or invest in resources, which are
converted via expenses to income, profit and cash flow). Capital, resources, expenses are
considered as the input indicators, while income, profit, cash flow are considered as output
indicators. Based on the aforementioned points, the efficiency matrix is developed, which consists
of eight quantitative indicators (represents main business activities), is divided into 28 efficiency
elements and provides 17 submatrices.

1.3.2. Analysis of benchmark index of company’s overall efficiency

Benchmarking is a process of comparative study of activities of one economic company with the
positive and best experiences of another company (primarily competitor). The efficiency of the
company is a multi-measurable or multivariate phenomenon and the process of benchmarking is
complicated if implemented with existing tools. However, a new efficiency tool has been invented,

which helps to make a benchmark process based on the company’s efficiency – benchmark index
of company’s overall efficiency (BICOE).

The first mention about the comparative tool was provided by Mereste (1981), who initially
developed the comparative multiplier matrix and later suggested a comparative multiplier of
efficiency. The matrix contained the elements under the main diagonal of the efficiency matrix
and the indicator of one factory was divided with the indicator of the factory of comparison. At
the beginning it was supposed that the multiplier was based on arithmetic mean (formula 1.1), as
the arithmetic mean is easier and more comfortable to calculate, despite all advantages of the
geometric mean.
𝐴/0 2 ∑ 𝑐′𝑖𝑗
𝐶𝑒𝑓 = , (1.1)
𝑛 2 −𝑛
where 𝑐′𝑖𝑗 – values of all the comparative matrix elements which should increase as efficiency
grows, regardless of whether the elements practically increased or decreased,
n – number of quantitative indicators.
Subsequently, Root (1985) provided the hypothesis that the geometrical mean should be used
instead of the arithmetic mean, as the grow or increase of efficiency can only be indicated only if
the result is higher than 100%. Therefore, in this case, some points should be considered with the
usage of arithmetic mean, as results depend on the location of the elements relative to the main
diagonal (under or on top). Consequently, the usage of geometrical mean is considered more

Siimann (2018) took into the consideration the previous works and developed the financial
analysis tool, which can easily calculate the company’s overall efficiency and then be implemented
in the efficiency benchmark process among the competitors. At first, it should be determined what
to assume as the benchmark (Siimann, 2018, p. 97):
1) Company’s own information and data
2) Industry leader of the market
3) All the companies' average indicators in the industry
The restriction about the BICOE is that the index can be used only if the compared companies are
profitable (EBIT and cash flow indicators are positive). Otherwise, if the companies have negative
EBIT or cash flow indicators, there is no point in calculating or sometimes it is not even possible.
In the opinion of the author of the thesis, the reason is that positive EBIT has a positive influence
on the ratio, whereas the change in the sign of EBIT will have an opposite influence (negative) on

the ratio. For example, EBIT as the numerator of the ratio changes from negative variable to
positive variable, while the denominator remains positive in both cases. Thus, EBIT of the
previous year was negative and changes to positive EBIT for the following year. It means that the
profitability of the company has been improved but the relative change of the EBIT to the
denominator is negative. The same principle is considered with cash flow indicators.

According to Siimann (2018), the first way of calculating BICOE is based on the growth indices
of all the elements of an efficiency field (formulas 1.2 and 1.3). In this way, the next steps should
be done:
 Create overall efficiency matrices using all companies’ financial information for a period
 Divide the all companies the efficiency field elements by the efficiency field elements
assumed as the benchmark:
𝐴/0 𝑥𝑖𝑗
𝑐𝑖𝑗 = 0 , (1.2)

where 𝑐𝑖𝑗 – element of efficiency field of a comparative matrix,
𝑥𝑖𝑗𝐴 – value of an efficiency field element of the company analysed,
𝑥𝑖𝑗 – value of the efficiency field element of the company chosen as a
benchmark (the same period).
 Calculation of BICOE (benchmark index of a company’s efficiency):
𝑛2 −𝑛
2 𝐴/0
BICOE = √∏ 𝑐𝑖𝑗 , (1.3)

where 𝑐𝑖𝑗 – all efficiency elements of comparative matrix,
n – number of quantitative indicators.
 Make a ranking of the companies according to the benchmark index results of overall
efficiency from the highest to the lowest order.
 Analyse and define the reasons why the company you analysed has taken a specific place
in the order. (the more the 𝑐𝑖𝑗 element surpasses one, the higher the efficiency of the
company, while the more the 𝑐𝑖𝑗 element is lower than one, the poorer the efficiency of
the company ).
 Make proposals for improvements of efficiency of the chosen company based on the

According to Siimann (2018), the second way of calculating BICOE is not to include the overall
efficiency matrix. As the company’s overall efficiency matrix include eight quantitative indicators
and adding the benchmark index 𝐶𝑗 , there formula (1.4) is used:
28 8−(2𝑗−1)
BICOE = √∏8𝑗=1 𝐶𝑗 =

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
= √𝐶17 × √𝐶25 × √𝐶33 × √𝐶41 × √𝐶5−1 × √𝐶6−3 × √𝐶7−5 × √𝐶8−7 (1.4)

When the values of benchmark index of a company’s efficiency are calculated, the overall result
should be compared with number 1 (Siimann, 2018, p. 99). If the company’s BICOE is more than
one, then the efficiency level is higher than efficiency level of the benchmark company and vice
versa. For instance, if the BICOE is 1.10 then the overall efficiency of the chosen company is 10%
higher than the level of the benchmark company. If the BICOE is 0.9, then the overall efficiency
of the chosen company is 10% lower than the level of the benchmark company.

Both ways of calculating the BICOE are valid and the values are equal. The main difference
between both ways is that the former is more detailed and provides the numerical value of BICOE
and the ranking order of the companies can also be composed. However, the second way is less
time consuming.

To conclude, based on the results of the efficiency matrix approach, the benchmark analysis can
be implemented. According to the aims or purposes of managers of the company, the assumption
of what to consider as the benchmark needs to be determined. The performance of the analysis
among the competitors is possible only if the competitors are profitable (EBIT is positive) and the
cash flow group indicators are positive for the period analysed. The benchmark index of
company’s overall efficiency can be calculated by using two ways, where one is more detailed and
provides the ranking order of the companies and the other, which is less time consuming.

1.3.3. Growth analysis of company’s overall efficiency

The efficiency level is important concept for companies, as the managers want to know how
efficiently the resources in the business activities are used. Moreover, another important question
arises for the company: whether the company’s overall efficiency improved or deteriorated during
the analysed period. To find the answer for the question, the growth index of a company’s overall
efficiency (GICOE) tool was developed by Siimann in 2018. The tool helps to understand and
comprehend of how the overall efficiency field of the company changed (Siimann, 2018, p. 100).

The GICOE can be applied only if the indicators of the company’s overall efficiency matrix are
positive in a like manner as BICOE. Otherwise, there is no point of calculating. In addition, the
GICOE can be calculated in two ways as well as BICOE.

The first mention about dynamic ranking tool was provided by Mereste (1980), who proposed the
overall efficiency index where the elements of efficiency matrix were inserted. It was presumed
that the arithmetic mean (formula 1.5) would be used in the calculation of the index.
2 ∑ 𝐼′𝛽
𝐼𝑒𝑓 = , (1.5)
𝑛 2−𝑛

where 𝐼′𝛽𝑖𝑗 – growth indices of all efficiency matrix elements which should grow, regardless
of whether the elements practically increased or decreased,
n – number of quantitative indicators.
Subsequently, Root (1981) indicated that indices denoted the change in efficiency are multiples.
Thus, the use of geometrical mean (formula 1.6) was considered more logical and correct.
𝑛2 −𝑛
𝐺 2
𝐼𝑒𝑓 = √∏ 𝐼′𝛽𝑖𝑗 , (1.6)

where 𝐼′𝛽𝑖𝑗 – growth indices of all efficiency matrix elements which should grow, regardless
of whether the elements practically increased or decreased,
n – number of quantitative indicators.

Next, Siimann (2018), by having explored taking into consideration the previous works, developed
the financial analysis tool, which allows following the dynamics and changes of the company’s
overall efficiency during a determined period.

According to Siimann (2018), the first way of calculating is used with growth indices of all
elements of an efficiency field (formulas 1.7 and 1.8). In this way, the next steps should be
 Create overall efficiency matrices using the entire financial information of the company
for a period analysed and for basic year (the year to compare with).
 Divide all the efficiency field elements of the chosen period of the company by the
efficiency field elements of basic year:
𝑡1/𝑡0 𝑥𝑖𝑗
𝑖𝑖𝑗 = 𝑡0 , (1.7)

where 𝑖𝑖𝑗 – element of growth index of a company’s overall efficiency,
𝑥𝑖𝑗 – efficiency field element of the analysed company of the chosen

𝑥𝑖𝑗 – efficiency field element of the analysed company of the
preceding period.
 Computing of the GICOE (growth index of a company’s overall efficiency):
𝑛2 −𝑛
2 𝑡
GICOE = √∏ 𝑖𝑖𝑗𝑘/𝑡0 , (1.8)
where 𝑖𝑖𝑗 – all index matrix efficiency field elements,
n – number of quantitative indicators
 Make a ranking of the companies according to the growth index results of overall efficiency
from the highest to the lowest order.
 Analyse and define the reasons why the company you analysed has taken a specific place
in the order. (the more the 𝑖𝑖𝑗 element surpasses one the greater the growth of efficiency of
the company, the more the element 𝑖𝑖𝑗 is lower than one the bigger the recession of the
company’s efficiency).
 Make proposals for improvements of efficiency of the chosen company based on the

According to Siimann (2018), the second way of calculating GICOE is not to include the overall
efficiency matrix. As the company’s overall efficiency matrix include eight quantitative indicators
and adding the benchmark index 𝐼𝑗 , there formula (1.9) is used:
28 8−(2𝑗−1)
GICOE = √∏8𝑗=1 𝐼𝑗 =

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
= √𝐼17 × √𝐼25 × √𝐼33 × √𝐼41 × √𝐼5−1 × √𝐼6−3 × √𝐼7−5 × √𝐼8−7 (1.9)

When the values of growth index of a company’s overall efficiency are calculated, they should be
compared with number 1 (Siimann, 2018, p. 102). If the company’s GICOE is more than one, then
the efficiency level has increased than the efficiency level of the company in the preceding period
and vice versa. For instance, if the GICOE is 1.1 then the overall efficiency of the chosen company
has increased 10% comparing to the level of the efficiency level of the company in the preceding
period. If the GICOE is 0.9, then the overall efficiency of the chosen company has declined 10%
comparing to the level of the efficiency level of the company in the preceding period.

Both ways of calculating the GICOE are valid and the values should be equal. The differences of
GICOE are similarly to BICOE’s. The advantage of the first way is that it is more detailed and

provides the numerical value of GICOE, while the ranking order of the companies can be
composed. However, the second way is less time consuming.

To conclude, based on the results of the efficiency matrix approach the efficiency growth analysis
can be implemented. The analysis examines and follows the dynamics of changes of overall
efficiency of the company within analysed period. The growth index of company’s overall
efficiency can be calculated by using two ways, where one is more detailed and provides the
ranking order of the companies based on the results of the analysis and the other is less time

1.3.4. Variance analysis

Variance analysis (also known as component analysis) – the analysis that helps to discover the
reasons of changes in the values of ratios by dividing them into components. All the elements that
are below of the main diagonal of efficiency matrix, are the efficiency elements. According to
Mereste (1980), each quantitative indicator can be viewed in two manners:
1) component with impact;
2) performance indicator.
With the matrix approach conducted by Siimann, the following statements were discovered:
 the rows and column vectors are related;
 square matrix consists of two triangular matrices;
 the triangular matrices are symmetric to each other;
 efficiency matrix is matrix model where the elements are interrelated;
 the key element of the matrix is on the first column of the last row;
 after the aims of analyses are reached, the matrix model allows to develop component
systems by many variants.
By addressing to the company’s overall efficiency matrix (Table 1.1) and using the matrix
approach the component expression emerges:
𝒙𝟏 = 𝒙𝟖𝟏 × 𝒙𝟖 , (1.10)
by which it can be inferred that free cash flow equals the product of the ratio Free cash flow to
Average capital and Average capital. The previous sentence presumes: to increase free cash flow
earned the capital or free cash flow earned per euro of capital invested or both should be increased
(considering that Free cash flow to Average capital remains the same). The same relationships can
be composed between all the quantitative elements included in the efficiency matrix (Siimann,

2018, p. 89). The most important element was defined based on the efficiency matrix: Free cash
to Average capital (F/C). In the same matrix, there are seven main elements of efficiency
1) Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow (F/R);
2) Net operating cash flow to EBIT (R/P);
3) EBIT to Sales (P/S);
4) Sales to Operating Expenses (S/O);
5) Operating expenses to Average assets (O/A);
6) Average assets to Average number of employees (A/E);
7) Average of employees to Average Capital (E/C).
Consequently, the can be relationship created:
=𝑅×𝑃×𝑆×𝑂×𝐴×𝐸×𝐶 , (1.11)

The more general form for the relationship is the next:

𝑥81 = 𝑥21 × 𝑥32 × 𝑥43 × 𝑥54 × 𝑥65 × 𝑥76 × 𝑥87 (1.12)
By placing the formula (1.10) into the formula (1.12), there is a relationship between Free cash
flow and eight elements appear:
𝑥1 = 𝑥21 × 𝑥32 × 𝑥43 × 𝑥54 × 𝑥65 × 𝑥76 × 𝑥87 × 𝑥8. (1.13)
Thus, it means that a change in every component in the formula affects the Free cash flow. Every
component needed to be increased but other indicators should not decrease simultaneously in
achieving an increase in the Free cash flow.
The formula (1.10) can be changed to
𝑇 =𝑎×𝑏 (1.14)
and the dynamics can be defined as:
𝑇1 𝑎 ×𝑏
= 𝑎1 ×𝑏1. (1.15)
𝑇0 0 0

Following the formula (1.15), the component indices are composed:

𝑇𝑎 𝑎 ×𝑏
= 𝑎1 ×𝑏0 . – index of component (a);
𝑇0 0 0

𝑇1 𝑎 ×𝑏
= 𝑎1 ×𝑏1 . – index of component (b).
𝑇𝑎 1 0

The absolute impact of every component may be discovered by chain replacement as the difference
between the numerator and denominator of the component index (Siimann, 2018, p. 104). In
consequence, the following sequence arises:
1) The absolute impact of component (a) – Average capital on the indicator which is analysed:
∆𝑇(𝑎) = 𝑇𝑎 − 𝑇0 = (𝑎1 − 𝑎0 ) × 𝑏0 (1.16)

2) The absolute impact of component (b) – Free cash flow to Average capital on the indicator
which is analysed:
∆𝑇(𝑏) = 𝑇1 − 𝑇𝑎 = 𝑎1 × (𝑏1 − 𝑏0 ) (1.17)
Besides, similarly to the analysis of two components, a component analysis with the bigger
quantity of components can be used. The relative impact of every component in the total change
can be found as the division of its absolute impact on the indicator analysed on the total change in
the indicator, which is analysed:
∆𝑇(𝑎)/∆𝑇 – component (a), (1.18)
∆𝑇(𝑏)/∆𝑇 – component (b). (1.19)

In summary, the variance analysis helps comprehend the reasons of changes of the elements of the
company’s overall efficiency matrix and discover the impact of the components to the elements in
the matrix. The matrix approach helps to discover relationships between the elements and compose
formulas for the component analysis based on the relationships of the elements. The definition of
the absolute impact of the components can be detected by using the chain-linking method. Finally,
the relative impact of the components can be discovered using the absolute impact on the indicator
analysed and the total change in the indicator.

To sum up the first chapter, the next conclusions should be mentioned:

 The financial analysis is used to estimate the financial position, financial performance and
cash flow of the company and then to make business decisions as well as to recognise weak
areas the management of the company needs to improve and strong areas on which the
company can rely.
 The financial analysis provides the information for users to make various economic
decisions, while each user has his own purposes of financial statement analysis.
 Economic efficiency is measurement of acquired result and the resources used to obtain
the result; to analyse the efficiency, the input and output indicators need to be selected.
 The company’s overall efficiency matrix can be composed based on the companies’
business activities, where the quantitative indicators of the company’s overall efficiency
represent the company’s business activities; capital, resources, expenses are considered as
input indicators, while income, profit and cash flow are considered as output indicators
(the process of raising capital makes it feasible to acquire or invest in resources, which are
converted via expenses to income, profit and cash flow).

 Benchmark analysis can be performed when the results of the company’s overall efficiency
matrix are defined or calculated, depending on the aims or purposes of managers of the
 The implementation of the benchmark analysis among the competitors is possible only if
the competitors are profitable (EBIT and cash flow indicators are positive) for the period
 The growth index analysis of company’s overall efficiency investigates the dynamics of
changes of overall efficiency of the company within the period analysed and can only be
applied only if the indicators of the company’s overall efficiency matrix are positive.
 The variance analysis allows comprehend the reasons of changes of the elements of the
company’s overall efficiency matrix and the matrix approach allows to detect relationships
between the elements and compose formulas for the component analysis based on the
relationships between the elements.

The next chapter reveals an example of implementation of the efficiency analysis tools as well as
the analysis of the calculated or received data. In addition, based on the received results of the
calculations, the recommendations for further efficiency increase for the company are provided.


The purpose of the this chapter is to analyse Adidas Group, the industry of the company and the
efficiency of the company by applying the new financial analysis tools such as company’s overall
efficiency matrix, benchmark index of the company’s overall efficiency and growth index of the
company’s overall efficiency as well as provide the recommendations to the company based on
the results of the analysis.

2.1. Competition overview

The industry in which the company operates includes design and manufacturing of athletic apparel,
footwear, sports accessories and equipment for sport or physical exercises. The sportswear tends
to ensure comfort to a wearer or a sportsperson. Adidas, Nike, Puma, Under Armour, New Balance,
Asics are some of the examples of the industry players. All of these big players operate in different
locations of Europe, North and Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region. According to Statista,
the USA is the largest market of the sportswear industry. The aforementioned companies sell their
products through retail stores, online stores, licensees, independent distributors.

Figure 2.1 indicates that the total trend of sales of three main industry leaders is increasing. Nike
is the world’s leader in the sportswear industry with the highest numbers of sales. According to
Statista, North America is the main market for Nike as around 50% (around 15 billion euros) of
the global revenue was generated in the USA in 2017. The main reasons of the success can be
referred to marketing campaigns and contracts with professional athletes and teams.







2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Nike Adidas Puma Total

Figure 2.1. Total sales revenue of three main industry leaders of the industry (in billions euros)
Source: Compiled by the author on the basis of data provided by Statista.

Adidas is the largest manufacturer in Europe and the second largest manufacturer in the world after
Nike. In 2017 the annual total sales revenue of Adidas was more than 21 billion euros. In 2013
sales revenue of Adidas dropped by 5% comparing with 2012. The weakness of currencies in some
countries, including Russia, the third largest market of that year, a supply reduction in athletic
apparel and footwear and weakness in the golf market due to the wet weather that year caused the
decrease in sales turnover. In recent years (2011–2017), Adidas has improved its sales
performance. The reasons for that are successful marketing strategies, the design and
manufacturing of new collections of sportswear, contracts with celebrities, professional athletes
and sports clubs as well as Nike. Footwear is the most important for both Nike and Adidas as it
generated more than 50% of global revenue in 2017.

Puma is a German company and is another large manufacturer of sportswear of the world.
According to Statista, Europe and the USA are the key markets for Puma as there are around 75 %
of global sales were generated in these markets in 2017. Moreover, total sales revenue of the three
main industry leaders of the industry (Figure 2.1) indicates that 2013 was the challenging year for
Puma as well as for Adidas. In the author’s opinion, currency weakness in some market countries,

lack of brand recognition, problems with commercial products, desirable distribution and success
of other competitors subsequently caused a significant drop in sales revenue. In recent years the
company has improved its sales performance. In 2017, the company generated over 4 billion euros,
which is 38% higher than in 2013 due to new contracts with professional sports teams, celebrities
and athletes. Consequently, contracts with athletes and sports clubs are the main tactic of these
three largest industry leaders. In addition, according to Statista, Puma generated over 45% of the
sales revenue from footwear sales.

2.2. Company overview

Adidas Group is a German manufacturer, which operates in the sportswear industry worldwide.
The company is the largest manufacturer in Europe and the second largest in the world. The core
brands of the Group are Adidas and Reebok. The mission of the company is to be the best sports
company in the world. The key headquarters of the company are in Herzogenaurach, Amsterdam,
Boston, Portland, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Panama. The company had 56,888 employees in
2017, which reflects a decrease of 3%, in comparison with 2016 (Adidas, 2018, p. 81). There are
employees from over 100 nations working at the main headquarter in Herzogenaurach (Germany).

Based on the annual reports (2011–2017) of Adidas Group, the following main events appeared
during the period analysed:
 In 2011:
1. Extension of sponsorship agreement between Adidas and Spanish national football
2. Launch of the lightest basketball shoes – adizero Crazy Light.
3. Launch of adipower Predator – the lightest boots of Predator line.
4. Extension of sponsorship agreement between Adidas and Bayern Munich, one of
the most famous football club in the world.
 In 2012:
1. Launch of football boots – Predators, which is made of superlight rubber.
2. Launching of Truwalk zero, which are the lightest shoes ever made.
3. Investigation of violation of commercial rights at Reebok business in India.
 In 2013:
1. Release of new football Nitrocharge, which are the energy-retaining boots.

2. Release of miCoach Smart Run – a smart chip for runners and footballers to track
runs, heart rate and coaching.
3. Economic downturn in the third largest market of Adidas Group – Russia/CIS.
4. Golf market instability.
 In 2014:
1. Release of new football boots for the 2014 World Cup.
2. Germany won the 2014 World Cup, with Adidas as a sponsor of the team.
3. Executional mistakes of the Group management regarding the golf market.
4. Crisis in the Russian market.
5. Depreciation of currencies of different markets.
 In 2015:
1. Release of shoes made of yarns recycled from the ocean waste.
2. Acquisition of Runtastic, a leading fitness app provider.
3. Challenges with home market of Reebok.
4. TaylorMade – adidas Golf continues to meet challenges in the golf market.
 In 2016:
1. Release of world’s first high-performance laceless boots by Adidas.
2. Release of PureBOOST X (running shoes), especially for women.
3. Continue of decrease of sales revenue from Russian market.
 In 2017:
1. Adidas Group and Siemens announced collaboration in digital production of
sporting goods.
2. Implementation of Futurecraft 4D – the world’s first high-performance footwear
featuring midsoles that are processed with oxygen and light and presentation of the
first-ever ultraboost laceless.
3. Extension of partnership with Major League Soccer untill 2024.
4. Continue of decrease of sales revenue from Russian market.

The company outsources the production to different independent suppliers to minimise production
costs or for competitive costs, which are mostly in Asia (77% of total production in 2011 and 79%
in 2017), according to Figure 2.2. Moreover, according to annual reports (2011, 2017), the
company cooperated with 308 independent suppliers in 2011, whereas in 2017 the company
operated with 296 independent manufacturing partners.

2011 2017

7% 1% 9% 1%

15% 11%

77% 79%

Asia Americas Europe Africa Asia Americas Europe Africa

Figure 2.2. Sportswear industry suppliers of Adidas Group in 2011 and in 2017
Source: Compiled by the author based on data provided by Adidas Group’s annual reports (2011
and 2017).

According to Figure 2.2, Americas represented 15% of the whole production, Europe 7% and
Africa only 1%. Furthermore, 97% of entire footwear production was produced in Asia, while 35%
of it was produced in China, 29% in Vietnam and 26% in Indonesia. Americas represented only
2% of entire footwear production and Europe 1%. In total, 245 million shoes were produced by
suppliers in 2011. In 2011, the key producer of the athletic apparel was Asia, representing 83% of
total production, while Europe represented 11% and Americas 6%. China was the largest producer,
representing 35% of total production, 14% in Thailand and 11% in Indonesia. In total, 321 units
of athletic apparel were produced in 2011.

Finally, the main producer of the hardware production was Asia, which represented 98% of total
volume produced, with Europe producing only 2%. China was the largest producer, representing
66% of the total production, Vietnam represented 21% and Pakistan 10%. In total, approximately,
51 million units of hardware were produced in 2011 (Adidas Group, 2012, pp. 93–94). The main
supplier of the company in 2017 was Asia, which was 79% of the whole production (Adidas,
2018). The Americas’ suppliers represented 11% of the whole production, European’s suppliers
represented only 9% of the total production and Africa took only 1%.

Moreover, 97% of entire footwear production was produced in Asia whereas only 2% was
produced in Americas and only 1% in Europe. Vietnam represented the largest volume of footwear
production in 2017 – 44% of entire footwear production. The second largest sourcing country was
Indonesia with 25% of entire Asian footwear volume and China represented only 19% in 2017. In
all, the total volume of footwear produced accounted for 403 million pairs of shoes in 2017.

In 2017, the key producer of athletic apparel was Asia, which represented 93% of entire
production. Suppliers in the Americas represented 4% of total production of athletic apparel, with
Europe representing 3% and Africa only 1%. According to Adidas Group’s annual report (2017),
China was the largest manufacturer of athletic apparel with 23% of the total volume produced. The
second largest source country was Cambodia with 22%. Finally, Vietnam represented 18% of the
produced volume in 2017. In aggregate, the total volume of athletic apparel produced accounted
for 404 million units in 2017.

In addition to athletic apparel, Asia represented the highest volume of hardware production such
as balls and bags, which accounted for 82%. Europe represented 16% of the total production and
the Americas only 2%. Furthermore, China was the largest manufacturer of hardware production,
representing 40% of the total volume produced. Pakistan was the second largest manufacturer with
18%. Finally, Turkey represented only 15% of the total volume produced in 2017. The total
volume of hardware produced accounted for 110 million units.

Table 2.1 concludes the general information shortly and key data about Adidas Group during the
period analysed (2011–2017), where it can be seen that in 2014 financial indicators, such as market
capitalisation and net income of the company were the lowest (11.77 and 0.50 billion euro
respectively), while market capitalisation and net income in 2017 were the highest (34.08 and 1.10
billion euro respectively).

Table 2.1. General information of Adidas Group 2011–2017.

Year Number of Sales Volume of Main Net Market

employees revenue items sportswear profit capitalisation
(billion produced supplier (% of (billion (billion euro)
euro) (million total production euro)
units) volume)

2017 56,888 21.22 917 Asia–79 1.10 34.08

2016 58,902 18.48 851 Asia–80 1.02 30.25
2015 55,555 16.92 778 Asia–79 0.64 18.00
2014 53,731 14.53 666 Asia–83 0.50 11.77
2013 49,808 14.20 642 Asia–78 0.79 19.38
2012 46,306 14.88 595 Asia–76 0.52 14.09
2011 46,824 13.32 602 Asia–77 0.61 10.52
Source: Compiled by the author based on data provided by Adidas Group’s annual reports
(2011–2017) and Statista.

However, the volume of items produced in 2011 was higher than in 2014 (602 and 666 million
units respectively). Furthermore, the lowest sales revenue of the company was in 2011 (13.32
billion euro) and the highest indicator was in 2017 (21.22 billion euro). Finally, the number of
employees increased each year, except in 2017, according to Table 2.2.

2.3. Efficiency analysis of Adidas Group 2011–2017

In order to compose the company’s overall efficiency matrix, the initial data of all the indices of
the company’s annual report data is required (Table 2.2). In the case of Adidas Group, the
information from the 2011–2017 annual reports was used to compose the company’s overall
efficiency matrix.

Table 2.2. Initial data of Adidas Group 2011–2017.

Net Average
Year / Q1 (in Free Operating
operating Average no of Average
mil euros, excl cash EBIT (P) Sales (S) expenses
cash flow assets (A) employees capital (C)
E) flow (F) (O)
(R) (E)

2017 1,583 2,263 2,085 21,218 19,280 14,598 57,895 7,605

2016 1,168 1,782 1,606 18,483 17,268 14,260 57,229 7,775
2015 936 1,527 1,104 16,915 16,037 12,880 54,643 7,484
2014 500 1,037 894 14,534 13,813 12,008 51,770 7,153
2013 822 1,065 1,186 14,203 13,215 11,625 48,057 6,797
2012 1,195 1,412 948 14,883 13,930 11,444 46,565 6,593
2011 668 1,234 977 13,322 12,560 10,928 44,683 6,321
2017/2016 1.36 1.27 1.30 1.15 1.12 1.02 1.01 0.98
2016/2015 1.25 1.17 1.45 1.09 1.08 1.11 1.05 1.04
2015/2014 1.87 1.47 1.23 1.16 1.16 1.07 1.06 1.05
2014/2013 0.61 0.97 0.75 1.02 1.05 1.03 1.08 1.05
2013/2012 0.69 0.75 1.25 0.95 0.95 1.02 1.03 1.03
2012/2011 1.79 1.14 0.97 1.12 1.11 1.05 1.04 1.04
1.15 1.11 1.13 1.08 1.07 1.05 1.04 1.03
Source: Compiled by the author based on Appendix 1.

CAGR shows (Table 2.2) that all eight quantitative indicators (free cash flow, net operating cash
flow, earnings before interest and taxes, sales, operating expenses, average assets, average number
of employees and average capital) increased during the period analysed. The highest increase
happened in free cash flow in relative term, rising from 668 million euro in 2011 to 1,583 million
euro in 2017. As can be seen from the initial data information (Table 2.2), 2013 and 2014 were the
most challenging years for the company during the period analysed. The main reasons of decreases
in 2013 were depreciation of currencies in Russia (one of the largest sales area for the company),
Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Canada and Turkey as well as product supply and distribution
problems regarding Russia/CIS and poor management decisions concerning the global golf
market, according to annual reports (2013, 2014).

Negative currencies effects caused the deprivation of 750 million euros, (Adidas Group, 2014).
The main reasons of the decline in 2014 were the economic downturn in Russia as well as further
depreciation of Russian rouble and other currencies and underestimated golf market at the
beginning of 2014. Over the years of 2015 and 2016, both input the output indicators increased,
according to initial data of the company (Table 2.2). The highest increase in both relative and
absolute term among input indicators was in operating expenses – 1.16 (from 13,813 million euro
in 2014 to 16,037 in 2015), as the result of business growth as well as expense for point-of-sale
and increase in marketing expenses, sales and logistics expenses.

The most significant growth in the relative term among output indicators was in free cash flow –
1.87 (from 500 million euro in 2014 to 936 million euro in 2015), mainly due to an increase in
accounts payable, while net cash used in investing activities due to the purchase of Runtastic – an
Austrian mobile fitness company (Adidas Group, 2016). Finally, the highest increase in the
absolute term among output indicators was in sales from 18,483 million euro in 2016 to 21,218
million euro in 2017, due to an increase in the production units of footwear, apparel and hardware
units as well as increase in sales (except for Russia/CIS) and growth in euro terms.

Based on the framework of the company’s overall efficiency matrix (Table 1.1) and initial data of
Adidas Group 2011–2017 (Table 2.2), the company’s overall efficiency matrix for Adidas Group
is compiled in Table 2.3. When comparing 2017 values with 2011 (Table 2.3), the value of 27
elements out of 28 of the Adidas Group’s efficiency matrix increased, whereas one element (net
operating cash flow) decreased during the period analysed (CAGR: 0.975). This was mainly due
to an increase in earnings before interest and taxes in both absolute and relative terms from 948
million euro in 2012 to 1,186 million euro in 2013, as well as a decline in net operating cash flow
from 1,412 million euro in 2012 to 1,065 million euro in 2013 (decrease 25%). The latter was due
to increase in trade receivables and a significant increase in inventories as the company purchased
more goods than it sold. Besides, cash outflow from investing activities increased by 26 million
euro, mainly due to investments in furnishing and fitting of the company’s stores as well as
investments in logistics and IT systems.

Table 2.3. Overall efficiency matrix of Adidas Group 2011–2017

Year / QI (in
mil euros excl Free cash Net operating Operating Average Average no of Average
E) flow (F) cash flow (R) EBIT (P) Sales (S) expenses (O) assets (A) employees (E) capital (C)

F 1
2017 0.700
2016 0.655
2015 0.613
2014 0.482 1
2013 0.772
2012 0.846
2011 0.541
2017/2011 1.292
2016/2011 1.211
2015/2011 1.132
2014/2011 0.891
2013/2011 1.426
2012/2011 1.563
2017/2011 1.044
2017 0.759 1.085
2016 0.727 1.110
2015 0.848 1.383
2014 0.559 1.160 1
2013 0.693 0.898
2012 1.261 1.489
2011 0.684 1.263
2017/2011 1.110 0.859
2016/2011 1.064 0.878
2015/2011 1.240 1.095
2014/2011 0.818 0.918
2013/2011 1.014 0.711
2012/2011 1.844 1.179
2017/2011 1.018 0.975
2017 0.075 0.107 0.098
2016 0.063 0.096 0.087
2015 0.055 0.090 0.065
2014 0.034 0.071 0.062 1
2013 0.058 0.075 0.084
2012 0.080 0.095 0.064
2011 0.050 0.093 0.073
2017/2011 1.488 1.151 1.340
2016/2011 1.260 1.041 1.185
2015/2011 1.104 0.975 0.890
2014/2011 0.686 0.770 0.839
2013/2011 1.154 0.810 1.139
2012/2011 1.601 1.024 0.869
2017/2011 1.068 1.024 1.050
2017 0.082 0.117 0.108 1.101
2016 0.068 0.103 0.093 1.070
2015 0.058 0.095 0.069 1.055
2014 0.036 0.075 0.065 1.052 1
2013 0.062 0.081 0.090 1.075
2012 0.086 0.101 0.068 1.068
2011 0.053 0.098 0.078 1.061
2017/2011 1.544 1.195 1.390 1.038
2016/2011 1.272 1.050 1.196 1.009
2015/2011 1.097 0.969 0.885 0.994
2014/2011 0.681 0.764 0.832 0.992
2013/2011 1.170 0.820 1.154 1.013
2012/2011 1.613 1.032 0.875 1.007
2017/2011 1.075 1.030 1.056 1.006

2017 0.108 0.155 0.143 1.454 1.321
2016 0.082 0.125 0.113 1.296 1.211
2015 0.073 0.119 0.086 1.313 1.245
2014 0.042 0.086 0.074 1.210 1.150 1
2013 0.071 0.092 0.102 1.222 1.137
2012 0.104 0.123 0.083 1.301 1.217
2011 0.061 0.113 0.089 1.219 1.149
2017/2011 1.774 1.373 1.598 1.192 1.149
2016/2011 1.340 1.107 1.260 1.063 1.054
2015/2011 1.189 1.050 0.959 1.077 1.083
2014/2011 0.681 0.765 0.833 0.993 1.001
2013/2011 1.157 0.811 1.141 1.002 0.989
2012/2011 1.708 1.093 0.927 1.067 1.059
2017/2011 1.100 1,054 1.081 1,030 1.023
2017 0.027 0.039 0.036 0.366 0.333 0.252
2016 0.020 0.031 0.028 0.323 0.302 0.249
2015 0.017 0.028 0.020 0.310 0.293 0.236
2014 0.010 0.020 0.017 0.281 0.267 0.232 1
2013 0.017 0.022 0.025 0.296 0.275 0.242
2012 0.026 0.030 0.020 0.320 0.299 0.246
2011 0.015 0.028 0.022 0.298 0.281 0.245
2017/2011 1.829 1.415 1.647 1.229 1.185 1.031
2016/2011 1.365 1.128 1.283 1.083 1.073 1.019
2015/2011 1.146 1.012 0.924 1.038 1.044 0.964
2014/2011 0.646 0.725 0.790 0.942 0.949 0.948
2013/2011 1.144 0.802 1.129 0.991 0.978 0.989
2012/2011 1.717 1.098 0.931 1.072 1.064 1.005
2017/2011 1.106 1.060 1.087 1.035 1.029 1.005
2017 0.208 0.298 0.274 2.790 2.535 1.919 7.613
2016 0.150 0.229 0.207 2.377 2.221 1.834 7.361
2015 0.125 0.204 0.148 2.260 2.143 1.721 7.302
2014 0.070 0.145 0.125 2.032 1.931 1.679 7.238 1
2013 0.121 0.157 0.175 2.090 1.944 1.710 7.071
2012 0.181 0.214 0.144 2.257 2.113 1.736 7.063
2011 0.106 0.195 0.155 2.108 1.987 1.729 7.069
2017/2011 1.970 1.524 1.774 1.324 1.276 1.110 1.077
2016/2011 1.421 1.174 1.336 1.128 1.118 1.061 1.041
2015/2011 1.183 1.045 0.954 1.072 1.078 0.996 1.033
2014/2011 0.661 0.743 0.809 0.964 0.972 0.971 1.024
2013/2011 1.144 0.803 1.129 0.991 0.978 0.989 1.000
2012/2011 1.715 1.097 0.930 1.071 1.063 1.004 0.999
2017/2011 1.120 1.073 1.100 1.048 1.041 1.018 1.012
Source: Compiled by the author on the basis of the initial data of Adidas Group 2011–2017
(Appendix 1).

Furthermore, according to company’s overall efficiency matrix (Table 2.3), the overall efficiency
growth of the company for each year can be calculated, comparing it with the base year of 2011
(Table 2.4). This shows that 2017 was the most efficient year for Adidas Group in comparison with
2011 with an 33% overall efficiency increase due to the increase of all efficiency elements’ values,
except one (net operating cash flow to earnings before interest and taxes). On the other hand, in
2014 the overall efficiency of the company decreased by 17%, compared with 2011.

Table 2.4. Growth index of overall efficiency of Adidas Group 2011–2017.

2017/2011 133%
2016/2011 114%
2015/2011 104%
2014/2011 83%
2013/2011 101%
2012/2011 115%
Source: Compiled by author based on overall efficiency matrix of Adidas Group.

In addition, the overall efficiency of the company slightly increased in 2013 (challenging year)
and 2015 (recovery year), whereas in 2012 and 2016 the overall efficiency of the company
increased by 14%–15%. Based on overall efficiency matrix of Adidas Group (Table 2.3), the
highest decreases during the period analysed were in all efficiency elements of the first column of
the overall efficiency matrix due to a significant decrease in free cash flow and precisely during
2013 and 2014 (the most challenging years).

Moreover, based on the initial data of the company (Table 2.2), it can be seen that free cash flow
decreased from 1,195 million euro in 2012 to 822 million euro in 2013. The main reason for this
is the decline in cash from operating activities from 1,065 million euro in 2012 to 1,412 million
euro in 2013, which was mainly due to reduced payments from customers (increase in accounts
receivable) as well as an increase in inventories. In addition, investments in property, plant and
equipment, such as investments in furnishing and fitting of stores and investments in logistics
infrastructure and IT systems as well as investments in expansion of store base, especially in
Russia/CIS, were also reasons for the decrease in free cash flow in 2013 (Adidas Group, 2014).

Furthermore, based on the initial data of the company (Table 2.2), it can be seen that free cash flow
decreased further from 822 million euro in 2013 to 500 million euro in 2014. The main reasons
are an increase in cash outflow from investing activities – lower proceeds from the sale of short-
term financial assets, further expansion of retail activities and investments in property, plant and
equipment, such as investments in furnishing and fitting of stores and investments in logistics
infrastructure and IT systems as well as purchase of Luta Ltd, a company specialising in sportswear
(Adidas Group, 2015).

In addition to free cash flow, significant decrease in the efficiency elements of the first column
were due to:
 In (F/P) efficiency element in 2013 was caused by an increase in earnings before interest
and taxes from 948 million euro in 2012 to 1,186 million euro in 2013, mainly due to a
decrease in cost of sales by 400 million euro (Adidas Group, 2014).
 In (F/S) efficiency element in 2014 was caused by an increase in sales revenue from 14,203
million euro in 2013 to 14,534 million euro in 2014, due to strong whosale and retail
growth (Adidas Group, 2015).
 In (F/O) efficiency element in 2014 was caused by an increase in cost of sales from 7,203
million euro in 2013 to 7,610 million euro in 2014 as well as an increase in operating
expenses by 200 million euro from 2013 to 2014, such as marketing expenses, sales and
logistics expenses.
 In (F/A) efficiency element in 2014 was caused by an increase in total assets from 11,599
million euro in 2013 to 12,417 million euro in 2014, as mainly due to an increase in cash
and cash equivalents, accounts receivable and assets classified as held for sale (Rockport)
(Adidas Group, 2015).
 In (F/E) efficiency element in 2014 was caused by an increase in number of employees
from 49,808 to 53,731, due to an extension of the company’s own retail stores (Adidas
Group, 2015).
 In (F/C) efficiecny element in 2013 was caused by an increase in total equity due to an
increase in retained earnings as well as an increase in short-term borrowings, whereas in
2014 it was caused by positive currency translation as well as an increase in hedging
To conclude, the highest decrease during the period analysed were in all efficiency elements of the
first column of the overall efficiency matrix (Table 2.3), due to the significant decrease of free cash
flow during 2013 and 2014. Moreover, the most efficient year for the company was 2017, while
2014 was the most inefficient (Table 2.4).

2.4. Benchmark analysis of Adidas Group 2017

Based on the data from Appendix 1 of Nike and information from efficiency matrix of Adidas
Group (Table 2.3) for 2017, the comparative efficiency matrix can be arranged between Adidas
Group and Nike (Table 2.5), in which Adidas Group is considered as a base company.

Table 2.5. Comparative efficiency matrix of Adidas Group and Nike for 2017.

Year / QI (in Free operating Operating Average Average no Average
mil euros excl cash cash flow expenses assets of employees capital
E) flow (F) (R) EBIT (P) Sales (S) (O) (A) (E) (C)
F 1
2017 1.055 1
2017 0.756 0.717 1
2017 1.107 1.050 1.465 1
2017 1.168 1.107 1.545 1.054 1
2017 1.245 1.180 1.647 1.124 1.066 1
2017 1.266 1.201 1.675 1.144 1.085 1.017 1
2017 0.959 0.909 1.269 0.866 0.821 0.771 0.757 1
Source: Compiled by the author.

Table 2.5 summarises that only eight elements of the Adidas Group’s efficiency matrix are higher
than Nike’s: F/P, R/P, F/C, R/C, S/C, O/C, A/C and E/C. Consequently, based on the results, it can
be concluded that Adidas Group could raise its overall efficiency by increasing the use of assets,
sales profitability and reducing operating expenses. Based on comparative efficiency matrix of
Adidas Group and Nike (Table 2.5) or formula (1.4), the benchmark index of overall efficiency of
Adidas Group and Nike can be calculated (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6. Benchmark index of overall efficiency of Adidas Group and Nike.

2017 108%
Source: Compiled by author.

Table 2.6 concludes that the overall efficiency of Nike was higher for 8% compared to Adidas
Group in 2017, due to more efficient usage of cash, lower operating expenses, more efficient assets
usage as well as more efficient usage of employees. Based on the data from Appendix 1 of Puma,
and information from efficiency matrix of Adidas Group (Table 2.3) for 2017, the comparative
efficiency matrix can be arranged between Adidas Group and Puma (Table 2.7), in which Adidas
Group is considered as a base company.

Table 2.7. Comparative efficiency matrix of Adidas Group and Puma for 2017.

Year / QI (in Free Operating Average Average no Average

mil euros excl cash Net operating Sales expenses assets of employees capital
E) flow (F) cash flow (R) EBIT (P) (S) (O) (A) (E) (C)
F 1
2017 0.868 1
2017 0.914 1.053 1
2017 0.551 0.635 0.603 1
2017 0.530 0.610 0.580 0.962 1
2017 0.558 0.643 0.611 1.013 1.053 1
2017 0.534 0.615 0.584 0.969 1.008 0.957 1
2017 0.476 0.548 0.521 0.864 0.898 0.853 0.891 1
Source: Compiled by the author.

Table 2.7 summarises that the following 24 elements of the Adidas Group’s efficiency matrix are
higher than Puma’s: F/R, F/P, F/S, R/S, P/S, F/O, R/O, P/O, S/O, F/A, R/A, P/A, F/E, R/E, P/E,
S/E, A/E, F/C, R/C, P/C, S/C, O/C, A/C and E/C. Consequently, based on the results, it can be
concluded that Adidas Group could increase its overall efficiency by rising the use of assets and
slightly improve cash management. Based on comparative efficiency matrix of Adidas Group and
Puma for 2017 (Table 2.7.) or formula (1.4), the benchmark index of overall efficiency of Adidas
Group and Puma can be calculated (Table 2.8).

Table 2.8. Benchmark index of overall efficiency of Adidas Group and Puma.

2017 72%
Source: Compiled by author.

It can be concluded from Table 2.8 that the overall efficiency of Puma was lower for 28% than the
overall efficiency of Adidas Group in 2017, due to less efficient investment usage, lower
profitability, higher operating expenses, less efficient labour usage as well as less efficient capital
management. Based on benchmark index efficiency results (Table 2.6 and Table 2.8), the ranking
process by efficiency criteria can be performed (Table 2.9).

Table 2.9. Benchmark index of overall efficiency of Adidas Group and Puma

Company BICOE
Nike 108%
Adidas Group 100%
Puma 72%
Source: Compiled by author.

Based on Table 2.9, it can be concluded that Adidas Group’s is ranked between Nike and Puma,
whereas Nike is a leader and Puma is the last.

2.5. Variance analysis of Adidas Group 2011–2017

By referring to the formula (1.10), it was mentioned that free cash flow equals the product of ratio
ratio of Free cash flow to Average capital and Average capital. Consequently, as a solution to the
distribution problem, the following formula can be composed, which characterises the free cash
flow formation by expressing formula (1.13) in a manner of the formula (1.11):
𝐹=𝐶× × × × × × × , (2.10)
where F – Free cash flow,
C – Average capital,
– Average number of employees to Average capital,
– Average assets to Average number of employees,
– Operating expenses to Average assets,
– Sales revenue to Operating expenses,
– Earnings before interests and taxes to Sales revenue,
– Net operating cash flow to Profit,
– Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow.
By implementing the chain-linking method and formula (1.15), the results of variance analysis are
presented in Table 2.10, where F(Conditional) can be received after the replacement of every

component, the influence of every component in Free cash flow (ΔF) and the influence of every
component in Free cash flow in a percentage equivalent.

Table 2.10. Distribution of absolute increment.

Year F C E/C A/E O/A S/O P/S R/P F/R

2017 1583 7605 7.613 0.252 1.321 1.101 0.098 1.085 0.700

2016 1168 7775 7.361 0.249 1.211 1.070 0.087 1.110 0.655

2015 936 7484 7.302 0.236 1.245 1.055 0.065 1.383 0.613

2014 500 7153 7.238 0.232 1.150 1.052 0.062 1.160 0.482

2013 822 6797 7.071 0.242 1.137 1.075 0.084 0.898 0.772

2012 1195 6593 7.063 0.246 1.217 1.068 0.064 1.489 0.846

2011 668 6321 7.069 0.245 1.149 1.061 0.073 1.263 0.541
ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)

F(Conditional) - 1142 1182 1196 1304 1341 1516 1483 1583

ΔF 415 -26 39 14 108 37 176 -33 100

%(Δ F) 100% -6% 9% 3% 26% 9% 42% -8% 24%

ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)

F(Conditional) - 972 980 1036 1008 1023 1362 1092 1168

ΔF 232 36 8 56 -28 15 339 -269 76

%(Δ F) 100% 16% 3% 24% -12% 6% 146% -116% 33%

ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)


F(Conditional) - 523 528 536 581 582 617 736 936

ΔF 436 23 5 9 44 1 36 119 200

%(Δ F) 100% 5% 1% 2% 10% 0% 8% 27% 46%

ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)


F(Conditional) - 865 886 849 859 841 620 800 500

ΔF -322 43 20 -36 10 -18 -222 181 -300

%(Δ F) 100% -13% -6% 11% -3% 6% 69% -56% 93%

ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)


F(Conditional) - 1232 1233 1214 1134 1140 1495 901 822

ΔF -373 37 1 -19 -80 7 355 -594 -79

%(Δ F) 100% -10% 0% 5% 22% -2% -95% 159% 21%

ΔF ΔF Δ F(C) Δ F(E/C) Δ F(A/E) Δ F(O/A) Δ F(S/O) Δ F(P/S) Δ F(R/P) Δ F(F/R)


F(Conditional) - 697 696 700 741 746 648 764 1195

ΔF 527 29 -1 3 41 5 -98 116 431

%(Δ F) 100% 5% 0% 1% 8% 1% -19% 22% 82%

Source: Compiled by author.

Based on Table 2.10, it can be inferred that increase in Free cash flow by 527 million euro in 2012
was due to:
 Increase in Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow from 0.541 times to 0.846, which
was an 82% impact on total change and a gain of 431 million euro, mainly due to a decrease
in cash outflow from investing activities from 566 million euro in 2011 to 217 million euro
in 2012 as a result of the selling of short-term financial assets, e.g. Immobilieninvest und
Betriebsgesellschaft Herzo-Base GmbH & Co. KG (Adidas Group, 2013, p. 194).
 Increase in Net operating cash flow to EBIT from 1.263 to 1.489 times, which was a 22%
impact on total change and a gain of 116 million euro, mainly due to a significant increase
in cost of sales from 2011 to 2012 by 787 million euro and operating expenses (marketing
expenses, sales and logistics expenses) by 583 million euro (Adidas Group, 2013, p. 190).
In 2013, a decrease in Free cash flow by 373 million euro was mainly due to:
 Decrease in Net operating cash flow to EBIT from 1.489 to 0.898 times, which was a 159%
impact on total change and a loss of 594 million euro, mainly due to a significant increase
of inventories from 2012 to 2013 by 276 million euro, especially in in Russia/CIS, reduced
customer payments (increase in receivables) by 167 million euro as well as an increase in
investment activities in property, plant and equipment – furnishing of stores, investments
in IT systems and logistics (Adidas Group, 2014, p. 192).
 Increase in EBIT to Sales revenue from 0.064 to 0.084 times, which had a 95% impact on
total change and a gain of 355 million euro. It was mainly due to a decrease in cost of sales
from 2012 to 2013 by 578 million euro as well as operating expenses (marketing expenses,
sales and logistics expenses) by 137 million euro (Adidas Group, 2014, p. 188).
In 2014, a decrease in Free cash flow by 322 million euro was mainly due to:
 Decrease in Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow from 0.772 to 0.482 times, which
was a 93% impact on total change and a loss of 300 million euro, was mainly due to higher
cash outflow from investing activities as the company sold significantly less short-term
financial assets and acquired Luta Ltd, with a view to increasing the efficiency level in the
future (Adidas Group, 2014, p. 194).
 Decrease in EBIT to Sales revenue from 0.084 to 0.062 times, which was a 69% impact on
total change and a loss of 222 million euro. This was mainly due to an increase in cost of
sales by 400 million euro from 2013 to 2014, as well as an increase in operating expenses
marketing expenses, sales and logistics expenses) by 190 million euro (Adidas Group,
2015, p. 190).

In 2015, an increase in Free cash flow by 436 million euros was mainly due to:
 Increase in Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow from 0.482 to 0.613 times, which
was a 46% impact on total change and a gain of 200 million euro. This was mainly due to
the significant increase in accounts payable (the company takes more days to pay its bill);
in 2014, the increase was 823 million euro (Adidas Group, 2016, p. 188).
 Increase in Net operating cash flow to EBIT from 1.160 to 1.383 times, which was a 27%
impact on total change and gain of 119 million euro. This was mainly due to an increase in
cost of sales by 1,138 million euro as well as an increase in accounts payables, as
mentioned previously (Adidas Group, 2016, p. 184).
In 2016, an increase in Free cash flow by 232 million euro was mainly due to:
 Increase in EBIT to Sales revenue from 0.065 to 0.087 times, which was a 146% impact
on total change and gain of 339 million euro, mainly due to the company increasing sales
revenue within one year by 1,568 million euro, while cost of sales increased insignificantly
(Adidas, 2017, p. 140).
 Decrease in Net operating cash flow to EBIT from 1.383 to 1.110 times, which was a 116%
impact on total change and loss of 269 million euro. This was mainly due to a higher
increase in receivables (clients take longer periods to pay their bills) (Adidas, 2017, p. 143).
In 2017, an increase in Free cash flow by 415 million euro was mainly due to:
 Increase in EBIT to Sales revenue from 0.087 to 0.098 times, which was a 42% impact on
total change and a gain of 176 million euro. This was mainly due to an insignificant
increase in cost of sales, while sales revenue increased by 2,735 million euro (Adidas,
2018, p. 152).
 Increase in Operating expenses to Average assets from 1.211 to 1.321 times, which was a
26% impact on total change and a gain of 108 million euro. This was mainly due to an
increase in usage intensity of assets (Adidas, 2018, p. 150).
 Increase in Free cash flow to Net operating cash flow from 0.655 to 0.700 times, which
was a 24% impact on total change and a gain of 100 million euro. This was mainly due to
a decrease in inventories in 2017 (Adidas, 2018, p. 155).

2.6. Recommendations for efficiency improvements

Based on comparative efficiency matrix of Adidas Group and Nike for 2017 (Table 2.5) and
comparative efficiency matrix of Adidas Group and Puma for 2017 (Table 2.7) as well as overall

efficiency matrix of Adidas Group 2011–2017 (Table 2.3), the scheme of areas for improvements
for Adidas Group in 2017 can be performed. However, in the opinion of the author, it is more
sensible to compare Adidas Group with Nike only, as it a market leader as well as the company
with the highest overall efficiency among three mentioned companies (Figure 2.3). The criteria for
the scheme are:
1) Strengths implies the Adidas Group’s areas where comparative coefficients and growth
indices of efficiency field are higher than 1.
2) Improvements stands for the Adidas Group’s areas where comparative coefficients are
lower than 1 and growth indices of efficiency field are higher than 1.
3) Setbacks implies the Adidas Group’s areas where comparative coefficients are higher than
1 and growth indices of efficiency field are lower than 1.
4) Weaknesses stands for the Adidas Group’s areas where comparative coefficients and
growth indices of efficiency field are lower than 1.

Improvements F/R, F/S, P/S, F/O, R/O,P/O F/C, R/C, S/C, O/C Strengths
S/O, F/A, R/A, P/A, S/A, O/A A/C, E/C, F/P
F/E, R/E, P/E, S/E, O/E, A/E
P/C, R/S

B- B+

Weakness G- Setbacks

Figure 2.3. Improvements of the efficiency elements for Adidas Group comparing with Nike.
Source: Compiled by author.

Figure 2.3 concludes that Adidas Group has seven efficiency field elements, considered as strong
areas comparing with Nike, while other efficiency field elements should be taken into
consideration by Adidas Group in order to improve the overall efficiency and to compete better
with the market leader (Nike). Moreover, Net operating cash flow to EBIT efficiency element of
Adidas Group is also higher that Nike’s. However, the efficiency element decreased within the

Consequently, based on improvements of the efficiency elements scheme (Figure 2.3), in order to
increase the competitiveness of Adidas Group with the market leader (Nike) in the upcoming years,
the following key areas are highlighted and presented below, which it is recommended that Adidas
Group improve:
1. Cash management from daily operations (i.e. decrease in credit sales, inventories).
2. Increase of investment activities and ensure that it facilitates efficiency growth in
subsequent years.
3. Profitability increase.
4. Increase the usage of assets.
5. Labour usage (slight decrease in number of employees).
6. Decrease in operating expenses as well as cost of sales.
However, according to improvements of the efficiency elements for Adidas Group comparing with
Nike (Figure 2.3) net operating cash flow to sales, net operating cash flow to capital, sales revenue
to capital, operating expenses to capital, average assets to capital, average number of employees
to capital are efficiency field elements are in a strengths group comparing with Nike.


The aim of the thesis was to test the usability of efficiency matrix concept when analysing the
efficiency of Adidas Group. Moreover, the purpose of this study to make the proposals to improve
efficiency in the future, based on the efficiency matrix results. The object of the study was Adidas
Group – a German sportswear manufacturer and one of the global market leaders. The study of
efficiency of the company is based on the company’s overall efficiency matrix for a period of
recent six years 2011–2017.

To respond to the first question “Which year was the most efficient for Adidas Group during 2011–
2017? Why?”
According to the received results, 2017 was the most efficient year for the company compared
with the base year of 2011 (higher for 33%), which was mainly due to increase in all efficiency
element values. All eight quantitative indicators of the company increased significantly as the
business grew. The company was able to increase its overall efficiency by significantly improving
the key areas such as investment activities. In the previous six years, 2011–2016, the company
invested in many areas that helped to increase efficiency in 2017 and for the company to become
more profitable. The company significantly increased sales revenue, while operating expenses and
cost of sales increased, though not as significantly as sales revenue. Assets, capital and employees
indicators increased as well, however, though not significantly. In addition, the company was able
to change strategies, create new products and sign new contracts with celebrities, professional
athletes and clubs.

To respond to the second question “Which year provided the lowest efficiency results for the
company among 2011–2017 and why?
According to the received results, 2014 provided the lowest efficiency results for the company
during the period analysed, compared with the base year of 2011 (lower for 17%), mainly due to:
 an economic downturn in Russia (third largest market of Adidas Group);
 depreciation in the currencies of Russia, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Canada and

 underestimation of the golf market;
 increase in investing activities (increase efficiency in future);
 increase of operating expenses (marketing expenses, sales and logistics expenses).

To respond to the third question “How Adidas was ranked among the closest competitors in 2017
based on efficiency results?”
According to the received results, Adidas was ranked as the second efficient company among its
closest competitors, behind Nike and ahead of Puma, based on the efficiency criteria. Nike’s
overall efficiency is 8% higher than Adidas Group’s, whereas Puma’s overall efficiency is 28%
lower than Adidas Group’s.

To respond to the fourth question “Which improvements and recommendations can be suggested
for the company to increase the efficiency based on the matrix analysis of efficiency?
According to the received results, Adidas Group’s overall efficiency grew during the period
analysed and all the efficiency elements increased during the period analysed, except one (net
operating cash flow). In order to increase competitiveness with the market leader, it is suggested
that Adidas Group focus on the following areas: cash management from daily operations (i.e. credit
sales decrease, inventories decrease), increasing investment activities, which will increase the
efficiency in the future, profitability increase, reducing in number of employees, increase the usage
of assets, management of daily operating expenses (decrease in operating expenses as well as cost
of sales).

Subsequently, the results of this research can be used by Adidas Group to increase its overall
efficiency to compete with the market leader (Nike), as well as to see and understand the reasons
for the decrease of overall efficiency in the past and avoid it in the futere. Furthermore, the
efficiency matrix can be divided further, depending on the goals of an analyst or researcher. For
example, as it was mentioned, cash flow can be converted into dividends or reinvested into capital.
Moreover, the author of the thesis would suggest analysing the relationship between the overall
efficiency results and a company’s position on the market among competitors. For example, as it
was mentioned previously, Nike was the market leader, Adidas Group was the second market
leader, whereas Puma was the third. Based on the benchmark analysis results of the company’s
overall efficiency, it was concluded that Nike had the highest efficiency, Adidas was the second,
and Puma was the third.


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Appendix 1. Initial data for matrix compilation

Adidas Group initial data for efficiency matrix compilation 2011–2017

Indicator (mil €) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Average capital (mil €) 6,321 6,593 6,797 7,153 7,484 7,775 7,605
Average number of 44,683 46,565 48,057 51,770 54,643 57,229 57,895
Average assets (mil €) 10,928 11,444 11,625 12,008 12,880 14,260 14,598
Operating expenses (mil €) 5,567 6,150 6,013 6,203 7,289 7,885 8,766
Cost of sales (mil €) 6,993 7,780 7,202 7,610 8,748 9,383 10,514
Sales (mil €) 13,322 14,883 14,203 14,534 16,915 18,483 21,218
EBIT (mil €) 977 948 1186 894 1,104 1,606 2,085
Interest expense (mil €) 108 97 73 59 65 70 62
Net operating cash flow 1,234 1,412 1,065 1,037 1,527 1,782 2,263
(mil €)
Net investing cash flow (566) (217) (243) (537) (591) (614) (680)
(mil €)
Free cash flow (mil €) 668 1,195 822 500 936 1,168 1,583
Source: Adidas Group annual reports 2011–2017

Appendix 1 continued

Nike initial data for efficiency matrix compilation 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Average capital (mil €) 12,582
Average number of employees 72,550
Average assets (mil €) 18,610
Operating expenses (mil €) 9,350
Cost of sales (mil €) 16,852
Sales (mil €) 30,406
EBIT (mil €) 4,377
Interest expense (mil €) 52
Net operating cash flow (mil €) 3,846
Net investing cash flow (mil €) (1,008)
Free cash flow (mil €) 2,512
Source: Nike annual report 2017

Puma initial data for efficiency matrix compilation 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Average capital (mil €) 1,717
Average number of employees 11,641
Average assets (mil €) 2,810
Operating expenses (mil €) 1,726
Cost of sales (mil €) 2,182
Sales (mil €) 4,136
EBIT (mil €) 245
Interest expense (mil €) 14
Net operating cash flow (mil €) 280
Net investing cash flow (mil €) 110
Free cash flow (mil €) 170
Source: Puma annual report 2017

Appendix 2. Balance sheet

Adidas Group Balance sheet 2011–2017 (at the end of each year)
Indicator (mil of €) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Cash and cash 906 1,670 1,587 1,683 1,365 1,510 1,598
Short-term financial 465 265 41 5 5 5 5
Accounts receivable 1,595 1,688 1,809 1,946 2,049 2,200 2,315
Other current financial 289 192 183 398 367 729 393
Inventories 2,502 2,486 2,634 2,526 3,113 3,763 3,692
Income tax receivables 77 76 86 92 97 98 71
Other current assets 469 489 506 425 489 580 498
Assets classified as held 25 11 11 272 12 0 72
for sale
Total current assets 6,328 6,877 6,857 7,347 7,497 8,886 8,645
Property, plant and 963 1,095 1,238 1,454 1,638 1,915 2,000
Goodwill 1,553 1,281 1,204 1,169 1,392 1,412 1,220
Trademarks 1,503 1,484 1,419 1,432 1,628 1,680 806
Other intangible assets 160 167 164 162 188 167 154
Long-term financial 97 112 120 129 140 194 236
Other non–current 42 21 30 42 99 96 219
financial assets
Deferred tax assets 484 528 486 577 637 732 630
Other non-current 107 86 81 105 124 94 108
Total non-current 4,909 4,774 4,742 5,070 5,846 6,290 5,374
Total assets 11,237 11,651 11,599 12,417 13,343 15,176 14,019
Short–term borrowings 289 280 681 288 366 636 137
Accounts payable 1,887 1,790 1,825 1,652 2,024 2,496 1,975
Other current financial 66 83 113 91 143 201 362
Income taxes 252 275 240 294 359 402 424
Other current 549 563 450 470 456 573 741
Current accrued 992 1,084 1,147 1,249 1,684 2,023 2,180
Other current liabilities 303 299 276 287 331 434 473
Liabilities classified as 0 0 0 46 0 0 0
held for sale
Total current 4,338 4,374 4,732 4,378 5,364 6,765 6,291
Appendix 2 continued

Adidas Group Balance sheet 2011–2017

Long-term borrowings 991 1,207 653 1,584 1,463 982 983
Other non-current 9 12 22 9 18 22 22
financial liabilities
Pensions and similar 205 251 255 284 273 355 298
Deferred tax liabilities 430 368 338 390 368 387 190
Other non-current 55 69 25 38 50 44 80
Non-current accrued 45 40 64 81 120 120 85
Other non-current 36 34 29 35 40 46 53
Total non-current 1,771 1,986 1,386 2,422 2,332 1,957 1,711
Share capital 209 209 209 204 200 201 204
Reserves 791 641 321 581 592 749 (29)
Retained earnings 4,137 4,454 4,959 4,839 4,874 5,521 5,858
Owners’ equity 5,137 5,304 5,489 5,624 5,666 6,472 6,032
Non-controlling interests (9) (13) (8) (7) (18) (17) (15)
Total equity 5,128 5,291 5,489 5,618 5,648 6,455 6,017
Total liabilities and 11,237 11,651 11,599 12,417 13,343 15,176 14,019
Source: Adidas Group annual reports 2011–2017

Appendix 2 continued

Nike Balance sheet 2017

Indicator (mil €) Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016
Total assets 20,589 18,924
Short–term loans 5 39
Long–term loans 3,072 1,764
Total equity 10,983 10,845
Source: Nike annual report 2017

Puma Balance sheet 2017

Indicator (mil €) Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016
Total assets 2,854 2,765
Short–term loans 29 25
Long–term loans – –
Total equity 1,657 1,722
Source: Puma annual report 2017

Appendix 3. Income statement

Adidas Group Income statement 2011–2017

Indicator (mil €) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sales revenue 13,322 14,883 14,203 14,534 16,915 18,483 21,218
Cost of sales 6,993 7,780 7,202 7,610 8,748 9,383 10,514
Gross profit 6,329 7,103 7,001 6,924 8,168 9,100 10,703
Royalty and 93 105 103 102 119 105 115
commission income
Other operating income 98 127 142 138 96 262 17
Other operating 5,567 6,150 6,013 6,203 7,289 7,885 8,766
Goodwill impairment – 265 52 78 34 – 37
Operating profit 953 920 1,181 883 1,059 1,582 2,070
Financial income 31 36 26 19 46 28 46
Financial expenses 115 105 94 67 67 74 93
Earnings before taxes 869 851 1,113 835 1,039 1,536 2,023
Income taxes 261 327 340 271 353 454 668
Net income from – – 773 564 686 1,082 1,354
continuing operations
Losses/gains from – – 17 (68) (46) 62 254
operations, net of tax
Net profit 608 524 790 496 640 1,020 1,100
Source: Adidas Group annual reports 2011–2017

Nike Income statement 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Sales revenue 30,406
Cost of sales 16,852
Operating expenses 9,350
Earnings before interest and taxes 4,377
Source: Nike annual report 2017

Puma Income statement 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Sales revenue 4,136
Cost of sales 2,182
Operating expenses 1,726
Earnings before interest and taxes 245
Source: Puma annual report 2017

Appendix 4. Cash flow statement

Adidas Group Cash flow statement 2011–2017

Indicator (mil €) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Earnings before taxes 869 851 1,113 835 1,039 1,536 2,023
Depreciation, amortisation and 253 536 340 405 393 376 484
impairment loses
Reversals of impairment losses (2) (2) (2) (1) (1) (2) (1)
Unrealised foreign exchange gains (31) (26) 10 32 36 (7) (75)
Interest income (30) (35) (25) (17) (20) (21) (25)
Interests expense 108 97 73 62 65 70 62
(Gains)/Losses on sale of property, 12 12 6 16 15 (24) 17
plant and equipment
Other non–cash income 0 3 (1) (1) (1) (0) 3
Payment of external finding of – – – (65) – – (30)
pension obligations (CTA)
Proceeds from early termination of – – – – – – 76
promotion and advertising contracts
Operating profit before working 1,179 1,430 1,515 1,267 1,527 1,927 2,534
capital changes
Increase in receivables and other (41) (135) (302) (36) (183) (462) (477)
Decrease/Increase in inventories (353) 23 (299) (76) (639) (656) (216)
Increase in accounts payable and 449 94 151 (117) 823 973 422
other liabilities
Cash generated from operations 1,234 1,412 1,065 1,037 1,527 1,782 2,263
before interest and taxes
Interest paid (113) (90) (68) (59) (55) (46) (65)
Income taxes paid (314) (380) (390) (284) (386) (427) (556)
Net cash generated from – – 608 694 1,086 1,309 1,641
operating activities – continuing
Net cash generated from operating – – (6) 7 3 39 6
activities – discontinued operations
Net cash generated from 807 942 634 701 1,090 1,348 1,648
operating activities
Purchase of trademarks and other (58) (58) (52) (49) (49) (64) (74)
intangible assets
Proceeds from sale of trademarks 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
and other intangible assets
Proceeds from sale of trademarks 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
and other intangible assets
Purchase of property, plant and (318) (376) (422) (499) (464) (578) (678)
Proceeds from sale of property, 2 19 4 4 6 5 2
plant and equipment

Appendix 4 continued

Adidas Group Cash flow statement 2011–2017

Proceeds from sale of assets held – – – – – 14 –
for sale
Proceeds from sale of a disposal – – – – – 29 6
Proceeds from disposal of – – – – – – 174
discontinued operations net of cash
Acquisition of subsidiaries and (20) (57) – (6) (214) – –
other business units net of cash
Proceeds from disposal of – 14 – – 164 – –
subsidiaries net of cash
(Purchase of)/proceeds from sale of (192) 195 226 37 (0) (0) (0)
short–term financial assets
(Purchase of)/proceeds from (10) 10 (20) (36) (48) (33) (132)
investments and other long-term
Interest received 30 35 25 17 20 21 25
Net cash used in investing – – (237) (531) (584) (605) (676)
activities – continuing operations
Net cash used in investing activities – – (6) (6) (6) (9) (4)
– discontinued operations
Net cash used in investing (566) (217) (243) (537) (591) (614) (680)
(Repayments of)/proceeds from (57) (3) – – (10) – –
long-term borrowings
Proceeds from issue of a – 496 – – – – –
convertible bond
Proceeds from issue of a Eurobond – – – 990 – – –
Repayment of Eurobond – – – (500) – – –
Repayment of finance lease – – (2) (2) (2) (3) (2)
Dividend paid to shareholders of (167) (209) (282) (314) (303) (320) (405)
Adidas AG
Dividend paid to non-controlling (3) (3) (1) (4) (6) (2) (1)
interest shareholders
Acquisition of non-controlling – (8) – – – (24) –
Repurchase of treasury shares – – – (300) (301) (218) (85)
Repurchase of treasury shares due – – – – – – (15)
to share-based payments
Proceeds from reissuance of – – – – – – 13
treasure shares due to share-based

Appendix 4 continued

Adidas Group Cash flow statement 2011–2017

Proceeds from short-term – – 67 68 35 159 –
Repayment of short-term – (231) (221) (56) (103) (138) (273)
Cash repayments of short-term (273) – – – – – –
Net cash used in financing (500) 42 (439) (118) (691) (553) (769)
Effect of exchange rates on cash 15 (3) (35) 50 (126) (35) (111)
(Decrease)/increase of cash and (244) 764 (83) 96 (318) 145 88
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1,150 906 1,670 1,587 1,683 1,365 1,510
beginning of the year
Cash and cash equivalents at end 906 1,670 1,587 1,683 1,365 1,510 1,598
of the year
Source: Adidas Group annual reports 2011–2017

Nike Cash flow statement 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Cash generated from operating activities 3,404
Cash used in investing activities (1,008)
Source: Nike annual report 2017

Puma Cash flow statement 2017

Indicator (mil €) 2017
Cash generated from operating activities 280
Cash used in investing activities (110)
Source: Puma annual report 2017

Appendix 5. Exchange rates

Exchange rates for Nike’s financial data conversion from U.S. dollars to euros 2017
Exchange rate 2017
Average exchange rate 1.130
Exchange rate at the end of fiscal year 1.199
Source: European Central Bank


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