Caw 3-2

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Chapter 3: Picture Yourself in the Workplace


3-2 Job Environment Preferences 

For each item below, mark how much of this job environment item you would like in
your workplace and jot down your thoughts on why.

My Thoughts (such
as why you chose
this answer, or
where you have
seen or experienced this
Description of None Some A Lot environment)
Job Environment 1 2 3 4 5

The Work
 If I expect what can
happen, then I can be
prepared for it.
Free to do good  This allows having more
work (minimal control of work myself

Intellectually  Encourage new ways of

stimulating, thinking. How can I see the
contemplative problem.

 This aspect increases

Work with people
productivity and job
(versus things)
 People are engaged in
Hands-on work practical skills that they
Work with data or  Provide the leader with
ideas (versus information.

The Interaction
with People
 This is more productive and
Work together in
facility understanding of
work team
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Chapter 3: Picture Yourself in the Workplace

Work together in  It can clearly define goals and

healthy rules to overcome any
competition challenge.
Lively, energetic  It helps to tackle stress than
(versus quiet, calm) if you work in a noisy place.

The Emotional
 I don’t like dangerous jobs.
High risk, edgy Some people do this by their
passion for life.
 Gives me a sense of
accomplishing my work, and
self-satisfaction with the
assigned goal..
Sense of  I feel satisfaction if a project
completion has been completely done.
 It gives me more time to
Long-term goals accomplish and gain more
control of the project.
 It unblocks old patterns of
Creative thinking and brings a new
 Give a sense to eliminate
High pressure distraction and get work
done well.
Cutting-edge  This improves the level of
technologies or technology and processes.

The Physical
Orderly and  I like to be in good mental
aesthetically health and wellbeing
 I like to reduce muscle
Relaxed, easygoing
tension and be less stressed..
 It helps me to discover what
Changes regularly is new and update for the
Lively, upbeat,  This ability to stimulate my
energized brain reduces stress and
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Chapter 3: Picture Yourself in the Workplace

connects me with others.

Outdoors (versus  It helps to balance lifestyle
indoors) and improve physical health.

Jot down your thoughts on a few types of jobs or industries to avoid, based on what you
don’t want in a job environment.

I don’t want a hazardous environment around my workplace or any job with

high pressure.

Jot down your thoughts on a few types of jobs or industries that could provide you with
a job that somewhat matches your preferences.

A few jobs that match my preference such as cyber security, network

engineering, data analysis, network administrator, remote work, flexible
time, and continual learning.

Add your completed work to the “About Me” section of your Career Builder Files.

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distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website or school-approved learning management system for classroom use.

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